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pet nerfed


NERF BAT IS " SWINGING " and mage pet got NERFED REALLY BAD!!!!!!!

looks like they losing 500 AC and only going to be as good as player in TDS gear

Hey all, I am confused by this, so what they are saying is that any ac buff that currently goes on a pet is increased 300-400%? but on everyone else it works as intended? is this for all spells with ac buffs? And if the nerf is really like 500ac do they not want pets to tank anymore? Because it will be much harder to tank losing that much AC.

Because pets have no soft caps and such they get full AC value from buffs, now they will just get the same value that player toons get (1/3 ish of the listed amount)

From what I've seen before and after patch, my mage air pet with EM 18 and all defensive AA is still tanking about the same. Almost decent, but definitely not as good as a real tank. Splats on adds sometimes. Necro rogue pet with max EM and AA tanks just as good or worse than shaman pet with max AA.


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