I am having troubles with VP and AE vp, can u suggest or take a pic of your AE and VP hotkeys
You're working on Mearatas buttons, Ramelorm?
Finish casting your Gift+Squall combo, then hit [Esc] button to clear your target before tapping bane buttons. If Gift+Squall is up, do that, then go back to tappy-tappy-tapping bane buttons:
/tar a_wave_mephit0
/cast # (Shackle spell)
/alt activate 171 (Virulent Paralysis AA)
/useitem Ring of Immobilization
/tar a_flame_mephit0
/pause 3,/alt activate 3729 (Turgur's Swarm AA)
/alt activate 856 (Turgur's Virulent Swarm AA)
/useitem Time's Antithesis
If there's no mephits to target, the buttons will work Just Fine for sentinels too, once you've targeted them yourself. I don't think we have shaman playing with those now, though?
The AE root AA is directional, so you only use that if your character is faced toward the Wave Mephit (hopefully more than one, but whatever). Can't just spam it out there, not productively.