EQ Freelance Forum

General Public => Upcoming Events & Strategy => Topic started by: Furro on February 16, 2023, 09:21:25 PM

Title: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Dance of the Demiurge
Post by: Furro on February 16, 2023, 09:21:25 PM
Deepshade - Dance of the Demiurge

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Ruins of Shadow Haven
NPC Name: Animist Soren
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Boss: Malthshisku

Numerous creatures and effects come into play during process of creation and destruction.

Various other adds spawn throughout the event, from seasoned performers, thespians and an enthusiastic understudy.

STAGE 1Pre-creation
  Masses spawn at event start
  Malthshisku inactive until all masses killed
STAGE 2Creation & Destruction
   Gods spawn when Malthshisku HP 85%~ and situationally
STAGE 3Multitude of Creatures
When Malthshisku HP 50%~
   Malthshisku despawns shortly after initial adds spawn
   Up to three waves of adds
STAGE 4Re-creation
   Malthshisku respawns when all multitude of creatures killed
     Gods spawn again
STAGE 5Re-creation
   When Malthshisku HP < 30%~
Lethargic Mass returns periodically


Assist MA.

Roaming Lethargic Mass (Red) is priority for Range DPS via MA2.

Multitudes stage - Assist MA and burn a flogrok add.

Masses weakened by use of select spells:

Masses       Weakens       
Energetic Mass(Blue)  Mez 
Impairing Mass  (Green)  Remove Curse
Serene Mass  (Yellow)  Movement Speed Buff (i.e: SoW)
Wearying Mass  (Purple)  Direct Heal
Lethargic Mass  (Red)  Strength Stat Buff

Fake actor adds: a seasoned performer, a thespian, an enthusiastic understudy - Use same weakens bane spell types as masses that corresponds to actor color.

- If run away emoted while tanking, fade immediately then run, do not leash your mob


MA Kill Order:

Kill Order Stage 1: understudy, thespian, performer, Energetic Mass (Blue), Impairing Mass (Green), Serene Mass (Yellow), Wearying Mass (Purple)

Kill Order Stage 2: Bertoxless (Green), Morel Tool (Purple), Bobcat Knife (Red)

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content (http://forums.eqfreelance.net/index.php?topic=10656.0) - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics



Malthshisku inactive until all masses killed

Malthshisku despawns when multitude of creatures spawn.

Malthshisku respawns when all multitude of creatures killed: Well, now you've ruined it! I will have to start all over again! These useless actors will take ages to train!

When Malthshisku HP <= 10%, absorbs actors to heal.  Emote: Malthshisku drains the power from one of the actors and heals.

Enrage Timer: Malthshisku begins to become enraged at the extended delay to the rehearsal and calls for more extras.

All Was Darkness (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54284&effect=&class=&level=&view=)    Target AE 300k DoT + Mana Drain + Blind (24s duration, 50' range)
Player Warning Emote: The darkness of pre-creation gathers around Soandso.
Effect Message: Everything goes dark.
- Occurs at 55s intervals
And Then Rest (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54291&effect=&class=&level=&view=)Invulnerability (12s duration, single target)
Effect Message: You rest.
- When Malthshisku casts And Then Rest, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Morel Tool casts it)
Art Requires Suffering (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54285&effect=&class=&level=&view=)    AE DoT 275k + Mana Drain (18s duration)
Effect Message: You start to suffer for someone elses art.
- Occurs at 45s intervals
Calm Body (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54287&effect=&class=&level=&view=)DoT Melee Silence + Root (12s duration, single target)
Effect Message: Your body relaxes.
- When Malthshisku casts Calm Body, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Bobcat Knife casts it)
Calm Mind (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54286&effect=&class=&level=&view=)DoT Caster Silence (12s duration, single target)
   Effect Message: Your mind stops.
- When Malthshisku casts Calm Mind, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Bobcat Knife casts it)
Contented Wandering (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=52999&effect=&class=&level=&view=)    Forces player to wander off (24s duration, single target)
Effect Message: You body acts at the will of another's mind.
- When Malthshisku casts Contented Wandering, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Bobcat Knife casts it)
Decay Begins at Creation (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54289&effect=&class=&level=&view=)500k DoT + Mana Drain (24s duration, 20 Curse Counter, single target)
Effect Message: Your decay begins.
- When Malthshisku casts Decay Begins at Creation, players are not emote targeted (unlike when Bertoxless casts it)
- Curse Cure to remove

Masses and Gods

Note: Gods color in brackets indicates initial spawn color; subject to change by player action (achievement: Altered Gods).

  Masses spawn at event start
  Malthshisku inactive until all masses killed
  Masses weakened by use of select spells
Energetic Mass   Enhanced Energy (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54296&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - DoT Melee Slow + Snare (single target, 48s duration)
- Targets multiple players
- Occurs at 1 minute 15s intervals

- Weakened by spell type: Mez
-- Emote: A creature is forced to lower its energy and activity. This makes it slightly weaker.
Impairing MassSapping Aura (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54275&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - AE DoT Snare + Stat Debuff (150' range, 24s duration)
- Occurs at 1 minute 5s intervals

- Weakened by spell type: Remove Curse
-- Emote: Magic increases the lethargic creature health and confidence. This makes it slightly weaker.
Serene MassContentment (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54277&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Mesmerize (single target)
(Yellow)3rd Person Warning Emote: Serenity is granted to Tuth, Grog, Rezer, Barth, Oreo, Gearm, Mumbo, and Nahya.
- Occurs at 1 minute 15s intervals

- Weakened by spell type: Movement Speed Buff (i.e: SoW)
-- Emote: The idea of motion is given to a being of contentment. This slightly weakens it.
Wearying MassEnergy Diminished (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54276&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - AE DoT + Cap HP and Mana Debuff 80% (24s duration, 100' range)
(Purple)Warning Emote: The Wearying Mass begins to wobble.
- Occurs at 1 minute intervals

- Weakened by spell type: Direct Heal
-- Emote: Health magic is poured into a creature that exudes depletion. This makes it weaker.
Lethargic MassEngulfing Lethargy (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54274&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - AURA DoT Root + Invulnerbility (36s duration, 50' range)
(Red)Effect Message: Your apathy grows overwhelming.
- Spawns South
- Spawns at event start and periodically when Malthshisku HP < 30%
- Indifferent, can be damaged
- Roams event area
- Stage 1 (event start): Must be killed before last mass dies else event resets
- Stage Malthshisku HP < 30%: Must be killed before paths to North end, else turns into a God (ie., Bertoxless, Bobcat Knife, Morel Tool)
-- Emote when Lethargic Mass transforms: The blob is transformed into a god!

- Weakened by spell type: Strength Stat Buff
-- Emote: A creature of weakness is given a bit of strength. This makes it, ironically, slightly weaker.

- Emote: The Lethargic Mass gets weaker as an outside force counters some of its apathy.
GODSCreation & Destruction
   Gods initially spawn when Malthshisku HP 85%~ and conditionally (refer to Lethargic Mass)
   - Bobcat Knife HP locked at 50% until other Gods killed
When Malthshisku HP < 20%~, emote: The gods make servitors, who will surely make multitudes.
Gods spawn again when all multitude of creatures killed
BertoxlessDecay Begins at Creation (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54289&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - 500k DoT + Mana Drain (24s duration, 20 Curse Counter, single target)
(Green)Effect Message: Your decay begins.
Player Emoted - Example 1: Decay begins to overtake Soandso.
Player Emoted - Example 2: Decay begins to overtake Lineloss and Lineloss.
- Curse Cure to remove
- Occurs at 45s intervals
- Emotes 1 or 2 players; same player can be emoted twice
First Create, Then Destroy (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54288&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Target AE DoT 500k (24s duration, 70' range)
Effect Message: The destruction seems inevitable.
1st Person Warning Emote: The power of destruction surrounds Soandso.
- Player emoted run away
- Occurs at 50s~ intervals
- 10s warning emote
Bobcat KnifeCalm Body (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54287&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - DoT Melee Silence + Root (12s duration, single target)
(Red)Players Targeted Emote: A calm body is granted to Bluster, Rekzek, and Nimple.
Effect Message: Your body relaxes.
Calm Mind (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54286&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - DoT Caster Silence (12s duration, single target)
Players Targeted Emote: A calm mind is granted to Padraigg, Dillydally, and Marsbar.
   Effect Message: Your mind stops.
    Contented Wandering (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=52999&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Forces player to wander off (24s duration, single target)
Players Targeted Emote: Contentment decends on Yoker, Pinstripe, Rode, and Zamza.
Effect Message: You body acts at the will of another's mind.
- During Creation & Destruction stage, Bobcat Knife HP locked at 50% until other Gods killed
- Calm Body spell cast occurs at 1 minute 5s~ intervals
Morel ToolAnd Then Rest (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54291&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Invulnerability (12s duration, single target)
(Purple)Effect Message: You rest.
Players Warning Emote: Perfect restfulness is given to Paintstripe, Yoldaly, Laldfar, Marsbar, Linepoint, and Gretul.
- Occurs at 1 minute 10s~ intervals
   Enhanced Energy (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54296&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - DoT Melee Slow + Snare (single target, 48s duration)
- Targets multiple players
- 1 minute 15s intervals


Various adds spawn during event.

Boss HP% AddsThe Actors
When Malthshisku HP <= 90% and onward periodically
A seasoned performerAcoustic Assault (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54280&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Directional Rear AE Mana Drain + Knockback (75' range)
Effect Message: Sound assaults your ears, making your head ring.
   Acoustic Echo (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54281&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Target AE 400k DD + Mana Drain
Effect Message: Amplified echos of sound slam into you.
A thespian   Ground Punch (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54278&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - AE 350k + Stun + Knockback (50' range)
Player Warning Emote: Echoes gather around Soandso.
Effect Message: The ground shakes and roils.
   Personal Punch (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54279&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - AE 330k + Stun + Knockback (single target)
Effect Message: You are punched!
An enthusiastic understudy   Spore Contagion (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54283&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Viral DoT 390k (42s duration, 45' range, single target)
3rd Person Warning Emote: Contagious spores attach to Blanto, Crusher, and Toout.
Effect Message: Spores begin to grow on your skin.
   Spore Spurt (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54282&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Directional Frontal AE DoT 375k + Mana Drain + Melee Slow + Snare (24s duration, 45' range)
Effect Message: Spores strike your skin at deadly speeds.
- Frontal AE, face away from raid
Boss HP% & Timed AddsMultitude of Creatures
When Malthshisku HP 50%~ and timed onward
   Malthshisku despawns shortly after initial adds spawn
   Up to three waves of adds
   Initial Emote: Enough! On with the play! And these creators did as they were meant to do, they created! Multitudes they did make!
   Adds Emote: The multitudes grow.
A flogrok   Froak! (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54293&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Directional Frontal AE 250k DD + Knockback (75' range)
Effect Message: Modulated sound damages your entire body.
- Frontal AE, face away from raid
- Frontal AE, tiny conical damage area

Emote: A flogrok takes a deep breath.
A fly girl   --
A mep hit   Elemental Blast (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54295&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Target AE 550k DD (40' range)
3rd Person Warning Emote: A mep hit summons energies around Soandso.
Effect Message: A blast of elemental energy slams into you.
- Player emoted run away
A shill skin   Mind Break (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54294&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Target AE 12k Mana Drain (40' range)
3rd Person Warning Emote: A shill skin directs mental power at Soandso.
Effect Message: Your mind cracks significantly.
- Player emoted run away
An elder elf   Entangling Ground (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54292&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Target AE DoT 120k + Root (40' range, 18s duration)
3rd Person Warning Emote: Roots begin to sprout under Soandso.
Effect Message: Roots grasp your feet.
- Player emoted run away

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with any NPC in event area


- De-Illusion
-- Destroy every fake actor with counter magic.

- Multitudes
-- Allow the gods to create at least sixteen creatures.

- Altered Gods
-- Force every god that appears to change color.


Event Reset:

[Fri Feb 10 22:06:35 2023] The actors, having nothing to do, return to their places.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.


Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package (http://www.eqfreelance.net/ssark/triggers/NoS/nos-deepshade-dance-of-the-demiurge-2023-02-15-235pm.gtp)  2023-02-15 (2:35pm)  - A mep hit - Elemental Blast - Run Away (1st Person)
- A shill skin - Mind Break - Run Away (1st Person)
- A thespian - Ground Punch - Run Away (1st Person)
- An elder elf - Entangling Ground - Run Away (1st Person)
- An enthusiastic understudy - Spore Contagion - Viral - Run Away (1st Person)
- Bertoxless - First Create, Then Destroy - Run Away (1st Person)
- Impairing Mass - Sapping Aura - Get Out of Green Aura
- Lethargic Mass - Transforms into a God - Failure
- Malthshisku - All Was Darkness - Run Away (1st Person)
- Malthshisku - Boss Active

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual (http://eqfreelance.net/ssark/docs/GINA.pdf).  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA (http://forums.eqfreelance.net/index.php?topic=2483.0) thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Title: Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Dance of the Demiurge
Post by: Furro on February 16, 2023, 10:41:35 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2023 - Update

Strategy posted.

Everyone trigger package updated.


Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)
Title: Re: NoS - Deepshade - T2 - Dance of the Demiurge
Post by: Furro on February 23, 2023, 12:28:08 AM
Friday, February 17, 2023 - Dance of the Demiurge Defeated!

Nice work all!

See everyone in-game! :)