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Messages - Nimolak

Pages: [1]
Freelance Ramblings / Re: Where is the honestly anymore
« on: February 08, 2011, 03:54:34 AM »
I really don;t see what you don't understand or why u keep trying to argue with something we've explain to you time again.

Yes your first raid with freelance was a dkp bid night mostly well that's life stuff happens and comes up. the dkp nights are for those who have been with freelance for awhile and yes it is totally fair to everyone in raid because it rewards those who have stuck with freelance. Also dont complain about how long its gonna take u to catch up to the veteran people they vetarn people have that dkp because they've been for for years, and yea ur gonna have to work for ur dkp and stick around if u want to spend im sorry if u thought u were gonna get handed free loot but sorry that's not how it works.

Now for the /ran  you were only seeing purity augs rolled for b/c we always roll for them to try twist or words by saying thats they only thing we /ran for cause thats how it always is. the Loot system is a 70/30 chacne for dkp/ /ran ( which furro already greatly detailed explained for you)

I don;t know how else you would like us to explain it to you but if ur gonna just gonna show up and complain about our system's which you seem to be the only one and not getting loot well then you can hit the road imo. Freelance is based on A LOT of old time EQ players that are respect and yes a lot of new peeps to but i will not have someone whine and complain on their first night show up at raids.

Sorry im being blunt to you but it takes commitment, patient, adversity, and balls to raid so it you can't handle that, well go try HoT T4 i hear they got some good group g gear.

Warrior / Re: Warrior DPS strat
« on: April 13, 2011, 03:16:51 AM »

update and modify a few things

Warrior / Re: Warrior DPS strat
« on: April 13, 2011, 03:11:07 AM »
Aye i do use Strategic Strike, but didn't put it in the the burn because of the recast on it, yes it very nice but only really worth it when the mob is about 10% or less. Shield Topple is half the recast time and you can use any time. A lot more beneficial in the long run.

And as to you using brutal on the last bit of the mob you really are not getting the most out of it at that time. you use brutal at the very begin because it is our strongest disc. Normally i'm in with a bard,shm,bst dps grp for burns. its best to use it first at that's when all the over crit buffs are being cast right off the back( all increase dmg %) . Like Warriors 2nd spire, bard 3rd spire, fierce eye, bard epic, shammy epic, auspice, Bst BA and CoP. all these effect the crit % for you. If you were to use Brutal at the very end your losing about 250% over crit from all the buffs i listed.

oo and update for you warriors reading over 26k dps with this burn so its good stuff.  8-)

Warrior / Re: Warrior DPS strat
« on: February 05, 2011, 05:45:57 AM »
OOOOOOO btw forgot to mention i've hit upwards between 17-18k DPS with this burn 8-)

Warrior / Warrior DPS strat
« on: February 05, 2011, 05:43:54 AM »
Ok so since the HoT expansion warriors have gotten a sick boost in melee from their improved Shield Specialist AA's along with other foci they've improved etc.. anyways warriors are up in the ranks on competing in parse's , as i know im normal in top 5 on burn events.

Just wanted to show a few thing i do for my burn.

Well First let me list a few things u'll need.

First have these disk available
Brutal Onslaught
Mighty Strike
Weapon Affiliation
Jab Through

Next the AA's you need are
Burst of Power (Passive)
Flurry( Passive)
Combat Fury ( Passive)
Ferocity ( Passive)
Weapon Affinity ( Passive)
Shield Specialist ( Passive)
Improved Shield Specialist ( Passive)
Veteran's Wrath ( Passive)
 and Enhanced Aggression ( Passive)

Next the AA's that aren't passive
Second Spire of the Warlord
Battle Leap
Knee Strike
Gut Punch
Vehement Rage
Rage of Rallos Zek

These are all the ones u need for basically Max DPS for warriors, here's the order i do my stuff in now.

First i have 3 hotkey's Called Burn 1,2 and 3 each are different.

Burn 1
line 1: /alt activate 1401 ( Second spire)
line 2: /alt activate 131 (Rage of Rallos Zek)
line 3: /discipline Brutal Onslaught
line 4: /alt activate 800 ( Vehement Rage)
line 5: /alt activate 611 ( Battle Leap) 

Now once brutal onslaught goes down i click my next hotkey
Burn 2
line 1: /discipline Mighty strike
line 2: /alt activate 801 ( knee strike)

Once mighty strike is down i click next hotkey
Burn 3
line 1: /discipline Weapon Affiliation
line 2: /alt activate 801 ( knee strike)
line 3: /alt activate 611 ( battle leap)

Once that's down next i just hit Jab Through if mob is still up.

Now during that i Spam the hell out of Bash and Shield Topple. Shield Topple is extremely awesome tome to have can do high damage and stun the mob.

but that's basically it, feel free to comment on it  8-)

Raid Performance / Re: + % damage mod question for Bard/War/Paladin
« on: April 13, 2011, 03:25:27 AM »
Well Bum for Warriors we have a few things

1. is our 2nd spire of the warlord
effect: Slot 10      
Description: Increase Skill Damage Amount (47)

2. is Vehement Rage
effect: Set Healing Effectiveness to -25%
Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 15%
Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 45%

3. is Battle Leap
effect: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 35%

Those are the 3 main ones that help us the most if i remember the others will post them under here.

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