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Topics - Buukala

Pages: [1]
Freelance Ramblings / Furro gets nerfed! RB changed
« on: September 25, 2012, 06:29:12 PM »
So, Reluctant Benevolence got stealth nerfed.  It will no longer proc off of others spells, only the necro.  It will still provide group heals when it procs off of a necro cast, but it will no longer proc when Furro casts. 

Good luck dealing with that boss.   :(

Freelance Ramblings / Attendance, and dkp.
« on: July 07, 2012, 09:08:18 PM »
Let me start this off by saying that I do not have all the answers, and that I think Furro and Ssark, and the rest of the leaders of the Freelance raid team do an absolutely admirable job.  I enjoy contributing where and when I can, and I have a good time for the most part.

However, it seems to me that some things need addressing, the biggest of which is getting attendance to be a bit more uniform.  As anyone who has spent any time working with FL knows, there seems to be a core base of players that show up regardless, and then the loot and scooters.  With the new raid currency it is obvious that most loot scooters are more interested in doing Sarith/Valley/Beasts than anything else.  With all that in mind, I have a few questions/suggestions that I'd like to propose, feel free to tell me to shut up and sit down, but I was just having some thoughts and figured I'd ask.

1) Spread out the farm, and make it the last event per night.  Do whatever raid you want to work on (RT?, Fear/MC, etc), for a bit, and then, if it just isn't going to happen tonight, finish off with a quick Valley run.  That way people feel like at least their efforts got some reward, and you increase attendance because people want to get their chits.  True, some people won't join raid until you head to Valley, but if they know that you're likely to do at least one currency-winning raid per night, it increases the likelihood that they join raid earlier, saving their spot.  If you do Valley/Sarith/Argath all on a Wednesday night, it lessens the motivation for a section of the raid base to join for the rest of the week.

2) Provide some sort of dkp incentive for learning events and first time wins (especially helpful for taking down encounters that no longer offer desirable loot).  Right now, as FL DKP works, we earn the most dkp on the farmable events, thereby increasing the desirability of the already most desirable raids, while nothing is done to increase the desirability of the least desirable raids.  Look at 6/30 raids (nothing but RT attempts) vs. 7/4 raids (farm).  On 6/30, if you spent your entire raid night busting your hump trying to learn the ins and outs of a difficult new event, you earned a whopping 5 dkp.  On 7/4, we did 2 current farm events, and one HoT key event for a total of 22 dkp.  It is my humble opinion that something should be offered to those folks in the trenches night in and night out learning the new, hard, events rather than earning the victory over night after night of little earnings, just so that when we finally do get it on farm, the lootscooters can then join the raid, earn more dkp in one night than those who toiled to win did in all the attempts at trying to win, and benefit far more.  It would also help to have a bonus for first time wins to incentivize those to join raid when doing obsolete raids that yield no desirable loot like HoT raids with no CoP/M/L/G clickies, OH clickies, Hate masks, etc, etc.

3) More pie.  All this talk about pie, and I have yet to see a single slice.

Anyway, like I said, I don't have the answers for everything, and running a guild (and make no mistake, this is a guild, it's just a guildless guild. :P), is by no means easy.  Just an observation or two.  Feel free to tell me to go back to my hole.

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