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Monk / Re: Mten's Monk DPS guide 2018 Version
« on: October 29, 2021, 11:53:00 PM »
Rev 2.0 Archival Copy
First lets talk about sustained dps and something commonly overlooked.

Weapons - 2 hand, 1 hand what to use.  If tanking or in a group situation 2 hander adds alot of defensive skills.  On raids we can't take but a hit or two anyway.
If your aa spendings are equal, 1 handers always beat 2 handers.  You must attack from the side or behind, preferably at max melee range.  If you don't, you get eaten alive on raids.
Raid weapons are always > group weapons.  The raid 1 handers from droga and Queen crush weapons like crush on dps, unless you have alot more 2 hand aa than 1 hand.  Even so, 1 handers will still be slightly better, unless you are dieing to much.  Death will kill your dps on a raid, so just don't do it.  If I want to look fancy and beat the top monks on the server in dps, I go 1 hand and just be very careful on where I stand.  If I fear death and am messing up, I use 2 hand blunt.  If you don't have an eok raid 2hb or better, but have a raid 1hb from droga, this is not a consideration to even think of.  Use your 1 handers and pay attention!

1) Mash buttons! - If someone can't figure out how to bind keys to on screen buttons, I will make an addition for that.
You as a Monk need 4 of them.  I keep my left hand on my mash buttons while the right hand is on the mouse and keep them always in a state of waiting for refresh.
Flying kick and tiger claw show be on auto so you don't have to mash these anymore *dance for joy*
The reason you need 4, is that some do not play well with others bound to the same key.
I use W, A, E and F, Q is auto attack.  I picked these because my hand rests easily on them and you need to continuously press them while fighting.  Not doing this will drop your dps by 1-2 percent compared to the rest of the raid.
W - Bind the following skills
Firestorm of Fists
Hoshkar's Fang
Firewalker's Synergy
Vigorous Shuriken
F - Bind the following skills
Curse of the Thirteen Fingers
A - Bind following
Zan Fi's Whistle
E - Bind following
Drunken Monkey

These bound buttons must be pushed constantly, you can not click the buttons fast enough with a mouse to be effective.

2) Shared skills.  Monks stack.  We should be using Two Finger Wasp and Doomwalker's Alliance - Unfortunately we must pay attention to use them properly
I have Gina triggers for both of these.  If you need them ask me.  I have no clue how to make a package file but maybe I can share them to someone that does and they can update this thread.
Two Finger Wasp - this adds skill damage to all monks hitting a mob.  If we have the monks, this should almost always be on.  If you're a tad early, it will overwrite the previous one but no use wasting half the timer
Doomwalker's Alliance - This can not be cast until the prior one is off.  The mob can also resist this.  This trigger gets a bit tricky.  Make sure you wait 1 tick after the trigger ends.  If you don't it may not land and your timer is still used.

3) Discs - ABDs of Discing - Always Be Discing (and hitting your mash buttons)
We have discs that should be used in group with other stuff and stuff to use alone.  The only time I change order is if we need a DPS boost or it won't be alive long enough to see Terror Palm.  My basic order given will allow you to always have a dps disc active.  I will also often move speed focus up set up if I think I may get to use it twice!

SHAMAN EPIC IS GOD - Make sure you are using Speed and Heel just after Shaman Epic goes off.  I can share the Trigger for the Shaman epic or maybe someone better can add it to my guide.

A)  Earthforce - Basic defensive and attack discipline.  This refreshes fast and should be used first and between other discs.  You can even relax a bit during thanks to the defensive part.
B)  Eye of the Storm - In groups you may want to use / save for Shaded step (super defensive on the same timer).  On raids, don't be a wuss, use Eye of the Storm several times per encounter for dps.  After hitting this one it is time for Earthforce again before disc C!
C)  Speed Focus - Pair this with some other clicks.  Used Infusion of Thunder, Destructive or Focused Destructive force (focused only if there are things near by you don't want to hit), and Dicho - This is one of our two great burns.  I can often do this twice on encounters due to the refresh time!  After finishing speed, time for another Earthforce, with possibly Eye of the Storm and Earthforce again after!
D)  Heel of Zagali - This is our best burn, holy heck.  Now you want to blow your load with this one.  Pair this with Tiger's Poise, First Spire, Dicho, Infusion of the Thunder, BP clicky and Silent Strikes.  Make sure you get to this,  If the encounter is going to end too early move this up in your order.  If there is a burn now phase later in the encounter use this then.  If the burn now phase is early in the encounter use Speed Focus for the burn now.  Any of the extra skills that pop back up after Kick kick disc is over, just hit them as they pop.  As SOON Heel is over hit Terror Palm Disc.  This is super important as you still have alot of other skills going that will help terror palm.  After Terror Palm it is time to go back to Earthforce and Eye of the Storm and Earthforce again!
E) Ironfist Disc - This is a lesser disc  that still adds dps and lasts a long time.  Use this one as a filler when nothing else is ready.  Always be Discing!

Note:  You will run out of endurance.  If you don't, you're not doing it right.  Use Imitate Death or FD and Breather.  You need endur or your dps blows!

Mten - Fennin Ro

Is there a Teleport thing I want in one of the levels of expansion? If so what is the lowest level I need to buy to get it?

Hi everyone. I'm planning to come back in the next month or so. Which version of the expansion do I need to buy for my characters? I run three accounts monk Sham and Necro?  Thanks for the advice and I hope to see you all soon!

Monk / Mten's Monk DPS guide 2021 Version in the works
« on: March 21, 2018, 07:34:13 PM »
Rev 2.1
First lets talk about sustained dps and something commonly overlooked.

Weapons - 2 hand, 1 hand what to use.  A 2 hander adds a lot of defensive skills.  On raids we can't take but a hit or two anyway.
If your aa spendings are equal, 1 handers are about the same as the equivalent 2 handers.  You must attack from the side or behind, preferably at max melee range.  If you don't, you get eaten alive on raids, especially with 1 handers.
Raid weapons are always > group weapons.  The raid 1 handers from CoV are about equal to 2 handers if you don't provide extra procs so why not just go with an ore 2 hander.  If you are dieing to much, always go 2hander.  Death will kill your dps on a raid, so just don't do it.  If you go with 1 handers, be very careful on where I stand.  If I fear death and am messing up, I use 2 hand blunt.  If you don't have a raid 2hb, but have a raid 1h weapon, use that.  This is not a consideration to even think of.  Use your 1 handers and pay attention!  With CoV my 1handers started to be come viable when I got 2-3 extra procs.  Max out your group achievements for ToV and CoV for 2 of them.   Slot 18 / 19 chase loot can get you accuracy which stacks and additional procs.  I have 2 to go and am procing like a mad lizard atm. 

1) Mash buttons! - If someone can't figure out how to bind keys to on screen buttons, I will make an addition for that.
You as a Monk need 4 of them.  I keep my left hand on my mash buttons while the right hand is on the mouse and keep them always in a state of waiting for refresh.
Flying kick and tiger claw show be on auto so you don't have to mash these anymore *dance for joy*
The reason you need 4, is that some do not play well with others bound to the same key.
I use W, A, E and F, Q is auto attack.  I picked these because my hand rests easily on them and you need to continuously press them while fighting.  Not doing this will drop your dps by 1-2 percent compared to the rest of the raid.
W - Bind the following skills
Barrage of Fists
Zelexac's Fang
Icewalker's Synergy
Vigorous Shuriken
Doomwalker's Precision
Firewalker's Precision
Icewalker's Precision
F - Bind the following skills
Curse of the Fifteen Strikes
A - Bind following
Zan Fi's Whistle
E - Bind following
Drunken Monkey

These bound buttons must be pushed constantly, you can not click the buttons fast enough with a mouse to be effective.

------------------------------------------------------Updated this far ---------------------------------------------

2) Shared skills.  Monks stack.  We should be using Two Finger Wasp and Doomwalker's Alliance - Unfortunately we must pay attention to use them properly
I have Gina triggers for both of these.  If you need them ask me.  I have no clue how to make a package file but maybe I can share them to someone that does and they can update this thread.
Two Finger Wasp - this adds skill damage to all monks hitting a mob.  If we have the monks, this should almost always be on.  If you're a tad early, it will overwrite the previous one but no use wasting half the timer
Doomwalker's Alliance - This can not be cast until the prior one is off.  The mob can also resist this.  This trigger gets a bit tricky.  Make sure you wait 1 tick after the trigger ends.  If you don't it may not land and your timer is still used.

3) Discs - ABDs of Discing - Always Be Discing (and hitting your mash buttons)
We have discs that should be used in group with other stuff and stuff to use alone.  The only time I change order is if we need a DPS boost or it won't be alive long enough to see Terror Palm.  My basic order given will allow you to always have a dps disc active.  I will also often move speed focus up set up if I think I may get to use it twice!

SHAMAN EPIC IS GOD - Make sure you are using Speed and Heel just after Shaman Epic goes off.  I can share the Trigger for the Shaman epic or maybe someone better can add it to my guide.

A)  Earthforce - Basic defensive and attack discipline.  This refreshes fast and should be used first and between other discs.  You can even relax a bit during thanks to the defensive part.
B)  Eye of the Storm - In groups you may want to use / save for Shaded step (super defensive on the same timer).  On raids, don't be a wuss, use Eye of the Storm several times per encounter for dps.  After hitting this one it is time for Earthforce again before disc C!
C)  Speed Focus - Pair this with some other clicks.  Used Infusion of Thunder, Destructive or Focused Destructive force (focused only if there are things near by you don't want to hit), and Dicho - This is one of our two great burns.  I can often do this twice on encounters due to the refresh time!  After finishing speed, time for another Earthforce, with possibly Eye of the Storm and Earthforce again after!
D)  Heel of Zagali - This is our best burn, holy heck.  Now you want to blow your load with this one.  Pair this with Tiger's Poise, First Spire, Dicho, Infusion of the Thunder, BP clicky and Silent Strikes.  Make sure you get to this,  If the encounter is going to end too early move this up in your order.  If there is a burn now phase later in the encounter use this then.  If the burn now phase is early in the encounter use Speed Focus for the burn now.  Any of the extra skills that pop back up after Kick kick disc is over, just hit them as they pop.  As SOON Heel is over hit Terror Palm Disc.  This is super important as you still have alot of other skills going that will help terror palm.  After Terror Palm it is time to go back to Earthforce and Eye of the Storm and Earthforce again!
E) Ironfist Disc - This is a lesser disc  that still adds dps and lasts a long time.  Use this one as a filler when nothing else is ready.  Always be Discing!

Note:  You will run out of endurance.  If you don't, you're not doing it right.  Use Imitate Death or FD and Breather.  You need endur or your dps blows!

Mten - Fennin Ro

Raid Performance / Re: Circle of Power clickie
« on: April 27, 2015, 03:47:30 AM »
Updated to include Nten's CoP I.  (Good to see you again Nten.)
Mten was upgraded to CoP IV tonight...........Might want him in the rotation now!

Raid Performance / Re: Circle of Power clickie
« on: March 27, 2014, 11:24:27 PM »
My bad, I have been raiding with Mten.  N vs M prob does not matter, but I did finish up fixing my deficiencies last night and plan to raid tonight!

Raid Performance / Re: Circle of Power clickie
« on: March 25, 2014, 12:07:58 AM »
I have a CoP 1 item if you want to add me to the list  :D
Will work on better as I can possibly get it :)

Freelance Ramblings / Re: EQ broken 8 Sep 2011 7:10pm Eastern
« on: September 08, 2011, 11:38:34 PM »
Also been trying to log in for raid =/ Its still not working!

Freelance Ramblings / Re: EVERQUEST DOWN !!!!
« on: May 09, 2011, 10:37:15 PM »
I have used the time to start my future pinball project!  youtube it and see it for yourself.  Building a machine with 2 x 40" LED Sony displays, its gonna be killer, the ultimate pinball.  Furro is probably trying shoes out and I bet the fur just makes his feet to warm so ......

Freelance Ramblings / Re: EVERQUEST DOWN !!!!
« on: May 07, 2011, 11:24:44 PM »
I wonder if they will prorate our subscriptions!!!!!!!

Freelance Ramblings / Re: EVERQUEST DOWN !!!!
« on: May 07, 2011, 12:02:37 AM »
I just got back online and tried to log in for raids, denied.  I recently suffered a lightning strike.  Did not take out much but the router and the modem were nailed along with the wireless in 2 of 3 pcs, back up waiting for sony now fyi!

Monk / DPS as the monk - Revision 1.0
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:27:07 AM »
Rev 1
First lets talk about sustained dps and something commonly overlooked.

Dreamwalker's Synergy or Six Step
Monks stack - if there are two or more monks you should be using Dreamwalker's Synergy - this dmg stacks and more monks == higher dmg hits, this is huge! go monk army.  If you are the only monk in a group / raid Six Step Pattern is better (you can get a slot 3 mod for this from hot mote merchant)


- Speed Focus Disc
- Crystalpalm Disc
- Jab through disc
- Ironfist disc
- Drunken Monkey Sytle disc
- Second Spire aa
- Zan Fi Whistle aa
- Infusion of Thunder aa
- Cloud of Fists
- Heal of Kai
- Five Point Palm
- Destructive Force
- Dreamwalker's Synergy
- Six Step Pattern
- Stunning Kick
- Vigorous Shuriken
- HoT BP
- Circle of Power Clicky (IE: Ring of the Eyes)
- Fists of Wu
- Zerker Haste Weapon Delay thingy
- Shaman Epic / 3rd

Description Of Components
- Speed Focus Disc - This is our best aa, beware this does not stack with a ber speed thing during a burn.  Speedfocus will overwrite because its better.

- Crystalpalm Disc - This makes you do more damage.  Its a great aa, second best after Speed Focus Disc.  It stacks with all the other clicks also.

- Jab through disc -  I don't see this do much but I use it if the other two are down.

- Ironfist disc - Kinda like a baby crystalpalm that lasts longer - good to use if nothing better is up

- Drunken Monkey Sytle disc - Gives you bonuses to spellial attacks and resets  cloud / vig shuriken timers each time it switches. After you hit drunken u cloud 3 times then drunken again or switch to shuriken until u you drunken monkey again.  You can not click this while another disc is running.

- Second Spire aa - Adds damage to all attacks.  Does not stack with infusion of Thunder

- Zan Fi Whistle aa - Adds damage to attacks. longer duration, does not stack with UF BP if i recall, dont have a UF BP to confirm

- Infusion of Thunder aa - adds damage to attacks - this is like way better in rank 2 form than second spire.  It does not stack with second spire so use this first.

- Cloud of Fists - Summons a few fist pets to strike your enemy for a bit.  Decent dps.

- Heal of Kai Disc - Great aa can require micromanagement as you hit kick a ton.  Make sure you hit dreamwalkers synergy just after this then spam that flying kick button.

- Five Point Palm AA - Claw attack Pluse a huge recourse effect: The claw attack is massive if focused.  Best to hit this with shaman epic running zan fi, infusion,of thunder and crystalpalm going and we are talking 10k + on the initial strike also.

- Destructive Force AA - This gives you extra attacks and PBAE attacking for 30 seconds - Its based on a /rand per swing, so its best to pair this with Speed Focus Disc

- Dreamwalker's Synergy - Kick damage with a debuff that makes mob weaker to more kicks.  This skill stacks and if 2 or more monks you should be spamming this constantly.  The more monks the more it does, spam it.

- Six Step Pattern - Use this in-place of dreamwalker's synergy if you are the only monk on raid

- Stunning Kick - Great aa especially maxed out: spam this constantly

- Vigorous Shuriken - Range attack, Spam this when not managing drunken monkey and cloud of fists

- HoT BP - Adds 15 large procs to your attacks.

- Circle of Power Clicky (IE: Ring of the Eyes) - As far as I Know CoP1 is the best we get but its easy enough to obtain from hot.  Look that ring up on alla.  I keep it inventoried. 

- Fists of Wu - with ranger buffs and aa and gear this does nothing for you, but if u lack ranger buffs wanna keep this up for 6 percent spell based double attack on group

- Zerker Haste Weapon Delay thingy - This does not stack with Speed Focus: expect to see this come in just after shaman epic.  I often start crystalpalm because that does stack with zerker weapon delay thingy then follow with speedfocus when grouped with a zerker

- Shaman Epic / 3rd - Shaman buffs are key, they focus damage and stack with our discs.[/center]

Order and stacking for a monk burn are incredibly touchy
- First thing is examine your group
1) Do you have a bard (if you do as far as i can tell nothing different to do but its fantastic)
2) If you have a zerker plan on him using a speed that wont stack with your speed.  Often as soon as shaman epic lands
3) Dance for joy if u have an epic shaman

For your hardest fast burn I suggest......
(No Ber)
HoT BP - CoP - Zan Fi - Infusion of Thunder- Speed focus Disc - Destructive Foce
When Speed Focus Falls Hit Crystalpalm - Second Spire - Five Point Palm
By now the thing should be dead or use other discs as you see fit.
(With Ber)
Switch Speed Focus with Crystalpalm and Five Point Palm with Destructive Force.

Work in Progress . ..... Rev 1

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