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Messages - Smahlin

Pages: [1]
Freelance Ramblings / D3 Scheduling?
« on: March 30, 2011, 03:00:18 PM »
Just wondering what the schedule is for the Dragons, Dragons, Dragons raid looks like.  Each time it has been done I have been unavailable to play, so I want to try and plan a day for me to make this raid :)

Freelance Ramblings / Shadowknight Abilities
« on: March 11, 2011, 10:24:53 PM »
Just wanted to point out some abilities that may or may not be useful on raids that a Shadowknight could provide.  I am not familiar with current raid content yet, so this may be completely unhelpful (if this information already exists here I apologize, I didn't see it)

Snap Single Target Agro
Spells: Terror of Rerekalen, Terror of Jelvalak, Confrontation for Power
Purchase Quickened Terror AA ASAP.  Reduces Terror cast time to half a second. I rarely need more than two Terrors loaded to hold agro very easily.  I try to get Confrontation for Power in as second cast for agro.  Also the AA Cascading Theft of Defense provides Terrors with a chance to proc a Rune, which also provides some AE agro.

Snap AE Agro
Explosion of Hatred - Targeted AE Hate for fast agro on a large group of mobs even from far away. Half a second cast time. 2nd rank = Double the Hate
Explosion of Spite - PBAE Half Second cast Agro.  Shares same timer as Explosion of Hatred
Great for Snap Agro on a Group, Follow with More AE Hate:Loathing, Burst of Spite, Revile, Vilify
and the Shadowknight will basically have agro locked on a group of mobs.

Death's Effigy - Insta Cast FD + Fade
Hate's Attraction - Tosses mob into the air towards the Shadowknight
Hate's Attraction followed by Death's Effigy has worked for me many times ending with the mob standing right where I have FD'd.  This may be a good alternative if light on Monk/Bard Class.
Also somewhat noteworthy: Rigor Mortis Rank 2 is 9% chance to Fade, not that impressive but it's something.

DPS Abilities
Visage of Death - Not a suggestion, a Must have.  This ability IS our burn DPS.  Hasten this AA ASAP.  Use with Epic Clicky or Leechcurse for Accuracy Increase
First Spire - Load up the DoTs and this can provide great DPS especially if paired with Critical Affliction
Second Spire - Less Impressive than First Spire, but Melee Alternative.  I can't tell if this bonus stacks with Visage, I don't notice much of a difference with both up.
For my burns I pop epic then Visage of Death, load up 5 DoTs and pop First Spire.

Dire Restriction - STR and AC debuff + DOT
Insidious Blight - Lowers Disease Resist by 33 + a DOT
Aura of Darkness - Decreases Resists by 10
Torrent of Hate - Decrease ATK by 35, stacks with Druid ATK debuffs
Torrent of Pain - Decrease AC by 12 (not great but figured I'd mention)

Voice of Thule AA - Stinky Warrior can't hold agro?  Cast this AA/Spell on him
Summon Remains - Summons Target's Corpse(s) to them (across zone lines)
Theft of Hate - DD with Group ATK Buff

Freelance Ramblings / Re: Defensive changes incoming
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:33:17 PM »
i read this the day it came out and i am just wondering why they want to change it at all .. imo if a caster nabs agro from the tank .. they shouldnt' be able to stand up against the raid mob ..
Interesting, I hadn't seen this article until now.  I agree, if a caster gets agro of a raid boss they shouldn't be able to stand up long.  Tank should never lose agro or die ;) 

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