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Messages - Aandolas

Pages: [1]
Freelance Ramblings / Re: Who is Furro, really? Lets investigate!
« on: June 10, 2007, 04:28:24 PM »
It would be kind of fun to figure out who he really was though. Get some of the nitty gritty info on our fearless leader.

Freelance Ramblings / Introducing myself!!!
« on: June 10, 2007, 04:42:49 PM »
Hello, Aandolas here. Just trying to introduce myself. Im am but a mere 70 cleric who is working to better his character. I have all my Healing Adept AA's, Radiant Cures, about 10khp/9kmana raid buffed. I know its a far cry short of some but its me and I try to do my best with it. I have always wanted to join Furro's team. Anyways I hope to see everyone in game soon.

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