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General Public => Raid Performance => Beastlord => Topic started by: krinni on July 10, 2016, 10:20:47 AM

Title: Beastlord guides
Post by: krinni on July 10, 2016, 10:20:47 AM
im not good at writing this kind of thing but i said i would try.

raid spells

1. sabhattin mending
2. kenk's feralgia----growl of the leopard
3. kromtus lance
4. kreig's bite
5. frozen miasma
6. visoracius maelstrom
7. dichotomic fury
8. kirchen's chill
9. glistenwing blood
10. salve of clorith
11. focus of okasi
12. shared merciless ferocity

kenk's feralgia does 2 things, it casts growl of the leopard and the swarm pets. use growl for the 1st 30% of enslaver then change to kenk's feralgia (cast this each time the swarm pets fade)
growl of the leopard should be on you and your pet none stop never let it fade (Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%)
use kromtus lance, kreig's bite, visoracius maelstrom, frozen miasma every time they are up.
use dichotomic fury every time its up
if you can spare the mana use kirchen's chill, glistenwing blood every time they fade.
keep the epic 2.0 clicky on your pet

spam ability

feral swipe
tempest claws (this is a frontal ae use at your own risk)
chameleon strike
bite of the asp
bestial evulsing (lasts longer then the time its down but dont hurt to spam it when its up)


ruaabri's fury
frenzied swipes
savage rancor
bestal bloodrage
spirit frenzy
third spire
reflexive rending
bestial alignment/group BA
attack of the warders

the burn i have listed is a click everything and burn if our other bst can post on how they extend the burns it might help for burn 1 and 2 insted of a short all out

pact of the wurine
30% accuracy  boost, 5,000 mana, 5,000 hp, 100 mana regen

consume spirit
trades some hp for mana

focused paragon (if you have mana problems use on yourself none stop (dont let pesky rangers talk you out of your mana  ::)  )

mgb paragon

/1 inc paragon (thats my fl chan, if furro reads this id like to put this as /rsay )
/alt act 35
/pause 5
/alt act 128

enduring frenzy (chance to retore 3,000 endr on hiting the mob, lasts 1 min. 5 min refresh)

/1 bst endr mark on %t
/1 ooc bst endr mark on %t
/pause 5
/alt act 2068
i do not know if that /pause is needed but i have it there anyways

Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Furro on December 11, 2016, 10:03:09 PM
Thanks for posting Krinni.

If you're not too busy, any possibility of updating this to reflect anything new from EoK?  No rush, busy time of the year and all.  Thanks!

Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: krinni on March 02, 2017, 10:15:52 PM
eok did not add much or do much for bst, 2 spells were added, spirit of tala'tak, Venomous Alliance.
 tala'tak adds 300 atk, the alliance spell imo is not even worth using 1 it uses up a spell gem slot, you need another bst to use 2 dots, wait for 1 to tick then use another dot (have not been able to test that but i think thats what was posted on the forums)

primalist's synergy at max rank lets maul give the group next melee attacks 6000 damage (max this asap)
hastened ferocity lowers the reuse on ferocity (good QoL improvment if only 1 bst on the raid)
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Bumkus on February 13, 2018, 02:09:15 AM
Here is my UI.  i don't recommend setting yours up the same way, because I feel it is a little cluttered and i need to clean it up.  Hopefully there are some elements that other beastlords find useful.  I welcome any comments, as I believe there have been changes to how burn buffs stack and I might need to make some tweaks.  (Like crit damage % no longer stacks?)

Here are my basic driving instructions when using this set up

1.  Click 6 to /assist the MA in raids or in groups
2.  Click 4 to send in pet, and to make sure you merc is not happily sitting in Passive mode for whatever reason
3.  Click 3 to do various combat strikes
4.  Click 5 to cast spell.  You can either multibind 5 key to your spell bar, or multibind 5 or 6 slots of your hotkey bar, if you like the flexibility of changing spell cast sequence on the fly

From here continue mashing 3/5, 3/5, 3/5 and you will fire off spells and combat abilities like a roman candle

You'll note that I don't call out Feral Swipe, kick, Bite of the asp, or other combat abilities that used to suck up lines in macro windows.  Many of these abilities are merged with other combat abilities that can be Autoactived.  For example:
1.  Round Kick triggers Feral Swipe
2.  Eagle Strike triggers Bite of the Asp
3.  Tiger Claw triggers Raven's Claw
For burn, I use 2 hotkeys.  You can see that i like to include buttons for each ability called out in the burn key, just to confirm my burn fires properly.  Sometimes things don't fire and i have to go back and click the burn key again.
The first burn key is general personal buffage, so you can click when mob is inc, if you think it will be a short fight.
The second burn key needs to have a mob targeted.

After initial burn runs its course, i click Group Bestial, Ferociousness and Frenzy of Spirit.  I realize Frenzy of Spirit is personally better than Dicho or Ruabri's, but in a group it's better to sacrifice a little to get those on the group instead

Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Bumkus on May 20, 2018, 12:38:40 PM
Updated Burn keys:
Burn 1:
/alt act 241 (bloodlust)
/disc Ruaabri's Fury Rk. II
/alt act 245 (Bestial Alignment)
/disc Savage Rancor Rk. III
/useitem Velazul's Dragonbrood Tunic (or whatever your best Chest click happens to be.  i put this at end because there is a short cast timer)

Burn 2:
/alt act 1240 (frenzied swipes)
/alt act 981 (attack of the warder swarm pet)
/alt act 1432
/disc Al`eles vindication Rk. III
/useitem Savagesoul Jerkin of the Wilds (Anguish chest.  again at end, since there is a short cast timer.

Separate clicks
- Bestial Bloodrage.  this reduces aggro from pet, so be careful using this when you need pet to hold mob down
- Reflexive sundering.  you can use this for an extre 4 attack every ten minutes, but other benefit is restoring endurance to your group, so use selectively
- Glyph of destruction II (does not stack with shaman epic anymore):
/timer 6000
/pause 3, /alt act 7019
/alt buy 7019
- Group Bestial/Ferociousness.  (i usually use these together for a miniburn. 
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Furro on June 16, 2018, 04:44:24 PM
Thanks for replying Bumkus.

It would be ideal if other beasts that raid with us chime in as well to this thread, both with their thoughts or tips/feedback.

If you haven't already Bumkus, pass the word to team Beastlord members!  Thanks! :D
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: krinni on August 18, 2018, 10:33:24 PM
ok so with the last patch group pact of the wolf from shamans was turned into an aura, 75% haste, see invis, ultra vision, 10,000 hp, mana, end..
however it blocks the bst pact of the wurine.. 35% accuracy, 56% move speed, 7,500 hp, mana, 110 mana regen.

group pact of the wolf only has 2,500 more hp, mana, enr more but we lose 35% accuracy and 110 mana regen, i blocked group pact of the wolf asap on dulcy the accuracy lose and 110 mana regen lose is not worth the 2,500 hp/mana... the haste is also moot as chanter haste will snag you at 225% anyways.

edit, tested out some bst skills to check with stacking, bestial savagery overwrites the accuracy from PotW but stacks with it. so we would still lose the 110 mana regen, 2,500 hp,mana, 10,000 end
but a lose of 110 mana regen does not seem worth it (bst dont use jack for endr so that 10,000 might as well not even be counted)

Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Paruaa on August 24, 2018, 11:31:18 AM
Beastlord Guide
All of the spells, disciplines and AAs have links to their spell data for the various ranks so you can see why the burns are put together to prevent overlap of bonuses that will not stack. If anyone has questions, tips, or comments on the setup let me know. ;D

With changes in The Burning Lands a 2 hand blunt (2HB) weapon in most situations have become better DPS than dual wielding 1 hand weapons. You do lose the damage from your Gelid Rending AA, although you can still get a few procs from your skill attacks. with the change to the Burst of Power AA for Beastlords that adds an extra attack with 2HB weapons when Double Attack goes off we have now switched over to the 2HB club!

Melee Spam Lineups

Group & Solo Lineup
  1. Chameleon Strike (HtH DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Chameleon+Strike) - Aggro reducer.
  2. Focused Clamor of Claws (HtH DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Focused+Clamor) / Maelstrom of Claws (HtH AE) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Maelstrom+of+Claws)
  3. Batter (HtH DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Batter&class=bst&level=1&range=greater&expac=&order=asc&source=live&searchname=true&searchcastyou=true&searchcastother=true&searchlandonself=true&searchlandonother=true&searchwearoff=true&searchdescription=true&searcheffects=true) - Synergy Proc ability if you have the Primalist's Synergy (AA) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Primalist's+Synergy) 12/12.
  4. Bestial Savagery (Self Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bestial+Savagery)
  5. Eagle's Strike (DD-DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=eagle's+strike) - Procs Bite of the Asp (AA DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bite+of+the+Asp), should be /autoskill along with Round Kick.

Raid Lineup
  1. Chameleon Strike (HtH DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Chameleon+Strike) - Aggro reducer.
  2. Focused Clamor of Claws (HtH DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Focused+Clamor) / Maelstrom of Claws (HtH AE) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Maelstrom+of+Claws)
  3. Batter (HtH DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Batter&class=bst&level=1&range=greater&expac=&order=asc&source=live&searchname=true&searchcastyou=true&searchcastother=true&searchlandonself=true&searchlandonother=true&searchwearoff=true&searchdescription=true&searcheffects=true) - Synergy Proc ability if you have the Primalist's Synergy (AA) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Primalist's+Synergy) 12/12.
  4. Bestial Savagery (Self Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bestial+Savagery)
  5. Dragon Punch (DD-Stun) - Procs Gorilla Smash (DD-Stun) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Gorilla+Smash), should be /autoskill along with Round Kick.
   The reason for the change is to save on Debuff slots.

Spell Lineups

Group & Solo Lineup
  1. Vkjen's Maelstrom (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Vkjen%27s)
  2. Bloodmaw’s Bite (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bloodmaw%27s+Bite&class=bst&level=1&range=greater&expac=&order=asc&source=live&searchname=true&searchcastyou=true&searchcastother=true&searchlandonself=true&searchlandonother=true&searchwearoff=true&searchdescription=true&searcheffects=true)
  3. Frozen Malignance (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Frozen+Malignance)
  4. Restless Lance (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Restless+Lance) / Restless Roar (AoE DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Restless+Roar)
  5. Frostbite Lance (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Frostbite+Lance)
  6. Endaroky’s Chill (DD-DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Endaroky's+Chill)
  7. Neemzaq’s Endemic (DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Neemzaq's+Endemic)
  8. Ikatiar's Blood (DD-DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Ikatiar's+Blood)
  9. Growl of the Lioness (Self Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Growl+of+the+Lioness) / Grikor's Feralgia (Self Buff/Swarm Pet) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Grikor's) - Keep this Self Buff on during combat.
10. Dissident Fury (Group Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Dissident+Fury) / Composite Fury (Group Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Composite+Fury) - Compare and see if your Dissident is better than your current Rank of Composite.
11. Auspice of Kildrukaun (Pet Rune) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Auspice+of+Kildrukaun) / Sympathetic Warder (Pet Heal Proc) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Sympathetic+Warder)
12. Salve of Tobart (Pet Heal) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Salve+of+Tobart)
13. Bethun's Mending (Player Heal) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bethun's+Mending) / Salve of Artikla (Pet Heal) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Salve+of+Artikla)

Raid Lineup
  1. Vkjen's Maelstrom (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Vkjen%27s)
  2. Bloodmaw’s Bite (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bloodmaw%27s+Bite&class=bst&level=1&range=greater&expac=&order=asc&source=live&searchname=true&searchcastyou=true&searchcastother=true&searchlandonself=true&searchlandonother=true&searchwearoff=true&searchdescription=true&searcheffects=true)
  3. Frozen Malignance (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Frozen+Malignance)
  4. Restless Lance (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Restless+Lance) / Restless Roar (AoE DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Restless+Roar)
  5. Frostbite Lance (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Frostbite+Lance)
  6. Endaroky’s Chill (DD-DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Endaroky's+Chill)
  7. Neemzaq’s Endemic (DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Neemzaq's+Endemic)
  8. Ikatiar's Blood (DD-DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Ikatiar's+Blood)
  9. Growl of the Lioness (Self Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Growl+of+the+Lioness) - I use this instead of Grikor's Feralgia is because Feralgia requires you to have a pet out to get the Growl buff.
10. Dissident Fury (Group Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Dissident+Fury) / Composite Fury (Group Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Composite+Fury) - Compare and see if your Dissident is better than your current Rank of Composite.
11. Venomous Coalition (Alliance) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Venomous+Coalition)
12. Salve of Tobart (Pet Heal) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Salve+of+Tobart)
13. Bethun's Mending (Player Heal) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bethun's+Mending)

Spell Spam Lineup
  1. Vkjen's Maelstrom (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Vkjen%27s)
  2. Bloodmaw’s Bite (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bloodmaw%27s+Bite&class=bst&level=1&range=greater&expac=&order=asc&source=live&searchname=true&searchcastyou=true&searchcastother=true&searchlandonself=true&searchlandonother=true&searchwearoff=true&searchdescription=true&searcheffects=true)
  3. Frozen Malignance (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Frozen+Malignance)
  4. Restless Lance (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Restless+Lance) / Restless Roar (AoE DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Restless+Roar)
  5. Frostbite Lance (DD) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Frostbite+Lance)
    When all of the DDs are down hit one of the DD-DoTs.
  6. Endaroky’s Chill (DD-DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Endaroky's+Chill)
  8. Ikatiar's Blood (DD-DoT) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Ikatiar's+Blood)

Pet Buff Lineup
   Hobble of Spirits (AA #126) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Hobble+of+Spirits) - Pet Snare Proc, good to have for Group/Solo but not necessarily good for Raid.
   Taste of Blood (AA #666) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Taste+of+Blood&class=bst&level=1&range=greater&expac=&order=asc&source=live&searchname=true&searchcastyou=true&searchcastother=true&searchlandonself=true&searchlandonother=true&searchwearoff=true&searchdescription=true&searcheffects=true) - Pet buff that gives you pet a boost in damage when it gets kill credit.
   Spirit of Mandrikai (Pet Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Spirit+of+Mandrikai) - Pet Proc, is a DD/Stun Proc that reduces your Pet's aggro and also triggers a Pet Rune. This is what you will use most of the time.
   Astounding Velocity (Pet Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Astounding+Velocity) - Gives Haste, Hit Damage Bonus, Attack, AC and triggers the BL Group Haste Buff.
   Sympathetic Warder (Pet Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Sympathetic+Warder) - Pet Heal Proc, is a Heal Target's Target Proc that lasts for 20 triggers.
   Horasug's Aggression (Pet Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Horasug's+Aggression) / Horasug's Protection (Pet Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Horasug's+Protection) - Pet Type Buff, this buff is how you determine if your Pet is in DPS or Tank mode.
     Most of the time in raids you will use Aggression but on some raids AE Rampage is bad enough that you have to use Protection.

Burn Lineups

Main Burn
  1. Ikatiar’s Vindication (Disc) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Ikatiar's+Vindication) - While this is up get your DoTs on it and then spam Ikatiar's Blood as your Mana will allow.
  2. Frenzy of Spirit (AA #127) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Frenzy+of+Spirit)
  3. Bloodlust (AA #241) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bloodlust&class=bst&level=1&range=greater&expac=&order=asc&source=live&searchname=true&searchcastyou=true&searchcastother=true&searchlandonself=true&searchlandonother=true&searchwearoff=true&searchdescription=true&searcheffects=true)
  4. Bestial Alignment (AA #245) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bestial+Alignment)
  5. Frenzied Swipes (AA #1240) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Frenzied+Swipes)

Second Burn
  1. Savage Rancor (Disc) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Savage+Rancor)
  2. Spire of the Savage Lord (AA #1430) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Spire+of+the+Savage+lord)
  3. Fury of the Beast or Whatever version you have. (http://www.raidloot.com/Search.aspx?type=Armor&slot=Chest&source=RoS&class=Beastlord) (Chest Clicky /Useitem 17 or Item Name)
  4. Ruaabri's Fury (Disc) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Ruaabri's+Fury)

Third Burn
  1. Bestial Bloodrage aka Companion’s Fury (AA #443) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bestial+Bloodrage)   >:( [DON'T USE THIS AA WHEN PET TANKING]
  2. Ferociousness (AA #966) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Ferociousness)
  3. Group Bestial Alignment (AA #985) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Group+Bestial+Alignment)
Optional Burn - This can be combined with the Third Burn or used separately.
  1. Dissident Fury (Group Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Dissident+Fury) / Composite Fury (Group Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Composite+Fury)
  2. Wait for Dissident Fury / Composite Fury to wear off. (/Pause 250~)
  3. Forceful Rejuvenation (AA #7003) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Forceful+Rejuvenation) - If possible try to get Venomous Coalition refreshed as well for another DPS boost.
  4. Dissident Fury (Group Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Dissident+Fury) / Composite Fury (Group Buff) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Composite+Fury)

Other Notable Abilities
   Glyph of Dragon Scales 115+ (AA #5104) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Glyph+of+Dragon+Scales) - This great for survive ability on raids that have a lot of AEs, because if you are dead your DPS is 0.
   Glyph of Destruction 115+ (AA #5304) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Glyph+of+Destruction) - I prefer to keep this separate and to use it on raids that require heavy DPS due to the increased cost.
   Attack of the Warders (AA #981) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Attack+of+the+Warders) - AA is ~31k DPS over 105 seconds but they die to riposte and AEs on raids.
   Reflexive Riving (Disc) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Reflexive+Riving) - Due to the END boost it provides to the group I use this when the group is around 70-80% END.
   Enduring Frenzy (AA #2068) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Enduring+Frenzy) - I use this mostly on long raids and only on the raid boss since the adds don't last long enough for it to help.
   Roar of Thunder (AA #362) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Roar+of+Thunder) - I usually hit this with Burns to help get my aggro down, debuff the mob and when maxed does a 40k DD.
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Furro on September 06, 2018, 04:15:56 PM
ok so with the last patch group pact of the wolf from shamans was turned into an aura, 75% haste, see invis, ultra vision, 10,000 hp, mana, end..
however it blocks the bst pact of the wurine.. 35% accuracy, 56% move speed, 7,500 hp, mana, 110 mana regen.

group pact of the wolf only has 2,500 more hp, mana, enr more but we lose 35% accuracy and 110 mana regen, i blocked group pact of the wolf asap on dulcy the accuracy lose and 110 mana regen lose is not worth the 2,500 hp/mana... the haste is also moot as chanter haste will snag you at 225% anyways.

edit, tested out some bst skills to check with stacking, bestial savagery overwrites the accuracy from PotW but stacks with it. so we would still lose the 110 mana regen, 2,500 hp,mana, 10,000 end
but a lose of 110 mana regen does not seem worth it (bst dont use jack for endr so that 10,000 might as well not even be counted)

Thanks for the update, Krinni. :)

Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Furro on September 06, 2018, 04:17:29 PM
Beastlord Guide
All of the spells, disciplines and AAs have links to their spell data for the various ranks so you can see why the burns are put together to prevent overlap of bonuses that will not stack. If anyone has questions, tips, or comments on the setup let me know. ;D

Hi Paruaa,

Thanks for posting the spell and burn lineups.  Very clear layouts outlined, with links and notes.  :)

Title: Venomus Alliance
Post by: Paruaa on September 10, 2018, 08:36:53 AM
...the alliance spell imo is not even worth using 1 it uses up a spell gem slot, you need another bst to use 2 dots, wait for 1 to tick then use another dot (have not been able to test that but i think thats what was posted on the forums)...
Just wanted to let everyone know how the Beastlord Alliance works since there wasn't a followup to Krinni's post.
I have also included 2 basic GINA Triggers that will tell you when the Alliance has landed and when it has been Fulfilled.

Venomus Alliance (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Venomous+Alliance) in my opinion is definitely worth using. The Alliance can be triggered with any 4 Beastlord DoTs that land on the mob but requires at least 2 Beastlords because we only get 3 DoT Lines (Ekron’s Chill (Cold) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Ekron%27s+Chill), Elkikatar’s Endemic (Disease) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Elkikatar%27s+Endemic), Polybiad Blood (Poison) (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Polybiad+Blood)). The DoT Proc Bite of the Asp (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Bite+of+the+Asp) that we get from the Eagle's Strike (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=eagle's+strike) skill attack does not count towards the Alliance since it has zero mana cost. The DoTs can be in any combination, can have 4 BLs cast 1 DoT each, 2 BLs cast 2 each, 1 BL cast 3 Dots and 1 BL cast 1 DoT and so on, but they have to Land! So that means you have to keep in mind if the mob has a high resist to Cold/Disease/Poison or if one of those lines is not able to be used due to a mechanic.

A cool thing about this Alliance is that every Tick from a DoT that is active on the mob counts toward the 4 counters of the Alliance! Meaning that once 4 BL DoTs are on the mob multiple Alliances can be triggered from just those 4 DoTs when they Tick every 6 seconds which is a great help with mana conservation since our DoTs cost quite a bit.
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Sancus on September 12, 2018, 07:26:10 PM
No counters of Alliance can be used by the caster of the Alliance. Each DoT Tick uses 1 counter, and it has 4 total. That means you need one Beastlord other than yourself to be running 2 DoTs, in which case it will consistently fulminate in ~12 seconds (2 server ticks).

Definitely worth using, though, and one of the easiest alliances to fulminate.
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Paruaa on October 10, 2018, 11:45:35 PM
ok so with the last patch group pact of the wolf from shamans was turned into an aura, 75% haste, see invis, ultra vision, 10,000 hp, mana, end..
however it blocks the bst pact of the wurine.. 35% accuracy, 56% move speed, 7,500 hp, mana, 110 mana regen.

- Beastlord - Adjusted Pact of the Wurine to stack with the shaman ability Group Pact of the Wolf.

From latest Test Patch Notes.
So we longer have to choose come next Wednesday the 17th.
Title: Venomous Covenant
Post by: Paruaa on December 10, 2018, 09:06:27 PM
Here are the triggers for the new Beastlord Venomous Covenant spell.
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Paruaa on February 08, 2019, 07:41:33 AM
Beastlord Guide
All of the spells, disciplines and AAs have links to their spell data for the various ranks so you can see why the burns are put together to prevent overlap of bonuses that will not stack. If anyone has questions, tips, or comments on the setup let me know. ;D

Made a few updates to the guide for the new spells in TBL.
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Goburs on April 04, 2019, 09:43:20 PM
That's a great write up, thank you!
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Yelang on August 20, 2019, 10:09:20 PM
Beastlord Guide
All of the spells, disciplines and AAs have links to their spell data for the various ranks so you can see why the burns are put together to prevent overlap of bonuses that will not stack. If anyone has questions, tips, or comments on the setup let me know. ;D

Made a few updates to the guide for the new spells in TBL.

Thank you for doing this!
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: satash on October 10, 2019, 07:00:32 PM
as someone getting a bst ready to rummble for this is a great thing.

 but a few questions.

1st.  for dps are 2 1 handers or a 2hander better for dps?
2nd on that spell lineup what spells/aa/disc should i have set to a spam key for maxing out dps.
Title: Dual Wield vs 2HB
Post by: Paruaa on October 11, 2019, 02:47:24 AM
With changes in The Burning Lands a 2 hand blunt (2HB) weapon in most situations have become better DPS than dual wielding 1 hand weapons. You do lose the damage from your Gelid Rending AA, although you can still get a few procs from your skill attacks. with the change to the Burst of Power AA for Beastlords that adds an extra attack with 2HB weapons when Double Attack goes off we have now switched over to the 2HB club!

Quote from: Game Update Notes: October 24, 2018
- Beastlord - Burst of Power ranks 4+ now add a chance to hit one additional time when double attacking with a 2-handed weapon. (https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/game-update-notes-october-24-2018.252016/)

Also the Vindication line's (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Venon%27s+Vindication) does more melee damage with 2HB weapons than 1 hand weapons since it goes off of primary weapon.

10: 30% Chance to Repeat Primary Weapon Round at 44-46% Damage (Depending on Rank)

Then you add in the fact that we have a Hundred Hand effects (which is the lowering of weapon delay) that is up every ~36sec and two discs with it Dichotomic Fury (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Dichotomic+Fury) / Dissident Fury (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Dissident+Fury), Ruaabri's Fury (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Ruaabri's+Fury), and Frenzy of Spirit (https://spells.eqresource.com/spellsearch.php?name=Frenzy+of+Spirit). So if you weren't hitting Dicho/Diss Fury whenever it is up already you will now.

If you want to "Maximize DPS" you can Bandolier two 1 handed weapons to switch to when you don't have a Hundred Hands Effect running but i found that you have to switch so often that at some point you forget to requip the 2HB and end up hurting your DPS.
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Paruaa on October 11, 2019, 04:22:15 AM
Beastlord Guide
All of the spells, disciplines and AAs have links to their spell data for the various ranks so you can see why the burns are put together to prevent overlap of bonuses that will not stack. If anyone has questions, tips, or comments on the setup let me know. ;D

Updated the Guide with a few things people have been asking me about. Spell Spam cast order, Raid Melee Spam changes, Weapon choice ect.
Title: Beastlord Fade
Post by: Paruaa on November 03, 2019, 06:56:08 PM
Just in case no one noticed it in the Update Notes or doesn't pay attention to their AAs. In the last update on the 16th of October they made changes to the Fade abilities for ALL classes and finally gave Beastlords a Fade ability it is called Falsified Death.

*** AA ***

- All - Made the following changes to fade abilities for retuning and to provide a more consistent experience:
-- All AA escape abilities now have a 100% chance to succeed on opponents up to 5 levels above the caster.
-- Escape abilities trigger their secondary invisibility or sanctuary buffs regardless of proximity to attackers.
-- Escape abilities will reduce the amount of hatred any NPC the caster fails to escape from by 1 million points.
-- Escape abilities now have higher reuse times and resource costs for most classes, as this better reflects our vision for these abilities.
- - Pet Users - Summon Companion - Rank 2 now provides a 100% chance for your pet to escape combat from all NPCs. Removed ranks 3 and 4 of this ability and made rank 2 available in Underfoot. Ranks 1 and 2 now consume 1% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Beastlord - Falsified Death - This ability is now available at level 80 in Underfoot. This ability consumes 2% of your maximum mana to feign death, allows you to escape combat from NPCs up to 5 levels higher than you, allows your warder to escape combat from all NPCs, triggers Evader's Invisibility, and has a 2.5-minute reuse time. (https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/game-update-notes-october-16-2019.259886/)
Title: Multi Bind
Post by: Paruaa on November 09, 2019, 12:05:32 AM
Now please don't judge my UI too harshly... I will admit it is a bit messy.

I have my two spam keys as 3 (orange) and 4 (blue) as you can see and I also show what is in the hotkeys I have labeled Melee Spam/DD Spam.
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Paruaa on November 25, 2019, 03:49:12 AM
Beastlord Guide
All of the spells, disciplines and AAs have links to their spell data for the various ranks so you can see why the burns are put together to prevent overlap of bonuses that will not stack. If anyone has questions, tips, or comments on the setup let me know. ;D

Updated for the combination of Spires.
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Paruaa on January 04, 2020, 05:28:10 AM
Beastlord Guide
All of the spells, disciplines and AAs have links to their spell data for the various ranks so you can see why the burns are put together to prevent overlap of bonuses that will not stack. If anyone has questions, tips, or comments on the setup let me know. ;D

Updated for ToV spells and AAs.
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Ramelorm on October 25, 2020, 09:35:22 PM
ok so with the last patch group pact of the wolf from shamans was turned into an aura, 75% haste, see invis, ultra vision, 10,000 hp, mana, end..
however it blocks the bst pact of the wurine.. 35% accuracy, 56% move speed, 7,500 hp, mana, 110 mana regen.

group pact of the wolf only has 2,500 more hp, mana, enr more but we lose 35% accuracy and 110 mana regen, i blocked group pact of the wolf asap on dulcy the accuracy lose and 110 mana regen lose is not worth the 2,500 hp/mana... the haste is also moot as chanter haste will snag you at 225% anyways.

edit, tested out some bst skills to check with stacking, bestial savagery overwrites the accuracy from PotW but stacks with it. so we would still lose the 110 mana regen, 2,500 hp,mana, 10,000 end
but a lose of 110 mana regen does not seem worth it (bst dont use jack for endr so that 10,000 might as well not even be counted)

Thanks for the update, Krinni. :)

can we get a Pet line-up too please
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Ramelorm on October 25, 2020, 09:36:56 PM

can we get a pet buff line up too
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Paruaa on October 30, 2020, 11:32:14 PM
Added Pet Buff Lineup.

Beastlord Guide
All of the spells, disciplines and AAs have links to their spell data for the various ranks so you can see why the burns are put together to prevent overlap of bonuses that will not stack. If anyone has questions, tips, or comments on the setup let me know. ;D
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Paruaa on December 10, 2020, 03:09:10 AM
Updated for CoV.

Beastlord Guide
All of the spells, disciplines and AAs have links to their spell data for the various ranks so you can see why the burns are put together to prevent overlap of bonuses that will not stack. If anyone has questions, tips, or comments on the setup let me know. ;D
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Atog on April 20, 2021, 08:35:48 PM

can we get a pet buff line up too

Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: satash on August 24, 2021, 01:27:31 PM
question on gear. 

when it comes to belts.  the focus effects.  overdrive punch or the one that adds a flat 5k to all spells after crits.  which one is going be more overall dps or are they close enough to not really matter

Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: satash on May 06, 2023, 03:00:29 AM
anyone got a good update for NOS.  and how often do people use alliance.  I know for a few classes its not worth casting is. 
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Bumkus on June 22, 2024, 06:27:52 PM
Bumkus notes 6/22/2024

So I spent some time organizing my Beastlord notes today.  Thx to Raccoo, Zu and all the other people I’ve been bugging for help lately.

Anyway, as I was putting these notes together, I figured I would post them here for others to see.  Hopefully there are some useful nuggets.

Big Personal Burn
/disc Kejaan's Vindication
--> Spam Cold or Poison DoTs while Vindication running during Big Burn
/alt act 127 (Frenzy of Spirit)
/alt act 1240 (Frenzied Swipes)
/alt act 241 (Bloodlust)
/alt act 245 (Bestial Alignment)
--> Savage rancor* on BA fade
--> Ferociousness on Savage rancor fade
--> Group BA on Ferociousness fade

I handle transitions to Savage Rancor, Ferociousness, Group BA through my triggers.

Don't do Nukes while Dicho/Ruuabri's running, unless Bard quicktime is running.  Time spent casting is time NOT spent swinging.  Instacast DoTs are OK.

Dicho chain while burning
Dicho-->Ruaabri's-->Dicho-->Forceful rejuv-->Dicho
--> Note that Ruuabri's overwrites and blocks Dicho/Eliptic Fury, so make sure Ruuabri's is down before clicking Dicho
--> This will give you a full 1 min 30 sec for Fury, which will cover entire Bestial Alignment duration

Glyph notes
Glyph and Intensity of the Resolute do NOT stack
Only Glyph AFTER Shm epic fades.  I note this in my ADPS Shm Epic trigger

You cannot have too much.  I’m guessing I will need close to 5K hDEX (between gear, trophies, tribute, power source, etc) before I reach 100% crit rate, and that is with Rangers doing Auspice, Shm doing Ancestral Aid, Circles of Power and whatever else gets thrown out there during raids.

No procs on pets during raids
/blockspell add pet 16287 16528 46212 65378 32376 63747 16525 6278 3290 64145 61421 16329 49719 49713 64105 63063 63033 11538 49278 61566

No proc weaps on pets
Pierce weaps on pets better when grouped with Rogues
Blunt weaps better when grouped with Shaman

Pet Burn
/alt act 981 (Attack of the Warder)
/alt act 443 (Bestial Bloodrage)
-->  Don't use Bestial Bloodrage if pet tanking, due to de-aggro component

Potions that don’t overwrite each other
Gorowyn Fortified Drink -- 1hr 20 min
Hedgewizard brew or Dragonmagic Focus or Spectral Focus or Spider Bite -- Various durations
Refined Mana Tonic -- 6 hr 30 min
Burning Salad (if no Bard in group) -- 12 min
Mana Infusion -- 1 hr

Venomous Conjunction
Use often if there is at least one other BST in raid, but DON’T put it in a spam key.  You don’t want to fire it on some trash mob that is going to die in 10 seconds anyway
Also, it takes 4 BST DoTs to fire Conjunction, so don’t cast it if there is only one other BST in raid and you don’t have enough mana to cast any DoTs yourself (another reason not to put it in a spam key)
Have a trigger to catch other BST Conjunction casts, so you don’t overwrite theirs.  If you see a Conjunction cast, then only cast after other BST’s Conjunction fires.  A trigger is included in the Gina files below

Focused Clamor of Claws vs. Barrage of Claws
I have 2 separate combat spam keys for raids like Ankexfen Keep, where we need to stop doing AE after last boss hits 50%
If AE is not an issue, always use Barrage.  Even against a single target, it does more damage than Focused Clamor of Claws

Combat Focused
/pet swarm
/disc Wallop Rk.II
/alt act 11080 (Chameleon Strike)
/disc Focused Clamor of Claws Rk. III
/alt act 1239 (Consumption of Spirit)

Combat Barrage
/pet swarm
/disc Wallop Rk. II
/alt act 11080 (Chameleon Strike)
/disc Barrage of Claws Rk. II
/alt act 1239 (Consumption of Spirit)

Since our last 2 Lance spells share a timer now, I only multibind 4 spell slots, which I cast in this order
Xxx Maelstrom
Xxx Bite
Frozen Creep
Ankexfen Lance
For my last DD slot, I generally mem our AE Hoarfrost Roar.  But I manually click this instead on including it my multiband

I did a big clean up on my triggers today.  Some of these are triggers I made, and some came from other BSTs that were nice enough to share
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Bumkus on June 23, 2024, 09:12:23 PM

Autoactivate skills
Round Kick
Tiger Claw - Triggers Raven Claw attack debuff.  (I don't like using Eagle Strike, since it triggers a DoT and i don't like DoT'ing in an uncontrolled manner)

To Autoactivate, hold right click over Tiger Claw or Round Kick button and then select "auto activate"

And some cosmetic changes to BST Triggers.gtp 6/23/2023 4:02pm CST

Bestial Bloodrage
Changed trigger phrase from “<warder’s name> enters a bloodrage” to “You begin casting bestial bloodrage” so pet name is irrelevant
Also changed spelling of Audio Text to Speech so it sounds better

Venomous Alliance Fulfilled
Changed Display text to “BST Venomous resolved”, for consistency when they release the next version of Venomous “whatever”.

Deleted BST Fulmination triggers, since it is now covered by the Venomous Alliance fulfilled trigger

No changes to ADPS triggers.gtp
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Bumkus on July 20, 2024, 11:26:34 AM
I've been watching other BST Warder parses lately.  When blocking all procs on my Bear, i'm seeing other warders outparse him.  I going to do a little trial-and-error testing with what procs to block
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Darkweber on July 28, 2024, 06:21:37 PM
please let us know if we need to update our Pet buffs!
Title: Re: Beastlord guides
Post by: Bumkus on August 03, 2024, 09:33:03 PM
Here is what I'm trying for now.

Keeping these on Pet.
> Blackguard's Synergy Strike V
> Outrider's Synergy Strike V
> Unleashed Fury
> Kanghammer's Strike III

Also, casting Might of the Wild Spirit from 2.0 Spiritcaller Totem of the Feral.  It has a small proc, but also a double attack boost.

Definitely blocking SHM Eclyptic Roar on pet.  And not running any Pet/Pet Misc Buffs.  (I see other BST running Spirit of Shoru.  I'd be interested to hear their opinion on this.