Not everyone plays this game in a min/max fashion. No one should have to do things they don't want to do with their $14.99 a month, which includes grinding endlessly if they'd rather go off and TS or do something that's fun for them.
I don't personally expect everyone to min/max their characters. However, there's no harm in promoting or inspiring others to enhance their level of play through a better understanding of their character and environment. A "better understanding" doesn't mean "complete understanding". Encouragement should be limited with respect to the target audience. Casual players are often not min/maxers to any degree. I would argue that very few raiders at the tier in which we raid are outliners or min/maxers.
Encouraging others to better their level of play can be accomplished through positive methods. Within an Open Raid team, the level of play and character development is all over the map. This is normal, and the hope is that as each player continues to raid, their level of skill evolves, along with their character.
Players often feel they've reached their peak, based on a flawed personal scale in my opinion. The scale used is subjective to each individual's view of reaching a point of diminishing returns. With a made up scale, one may never realise their true potential, because it's never put to the test against content or other players of similiar level, development and skill. This is where raiding truely draws out and tests those characteristics of play. Facets of EQ raiding require these aspects to various degrees. The tier of raid content also dictates whether or not a team must strive towards a new plateau of performance.
I'm not judging anyones personal playstyle, that's their choice. However, when one enters the realm of raiding, it's no longer all about personal choice. The good of the team deserves consideration also. A team won't advance, if the it's collective is thinking as individuals.
Raiders are molded over time, and not everyone will fit into the mold. Each person makes a conscious decision to raid. Those who raid with Freelance shouldn't expect results without putting forth the required effort. Positive encouragement directed at players in order to increase their performance, aids in the development of team players. Team players strengthen us as a force, which in turn help us push forward and progress into new content.
I strongly believe that improving our level of play is healthy, as long as it's not pushed to a point that it negatively affects the morale of the team. Comradery among Freelance raiders can be strengthened by each member taking a moment to self-evaluate, seek out, and consider others opinions/suggestions to improve their level of play. I certainly wouldn't take it personal if someone told me how to heal better, or improve on some other aspect seen as needing attention. I'm always trying to improve my gameplay on all levels. I'm probably more of a min/maxer, but I don't expect everyone else to be. We draw strength from each other, and our comradery binds us. We must use these bonds to support one another in the pursuit of better gameplay as a team. This is what Freelance is all about.
If you don't want those people raiding with you, that's fine, but be upfront about it. Freelance is already developing into a distinct raiding entity and moving away from its open raiding roots with this change in loot rules. I mean, hell, there's even a guild tag.
Recent changes to the Loot System were necessary.
Raid Attendance:Requiring a degree of participation in Freelance raids for a chance at a Flag/Key via Random is good for the team as a whole. I've been tracking flags for years, and I'm sure it's no surprise that there's a disturbing pattern of abuse for flag/keys. These abuses do nothing to aid in advancing Freelance in content that requires flags to raid.
This change was to close a vulnerability within the loot system, which directly hampers our ability to progress within an acceptable timeframe.
Ratio DKP/Random:70/30 increases the chance for gear to be spread among those who are active with Freelance. Landing DKP state always benefits the team (from the standpoint of gear distribution among active members in the roster), because those who bid on items, earned DKP by attending our raids. Therefore, those raiders put in time with Freelance, and potentially benefited the team as a result. The presence of Random still remains, and allows the possibility for someone new or with less activity, a chance at gear.
Freelance Guild:In response to the guild reference. Huevos created a guild called Freelance Raiders for is own personal use (he boxes group content often). His guild isn't associated with Freelance in any form though. I don't fault anyone for making the assumption of affiliation of his guild and Freelance, it's logical really.