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Messages - Raccoo

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Raid Performance / Useful hotkeys/macros/commands
« on: February 27, 2016, 03:49:20 AM »
Was talking in group tonight, and a couple of people were interested in hotkeys for different stuff.

The glyph hotkey I have is:

1. Buys Glyph (if you don't already have it bought)
2. Uses Glyph
3. Buys Glyph for next use

Tribute On

Tribute off

Unity horn hotkey

Blocking levitation
/blockspell add me 16813 2517 31549 40919 48881 13994 16814 3185 1391
Unblocking levitation
/blockspell remove me 16813 2517 31549 40919 48881 13994 16814 3185 1391

Blocking werewolf illusion from Group Pact of Wolf, but keep the buffs.
/blockspell add me 30708

Necromancer / Re: patch notes 2/17
« on: February 18, 2016, 12:47:16 AM »
I would use those on magic immune mobs, or mobs that had high resists. Would keep 3 memmed for off tanking mobs. : (

The nerf to FTP and GoDR was worse for raid damage though.

I changed the trigger for healers preference. It tells you how many cures you need to get to the preferred debuff (Limbs). I use two different potions depending on how many cures I need. Distillate of Immunization XIII for 1 cure, and Distillate of Immunization XV for 2 cures. I probably used 1-2 potions per attempt, and it saves me time and a spell slot.

Not sure about non-melee groups, but shaman with 5 meleers get the curse dot on usually 2-4 people at a time.

I've tried staying up top, and running down. Either way, if someone is in the tunnel they go OOR for cures at some points.
Staying up top seems to be ok, I think my epic hits through the floor (I get hit with the bard epic through the floor anyway), my cures and heals go through the floor. Downside is if I have to call someone, I /corpse and they get rezzed up top so they'd have to run back down.

Shaman do get group corruption cure (identical to the druid's).

I've noticed that sometimes I take the damage, from what I assume is the tendrils since it has the same amount of HP, but I don't see the first part saying it is the tendrils.

[Sat Dec 12 20:34:25 2015]   You have taken 32500 points of damage.
[Sat Dec 12 20:34:25 2015]   You have taken 32500 points of damage.

I noticed a couple of times on the latest raid that the slime would be triggered when I was not near it, but I think my pet might have been. One was aimed at me while I was calling someone back, and I finished casting, then ran to campfire, and it went to where I was calling and triggered. The second one followed me to campfire but triggered before reaching me. Both times seemed shorter than the usual time it takes to auto-trigger.

Necromancer / Re: Necromancer Guide - TDS
« on: January 07, 2016, 02:31:04 AM »
Something to note if you have Hand of Death repop and don't have Lifeburn up yet. Self-Sacrifice will work, but if you have Deadskin (or another rune), or Gift of the Grave, or Shield of Consequence, the damage won't be enough to make HoD work. Recommend making a hotkey to block these temporarily, or make hotkey where it blocks these and fires the Self-Sac, then a second hotkey to unblock so you can get your buffs back up.

I just thought that we could make hotkeys to block group heals for when we are hit with the curse of life debuff, so that healers won't have to single target heal group members who are dying to the golem. And make a second hotkey to unblock them once the debuff fades.

For shaman Krasir's Recourse & Historian's Intervention
/blockspell add me 44238 44281

/blockspell remove me 44238 44281

Wizard / Re: Wizard DPS in The Broken Mirror
« on: December 20, 2015, 06:37:22 AM »
Hotkey for bandelier of the Sorcerer's blade

Line 1. /timer 108000,/pause 1,/ba activate nukes
---nukes is the name of your bandelier setup, so you can name it whatever
Line 2. /pause 3,/useitem 13
Line 3. /ba activate default
---where default is your regular setup for primary

I wonder if it would be better to range Decay and melee/stay close to Wither. If he increases the level of his debuffs when he doesn't have enough in range. Or when melee are on Decay, have casters/priests keep close to Wither to get the Limbs debuff and keep it from leveling up.

[Sat Dec 12 21:36:51 2015] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay healed you for 15000 hit points by Gift of Endless Life.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:51 2015] You have taken 48750 damage from Gift of Living Death by Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay

It seems the Endless Life buff was ahead of the Living Death when I cured myself tonight.

[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] Your target has been cured.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] You reject the Gift of Endless Life.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] You are stunned!
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] Raccoo hit Raccoo for 100200 points of non-melee damage.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] Your spell is interrupted.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] You've drawn the ire of Anashti Sul.  You have taken 100200 points of damage.
[Sat Dec 12 21:36:54 2015] You have been slain by Raccoo!

When cast
You receive the Gift of Living Death.  You have taken 65000 points of damage.

Dot ticking
You have taken 48750 damage from Gift of Living Death by Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay.

This dot also blocks Roar of the Lion, probably because it is on the regen slot.

Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay moans, 'Ahhh, that feels much better. I am disease and corruption incarnate, Owmy. You should be more careful with the magic you wield!

Text from trap that spawns
You are lashed by tendrils of pestilence!  You have taken 32500 points of damage.

Raider Essentials / Re: Pets
« on: December 09, 2015, 02:20:30 PM »
Update to mechanics of pet agro on raid with today's patch.

- Adjusted how NPCs choose a melee target in relation to player pets:
- - It is now possible for a pet to be the target of an NPC's melee attacks if it has the highest aggro with other players in range.
- - This behavior can be adjusted on a per NPC basis and will currently be disabled for all current and previous raid difficulty NPCs.
- - It is additionally possible for some NPCs to ignore the hatred generated by pets and instead attribute a portion of that hatred toward the owner. This behavior will be in play on raid targets on progression servers.

Nevermind, the behaviour is only changed on progression servers...

To help with getting snared on the 3rd coffin, Nten and I made some Steamjet Packs that propel you forward and up. Not sure how well they will work going through the tunnel, but anyone wanting one send me a tell and I'll parcel one to you. This would be mainly for the force that is going to fight the coffin spawns.

Shaman / Re: Shaman guides
« on: December 06, 2015, 05:30:03 AM »
You can now (since last patch) heal yourself with Reckless spells.

Highest rate of casting splash heals? I don't know, I just hit it whenever it is available (except for on Anashti of life raid).

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