EQ Freelance Forum

General Public => Upcoming Events & Strategy => Topic started by: Raiena on January 09, 2025, 05:32:58 PM

Title: TOB - Hodstock Hills - T1 - Herald of the Outer Brood
Post by: Raiena on January 09, 2025, 05:32:58 PM
Hodstock Hills - T1 - Herald of the Outer Brood

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Hodstock Hills
NPC Name: Karina Stalis
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

The Herald of the Outer Brood is protected by six guardians.

Find ways to make the Herald and guardians vulnerable to damage.

Avoid being caught by scalewrought bearers.

Stop reinforcements from joining the fight.

Various emotes and ground auras come into play.


Kill the six guardians.  Use ground auras to counter their protections.

Kill the Herald of the Outer Brood.  React to emotes to avoid directional damage.  Use ground auras to counter the Herald's protections.

Scalewrought bearers' focus on players and attempt to detonate.  Kite bearers.  Ranged DPS kill.

Intercept and destroy delivery vessels before the Herald claims the reinforcements.

- Move Herald or guardians into correct aura to counter protections.
- MTO keep Herald facing away from raid to avoid frontal AE damage.

- Splash heal on MT and raid when Herald opens all eyes.

MA Kill Order: Bearers, Guardians, Adds, Boss

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content (http://forums.eqfreelance.net/index.php?topic=1459.0#post_NewRaidContentPolicy) - Don't kill the messenger -- Pie Management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Herald of the Outer Brood

Enraged Focused Glare (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54539&effect=&class=&level=&view=)  Frontal AE DoT - 450k HP + Blind (range 500', AE range 75', duration 18s)
Warning Emote: The Herald closes all but one of its eyes.
Spell Cast Emote: Magic fires from just one of the Herald's eyes.
- Casts at 2m 10s intervals

Multi-Focused Glare (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54540&effect=&class=&level=&view=)  Caster AE - 600k HP + Stun (range 1000', AE range 125')
Warning Emote: The Herald opens all of its eyes wide.
Spell Cast Emote: Energy pours from every one of the Herald's eyes.
- Casts at 2m 10s intervals

Outer Brood Energy Surge (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54532&effect=&class=&level=&view=)  Single Target - 450k HP DD + 10k Mana Drain (range 1000', range based mod 100% at 100' to 200% at 600')
Warning Emote: ...
1st Person Effect Message: A type of energy you have never felt zaps you.

Outworld Aura (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54530&effect=&class=&level=&view=)  Self Buff - Increase Damage Shield by 9500 (duration 120h)
- Removed with yellow aura

Runic Shield (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54531&effect=&class=&level=&view=)  Self Buff - Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 110% and 1000 Improved Resist Mod (duration 120h)
- Removed with blue aura

Hardened Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54684&effect=&class=&level=&view=)  Self Buff - Increase resistance to physical damage (duration 120h)
- Removed with green aura

Magical Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54685&effect=&class=&level=&view=)  Self Buff - Increase resistance to spell damage (duration 120h)
- Removed with purple aura


Cannon Beam

Cage of the Outer Brood (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54536&effect=&class=&level=&view=)Caster AE - Increase Reverse Damage Shield by 2000 (range 1000', AE range 40', duration 12s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground caging targets nearby.
1st Person Effect Message: Strange energy surrounds you. It sparks when you attack.
- Appears as a blue aura
- Removes Runic Shield from Herald and guardians

Clinging Radiation (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54537&effect=&class=&level=&view=)Target AE - 500k HP DD + 10k Mana Drain (range 1000', AE range 50', duration 12s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground, irradiating nearby targets.
1st Person Effect Message: Energy jumps to you from a nearby ally.
- Appears as a red aura
- Removes the corrupting power from Herald and guardians
- Only assigned player should enter aura

Energy Corruption (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54533&effect=&class=&level=&view=)Caster AE - 11k Mana Drain + Decrease Spell Haste by 50% + Limit Min Casting Time: 3s (range 1000', AE range 40', duration 12s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground releasing a corrupted energy.
1st Person Effect Message: Alien energy merges with your own, disrupting your magic.
- Appears as a green aura
- Removes Hardened Shell from Herald and guardians

Energy Shock (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54534&effect=&class=&level=&view=)Caster AE DoT - 550k HP + Decrease Melee Haste by 70% (range 1000', AE range 40', duration 18s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground releasing a shock of energy.
1st Person Effect Message: Your body shakes with foreign power.
- Appears as a purple aura
- Removes Magical Shell from Herald and guardians

Outworld Energy Focus (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54535&effect=&class=&level=&view=)Caster AE - Increase Spell Damage Taken by 50% (range 1000', AE range 40', duration 60s)
Warning Emote: A cannon beam strikes the ground releasing the power of outworld energy focusing.
1st Person Effect Message: Energy clings to you, amplifying incoming energy.
Limit Spells: Outworld Aura (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54530&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Runic Shield (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54531&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Outer Brood Energy Surge (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54532&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Energy Corruption (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54533&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Energy Shock (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54534&effect=&class=&level=&view=)
- Appears as a yellow aura
- Removes Outworld Aura from Herald and guardians



Various adds spawn throughout event.

a scalewrought bearerMagical Detonation (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54538&effect=&class=&level=&view=) - Caster AE - 750k HP + Knockback (range 1000', AE range 100')
1st Person Effect Message: You are slammed by a blast of power.
a scalewrought guardian--
- Has a corrupting power at event start
- Use the red aura to remove the corruption
a scalewrought drudge--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54530&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Runic Shield (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54531&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Hardened Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54684&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Magical Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54685&effect=&class=&level=&view=)
a scalewrought peon--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54530&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Runic Shield (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54531&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Hardened Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54684&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Magical Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54685&effect=&class=&level=&view=)
a scalewrought vassel--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54530&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Runic Shield (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54531&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Hardened Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54684&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Magical Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54685&effect=&class=&level=&view=)
a scalewrought serf--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54530&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Runic Shield (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54531&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Hardened Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54684&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Magical Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54685&effect=&class=&level=&view=)
a scalewrought minion--
- Has one of the following buffs at event start: Outworld Aura (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54530&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Runic Shield (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54531&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Hardened Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54684&effect=&class=&level=&view=), Magical Shell (https://www.raidloot.com/spells?name=54685&effect=&class=&level=&view=)
a scalewrought ravager--
- Penalty add when delivery vessels are not intercepted
- Indifferent ally upon successful intercept
a scalewrought soldier--
- Spawns 2x at boss HP percentages 68, 62, 56, 50, 44, 38, 32, 26, 20, 14, 8, 2

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with the Herald of the Outer Brood and saying 'wait'.

Herald of the Outer Brood does not respond immediately. At first the thing doesn't seem to even acknowledge your presence. And then, when it does, you rather wish that it had not. In your head you hear a tinny, sharp voice that is unpleasant to have in your mind. 'Go away. I am not here to deal with [servants]. I am here to speak with your [masters].'

Herald of the Outer Brood turns to face you and that reedy voice comes again. 'You continue to make sounds. Stop doing that.'

This time the sound is just as painful, but seems much, much louder. 'There are children of Veeshan here, we have seen them. We heard their signal. We came in response. They know this, we have seen them here. It is they that I must speak with. My masters will not deal with lesser creatures. I [wait] for a true emissary or one of the children themselves.'

The voice booms into your head. 'Is this what they have fallen to? This is what they called us here to see? Do they not wish to explain themselves, make excuses for their obvious failure? The failure that you represent? So be it! We shall end you and hope that they come in person next time!'


- Purge
-- Remove the defenses from all six of the scalewrought guardians.

- Bonded
-- Bond with every scalewrought ravager that joins the battle.

- Unpurged
-- Don't remove any of the defenses from the Herald or its minions.


Event Reset:

The Herald's minion, left undisturbed, calls for assistance. You have failed.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.


Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Corner Locations:
Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package (https://eqfreelance.net/eqfreelance.net/raiena/FL%20Raids/The%20Outer%20Brood/Herald%20of%20the%20Outer%20Brood/Hodstock%20Hills%20-%20Herald%20of%20the%20Outer%20Brood%20-%20Everyone.gtp)  2025-01-23 (12:51am)  - Bearer - Focuses on Player - Kite
- Delivery Vessel - Locate and Destroy

- Boss Active - Herald of the Outer Brood
- Herald - Enraged Focused Glare - Frontal AE
- Herald - Multi-Focused Glare - Splash

- Protections and Auras
-- Clinging Radiation - Corruption Removed
-- Clinging Radiation - Red Aura
-- Hardened Shell - Green Aura
-- Magical Shell - Purple Aura
-- Outworld Aura - Yellow Aura
-- Runic Shield - Blue Aura

- Event Start
- Event Reset

Event Failures
  Failures (https://eqfreelance.net/eqfreelance.net/raiena/FL%20Raids/The%20Outer%20Brood/Herald%20of%20the%20Outer%20Brood/Hodstock%20Hills%20-%20Herald%20of%20the%20Outer%20Brood%20-%20Failures.gtp)  2025-01-08 (10:10pm)  - Achievement: Bonded - Failed - Penalty Add

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual (http://eqfreelance.net/ssark/docs/GINA.pdf).  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA (http://forums.eqfreelance.net/index.php?topic=2483.0) thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).
Title: Re: TOB - Hodstock Hills - T1 - Herald of the Outer Brood
Post by: Raiena on January 16, 2025, 12:25:48 AM
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - Update

Updated strategy post.  Added more event data based on our win on January 9th.

Everyone trigger package updated.  Added exceptions to clear out leftover timers from event completion.

MERGE PACKAGE "Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood - Everyone"

Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)
Title: Re: TOB - Hodstock Hills - T1 - Herald of the Outer Brood
Post by: Raiena on January 23, 2025, 07:14:35 AM
Thursday, January 23, 2025 - Update

Updated strategy post.
Updated trigger package.

DELETE PACKAGE "Hodstock Hills - Herald of the Outer Brood - Everyone" BEFORE importing new.

Make sure trigger package is enabled

See everyone in-game! :)