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Messages - Brenlaven

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Upcoming Events & Strategy / Making progress
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:42:46 PM »
Overall, the strat is getting smoother. Lots more deaths than anyone wants (other than Curmugly he isn't dying enough IMO).

Smoothing out the boss movement and aggro control on the boss will help.  Optimizing DPS on the adds (by DPS toons not dying as much?) seems the logical next step in the process to reduce the overall time.

The wipes at the start were horrible.  That needs to improve long before worrying about making a specific time mark.

While Furro disagrees...if DPS continue to die on adds once they go active it might be worth it to DPS for 3 or 4 seconds at 6 seconds the adds can go active and can be picked up by tanks and maybe let the DPS live.  Pad's point of rez effects hurting DPS would seem to mean it is worth "wasting" 6 seconds when the adds spawn so the add tanks can pick up the mobs.  This is up to the DPS toons...just remember dead DPS do zero DPS.  This is a just a theory and guess work so do what is best for your class.

Continuing on this seems that AEing/killing the low number add waves where they spawn (totem or not) has been working well enough.  Heelerz have been doing a great job keeping the tanks alive it looks like for those waves.

As Gima and Furro have is up to the toon to know if they can stand in aura and help DPS an add or two.  This will improve over time.

The current add strat appears to be..(until Furro gives an official comment) to tank the adds with 5 or less mobs where they stand. Later waves are moved out of the aura as best as possible as Gima said.  This has been working well...or well enough.

Again, Gima's point on adds...a stun locked add or an add that is simply busy standing around while a tank has 100%+ aggro out of an aura means the tank can't really do anything about moving that add.  There has been a lot less whining about moving the adds it seems as well...

Add tanks could work on trying to move in a common direction (toward the boss) to clump adds better..but it is herding cats on this one...

It will get better...just have to keep focused on each attempt each week.


Just want to clarify this... the mana burn debuff effect has a duration of 2 min with a limit of 500 procs,
Very helpful!  Seems Mana Burn is for focused burst DPS...

Shaman / Re: UI
« on: June 18, 2016, 05:50:43 AM »
OMG stick figures!

Upcoming Events & Strategy / How to handle adds
« on: June 18, 2016, 05:44:05 AM »
The last two runs went pretty good.  Still a lot of deaths and a couple of people not running to the boss instead of running away.

Death Strike buff is still confusing people.  The triggers were adjusted, Furro wrote this long strat post.  People need to ask for clarification (here or in game).  The current strat appears to be...when emoted on Death Strike run FROM the raid...wait for it to hit you then cure (tell to a pally or self cure it) THEN move back to the raid.

When the boss is going to kill TO the boss! Melee DPS goes to zero when the boss is chasing a caster or a heeler.  This was part of the reason the last run was slower.

On the add spawns...there seems to be conflicting information floating around....and the strat post either has hidden well or doesn't address clearly about tanking the adds where they spawn (totem or not) versus moving the adds.

Some are saying to move the adds out of the totem aura....others are saying to stand fast and AE the adds down.  This needs to be clarified by Furro/Gimamam.

The add tanks AND the add tank HEELERZ need to know and be ready for tanking in totem aura if that is the decision.  It is critical the heelerz are not asleep at the switch if add tanks are standing in the aura.  The same for melee DPS group heelerz...if melee is standing in the aura longer the heelerz have to be ready.

For SKs, Deceitful Deflection is very useful for tanking multiple adds and/or standing in the aura...since it will heel you for each target in range.  This doesn't mean SKs can stand in the aura without heelz or that the SKs can tank all the adds at once...just that SKs have ways to help stay alive in the aura.

If the adds are to be moved...they are to be moved TOWARD the boss...out of the aura (to the melee line?)

Ultimately, it would seem on early waves to be easier to stay in the aura and AE the adds (less adds so easier to kill them all)...and later waves deal with moving out of the aura as necessary.

A combo of standing where adds spawn early waves and moving out of auras on last couple waves might be enough to reduce the time on the event.

Freelance is getting there...just have to smooth out the deaths and figure out how to handle the adds (no conflicting ideas).


Half Traps got changed sometime earlier this year and it sounds like it really should be called "Full Traps" now... this is

Yes, that is the understanding.  So it simply means moving the boss around each time he changes colors SHOULD get "Half Traps".  Gima/Furro will probably work it into the rotation.

And on a side note, All Must Fall and None May Fall were "random" according to EQ forum posts.  So pulling all the adds and killing them before the boss spawns will get you one or both (in theory) of those ach.  Each run the adds are all pulled and killed before the boss spawns.  Logs show the None May Fall was successful in early May and the last two weeks All Must Fall have been successful.  The patch may have changed the None May Fall but for now the plan will probably stay with pulling all the adds and killing them to get the random ach.

   Just some thoughts..we are trying to gain /ach for kill in under 15 min. Suppose we burn boss from get go with burns that don't affect the AE burns needed later in hopes to get boss down to the 5 add-64% or 5add-52 % stage quickly.

Well, the last few runs have been AE the adds then rush the boss and engage him....the adds are dying fast enough that at least some burns should be still running and perhaps folks that are holding back on those adds or using shorter burn stuff could use longer running burns for adds leading into boss.  This would give you more DPS at the front end of the fight to get the boss lower sooner as you suggest.

Black wolf is 3:45 minutes long and the adds don't take that long to die it that would mean black wolf could be up still to help with DPS.  IoG may be too short of a duration to help carry forward. Mana Burn is 4 (?) or 5 (?) minutes it might be one to consider but with the long refresh if there are limited Wizzy on raid it might be better to hold off until later.

It is really a DPS channel discussion IMO but I am not sure it has happened...and I don't know if the necros still think they should not be in the DPS channel.

Good thinking tho...the right mindset...kill faster...more loot...ach happen...move on to pie!

You cannot update your map if you are in the zone that the map file is for.  In other words, don't be in Plane of Health when you save the map file.  Or you can do it while out of game.

Assuming the devs have not broken it (again) can update the map while in the same zone.

You can update the file for the zone you are in and then click the "Current Zone" button and it will update your map.  In the past you had to zone but now you can update map files while in zone.  However, it would still be better if everyone downloaded this file and the triggers BEFORE starting the raid to make sure it is working / loaded for the raid.


Upcoming Events & Strategy / Achievement Akkapan Fast.
« on: June 08, 2016, 06:27:19 AM »
Achievement Akkapan Fast.

Everyone should want this ach...but it is clear that until this target can be downed in a clean manner the ach should be on the back burner.

Regardless of which strat (circle/square vs line) is used...the raid has to focus and work on getting the boss / adds down cleaner.

As a tank it is annoyingly difficult to try to keep the adds grouped because totems land and all the tank wants to do is move the add out of the aura. There is not big blinking sign that says "every tank bring your add here" so it is a free for all...which leads to adds being spread out.  Not sure what can be done to reduce this really but if there are ideas share them please.

Handling mentioned in FLRaids...if everyone but the tanks backed away when the adds spawn and wait for them to go aggro it should mean less deaths for melee (or casters).  If the adds are being mezzed it still lets tanks pick up adds....maybe the tanks could step back only the 'live' ones need to be picked up.  Hard to do...but moving away gives the add CC process (mez/tank) a better chance of getting it done.  Will let Furro clarify how he wants this done as necessary but less deaths should mean more DPS right?

As a side note, (Freelance is not RoI but it is still interesting)....RoI had posted a video on YouTube (gone now) where at the later add spawns the entire raid would move on the "adds spawn" emote.  The adds simply stood where they spawned.  If someone was slow and in aggro range the adds would aggro that they were either killed or the toon just died.  The video showed that a set of adds moved...then those adds were tagged and killed in RoI style (zerging them).  But the last 3 (?) sets of adds...were simply let to spawn...and the boss was taken to 2% (?) and then the adds pulled in by clumps and again zerged in RoI style.  Not suggesting Freelance try to zerg RoI style...but if Furro thinks this is an option for a strat it is just info to explain that the adds would just stand around if nobody was in aggro range. BTW, RoI used a modified line strat where they killed a certain number of add waves (in a circle area) then started pulling the boss in a line leaving the adds behind as described above.

Run to cure (Pulsing Fury?) is curable by a single cast of drood group cure BTW. Pally splash is great but if a caster group is out of range of pally's a simple cure can get it handled for the group.  Death Strike is RC curable as well...maybe by other things as well.

On the emote where the boss wants to kill a toon...that toon still needs to run TO the boss. Otherwise the tank has to chase it down...melee DPS can't hit the boss...and the tank could die by a bad round or being OOR of heelerz.  Is there a pattern that helps a toon know they are about to be smacked?

It seems like the boss "glares" at a toon then will smack that this accurate? Or is the "glares" related to the Death Strike buff?  Anyone have any insight on it?

Knowing you are about to get smacks means the toon can head to the boss...but if the "glare" is for Death Strike then that toon needs to get to the group curer to cure that thing ASAP.

So far, this event has been herding cats (funny how the boss is a rat huh?) but it will get better...folks just need to keep working the strat Furro is implementing until everyone is comfortable with lets stop the bitching about "going back to strat 'x'" please.  Furro is working hard to refine the strat as he finds what works best...complaining in FLRaids doesn't help folks focus on the strat at simply confused people.

Oh yea...runes bad then on that ach attempt...also...the Curse of Health is if the mob dies fast enough the number of times the Curse of Health can hit can be reduced.

DPS Warp Speed...engage!

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Vanquisher of High Bokon Boromas
« on: June 08, 2016, 04:04:20 AM »
Vanquisher of High Bokon Boromas

IMO, Freelance has to get this raid a lot smoother before worrying about the achievements None Shall Stand and Strong to the Core.  The ach to kill boss in 10 minutes or less should be done every attempt until one of the others are tried.

The add waves need to be handled better near the end of the event. At the start it seems it goes very smooth but then after some point people get tunnel vision on the boss or something. This deal where we get the boss locked because we have too many adds has to get smoother.

Ach: None Shall Stand - As we smooth out the event this achievement should be possible...having no adds (including bone constructs?) up when boss dies...but it means a solid burn on boss/adds at the end.  Nice to have but until this event is knocked out without issues a few times probably not something to focus on...

Ach: Strong to the Core - This is  where the entire raid has to get Decay IV and kill the boss before it fades. The little info I can find on this seems to say you need to be at Decay IV before boss is at 40% (45%?) then burn him dead before the buff fades. Since it does lower your max hit points by 40% (4 levels 10% each level) it means the entire raid is sitting at max 60% hit points.  If anyone dies and is rezzed = failure. If someone cures the buff = failure. So this is a rough one...need to be able to kill boss pretty quick from 40% (?) to 0% before even attempting this one IMO.

So, smooth out the event so we can work these achs at some point...means everyone has to be on the same page and work together to maximize DPS. Sounds fun.


Vanquisher of Anashti Sul - Dance Dance Retribution

First, the entire run of Enslaver has to be smoother.  Remind each other (group/channels) to not use disease or corruption at 70% and lower.  Remind people to move to the blue aura. Help on the crystals as instructed. REMEMBER IT IS A BURN AT START event! OMG. The number of times Freelance starts this event with people just sitting back and not burning should be considered an insult to all of us.  It is a BURN AT START event.  AE / Kill the adds from 100% to 70%!

Getting the ach Dance Dance Retribution should be the goal each and every run. People that get Mortal Decay are basically going to die. It is a 5 minute dot that is very very difficult to live through. If you get the debuff that is a FAILURE. Living through it is not helping get the keeping you alive cuts into your DPS and/or means your heeler has to focus on you too much. None of this helps the raid beat the event.

Unrelated to the Mortal Decay but important...too many people are not running when they have Aura of Pain. The text for that trigger changed a couple patches ago and the triggers were updated by Furro (right?) so make sure you have updated triggers for this event.

PHASE 1 - 100% - 70%
1 - Get boss to below 70% ASAP (BURN AT START)
2 - Kill adds during 100% to 70% phase
3 - Kill crystals so boss does not heel / blow us up

PHASE 2 - 70% - 45% (???? Is this right?)
1 - Get in the blue aura! Avoid Mortal Decay!
2 - Avoid Mortal Decay! Get in the blue aura!

PHASE 3 - 45% (minis)
1 - Kill minis (individually or combined based on instructions)

PHASE 4 - (post minis)
1 - Kill boss (avoid screwing up on the emotes)

1 - Loot chest!

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Vanquisher of Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
« on: June 08, 2016, 02:39:04 AM »
Vanquisher of Anashti Sul, Lady of Life - No Heroes.

I swear every time we do Lady of Life someone says we should not get any honored mobs. And sometimes it is a smooth run with no honored. Other nights it is like some toons have no idea there is a buff to be removed.

We need to focus on helping everyone in the raid know they have to cure the debuff.

Brenlaven will get the Holistic Health buff because he is in melee range of the boss normally. That means it has to be cured. Other toons may not normally be in range to get the buff (casters/heelerz) but they need to have the triggers and know how to cure it.

Everyone should be asking everyone else in the group if they are not clear on the mechanics. If you see someone 'new' to Freelance in your group...ask channels...somewhere...if they have the trigger for Holistic Health and if they understand how to cure it.  It isn't bad to make sure folks are don't be insulted if someone asked YOU if you understand the mechanic. They are probably just trying to help the raid not get unnecessary adds...and an ach for those missing it still.

Furro expects us all to perform and work together to not screw up.  Talk to your group mates if you are unsure...or ask someone in tells/channels.

On that point...Uncursed!!!!!!

Four people get hit with Curse of Health...and if they are heeled to 100% (or I am being told they have runes that don't let the buff hit them) it is a failure (and they blow up killing people).  So, if you get this (Curse of Health) you need to NOT be heeled AND move away from the raid.  Originally, Freelance triggers said stand in the aura that cures Holistic Health but this seems to not be a correct reaction. Instead, moving up the tunnel might be a better strat.

LET YOUR GROUP HEELER know you should NOT be heeled!  There is the BIG YELLOW text with the names too (right?).

The Uncursed! ach seems to be a challenge for many guilds...but Freelance can do it! We just have to all be talking to each other and helping each other out!

If anyone has better / more accurate info on this mechanic/ach please share it.  We can't unlock the Eye of Life without all three of these ach down.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Non Transferable
« on: June 08, 2016, 02:21:58 AM »
Non Transferable - This achievement is still missing it seems.

Everyone has to be on the same page on how to at least attempt to complete this achievement successfully.  From what I am being told the key is to be cured at the boss.  This means the three people that get the debuff have to be near the boss and then cured.  Self-curing or group curing away from the boss means a failure.  Also, apparently there is a specific buff that has to be cured...and at least one of three toons get this debuff.  It isn't clear to me if all 3 toons have to be next to boss or only the one (or more) with the specific buff...but it is simply easier to be at boss if your name is called out in the BIG YELLOW text.

To help with attempts on this achievement....EVERYONE should be near the boss.  The entire raid should be right at the boss except for these two situations (right?):

1 - Adds.
2 - Portal.

1 - Adds. This is just going to be a chance of bad luck thing...if an add tank gets the debuff at the start of the add wave it is unlikely a swap to another tank will happen so that tank can get to the boss...and dragging the mob to the boss may not be an option.  However, cleaning steams could actually be tanked at the boss....just not the combined ooze (mezzes).  Either way, during adds if an add tank/rooter gets hit it may mean bad luck on that run.

2 - Portal.  If the folks working the portal down get hit...the debuff has a timer on it might be possible for that toon to run back to the boss and get cured but would require coordination with the curer of that toon.  Probably a simpler thing for that toon to try to get back than it is for an add tank to try to move an add to boss.  Something to think about...if you can get back before you get cured it means no failure.

I think we are close at times on this achievement.  We just have to get in the habit of being at the boss to cure. It seems curing the debuff drops the spell reflect so it is a win-win to get this achievement every week!


The main issues are tanks are being reactive and not proactive on thier assigned adds. What I mean by that is some tanks wait until the adds go live to do anything other than /targ their assigned add instead of being proactive and using a /targ hotkey when the adds spawn and not when they go live, and hitting flash Before the add wave goes live and spamming your mob with agro Before it goes live.

Lately, it seems the adds are least I am not seeing nearly as many soothers or even pools over by the cleansing steam adds.  It still happens but not as often...except that last wave of adds where Endo had 2+ soothers and his cleaning steam...burning that last bit doesn't mean ignoring your adds.


Gima, the new positioning for Wither/Decay seems to be working very well.  The vomits are not popping on the melee range folks which is great!

As this strat is continued the only minor suggestion I can see is with were the fire is placed.  If the fire is placed closer the the ramp coming down into the pit then there are places where the casters can stand on the ground and have LOS and the vomits will never reach them in addition to standing on the rocks.

If W/D are at the fire being used now or slide over to the ramp...the vomits should still be getting no further than the bridge or just past the bridge in the middle as they move to the casters.

Since there is no need to move the bosses to avoid vomits anymore having the fire moved a little might make LOS easier for casters.

But either way, the stacked tanking seems to be working very well! Nice job!  Hope to see that All Retch and No Vomit ach fall soon!


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