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Messages - Maym

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Warrior / Re: Warrior DPS
« on: February 04, 2023, 03:15:40 PM »
Additional consideration - I haven't heard our necros complain about debuff slots in a while but Gut Punch and Knee Strike will occupy slots while providing minimal or no value against raid targets. I typically just spam kick along side sunder, and bristle for the damage reduction benefits.

Not sure if you mentioned Imperators command. I click that on cooldown as well.

There are also aggro poisons that add a slight damage proc. Probably negligible dps, but this is a game of summing incremental values.

Warrior / Re: Warrior DPS
« on: February 04, 2023, 03:09:56 PM »
Bit of a sidebar here, but do people not have their weapon configurations bandoliered? Going from 2handed to DW to Sword and Board is literally one click or button press, and so going from 2handed to a flash compatible stance costs very little time and is pretty much second nature.

That being said I still haven't made the T3 ToL two-handed and have basically been living in DW because it's so flexible with minimal effort. If I had that two hander, I would definitely be weapon swapping to min max damage.

Warrior / Re: Warrior DPS
« on: February 03, 2023, 11:54:00 PM »
If you have best in slot for 2hander, that will be your top dps. Equivalent tier dual wield should be 80-90% of that.

hDex will yield you more damage via more crits. I think warriors max out crit around 4k hDex. More hDex also yields more ripostes.

After hDex is maxed, hStr gives a flat melee damage bonus and will help land more hits.

Your burns look good. Remember that if you use Offensive, you are locking yourself out of Resolute for a bit on top of the defensive penalties.

If you are really trying to eek things out, see if an enchanter will spare a NPT on you.


Enchanter / Re: Enchanter DPS & ADPS
« on: March 05, 2021, 09:53:20 PM »
Ahh, good to know. I would not have suspected that. My best guess was that the critical affliction bonus was being inappropriately applied to the DD component.

Enchanter / Re: Enchanter DPS & ADPS
« on: March 01, 2021, 07:37:01 PM »
Faldyarr et al,

My typical raid lineup is :

Mind Coil
Rune Unity
Mana Rep Aura
Twincast Aura
Fortifying Aura
Night's Perpetual Terror

Depending on the raid setup and # of enchanters with group I will adjust - (-auras + utility)

I think not having mind coil is sub-optimal and would definitely include.

My spam key is

/cast composite
/cast mindrift
/necromantic dragon bone

Last I parsed, Mindrift PG PG was slightly worse for personal dps when paired with nothing other than tash but it wasn't a huge difference and it wasn't a long parse and the procs and crit rate all favored the Mind Mind rotation (152k for Mind PG PG) versus (158 for Mind Mind PG). If you have Calculated Insanity up you definitely want to use the Mind / Mind / Rotation since PG doesn't benefit from the crit increase.

I also did the math on Coalition at some point - from what I recall, coalition is a net dps increase (for me) under the following 2 conditions (1) It's replacing a PG cast (2) At least 3 qualifying spells land while coalition is up. So I almost always have it memmed for raids unless wiping to AE damage of some sort is expected.

For your initial burn you should cast Mindrift and then immediately trigger Chromatic Haze. The buff from Beguiler's is unique in that it stacks with just about everything. Including haze. We don't benefit from Beguiler's but your group will. You should also use Pulmonary as your personal cast after you Haze - it will provide the biggest output without waiting on a refresh.

EDIT: I think PG is actually the biggest hitter (period) after haze based on somewhat limited parsing, which doesn't make numeric sense. Anyone have additional data?

I've toyed around with the idea of making GINA triggers to track Beguiler's Synergy in 2+ enchanter groups so a cast doesn't get wasted. But it's already a pretty hectic environment and I don't know that an extra audio trigger / timer is helpful.

The key point that Rexa makes that I totally agree with is ABC - Always be casting!

Raid Performance / Re: Debuff space on boss mobs
« on: February 26, 2021, 09:46:08 PM »
My 2 cents:

Kragek's Roar is debateable especially when it's only the MTO using it, but the aggro add is minimal.

I've completely cut out Call of Challenge and Oppressing Shout on Dawnwall; they are not worth the debuff slot. I suspect Leeyo has Call of Challenge buried somewhere in a macro - might be worth looking at. Similarly, knee strike doesn't make the cut anymore although I still use gut punch.

From an enchanter point of view; if your MTO isn't getting slaughtered by the Boss (which is rarely the case) I think both Mental Contortion and the Constriction line aren't worth the slot. Contortion does decent total damage, but terrible DPS and lasts a long time. If the healers are keeping the tanks up; the accuracy debuff is moot.

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