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Topics - Jube

Pages: [1]
Raider Essentials / Blink + Invis Macro
« on: July 15, 2012, 02:58:14 PM »
This is one I made out of frustration that blink type AA abilities strip invisibility. Then I've found many uses for it to help me get out of some situations and get past some SI mobs.

/alt activate 1011
/pause 1
/potionbelt activate 2

The coloured text is subjective to your AA ability number 1011 is the Monk Blink number and the potion belt number of your Cloudy Potions.
There is still a chance of picking up agro before the invis sets in so aim for a less populated area.

Freelance Ramblings / Go Get XP!
« on: May 23, 2012, 01:55:26 PM »
Double XP for 5 days! Starts today finishes Monday.

Pages: [1]