Author Topic: ToV - The Great Divide - T1 - Restless Assault  (Read 5118 times)


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ToV - The Great Divide - T1 - Restless Assault
« on: January 30, 2020, 10:36:57 PM »
The Great Divide - T1 - Restless Assault

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: The Great Divide (near waterfall)
NPC Name: Zrelik the Brave
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)
Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: None.

Brief Event Overview

Friendly coldain citizens need protection from waves of giants.  If too many citizens die the event resets. 

Friendly NPCs are controllable to a degree by issuing commands to Zrelik the Brave.

Each stage has a giant boss with a special mechanic along with AEs and sometimes adds.

Bosses spawn at one of the random static locations throughout zone for each stage.


Assist MA.

Assigned tracker call location of boss.  Assigned puller (a bard if we have one), to pull the boss to base camp (riverbed at campfire near start NPC).

Boss   Strategy
Koldan Wallbreaker   When emoted get inside BLUE RING AREA; close to boss
Player death outside the blue ring causes "a restless hero" penalty add spawn
- Four "a restless Kromrif" adds
- Dry tank wolves; mezzed, until time to kill
Healers: Splash/Group Heals
- Mez wolves (a restless dire wolf)
- Charm any restless hero's and send to attack boss
MA: Kromrif, wolves then boss

Darikan the Ancient   Boss active and de-active.
Kill adds to re-activate boss
- a restless Kromrif
- a restless crystal
Healers: Splash/Group Heals
CC: Mez wolves (a restless dire wolf)
MA: Adds then boss

Endaroky Stormcaller   Boss AEs Storm of Lightning.  Back off for AE (goes off 4 times in row)
Direct melee DPS for 55 second window when AE not happening
- a restless Kromrif
- a restless dire wolf
Healers: Splash/Group Heals
CC: Mez wolves (a restless dire wolf)
MA: Adds then boss

Mandrikai   AVOID AURAs and Rhinoceros adds that rush to aura locations
- a restless Kromrif
- a restless dire wolf
Healers: Splash/Group Heals
CC: Mez wolves (a restless dire wolf)
MA: Adds then boss

Warlord Feri   STAY CLOSE TO BOSS.  AE Damage is range modded (closer is better for this one)
Tanks: No adds
Healers: Splash/Group Heals
MA: Boss

Huntmaster Grondo   FULL BURN ON BOSS
Mezzing Adds
- Dry tank adds (mezzing), "a shivering dire wolf"
- Shivering wolves stunnable
Healers: Splash/Group Heals
- MEZ "a shivering dire wolf"
- May be hit by short range and duration Silence from boss (Curse of the Wild)
MA: Boss first then adds

Narandi the Restless   Assist MA.  Boss splits, need to kill real one.
- Offtank Narandi copies
- a restless Kromrif
- a restless dire wolf
Healers: Splash/Group Heals
MA: Adds then real boss

MA Prep - In case regular MA absent - Steps identify Real boss during splits:

When boss splits into FOUR (copies; emote occurs), pick one to DPS down.
At 80%~ HP it can emote: Narandi the Restless melts, a pool of water appearing at its feet.
Look for blueish aura at feet of the boss.  If it has BLUE aura then SWITCH to another boss.
Repeat process until we get to a boss that doesn't have the AURA appear.
Concept is to kill the one that does not have the blue aura.
If blue aura never appears then we just kill that boss.

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics


a restless dire wolf   - Roams throughout and aggros friendly coldain or players if too close.
a restless Kromrif   - Various stages.  Doesn't cast spells.
A restless hero   - Image the Dead - Self buff.  Illusion: Target
- Player death add penalty
- Charmable
a restless crystal   N/A
- Spawn during Darikan the Ancient
A shivering dire wolf   N/A
- Spawn during Huntmaster Grondo
- Mezzable
- Stunnable

Koldan Wallbreaker

First boss when event starts. 

Spawns Kromrif adds.

Frozen Feet   151k DoT + Mana Drain + Snare (12s, 1000' range, single-target)
Hammer Slam   Caster PB 459k DD + Mana Drain (60' AE Range, single-target)
   Hammer Slam 10s~ warning:
Koldan Wallbreaker raises his great hammer in preparation of a stone-destroying strike. The cold is drained from the area around Koldan as he gathers it to cast outward.

Darikan the Ancient

Spawn Message: Darikan the Ancient rises from the snow and shouts, 'I am returned!'

Boss active and de-active. 

Spawns a restless crystal adds when de-active.

Kill adds to re-activate boss.

De-active / Active:
[Fri Aug 28 20:50:45 2020] Restless Ice forms over Darikan the Ancient, protecting him from harm.
[Fri Aug 28 20:51:10 2020] The Restless Ice retreats from Darikan the Ancient's body.

Ice Emote:
[Fri Aug 28 20:50:49 2020] Ice begins to flow out from Darikan and gather around his enemies.

Concentrating Ice   111k DoT + SNARE (12s, single-target, 1k' range)
   Lands on player: Ice moves to cover you.

Endaroky Stormcaller

Spawn Message: Endaroky Stormcaller shouts, 'I come, and the lightning comes with me!'

- a restless Kromrif
- a restless dire wolf

Storm of Lightning   222k + STUN (Target AE, 4x waves, 100' range)
   1st Person: Lightning strikes you!
   Warning Emote: Endaroky Stormcaller raises his arms and calls to the sky.


Spawn Message: Mandrikai roars, 'It is time to trample all of your hopes!'

AURAs spawn on ground and several indifferent restless rhinoceros adds rush to aura locations.

- a restless Kromrif
- a restless dire wolf

Rhinos incoming emote: A restless rhinoceros stomps its hoof and snorts.

Frozen Feet   151k DoT + Mana Drain + Snare (12s, 1000' range, single-target)
Warlord's Slash   278k DD + 15k MANA DRAIN + STUN (Caster PB, AE 150' range)
1st Person: The warlord's spear slashes you and takes your magic energy.
Warning Emote: The warlord smiles and twirls his spear.

Warlord Feri

Spawn Message: Warlord Feri screams, 'I am here to judge your bravery and I find it lacking!'

Three players targeted - One player must get boss attention briefly to save another player:

[Fri Aug 28 21:08:18 2020] You consider yourselves fighters? Then come and fight me. If even one of you can earn my attention I won't take the life of one of your charges. I challenge Leeyo, Agrajag, and Anjie.
[Fri Aug 28 21:08:48 2020] Anjie has proven themselves and protected their charges.

Frost Explosion   90k DD + STUN (Caster PB)
Range Based Mod: 100% at 0' to 400% at 300'
   1st Person: You are hit with a staggering blast of frost.
   Warning Emote: Warlord Feri begins to exude a deadly cold.
- Range based Dmg AE.  Close to boss 100% Dmg.  Far away 400% damage

Huntmaster Grondo

Spawn Message: Huntmaster Grondo howls and many wolves howl their response.

Spawns shivering dire wolf adds.  Mezzable and stunnable.

Boss adds spawn:
Huntmaster Grondo lets out a long, drawn out howl. You hear an echoing, ghostly howling response from many throats.

Boss strengthens adds:
Huntmaster Grondo lifts his head and howls. The sound echoes across the landscape, granting strength to all wolves.

Frozen Feet   151k DoT + Mana Drain + Snare (12s, 1000' range, single-target)
Curse of the Wild   SILENCE (6s, Target AE, 80' range)
   1st Person: You are cursed!

Narandi the Restless

Spawn Message: Narandi the Restless appears out of the mist and snow. He says nothing, but you sense his presence as he moves forward to attack.

Boss Copies and water:
[Fri Aug 28 21:19:25 2020] Narandi appears to shatter. The restless ice that was covering his rotted corpse reforms into what appear to be several exact copies.
[Fri Aug 28 21:20:10 2020] Narandi the Restless melts, a pool of water appearing at its feet.
[Fri Aug 28 21:21:35 2020] Narandi the Restless melts, a pool of water appearing at its feet.
[Fri Aug 28 21:21:59 2020] A shell of restless ice falls away to reveal the true Narandi the Restless!

- a restless Kromrif
- a restless dire wolf

Frozen Feet   151k DoT + Mana Drain + Snare (12s, 1000' range, single-target)
Mystical Flying Spear   269k DD + Mana Drain 18k
Range Based Mod: 0% at 100' to 300% at 650'
   1st Person: A ghostly axe strikes you.
   Warning Emote: Narandi roars and twirls his axe.
- Targets 12 random players at a time and marks them (1 point damage)
Wild Spear Swing   290k DD + Mana Drain 10k (Caster PB, 100' AE range)
   1st Person: You are struck by a massive axe.
- May target AE at players previously marked by Mystical Flying Spear

[Fri Aug 28 21:22:40 2020] A ghostly axe begins to form, shadowing Narandi's physical axe.
[Fri Aug 28 21:22:49 2020] A ghostly axe strikes you.
[Fri Aug 28 21:23:04 2020] You are struck by a massive axe.

Map Locations

Map file: greatdividetwo_2.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Boss spawn locations (WIP)

Code: [Select]
P -803.7060, 347.8814, 112.2175,  240, 0, 0,  3,  RS_1
P 1138.3041, 831.7130, -59.4825,  240, 0, 0,  3,  RS_2
P -741.0898, 1463.2422, -235.0410,  240, 0, 0,  3,  RS_3

Start event

Keyword to trigger event: starts


[Sat Jan 25 20:21:29 2020] You say, 'Hail, Zrelik the Brave'

[Sat Jan 25 20:21:29 2020] Zrelik the Brave says, 'We are so glad to see you! I hope you do not plan to [leave]. I was worried that help would never arrive. I think you may have come just in time. The last scouts we sent out have not returned and I fear that this means that those... shambling behemoths are returning. When it all [starts] to happen, I would be very, very grateful if you would help us. I need to know where to send my people to defend our citizens, who have been holding up where they can.'

[Sat Jan 25 20:21:30 2020] You say, 'starts'

[Sat Jan 25 20:21:31 2020] Zrelik shouts, 'By Brell's frozen beard! Can you feel that? They come!'
[Sat Jan 25 20:21:31 2020] Zrelik the Brave says, 'By Brell's frozen beard! Can you feel that? They come!'


- Zero Command
-- Do not activate any coldain defenders.

- Zero Tolerance
-- Do not allow any adventurers to become restless dead.

- Zero Loss
-- Ensure that no coldain civilians die.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  09-03-2020 (12:22pm)  Stage 1 - Koldan Wallbreaker
- 1 - Restless Corpse - Your bones chill - MOVE CLOSE TO BOSS
- 2 - Restless Corpse - You can no longer feel your limbs - MOVE CLOSE TO BOSS
- 3 - Restless Corpse - The cold stops your heart - FAILURE - A restless hero add spawns

Stage 2 - Darikan the Ancient
- Darikan the Ancient - Immune from damage
- Darikan the Ancient - Vulnerable
- Darikan the Ancient spawned

Stage 3 - Endaroky Stormcaller
- Endaroky Stormcaller spawned
- Endaroky Stormcaller - Storm of Lightning - AE Waves 4x 222k DD + Stun

Stage 4 - Mandrikai
- Mandrikai spawned
- Rhinos - Look Out! - A restless rhinoceros stomps its hoof and snorts.

Stage 5 - Warlord Feri
- Warlord Feri spawned
- Three players targeted - One player must get boss attention briefly to save another player
- Got Boss Attention - Success - Player has proven themselves and protected their charges.

Stage 6 - Huntmaster Grondo
- Huntmaster Grondo spawned

Stage 7 - Narandi the Restless
- Narandi the Restless - A shell of restless ice falls away to reveal the true Narandi the Restless!
- Narandi the Restless - Melts, a pool of water appearing at its feet.
- Narandi the Restless - Splits into Copies

- Event Start

Healers &
  Healers (addon)  09-03-2020 (12:22pm)  - Healers - Hammer Slam - SPLASH / GROUP HEAL
-- Koldan Wallbreaker - Hammer Slam - Caster PB 459k DD + Mana Drain (60' AE Range, single-target)


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 07:31:03 PM by Furro »


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Re: ToV - The Great Divide - T1 - Restless Assault
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2020, 07:07:14 PM »
Furro - Here are 2 of the Raid Spawn locations that I have marked on my map. I believe Dimbly got a third location last night.

P -803.7060, 347.8814, 112.2175,  0, 0, 0,  3,  RS_1
P 1138.3041, 831.7130, -59.4825,  0, 0, 0,  3,  RS_2


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Re: ToV - The Great Divide - T1 - Restless Assault
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2020, 11:33:12 PM »
Furro - Here are 2 of the Raid Spawn locations that I have marked on my map. I believe Dimbly got a third location last night.

P -803.7060, 347.8814, 112.2175,  0, 0, 0,  3,  RS_1
P 1138.3041, 831.7130, -59.4825,  0, 0, 0,  3,  RS_2

Thanks Raiena.

I've added the locs to the strategy post and also included a map file.

Changed markers to red color.  The map file is level 2, so people can filter out other levels that usually have NPC names and rares.

Trigger Package Updated

Added triggers for stage three.  Minor edit to existing spawn trigger.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2020, 11:39:07 PM by Furro »


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Re: ToV - The Great Divide - T1 - Restless Assault
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2020, 11:53:30 PM »
P -741.0898, 1463.2422, -235.0410,  240, 0, 0,  1,  RAID_-_SW

Here is the 3rd location I have.


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Re: ToV - The Great Divide - T1 - Restless Assault
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2020, 12:01:49 AM »
P -741.0898, 1463.2422, -235.0410,  240, 0, 0,  1,  RAID_-_SW

Here is the 3rd location I have.

Thanks Dimbly.  I added the loc to the map.


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Re: ToV - The Great Divide - T1 - Restless Assault
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2020, 09:08:25 PM »
Friday, August 28, 2020 - Restless Assault defeated!

Nice work all!

See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: ToV - The Great Divide - T1 - Restless Assault
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2020, 04:45:34 PM »
Thursday, September 3, 2020 - Strategy and Trigger Packages Add/Updated

Strategy post updated.

Trigger Packages

There are two packages.  Be sure to download the "Everyone" package and then download the addon accordingly (Healers & Paladins).


See everyone in-game! :)