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Topics - Mildaria

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Bard / Bard Discs
« on: November 25, 2015, 08:53:15 AM »
Bard discs over time look something like this: (may want to open image in new tab)

General Disc Rules:

Use Epic + Fierce Eye every 3 minutes. When you burn, you can use everything except for two things:
1. Funeral Dirge doesn't stack, pay attention to the rotation. Ideally, T'Vyls goes first, followed by Dirge.
2. Spell/Melee damage bonuses don't stack, so use the BP and when it fades use 2nd Spire.
3. Use a decent burn melody if the fight is short.

Disc Descriptions:

- Bard Epic (Spirit of Vesagran):
Effect: nuke crit chance, DoT crit chance, Accuracy %
Stacking: Stacks with everything
Use: Use every 3 minutes along with Fierce Eye.

- Fierce Eye:
Effect: Crit DoT/HoT/heal/nuke chance, DD crit % mod, hit damage %, proc rate, crit hit damage %
Stacking: Currently broken and overwrites/overwritten by IoG.
Use: Use every 3 minutes along with Bard Epic. Currently, FE and IoG do not stack. Bards should take care not to overwrite an enchanter's IoG.

- First Spire of the Minstrels:
Effect: 7% hit damage reduction (group)
Stacking: Unknown
Use: If you think your group would benefit from this (i.e. some of them might die) more than the other spires, go for it.

- Second Spire of the Minstrels:
Effect: spell damage bonus (all spells)
Stacking: Doesn't stack with other spell damage bonus effects.
Use: Use after BP clicky fades (~1 min), otherwise any time it's up.

- Third Spire of the Minstrels:
Effect: 21 hit damage bonus (melee)
Stacking: Doesn't stack with other hit damage bonuses
Use: Low ADPS, useful if you don't have hybrids in the group.

- BP Clicky (Ionian Arpeggio - TDS):
Effect: spell damage bonus (fire/cold/magic DDs), melee damage bonus
Stacking: Doesn't stack with other spell/melee damage bonus effects (Spires)
Use: Use any time it's up (ADPS from this has no synergy).

- Quick Time:
Effect: delay reduction (HHE%), ATK, chance to hit %
Stacking: The HHE% doesn't stack with RF, but other effects do stack.
Use: Use every 10 mins, ideally for burns. Consider letting RF run its course before firing QT.

- Thousand Blades:
Effect: crit chance / crit damage
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Use when burning.

- Dance of Blades:
Effect: Bladewhirl proc, Triple/Flurry % chance
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Mainly used for the powerful resist/delay debuff. Also increases the bard's DPS.

- Flurry of Notes:
Effect: proc every swing (weapon procs only - no spell procs)
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Extra DPS or proc tricks (memblur, etc).

- Frenzied Kicks:
Effect: Reduce reuse time on Selo's Kick.
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Use when burning.

- A Tune Stuck In Your Head:
Effect: Extends songs by 6 seconds.
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Use whenever up or save for disc/burn. High uptime.

- Funeral Dirge:
Effect: Increases melee damage NPC takes.
Stacking: Doesn't stack with T'Vyls Resolve.
Use: Ideally rotate SK T'Vyls followed by Funeral Dirge.

- Bladed Song:
Effect: Reverse damage shield on NPC.
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Avoid if low # of debuff slots on NPC. Use whenever up. Low ADPS.

- Cacophony:
Effect: 11k DoT + stun
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Avoid if low # of debuff slots on NPC. Use whenever up.

- Song of Stone / Lyrical Prankster:
Effect: 9 / 5 swarm pets
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Helps ADPS for mages. Low DPS.

- Vainglorious Shout:
Effect: Frontal AE stun/resist debuff/small DD
Stacking: Stacks with Bellow if you land Bellow first.
Use: Useful for resist debuffing.

- Boastful Bellow:
Effect: Single target resist debuff/small DD
Stacking: Stacks with Vainglorious Shout if you land Bellow first.

Bard / Bard Raid Melodies
« on: November 25, 2015, 07:48:25 AM »

- Normal melody:

     /melody 1 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 1 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 7 1 2 10

- A Tune Stuck In Your Head melody:

     /melody 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 7 3 4 5 1 10

- Burn melody (2 nukes - also need A Tune...):
     /melody 8 9 1 8 9 2 8 9 1 8 9 3

- Slow burn melody (only 1 nuke, maximizes ADPS):

     /melody 8 1 2 8 3 4 8 1 5 8 2 3 8 1 4 8 5 2 8 1 10

Why you should have a fancy/long melody key:

Most bard songs last 18 seconds with the Extended Ingenuity AA. A few (reference), do not - mainly Aria, Accelerando, and Harmony of Tone. Aria is our most important and highest ADPS song. Since our other songs have a longer duration, it is worth the effort of a complicated melody key to keep Aria up while maximizing the number of songs we can play. It is a huge mistake to make a simple /melody 1 2 3 4 5 key and let Aria drop every 12 seconds (this lowers you to 80% uptime - think of it as a 20% loss in ADPS). Similarly, it's silly to just do /melody 1 2 3 4 when you can add another song. The small amount of work it takes to make a long melody key is well worth the result (getting to play an extra song). It requires 0 effort beyond making the hotkey once.

Long reuse songs (Crescendo, Dichotomic) have a big benefit and should be included in your melody. Crescendo adds ~500 mana and 50 endurance regen, while Dichotomic adds ~200 mana and 30 endurance regen.

When to use different melodies:

Normal melody = when A Tune.. isn't up, or when you're saving it for something.

Burn melody = Short-ish boss fight
For the burn melodies, I only use the 2 nuke burn (this is the high DPS one) on fairly short events that I'm certain we'll win. The drawback of using two nukes in a melody is you can only really play 2.5 ADPS songs for your group. The 1 nuke burn melody is reasonably good DPS while still letting you play 5 ADPS songs.

The best songs for your group:

It varies by group makeup and raid event. There are a few things I'll point out about our different songs:
- Aria is by far the best ADPS song we have - the only time I wouldn't use it is in a tank group, where the overhaste aura suffices.
- Aria and the overhaste aura stack, so in melee DPS groups (and caster groups where mana regen wont help) you should be using both Aria and the overhaste aura.
- Beyond Aria, most ADPS songs are relatively low return. In order of ADPS (roughly):
  War March > Song of Suffering > Arcane Melody > Nilsara's Aria / Fatesong / Potency
   - The ADPS from the spell damage bonus songs is so small, I almost never play them.

Freelance Ramblings / Don't zone during wins/wipes
« on: August 09, 2015, 06:54:20 AM »

Customer xx soe via CSS Web 07/30/2015 08:02 PM

Tonight the open raid team I'm a part of completed the "Death Stands" achievement in the Principal Vicarium Nomia raid in Arx Mentis. At the very end of the fight, I died and hit respawn. When I zoned back in, I didn't get the achievement, or the 10 Arx Energy Crystals reward.

I've submitted a report on the other character I had logged in at the raid, Sirenea. (/report Mildaria) - both of these characters were logged in on the same computer which may have caused a problem. This report shows a bunch of people in the raid getting the achievement as proof.

Thanks for any assistance.


Response GM xxx via Email 08/06/2015 11:44 PM
Greetings Mildaria,

I'm sorry to hear that you did not receive credit for Principal Vicarum Nomia raid event. Regrettably we are no longer updating a character's raid achievement or granting rewards if they were not obtained during the raid. As your character was killed and left the zone this may have caused your character to not receive credit. I apologize if this causes an inconvenience. If you feel this is bugged, feel free to submit a bug report. You can visit our bug tracking website at and post the bug there.


GM xxx

So I got the achievment on one character but not the other, on the same PC.. too bad  ::)

Freelance Ramblings / Raid Videos
« on: September 15, 2014, 10:28:17 AM »
Plane of War

Argin Hiz (courtesy Duhbeast)

Tower of Rot


Raider Essentials / Optimizing EQ Performance
« on: May 23, 2014, 05:26:50 AM »
Thought this might be helpful to some people looking to reduce lag in Tower of Rot raid, and also to improve EQ performance in general. This is a post from my old guild's forums.

Many of these modifications don't sacrifice how EQ looks, but help it run faster. I know it's a pain to go through - it took me a long time to actually do it but in the end you'll be really pleased with the performance increase you can get out of modifying your system.

- WinEQ 2.0 (download link) I love WinEQ! There's really no reason not to use it. It's exactly like regular EQ, just a little bit faster. WinEQ provides custom ini settings, and improvements for PCs with hyperthreading/multiple cores. If you use WinEQ 2.0, make sure you disable EQPlayNice as the latest few EQ clients do a better job of managing CPU usage.

Disabling EQPlayNice in WinEQ:

Tweaking Files:
*** Make a copy of these files before you edit them, just in case something goes wrong! ***
Make these changes when you're not running EQ or WinEQ to ensure they're saved properly.
Finding these files depends on where your EverQuest directory is located. In my case -

     C:\Users\Public\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\EverQuest

- eqclient.ini - located in the EverQuest directory
If you do not have any of these lines, just add to the file below [Defaults] (anywhere near the beginning of eqclient.ini)
set the following variables:


- For CPUAffinity0, as far as I know any nonzero number works. This is just what I read on EQlive.
- Only set AllLuclinPcModelsOff=TRUE if you are ok with 100% old models.
- Only set Sound=FALSE if you are ok with disabling audio triggers / EQ sound. This does not effect GTT/GINA.

- airplane_chr.txt - located in EverQuest

Erase all contents of these files and replace with the following:


This adjusts which NPC models are loaded into these zones (rather hefty for EQ to load). This should work for any EQ zone file (i.e. worth trying on Tower of Rot). (Check this thread if you want to know what this does)

- dbg.txt - located in EverQuest\Logs
Right click dbg.txt > click Properties > check Read-only

Open notepad, leave this new file completely empty and save as NOSOUND.TXT - place this file in your EverQuest directory.
Running EQ with no sound can improve its performance, even if you have music/sounds turned off in game, the client still loads a lot of sound files. This does not impact GINA or GamTextTriggers.

- eqgame.exe - located in EverQuest
(This change is only helpful to Windows 7 & 8 users, and maybe Vista)
If you don't want to use WinEQ (but you should!) and instead use a desktop shortcut to eqgame.exe, you'll need to modify the shortcut.
Right click eqgame.exe > click Properties > Compatability tab > check "Run this program as an administrator" and "Run this program in compatability mode for: Windows XP (Service Pack 3)"

- WinEQ2.exe
Same modification as above - auto enable administrator access and run as Windows XP compatabile.

- Manually Set Affinity
The CPUAffinity variable in eqclient.ini selects the next available CPU upon loading an EQ client. (i.e. My first eqgame.exe is running on Processor 0, then 1, 2 etc). You can manually do this in Windows 7 via the following:
Start > Search for taskmgr.exe (run as administrator) > Processes tab > right click eqgame.exe > Set Affinity... > All Processors

-OptionsEditor.exe - located in EverQuest
Run OptionsEditor.exe, unchecking Luclin models helps if you don't mind the old models. Disable sound, social animations, mip mapping, and dynamic lighting.

- Exclude EQ in Anti-Virus Software
If you're uncomfortable with this one, don't do it! You can add an exception/exclusion for EverQuest to your anti-virus. How to do this depends on which software you use. In general, you want any real-time scanning to exclude the EverQuest directory and WinEQ. If you need help setting this up in avast!or MSE I can help you.

- ReadyBoost! (for Windows Vista, 7, 8 )
(disregard if you use an SSD)
If you have a spare flash drive, use it for ReadyBoost! It is a really easy way to speed up your PC. Plug in the flash drive and remove any files from it. Right click the drive in My Computer, go to Properties > ReadyBoost tab > configure as you please. You can use multiple USB drives for this - up to 8 drives and 128 GB. As many USB drives as you have laying around, slots you have available in your PC, and as much speed as you crave out of your machine.

- Windows Page File
Ever get the message "Windows' virtual memory is running low..."? if so, you should definitely modify the size of your page file - its really quite easy, so do it! See the Windows guide here. The size of your page file depends on how much RAM you have - generally it should be set to 2x your system RAM.

- EQ Options
In game, hit ALT O > Display tab.
I recommend enabling Level of Detail. This reduces the detail of distant PC & NPCs.

Enabling vertex shaders takes load off your CPU and puts it on your video card instead - a good idea. You'll see a performance boost from disabling Post Effects, but I really like them for raiding so I leave them on.

Raider Essentials / If you use GINA & Avast
« on: October 30, 2013, 07:47:13 AM »
Avast antivirus had a patch recently that breaks GINA; you have to uninstall avast and find something else (AVG etc). Disabling it doesn't work - I am not sure if avast will eventually fix this, but I wasn't willing to wait and was unable to fix it through avast settings.

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