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General Public
Freelance Ramblings
Upcoming Events & Strategy
Raider Essentials
Raid Performance
Team Bard Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Beastlord Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Berserker Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Monk Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Ranger Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Rogue Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Enchanter Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Magician Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Necromancer Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Wizard Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Warrior Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Paladin Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Shadow Knight
Team Shadow Knight Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Cleric Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Druid Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
Team Shaman Raid Parses
The Outer Brood
Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood
Theatre of Eternity - Landing
Aureate Covert - Silence the Cannons
Laurion's Song
Elddar Forest - Return of the Kanghammer
Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure
Moors of Nokk - What is it For?
Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow
Ankexfen Keep - Prisoners of Ankexfen
Heros Forge - Heroes Are Forged
Unkempt Woods - The Artisan and the Druid
Pal Lomen - Final Fugue
Night of Shadows
Shar Vahl, Divided - Mean Streets
Shar Vahl, Divided - Pit Fight
Paludal Depths - Insatiable An Appetite
Ruins of Shadow Haven - When One Door Closes
Deepshade - Myconid Mutiny
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge
Darklight Caverns - The Spirit Fades
Firefall Pass - The Shadows Move
Shar Vahl, Divided - Under Siege
Terror of Luclin
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak
Umbral Plains - Netherbian Swarm Commander
Umbral Plains - Doomshade
Maidens Eye - Free the Goranga
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light
Bloodfalls - Primal Vampire
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate
Claws of Veeshan
The Western Wastes - Zlandicar Reborn
The Western Wastes - Tantor
The Western Wastes - Klandicar and the New Brood
Skyshrine - The Crusaders
The Temple of Veeshan - Sontalak
The Temple of Veeshan - Aaryonar
The Eastern Wastes - Defenders of the Tomb
The Sleepers Tomb - Amalgum Arbiter
The Sleepers Tomb - VulakAerr
Torment of Velious
The Great Divide - Restless Assault
The Eastern Wastes - Griklor the Restless
The Eastern Wastes - Servant of the Sleeper
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Heart of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Till Death Do Us Part
The Tower of Frozen Shadow - Tserrina SylTor
Kael Drakkel - Animated Derakor
Kael Drakkel - Restless Avatar of War
Velketors Labyrinth - Seeking the Sorcerer
The Burning Lands
Plane of Fire - General Reparm
Stratos - Fight Fire
Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Empyr - Prince Ralaifin
Empyr - The Conflagration Generals
Esianti - Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens
Aalishai - The Palace Gates
Mearatas - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
Ring of Scale
Gorowyn - Balance of Power
Overthere - Fell Foliage
Skyfire - End of Empire
Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers
Sathirs Tomb - Drusellas Vault
Sathirs Tomb - The Sathir Line
Veeshans Peak - Hoshkar
Veeshans Peak - Silverwing and Xygoz
Veeshans Peak - Talendor
Empires of Kunark
Lceanium - Doorstep of War
Temple of Droga - The Summoning of Droga
Chardok - Prince Selrach Dizok
Chardok - Queen Velazul Dizok
Chardok - Atrebes Vault
Kor-Sha - The Kar-Zok
Kor-Sha - An Ancient Dragon
Kor-Sha - Atrebe Sathir
The Broken Mirror
Demiplane of Life - Vim and Vigor
Demiplane of Life - Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
Demiplane of Decay - Wither and Decay
Demiplane of Decay - Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
Crypt of Decay - Emollious
Crypt of Decay - Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide
Plane of Health - Grummus!
Plane of Hate - Maestro of Rancor
Plane of Hate - Innoruuk
Plane of Fear - Dracoliche
Plane of Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas
Crypt of Sul - Anashti Sul
The Darkened Sea
Arx Mentis - Praetor Vitio
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