Author Topic: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire  (Read 8218 times)


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RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« on: April 20, 2018, 08:18:19 PM »
Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Overthere
NPC Name: Vizra, magia mortis fortitio
NPC Location: Same NPC as group mission version (in building).  Loc: 1617, 1700

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: N/A.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

DO NOT GO NEAR Talendor - Talendor's Incinerating Aura kills instantly.

Kar`Zok adds cast Gust of Atrebe - 55k DD + 9k Mana Drain + 6.5k Endurance Drain (Frontal AE).

Essence of the Dragon I (Group) EoK /achievement grants immunity from: Gust of Atrebe

Stage 1: Soldiers - 7x

Stage 2: Lifestealers - 8x

Lifestealer Stage: KILL 3 - Balance remaining 3 and kill at once!

Lifestealer Stage: Casters/Healers SOUTH just outside Lifestealers to avoid silence from tanks.

Lifestealer Stage: When emoted run EAST CAMPFIRE -- unless you're a tank on an add then stay in formation and hold aggro with silence.

Virulent Toxin Emote: Virulent Toxin VIRAL - 75k DoT + SPELL/MELEE SILENCE (24s)

Stage 3: Veterans - 9x

Veteran Stage: Kill 4 - Balance remaining 4 and kill at once!

Stage 4: Soulfeasters - 5x

Soulfeasters Stage: BIG BABY JESUS BURN!  Puppy add stage! -- Rangers save bow discs for Hegron later

Note: We don't balance any on this stage due to puppy adds (chokidai).


Warleader Hegron:

Warleader Hegron - Range DPS - Stay huddled at WEST campfire/banner please to make it easier for clickers.

Warleader Hegron - when he at 35% HP~ Talendor flies away.  Raid move to platform WEST side to avoid meteors.  MTO move Hegron far EAST side of platform.

Warleader Hegron - Once we move to the platform (and out of the meteor storm), melee you may rush Hegron (who will be on the East wall) if you wish.

Warleader Hegron MTO: Tank at EAST campfire - When Talendor flies away around 35% Hegron - move Hegron to platform far EAST (don't get too close to wall though).

Warleader Hegron - Doomhammer Emote:

When Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron goes active, Doomhammer emote comes into play.


We assign curer(s) to cure players via /tell and /vtell hotkey.  Make up a hotkey for one of the curers as indicated.  Ask Dimbly if you're not sure how to make the hotkey and/or ask in FLRaids or one of our other channels, thanks!

Assigned curers must be positioned AWAY FROM THE RAID.

Curing someone with Doomhammer will cause a TARGET AE around the CURER for 150k DD + Knockback + STUN.

Stage 4: Overking Bathezid - RANGE DPS ONLY - Not tanked

Meteor Click Team

Meteor mechanic comes into play during veteran adds.

Writeup by Dimbly:

I've been assigned to the click team, now what?

In order get the achievement  Stalwart Guardian you will need to successfully complete an EoE raid acting as a shield clicker.  As this event is heavily dependent upon successful meteor blocking, it behooves you to learn how to do it.  When you are appointed to the click team you will need to do the following:
  • Join flclickers:clickers.  You will be assigned a place in Team 1, 2, or 3.
  • Make a hotkey.  You will need to make a hotkey that clicks your Defender's Shield, alerts the channel that you have clicked, and then /vtells the members of the next team that it is now their turn. 
  • Loot a Defender's Shield from the /advloot window.  Defender's Shield drop after A Kar'zok Soldier is killed.  There are only 7 of them.  It looks like this:    Should you die or leave the zone, your shield will poof; Don't do that.
  • Move to the center of the meteor pattern that is nearest to campfire and hit your hotkey. (Play the .mp4 below)    The meteor pattern is large, red, and pulsates towards the center.  It's easiest to find the center if your camera angle is overhead or at 3/4 perspective.  Follow the diamond shaped voids to the center of the pattern.  You will need to coordinate with your teammate(s) to make sure that all of the meteors are blocked near the campfire without duplicating efforts.  When you click the shield it makes a conical green aura with a swirling purple base.
  • Continue to block the meteors when it is your turn.  The click on the Defender's shield refreshes every 115 seconds.

Meteor Pattern Video (work safe):

* Thanks to Reccoo for the hotkey graphic.

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics


Dragon boss.

DO NOT GO NEAR Talendor - Talendor's Incinerating Aura kills instantly.

Talendor is clearly guarding some pie, with that kind of fire power.

Talendor's Fiery Breath200k DD + 65k DoT (24s)
   FRONTAL Directional AE (320 to 40 Degrees)
   Range: 1000', AE Range: 150'
   45s timed intervals
   Warning emote: The mighty Talendor breathes in deeply.
   10s later emote: Talendor's flames burn you.
   [Thu Jan 18 21:40:16 2018] The mighty Talendor breathes in deeply.
   [Thu Jan 18 21:40:26 2018] Talendor's flames burn you.  You have taken 57600 points of damage.
Talendor's Incinerating Aura450k DD + 130k DoT (Aura)
   Message: Just being near the great dragon causes your skin to melt.  You have taken 288000 points of damage.
Note: Going top of ramp leading to Talendor is where I died from this.
Blazing Barrier350k DD
Note: Avoid top of ramp area leading up to Talendor while this barrier is active (could be the visual flames).
   Message: You are hideously burned.  You have taken 224000 points of damage.

Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron

Trouble maker.

Casters & Healers, keep distance to avoid Hammer Smash AE.

Warleader Hegron targets players with Doomhammer (see related emote section for details).

Doomhammer   66k DoT (24s, Curse counter 44)
   Cast: Deathhammer on Duration Fade
   Cast: Exploding Doomhammer on Curer
   1st person emote: You are cursed by the Doomhammer.
   3rd person emote: Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron shouts, 'I have doomed Soandso.
Deathhammer   350k DD + Stun + Blind
   When Doomhammer runs it's course: You absorb the Doomhammer, causing it to explode.
Exploding Doomhammer   150k Target AE (75' range) + Knockback + STUN
   This will TARGET AE around the PLAYER WHO CURED the person with Doomhammer
   Emote: The Doomhammer delivers its doom.
Hammer Smash295k Caster PB AE + Knockback + STUN (125' range)

[Thu Jan 18 22:19:05 2018] Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron begins to cast a spell. <Doomhammer>
[Thu Jan 18 22:19:05 2018] Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron shouts, 'I have doomed Bumkus.'

[Thu Jan 18 22:18:45 2018] Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron begins to cast a spell. <Hammer Smash>
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:45 2018] Dimbly`s ward has been slain by Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron!
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:45 2018] You are stunned!
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:45 2018] The hammer's shockwave pummels you.  You have taken 99769 points of damage.


Various adds listed below hit for 25k - 71k+, unless otherwise indicated.

These adds cast: Gust of Atrebe - 55k DD + 9k Mana Drain + 6.5k Endurance Drain (Frontal AE)

Essence of the Dragon I (Group) EoK /achievement grants immunity from: Gust of Atrebe

* ALL Adds are up at event start, but go active at various stages.

A Kar`Zok soldier   Notes:
   - 7 of these adds.
- /tar a_kar`zok_soldier0#, where # starts from 0, facing ramp first solider is 00 from the left to right.
A Kar`Zok veteran   Notes:
   - 9 of these adds.
- /tar a_kar`zok_veteran0#, where # starts from 0, facing ramp first solider is 00 from the left to right.
A Kar`Zok soulfeaster   Notes:
   - 5 of these adds.
- /tar a_kar`zok_soulfeaster0#, where # starts from 0, facing ramp first solider is 00 from the left to right.
- Soulfeasters spawn chokidai adds.
A chokidai flamemane   Barrage - Rogue class spell.  Backstab Attack for 2795 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
   Chokidai Fade - Cancel Aggro 100% (mem-blur, single-target)
A chokidai frostscale   Pounce 99k DD + Knockback (single-target)
--   Other adds to be added.

[Thu Jan 18 21:43:39 2018] A chokidai frostscale begins to cast a spell. <Pounce>
[Thu Jan 18 21:43:39 2018] A Kar`Zok soulfeaster shouts, 'Take this energy, warleader, we will not let you fall.'
[Thu Jan 18 21:43:39 2018] A chokidai flamemane begins to cast a spell. <Chokidai Fade>

Overking Bathezid

Killable in the group mission.

Sarnak Reflection   Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 25% with up to 100% Damage (NPC self-buff)

Related lore from group mission version:

[Thu Jan 18 22:19:46 2018] Overking Bathezid shouts, 'Let me in! You can't just leave me out here!'
[Thu Jan 18 22:19:51 2018] Overking Bathezid shouts, 'Lord Talendor? Don't leave me! Don't abandon us!'
[Thu Jan 18 22:19:56 2018] Overking Bathezid shouts, 'I have served you loyally! Don't turn away from me!'
[Thu Jan 18 22:20:01 2018] Overking Bathezid shouts, 'Let me in! You can't just leave me out here!'

Virulent Toxin - Emote Mechanic

Good old fashioned VIRAL.

Virulent Toxin   VIRAL - 75k DoT + SPELL/MELEE SILENCE (24s)
   Viral Range: 35', Recast: 15s to 15s
   1st person emote: The toxin now in your body starts to ooze out of your pores.
   Action: RUN AWAY FROM THE RAID - Return when DoT fades.

Doomhammer - Emote Mechanic

When Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron goes active, Doomhammer emote comes into play.

Curing someone with Doomhammer will cause a TARGET AE around the CURER for 150k DD + Knockback + STUN.

Therefore the CURER needs to be AWAY FROM THE RAID before curing target.

- We assign curer(s) for this emote.  If you're assigned you position away from raid and then cure players via /rt when they send you a tell.

Mechanic - Meteors

Spell data only.  Mechanic covered in other area.

Draconic Meteor   200k DD + Knockback (Caster PB, 75' range)
   40s timed intervals
   Meteor incoming, 5s warning emote: A meteor appears over the statue at the mouth of Veeshan's Peak.
   Meteor explods into several, 10s impact warning emote:
The fireball ascends to its apex and explodes into several massive meteors that begin arcing down toward the ground.
   Meteor's impacting spell cast: A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
   Shield click success - Meteor bouncing off magical barrier: A draconic meteor bounced off a magical barrier.
   1st person, hit by meteor: You are crushed, burned and terrified by a draconic meteor.

Group mission sample 1:
[Thu Jan 18 21:42:21 2018] A meteor appears over the statue at the mouth of Veeshan's Peak.
[Thu Jan 18 21:42:26 2018] The fireball ascends to its apex and explodes into several massive meteors that begin arcing down toward the ground.
[Thu Jan 18 21:42:35 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 21:42:35 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 21:42:35 2018] A draconic meteor bounced off a magical barrier.
[Thu Jan 18 21:42:35 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 21:42:35 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 21:42:35 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 21:42:35 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>

Group mission sample 2:
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:40 2018] A meteor appears over the statue at the mouth of Veeshan's Peak.
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:45 2018] The fireball ascends to its apex and explodes into several massive meteors that begin arcing down toward the ground.
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:55 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:55 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:55 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:55 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:55 2018] Furro`s ward has been slain by a draconic meteor!
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:55 2018] Furro`s ward has been slain by a draconic meteor!
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:55 2018] You are crushed, burned and terrified by a draconic meteor.  You have taken 27969 points of damage.
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:55 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>
[Thu Jan 18 22:18:55 2018] A draconic meteor begins to cast a spell. <Draconic Meteor>

Friendly NPCs

The follow NPCs are friendly, and help us during the battle.

Various classes, and cast spells related to their class.

Able to buff NPCs after start (haven't tested before event start, yet, todo/test/report).

Lcea Katta   Our friend Lcea
Praetor Denik   Lcea's backup
An indagatrix vitali   Lcea's enforcer
A praetor ledalus salus   Lcea's chemist (Wizard)
A vicarum vitai   Lcea's doctor (Cleric)

Map Locations

Map file: skyfiretwo_1.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Code: [Select]
P -2223.5745, -2340.9849, -205.6337,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soldier00
P -2173.6226, -2312.7371, -206.7684,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soldier01
P -2132.2908, -2308.3062, -209.2313,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soldier02
P -2088.2681, -2307.0149, -208.3186,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soldier03
P -2003.8125, -2306.0569, -209.2443,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soldier04
P -1972.7748, -2322.4307, -208.8395,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soldier05
P -1904.1011, -2386.0872, -204.0304,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soldier06
P -2223.1663, -2373.7566, -203.3056,  0, 0, 0,  3,  veteran00
P -2188.4209, -2352.6829, -203.2472,  0, 0, 0,  3,  veteran01
P -2147.1890, -2350.8196, -203.2419,  0, 0, 0,  3,  veteran02
P -2112.4346, -2350.0186, -204.3704,  0, 0, 0,  3,  veteran03
P -2066.1685, -2353.2012, -204.3684,  0, 0, 0,  3,  veteran04
P -2027.9894, -2352.0933, -204.3661,  0, 0, 0,  3,  veteran05
P -1992.5149, -2356.9163, -204.9131,  0, 0, 0,  3,  veteran06
P -1969.8091, -2358.9917, -204.9116,  0, 0, 0,  3,  veteran07
P -1927.5774, -2414.5486, -204.9079,  0, 0, 0,  3,  veteran08
P -2169.3074, -2453.2046, -184.0918,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soulfeaster00
P -2135.6575, -2444.1875, -187.1455,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soulfeaster01
P -2078.2798, -2455.8206, -185.7750,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soulfeaster02
P -2031.8826, -2459.0181, -185.7750,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soulfeaster03
P -1993.3146, -2455.1382, -185.7750,  0, 0, 0,  3,  soulfeaster04
P -2108.8977, -2490.8313, -185.7751,  0, 0, 0,  3,  Kar`Zok_Warleader_Hegron
P -2054.8040, -2524.1160, -185.7751,  0, 0, 0,  3,  Overking_Bathezid

Lcea Katta NPC - Starts the event

[Sat Apr 14 13:57:34 2018] You say, 'Hail, Lcea Katta'
[Sat Apr 14 13:57:34 2018] Lcea Katta says, 'Well, it's the heroes. I'm glad to have you here, though disappointed that my father still hasn't seen [what needs to be done].'

[Sat Apr 14 13:57:37 2018] You say, 'what needs to be done'

[Sat Apr 14 13:57:37 2018] Lcea Katta says, 'I had hoped that my father would send Combine troops to help me deal with this issue. He needs to understand that we can't live here with these beasts. These hideous sarnak and their evil dragon masters will never let us live in peace. We need to stop them, I need to stop them, here and now.  [Will] you help me?  If not, it would be best for you to [leave] no before the fighting starts.'

[Sat Apr 14 13:57:57 2018] You say, 'Will'

[Sat Apr 14 13:57:58 2018] Lcea Katta says, 'That's good. I'm done waiting for my father's help. Prepare yourselves and let me know when you are ready to [start] this fight. I suspect that once we charge that hill there will be no returning until the battle is won.'

[Sat Apr 14 13:58:14 2018] You say, 'start'

[Sat Apr 14 13:58:14 2018] Lcea Katta says, 'Good. Let's put an end to this once and for all time.'

< At this point, the NPCs pathed up towards the event area >

[Sat Apr 14 13:58:34 2018] Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron shouts, 'Destroy these fools. Kunark is ours now!'

[Sat Apr 14 13:58:35 2018] Talendor shouts, 'If you wish to fight, then do so. Let us finally see if the Kar'Zok are as strong as they say. Until this is over, none of you leave!'

[Sat Apr 14 13:58:37 2018] A Kar`Zok soldier begins to cast a spell. <Gust of Atrebe>
[Sat Apr 14 13:58:37 2018] Your immunity buff protected you from the spell Gust of Atrebe!

Other Lore - Notes, from Group Mission version

[Thu Jan 18 21:40:06 2018] Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron shouts, 'Destroy these fools. Kunark is ours now!'

[Thu Jan 18 21:40:06 2018] Talendor shouts, 'If you wish to fight, then do so. Let us finally see if the Kar'Zok are as strong as they say. Until this is over, none of you leave!'

[Thu Jan 18 21:41:10 2018] A Kar`Zok lifestealer shouts, 'Die! You have attacked mighty Talendor and our people. You must die!'

[Thu Jan 18 21:41:10 2018] Talendor shouts, 'Your death is nothing less than expected, child of Katta. That shall be a message to your father about his foolishness.'

[Thu Jan 18 21:41:46 2018] Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron shouts, 'They have some skill. Go forward, my veterans! Crush them!'

[Thu Jan 18 21:43:39 2018] A Kar`Zok soulfeaster shouts, 'Take this energy, warleader, we will not let you fall.'

[Thu Jan 18 21:44:16 2018] Talendor shouts, 'All dead or run off? Unsurprising from weaklings such as they.

[Thu Jan 18 22:14:20 2018] Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron shouts, 'Destroy these fools. Kunark is ours now!'

[Thu Jan 18 22:14:20 2018] Talendor shouts, 'If you wish to fight, then do so. Let us finally see if the Kar'Zok are as strong as they say. Until this is over, none of you leave!'

[Thu Jan 18 22:15:24 2018] A Kar`Zok lifestealer shouts, 'Die! You have attacked mighty Talendor and our people. You must die!'

[Thu Jan 18 22:15:24 2018] Talendor shouts, 'Your death is nothing less than expected, child of Katta. That shall be a message to your father about his foolishness.'

[Thu Jan 18 22:16:05 2018] Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron shouts, 'They have some skill. Go forward, my veterans! Crush them!'
[Thu Jan 18 22:19:05 2018] Kar`Zok Warleader Hegron shouts, 'I have doomed Bumkus.'

[Thu Jan 18 22:19:46 2018] Overking Bathezid shouts, 'Let me in! You can't just leave me out here!'
[Thu Jan 18 22:19:51 2018] Overking Bathezid shouts, 'Lord Talendor? Don't leave me! Don't abandon us!'
[Thu Jan 18 22:19:56 2018] Overking Bathezid shouts, 'I have served you loyally! Don't turn away from me!'
[Thu Jan 18 22:20:01 2018] Overking Bathezid shouts, 'Let me in! You can't just leave me out here!'

Achievements for reference:

Stalwart Guardian - Individual: Successfully block a meteor with a shield.
No Outbreaks - Do not allow Virulent Toxin to spread to anyone but its initial target.
Unhammered - Cure all curses of the Doomhammer before they fade.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  12-08-2018 (4:12pm)  - Doomhammer - Spell faded (Deathhammer fires)
- Doomhammer - Get Cured - CURER needs to be AWAY FROM RAID
- Doomhammer - You are cured - Exploding Doomhammer Target AE at CURER
- Meteor - Impact - Draconic Meteor - Being hit by meteor
- Meteor - 2nd warning - Impact soon - Meteors Incoming
- Talendor - Blazing Barrier - Too close to boss
- Talendor - Talendor's Incinerating Aura - Too close to boss
- Virulent Toxin - VIRAL - RUN AWAY - Return when DoT fades

- [ Sub-group folder ] Veteran Adds Active
-- Veteran Adds Active - Hegron shouts

- [ Sub-group folder ] Talendor's Fiery Breath
-- Talendor's Fiery Breath - Warning emote

- [ Sub-group folder ] Meteors - For Shield Clickers
-- Meteor - 1st warning - Appears over the statue


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:55:15 PM by Furro »


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Re: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2018, 02:28:36 AM »
Here is the hotkey I made for the click team. Uses vtells per Dimbly's instruction.


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Re: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2018, 11:11:01 PM »
My suggested EoE strategy changes
#1 add a trigger in gina for everyone when the dragon flys away. when this happens instruction is to move the safe point to the safe ledge
#2 give 4 clickers to ranged dps. They have a channel and hotkey to push when they click, that includes the next player. everyone has a 2nd key that says to skip them and whos next. They only click while standing on the campfire
#3 give the other 4 clickers to the tanks. they do the same but rotate their click on the final boss. i realize they will miss some clicks but they are tanks and can deal with it.
#4 have 2 melee only dps people whos jobs are to drag dead bodies to the healers instead of damage. they need a hotkey to tell the other dragger they are dead so they get drug first.
#5 melee who cant do signifcant range damage can engage the final boss at their whim in melee range, but need to run out on doomhammer ae and meteors. hopefully we can get good gina triggers for these events to give people enough time to run.


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Re: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2018, 11:36:38 PM »
My suggested EoE strategy changes
#1 add a trigger in gina for everyone when the dragon flys away. when this happens instruction is to move the safe point to the safe ledge
#2 give 4 clickers to ranged dps. They have a channel and hotkey to push when they click, that includes the next player. everyone has a 2nd key that says to skip them and whos next. They only click while standing on the campfire
#3 give the other 4 clickers to the tanks. they do the same but rotate their click on the final boss. i realize they will miss some clicks but they are tanks and can deal with it.
#4 have 2 melee only dps people whos jobs are to drag dead bodies to the healers instead of damage. they need a hotkey to tell the other dragger they are dead so they get drug first.
#5 melee who cant do signifcant range damage can engage the final boss at their whim in melee range, but need to run out on doomhammer ae and meteors. hopefully we can get good gina triggers for these events to give people enough time to run.

Thanks for the suggestions, Faldyarr. :)

Following the raid last night Dimbly and I worked out some positioning for when Talendor flies away.

Huevos picked out the trigger from log when Talendor flies off:

[Fri Oct 12 20:03:48 2018] The great dragon Talendor shakes his head and growls as he turns to leave.

When Hegron reaches 35% or so, from feedback, players noticed Talendor flew away around then.

Once Talendor flies off, the raid can move to the platform to avoid meteor strikes.  We'll have MT adjust Hegron proportionally towards the ramp (I'll go over this in prep with MTO).

Dimbly is handling the meteor clicks, so I'll leave your points for him to respond to accordingly.

See ya in game!


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Re: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2018, 03:13:29 AM »
Thursday, October 18, 2018 - End of Empire Defeated!

Solid first win on this event!  Warleader Hegron briefly held us up, then we got it together for the win!

Awesome job everyone!

See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2018, 03:49:14 AM »
Strategy Post Updated

Updated the strategy post to reflect our winning strategy!

Dimbly wrote up Meteor Click Team instructions (included in post).  If you find yourself assigned to the click team, the instructions are straight forward. :)

See everyone in game!

Mulila forestwarden

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Re: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2018, 12:11:23 AM »
I have noticed, that the 1st wave shouldn't we balance the last 2 mobs? I usually try and work on the higher HP one so that we don't still have a soldier hanging around when the lifestealers go active.


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Re: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2018, 10:06:26 PM »
Everyone needs to pay better attention to what they're casting when it comes to cures.  I was on curing doomhammer last night, and there were several times I would target someone to cure only to see they already had been.  This was after mentioning several times by Furro and myself to unmem/stop using ANYTHING with a cure component to it (I've seen it happen before, not just last night.  Not sure if Dimbly's noticed the same thing, or if we just had an off night).  Errant cures will continue to keep exploding the raid during that part of the event if we don't take better care of our casting.

Suggestion - make an EoE spellset and save it (kinda like some folks did for damsel/enslaver raids to make sure they always had disease/corruption unmemmed)  In that set, remove anything that cures.  ONLY load a cure if the RL tells you to.  This also means no AA cures, no self-only curing, nada, nothing, zippo.

Also, stacking .. we need to do a better job of staying that way as much as possible.  There were another few times the person needing cures had moved to the far back end of the raid .. if I got close enough for cure, I aoe the raid.  If I don't, they die.  In other words .. stay stacked.  Along with helping during that phase, it greatly reduces the chance you'll take meteor damage too .. besides it makes the click teams feel bad :(

We say it week after week .. follow MA, stay stacked, and don't cure except for the designated person.  As long as we follow those 3 simple rules, there's no reason we can't win this every time.


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Re: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2018, 08:25:43 PM »
December 8, 2018 - Trigger Package Updated & Strategy Notes

Trigger Change:

Huevos recommended changing the 2nd Meteor warning from "Get in Green Shield AURA for Safety" to "Meteors Incoming".

Strategy Adjust - Hegron Stage:

Our strategy for Hegron stage has been adjusted.  But we want to test it out first to see how it works before updating the strategy post.

Overall, our biggest issue is primarily Meteor click failures.  Nothing against the clickers, it's a challenging role to nail the clicks.  Getting there! :)

See everyone in-game! :)

« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 08:43:06 PM by Furro »


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Re: RoS - Skyfire - T1 - End of Empire
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2018, 07:50:51 AM »
Changing your /viewport to a more horizontal look might help for shield clickers. It gives you a wider view of the area from a further distance in third person view (if you, like me, scroll back mouse wheel to go into third person view).