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Topics - Dreadlord Imnotjim, Legend of Norath

Pages: [1]
Freelance Ramblings / EQ / EQII Blood Drive
« on: February 26, 2013, 10:26:45 AM »
Hi all

 I found this over at and I know many of us in the Freelance and CoP have had cancer effect our lives in some way so I'm passing this on. It's being held in celebration of a war from Xegony named Wars Sheol. I didn't know him but it sounds like he was a cool guy.

In Everquest and Everquest II he played a dark elf warrior named Wars Sheol, but in real life he battled cancer his whole life.

Wars was born with Xeroderma PigmentosumPigmentosum (XP)(Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP), a rare form of skin cancer. Later, he was also diagnosed with Accute Myelogenous Leukemia (

He beat the odds and lived longer than the world of medicine expected. As a child he participated in a research project that has helped children born with cancer have better lives. He fought hard against the diseases that stalked him. But Wars' fight ended on 2/9/2013.

His in game greeting was always "WARS!!" He was willing to help other players do a raid, camp a mob, get experience points, or farm for trade skill ingredients. His home in EQ was a castle and was featured in the Norrathian Home Show.

He did not just play EQ and EQII - he was involved in making the game better; volunteering to serve on the Community Round Table and he helped beta test several expansions. At a Fan Fair, he was part of a group that suggested explaining Fippy Darkpaw's suicidal run.

Always soft spoken but outgoing, he met everyone as a friend. He also loved pictures - he really enjoyed posing with the Firiona Vie models and all of his friends.

When the doctors told him that he only had weeks to live, in typical Wars fashion, he looked for a way to reach out and help others. Having had a lifetime of transfusions, he knew that a pint of blood could make life better. In lieu of flowers, he asked his friends and family to donate blood at the American Red Cross. Those of us who are his friends are calling on the gaming community to join the drive.

If giving at the American Red Cross, please ask the American Red Cross for a card and write that you are giving for "EQ-WARS!". Those cards will be directed to his family. If you prefer to donate directly to a local community blood bank or cancer center, that is good too. No matter the venue, if you donate blood in Wars' honor, please send an email to with the state in which you donated. His family will be kept informed about the number donations reported to the email address.

Feel free to spread the word about this virtual blood drive to your guild and any gamer friends. Let's make the expression "going viral" mean something good!

In game he chose to be warrior; in real life he showed grace, courage and nobility while facing a really big boss mob. Whether you personally played with Wars, met him at a Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) gathering, or just want to help, please consider donating blood to help us build a positive living legacy in honor and celebration of a gentle giant who called himself WARS!!

Thank you,
Adisson - EQ, Xegony Crystilla, EQ, Erollisi Marr
Cleranee EQ Xegony Dulcolax, EQ, Xegony
Guilian Rumrunner, EQ, Xegony In Via Damnum Guild, EQ Xegony
Jmorgana EQ Xegony Jethal Silverwing, EQ II
Kalbit EQ Xegony Larksong, EQ, Xegony
Maddoctor EQ Xegony Majandra, EQ, Xegony
Moltok, EQ, Xegony Mrizx, EQ, Xegony
Muffinstalker, EQ, Xegony Raeril, EQ, Xegony
Senwars, EQ, Xegony Teodor Aurora, EQ, Xegony
Tekilla, EQ, Xegony Wolana Phoenixfyre, Xegony
Xensothertoon on Xegony Zanzemara Aurora, EQ, Xegony
Zoraab, EQ, Xegony

Remember good karma leads to higher rolls on those RKIII spells!

Freelance Ramblings / Tis The Season
« on: February 09, 2013, 11:26:22 AM »
Shamelessly riped from the Dev tracker forum of EQResource.

Happy February, Gamers! We here at SOE are getting ramped up for Valentine's Day, both in-game and around the office. One thing we've been discussing as this celebration of love approaches is the various types of love people share: love of family, love of friends, and of course, romantic love! As Valentine's Day approaches, we want to hear from YOU! Over the years, we've heard numerous stories about players who've met in-game and fallen in love, players who have shared the game they love with their children and grandchildren, and players who have formed lifelong friendships with their guildies. Do you have a romantic story to share about how your in-game and IRL loves collided? Send us an e-mail at [EMAIL] and tell us your story! Be sure to include your character name (and the character name of the person you love!), your favorite SOE game where this story takes place, and details about what makes your love special. Also include a screenshot or photo or two! A selection of the submitted stories may be chosen to be featured on a special Valentine's Day Hamster Talk Webcast and/or in an online feature article! Please submit your stories and pictures no later than 5:00pm PST on Tuesday, February 12, 2013.

Have you Hugged your Hobbit today???

Freelance Ramblings / Happy Holidays !!!
« on: December 23, 2012, 08:36:27 AM »
Hi all, I just wanted to say Thanks to everyone from FL for all the hard work, long hours and fun you put into this team. Especially Thanks to Furro who truly is a man of many hats.... ;D

Freelance Ramblings / Tips to cut down on lag.
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:17:21 PM »
Hey all this is a link to a thread on EGN ( ). there are a few on the list I'm sure we all use but it has some i had never thought of so plz check it out.

Freelance Ramblings / How to get there guide.
« on: February 12, 2011, 11:05:17 PM »
Lost?? well we got ya covered....

lifted off of Goberserker btw.

Freelance Ramblings / Guide to AC, Shielding & Avoidance Augs
« on: February 12, 2011, 11:12:49 PM »
Eaud had asked me to post this so if you like it give him a Cookie.

The main listing is on page 1 but the last page has some good posts as well.

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