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Messages - Atog

Pages: [1]
Beastlord / Re: Beastlord guides
« on: April 20, 2021, 08:35:48 PM »

can we get a pet buff line up too

  • Horasug's Aggression ( Horasug's Protection if extra survivability is needed )
  • Ally's Unity
  • Spiritcaller Totem of the Feral ( epic )
  • Hobble of Spirits ( Pet AA in some raid events snare is bad, probably don't use this when raiding )
  • Companion's Aegis (Pet AA)
  • Taste of Blood (AA)
  • Companion's Intervening Divine Aura (Pet AA)
  • Sympathetic Warder

Warrior / Re: Warrior Hotkeys
« on: January 19, 2021, 01:45:51 PM »
this is already an amazing starting point

It really isn't. Zak's …scheme he laid out here is problematic in many details (really many more than it's worth going in to), but also in overall philosophy.

It works for him, that is plainly true: he tanks just fine, for a fine raid force, and for his own macro'd-to-the-gills-just-like-this-warrior-thing three box setup. But… but.

Putting abilities into socials hides them. Buries them. The re use timers are hidden, whether or not something failed to fire is hidden, knowing what was even tried relies entirely on the active memory of the user. Some socials are useful to spam, some aren't, and some are decidedly self-defeating to spam. Some combine well with specific others, some don't, or actively negate each other. All of which adds up to an especially bad situation for someone trying to learn or re-learn warrioring. Splitting abilities tactically is all but impossible, unless this is all laid out along side or on top of a more flexible UI. Which segues into a "meta" concern. This system doesn't gain anything for being systematic; there's no simplifying or streamlining. There are at least as many wonky little buttons as there are actual abilities!

It's true that warriors have a lot of a abilities to learn, and that can be daunting. Warriors have, probably, more abilities than they ought to, given substantial overlap. (I've "gone off" about that elsewhere.) My perspective is that hiding all those abilities in Zak's scheme is unhelpful for learning, and mostly unhelpful for playing even when the abilities are well-known. With the possible caveat of "unless you're Zak"

Is there a Szilent guide floating around? I'd read that  :D

Useful Shaman hotkeys for the event!

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