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Messages - Zaknaffein

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Last nights failboat attempt on Grannus. And a few pointers before we do this raid again.

The main issues are tanks are being reactive and not proactive on thier assigned adds. What I mean by that is some tanks wait until the adds go live to do anything other than /targ their assigned add instead of being proactive and using a /targ hotkey when the adds spawn and not when they go live, and hitting flash Before the add wave goes live and spamming your mob with agro Before it goes live.

Some other minors things to adjust would be for tanks to position themselves with thier backs to the wall and not to any mobs. Find your target, then face it and avoid having your back towards any mobs near you, flash is only frontal. If flash fades and your mobs aren't rooted/mezzed then you better hope the healers are paying attention because the cc team failed :p

The adds will assist by social agro, so whoever happens to agro first will get agro on multiple mobs around the one they agroed. Every add wave will have someone who draws that initial agro and who will create soscial agro on other mobs which shouldn't be a problem if the other tanks are being Proactive and spamming thier assigned mobs as well with some form of agro. IF the other tanks aren't spamming agro  then the adds who agroed just by social agro rules will stay on that initial person and be out of position more than likely causing issues.

Last night it was easy to tell the complications that arise from tanks not being proactive or perhaps just not knowing what to do. Either way, with a few simple modifications to tactics on this event we shouldn't wipe to it. If you want to see what I do for this event you can watch the video link I posted above of last nights attempt.

I changed the trigger for the vomits to show when next vomit is coming, and to give a 3 second warning to back away from Decay.

We have to be careful, when we're doing the one /ach where we need x people to stay near each boss, we wouldn't want them backing away.  Unless of course they were actually ooze targeted (which is a different emote).  Anyway, just mentioning it here, as others may be reading it as well, so a reminder to all!

We won't want to do the vomit and the keep 8 near each boss at all times at the same time, as it would be almost impossible to do the vomit /ach with people near Decay at all times.

The vomit one just requires the trigger roco has, where you time out each time a vomit is about to spawn and back away from decay a tic before the vomit spawns, and the person who is emoted runs to a designated location, or we use geometry to our advantage and force the blobs to grow big away from the person it's chasing.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: Vanquiser of Anashit Sul
« on: May 02, 2016, 08:10:04 PM »
It seems possible to keep the MTO alive with the dot but that means a the boss should be pulled to the pool by the MT for the success attempts.

During the Mortal decay/Blue aura portion of this fight Anashti will blur agro when the blue aura spawns and become rooted and will not summon. What I do if I am tanking her at this stage is pop her with warlords grasp to lock agro, then run to the blue aura. When Mortal Decay fires, she will summon again and summon whoever is top agro.

Given the refresh on Grasp and frequency of Aura/Mortal decay, grasp will not be up every single time she blurs, but every other time she does so. The tank has to alternate Grasp, then incite/cyclone/blast/phantom etc. to Lock agro fast while running to the aura so she summons you back to her after the dot fires instead of Necros... ( FYI necros this is a great time to FD when she blurs/mortal decay fires )

Long story short, the MT shouldn't get hit by the dot if they are paying attention and no adds are still up to summon them around/no buggy shit happens.

Necromancer / Re: Necro DPS
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:24:57 PM »
I had to laugh at the direct copy/paste of the thread here jilkk heh.

As to dot and debuffs and what to use for which class, this won't matter for too much longer with the changes to dots that are coming. but for the moment until each class gets thier dots re-worked, The two classes I play that have dots/debuffs:

Boastful Bellow. I put this on the mash key but some events will take it out, in particular events that we can't pin against a wall and push is an issue.
Vainglorious Shout. I'll use on single target mobs with no mezzable adds, again I won't use it if push is an issue on the fight.
Selo's Drums of the March. This clicky I use at the start of an event and don't usually keep it up at all times, I use this as a pulling tool more often though.
Bladed Song I don't use this really, If I do it's just because I have it on one of my linked keys somewhere.
Cacophony I have this tied in with Epic/FE click ~

Actual dot songs if they make any changes to them with the upcoming overhaul on dots, may be interesting to see what happens there with them.

The only time I even load a dot on my druid is if I am forced to cast one of the debuffs that happens to have dot damage as well on the debuff, ie druid dots are worthless! This may change though when they get around to updating druid dots with the DoT overhaul they are performing at the moment. As to the debuffs, there's about 3 maybe 4 that are good to have on mobs from druids.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Grummus!
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:30:59 PM »
GINA Triggers

This one is pretty much the same as the group mission from what I remembered.

The 4 mini bosses can be kited around,
kill one at a time.
they each have some kind of ae or something, one of them fears forget the others abilities.
they drop clickies to deactivate grummus shield, idk if its a specific order to click or certain one.

Person who clicks the shit on grummus after the 4 mini boss adds are dead generates tons of agro so warrior/clicker be ready for that.

Dps fest grummus when clicker does thier thing and deactivates the shield.
Don't stand in the Barrel auras that are thrown about, this includes moving the boss if a barrel is thrown near it.
Little grummus shitters spawn and do nothing important.
the 4 mini boss add dudes will respawn after a certain time and you need to re-kill them and click again on grummus.

Will edit this after we do this raid some perhaps.

*Updated some triggers and stuff.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:23:41 PM »
[ removed trigger set, there is an error in this set -- Pie Management ]

Based off one time I did this raid a while ago and the triggers I made for it above.

This one is all about positioning/moving accordingly and reacting to gina trigger, which is just more moving around. And the add waves.

Rat man spawns totem on people, dont stand in them/move boss out of them. Tank moves rat man in a circle preferably so we dont get too spread out.. casters dont be all spread out, bunch up somewhat ( in the middle of the circle perhaps )
Add waves get progressivley more adds each wave. Total of 6 add waves? something like 12ish? adds on the last wave which is at 2%?
When an add wave spawns, move boss away from the pile slightly.
Set tanks to ae/fort/flash whatever on the bigger add waves
3? types of adds, one type can be rooted (the knights?), another can be stunned(The mummys?), and a third can be mezzed (the rats?). Can kite if things get too hectic ( assuming ppl didnt damage it ), could ae dps but we suck at that.
Rat man will randomly summon someone and put them on top of hatelist, warrior just pop warlords, problem solved.

Again will edit/clean this up after we attempt this perhaps ~

GINA Triggers

Just based off memory here of the one time I did this raid a while ago and the triggers I made for that raid are above.

Main thing on this raid is dealing with the add waves and killing the portal that grannus pops out from after you kill the 3 dervish type adds in each wave. Should be able to kill the portal after just one, maybe two add wave deaths.

5? Waves of 9? adds. % based on spawn.

3 types of adds. One mezzes, one roots/stuns? one set gets killed. each set gets pulled into thier own corner. After the last one dies of the dervish? type, the others despawn and a blob spawns that does a pbae charm. Range dps him and melee run up to kill the portal at this point.

The pony can be mezzed?

some dot that targets 4? random people that needs cured/splashed/ corruption based I think.

I'll edit and clean this up after we make some attempts and I remember specifics.


I got bored and needed a break from writing essays, who needs sleep anyways

Just a side note before I forget:
- This raid is buggy when you wipe, tanks need to zone out/back in instead of just laying around in hover mode waiting for a rez. Ae taunt and Ageless enmity will not work if you do not zone, which are two very important abilities in this particular raid -
- Unflinching attention WILL NOT give you highest agro. Stop relying solely on this ability for tank swaps as once it fades, wither will go right back to the previous tank and screw thier timer and more than likely kill them -
- this raid relys on adept and responsive tanks - Check my Warrior post out Here For tips or just ask me in game.
- On a swap call, Pop flash of anger, ageless enmity then phantom agressor. If ageless is down hit AE taunt, If both of those are down hit warlords grasp and hope a taunt is successful before grasp fades. If you didn't get a taunt in before grasp faded, pop Unflinching before grasp fades and hope taunt will be successful! While grasp/unflinching are on use all agro abilities ~ Use the hate meter/Target window to see who is top agro to know when you have true agro, or Don't.

Twitch Stream - My recorded twitch stream of our win on 12-5-2015. I haven't edited the recording yet!~

Few things on the Golems:
  • I have yet to figure when the first golem spawns. It is not based on a timer from Engage, coffin spawn, coffin death or Boss %. Could be Timed once boss is at a %. Not sure.
  • First golem doesn't start my 3min timer for some reason, every other golem spawn does, so the first two golem spawns I have been eyeballing and guestimating when it spawns, good times!
  • Rangers Bow disc Golems.

Curse of Life:
No idea here! Run to the west area perhaps if you get targeted to minimize how many you will ae. Though may get rough during skull directionals.

Skull Directionals: GINA triggers - Triggers associated with directional skull emotes based on Class/roles/position. Use these if you wish, or don't.

Druid / How to Druid!
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:01:34 AM »
After years of extensive research and experimentation I have come up with the best strategy on how to play a druid on FL raids! Other healers take notes.

Warrior / Re: Warrior Hotkeys
« on: November 26, 2015, 09:34:45 PM »
Updated for TBM.

Warrior's only got two disciplines so there weren't too many changes, one of which is just an upgrade to no time to bleed.

I changed up Keys 2 3 and 5 as well as making multiple changes to my GINA triggers.

We have the strat, just need to execute now. A few things though to tidy up:

Holistic Health
 - The main special mechanic to this raid really. You get this debuff/buff when you are in range of her, not sure how close/far you have to be to get it or avoid it. Didn't take long to figure out what this does really, but exactly what it does I'm not 100% certain. There are two different version, version 1 and version 2. My best guess is what furro said is one is just for melee and the other is for casters because of the nature of how procs work between melee and spells. I made triggers to help with these on when you have it and when to run into the yellow aura under the lamp lites to get cured. It shows as giving a proc, but what exactly that proc does I'm not 100% certain. If it just unlocks her regen, or if it actually does damage to her or both. I suggest though that when you get it and DPS the boss, use your AA that procs on every swing IE, warrior use Rage of rallos zek, Bards use Flurry of notes. I would save actual DPS discs for the Coffins and Golems.

 - Just keep Anashti and the Golems apart so the Golem's ae stun doesn't hit casters or people near the boss. I tested Anashti's leash range as much as I could, she leashes outside of her room but didn't seem to against the walls in her room, but I can't push her into it or high enough on my own before fort drops so that's not 100% certain on if she leashes if pushed into the walls of her room.

Honored Adds from not getting holistic cured
 - 3 types I have noticed if you want to make a /target hotkey they are:

Depending on how many people fail to get cured will determine the # associated. Soldiers are by far the most common to spawn.
When they spawn, clerics smite/TU whatever else you do to dps undead, same for any other class that has special undead abilities.. Necros and Paladins? Tanks just be sure to have used a lot of agro because clerics generate a lot of agro using those nukes.. Use warlrods basically and the mobs should be dead before it fades*

- On a timed spawner every 3 min. we have a trigger for this already. As mentioned these have a pbae stun/dd so position away from casters and boss. Casters burn these, melee if needed. They seemed to blur agro? not sure the exact mechanic being used but keep that in mind.. Basically treat these the same way we do Spark workers on Calix raid with the exception of where we kill them in relation to the raid. These put out some good DPS so I would stick a Defensive discing warrior on these.

 - From what I could tell these are % based spawned. We had them spawn at 90% and 60%. We never got below 50% so I am not sure the % spread on when the others spawn. It could be 90, 60, 50, 20. Or it could be 90, 60, 30, 0. I assume it's 4 all together though, but this is just an assumption. I would suggest though that prior to the % they spawn, everyone cures themselves then runs up and burns the coffin, so we don't have people running up to DPS with Holistic Debuff still on them and dieing up top.

Curse of Life
 - This targets 4 people at random with a 30 second debuff. If they get healed they will do a PBAE 90k nuke around them. We can have the 4 people run into the tunnle perhaps to avoid nuking the raid.

GINA triggers
 - Note: These are my own and not the official triggers* If you use these make sure you don't already have other versions of the same triggers. - GINA Triggers

Freelance Ramblings / Re: Raid Videos
« on: October 11, 2015, 12:01:35 AM »
I've been messing around with twitch the last week or so and have been streaming Freelance raids.

Can check it out Here.

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