Shar Vahl, Divided - T1 - Pit Fight
Zone & Instance InfoGather Zone: | | Shar Vahl, Divided |
NPC Name: | | Sergeant Hujiid |
NPC Location: | | Find path (CTRL-F) |
Keyword to Enter: | | prepared |
Flag & Key RequirementsZone Flag: | | None |
Event Key: | | None |
Group Mission: | | None |
Event Flags: | | None |
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* Minimum to be
Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement
Brief Event OverviewThree grimling clan leaders spawn as their minions are killed. Clan leaders activate once all adds killed.
Each clan leader has an aura and various emotes.
Hargil Bloodpoint - BLUE Aura - Spell Resistance effect.
Giplik Unseen - GREEN Aura - Melee Slow effect.
Giplik Unseen - Targets locations with
Shattering Dart - AURA - 600k Caster AE (60' range, rainbow colored).
Kyklim Bonebinder - PURPLE Aura -
Fatal Curse - Mana Drain DoT, casts 750k DD on Duration Fade (
Final Fate).
Adds continuously spawn throughout the event.
StrategyKill waves of adds until each clan leader spawns.
During waves of adds, stun Blacksouls to prevent skeleton adds.
Clan Leaders Active:
Clan leaders spawn adds at HP and timed intervals. Keep pace with adds.
Everyone avoid rainbow auras. Achievement: Unshattered - Don't allow anyone to be hit by a Shattering Dart.
Players assigned to each clan leader engage and assist your MA when called upon for adds.
MA1 - MELEE - Priority Skeletons, then other adds
CASTERS - Giplik Unseen - GREEN
GROUPS 2 and 8 ONLY - Kyklim Bonebinder - PURPLE - G8 pull and tank skeletons at raid (unless doing Achievement: Stay Close)
- Tank clan leader where it spawns
- Avoid overlapping clan leader auras
- Kill Giplik Unseen first, divert to Runners when called upon via MA2
- When Giplik Unseen dead, kill Kyklim Bonebinder then Hargil Bloodpoint
-- Hargil Bloodpoint is a belly caster, you'll need to be on top of boss to damage
Image by Raiena
MA Kill Order: Skeletons, Runners, etc., Giplik, Kyklim then Hargil
That's it for now!
This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.
* Friendly reminder:
Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.
Details of NPCs/Mechanics
Clan LeadersLeaders active emote:
Three grimling voices shout in defiance. The clans leaders unite against the common foe.Giplik Unseen | | Shadebond - Melee Slow DoT (single target, 12s duration) |
| | |
| | Effect Message: Shade wraps around you, hindering your arms. |
| | |
| | Note: - Shadebone is green aura - Shadebond effect when in player in green aura
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| | Shattering Dart - AURA - 600k Caster AE (60' range) |
| | |
| | Warning Emote: Giplik Unseen aims multiple arrows. |
| | |
| | Effect Message: Darts explode around you. |
| | |
| | Note: - Rainbow colored aura - Occurs at 45s intervals - Achievement: Unshattered - Don't allow anyone to be hit by a Shattering Dart.
Example: [Thu Jan 12 22:59:27 2023] Giplik Unseen aims multiple arrows. [Thu Jan 12 22:59:37 2023] MrFlute has taken 365866 damage from Shattering Dart by .
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Hargil Bloodpoint | | Swirling Spear - 500k Caster AE + Stun (50' range) |
| | |
| | 1st Person: The butt and blade of a spear slam into you repeatedly. |
| | |
| | Note: - Hargil Bloodpoint has blue aura - Runner emote occurs every 1 minute 10 seconds.
- Emote: Hargil Bloodpoint twirls his spear. - Emote: Hargil Bloodpoint kicks a runner in the back-side and it runs towards the cave.
Example: Spear [Sat Jan 07 22:52:05 2023] Hargil Bloodpoint twirls his spear.
Example: Runner [Sat Jan 07 22:52:40 2023] Hargil Bloodpoint kicks a runner in the back-side and it runs towards the cave.
| | |
Kyklim Bonebinder | | Fatal Curse - Mana Drain DoT (single target, 36s duration) |
| | Cast: Final Fate on Duration Fade - 750k DD |
| | Effect Message: Kyklim's curse falls. |
| | |
| | Note: - Fatal Curse is purple aura - Fatal Curse effect when in player in purple aura - Fatal Curse goes away when player leaves aura
- Final Fate does not fire on fade of Fatal Curse when Kyklim Bonebinder is inactive (stage 1)
- Skeleton adds spawn 1 minute 15s.
Example: Curse [Sat Jan 07 22:52:36 2023] Kykim's curse delivers its final fate.
Example: Skeletons [Sat Jan 07 22:52:41 2023] Kyklim Bonebinder quickly summons the dead.
AddsVarious adds spawn throughout event.
Wave 1 | - | Warblood | - | The warblood scout shouts a war cry and runs away. |
Wave 2 | - | Skirmisher | - | The skirmisher scout fires a dart that makes a hideous sound and runs away. |
Wave 3 | - | Blacksoul | - | The blacksoul scout summons allies and runs away. |
a blacksoul | | -- |
| | |
| | Note: - Stun to prevent skeleton adds
Example: [Thu Jan 12 22:53:48 2023] A blacksoul stunned and the ritual casting is slightly slowed.
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A blacksoul defender | | -- |
| | |
| | Note: -
| | |
a grimling hunter | | -- |
| | |
| | Note: - Special - Snareable
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A skeleton | | Thrown Spear - 500k DD (single target) |
| | 1st Person: A spear punctures you in a painful way. |
| | |
| | Note: - Penalty add during add waves if blacksouls not stunned -- Emote: Bones clatter, form, and animate.
- Timed adds once Clan Leaders active from Kyklim Bonebinder -- Emote: Kyklim Bonebinder quickly summons the dead.
| | |
A skirmisher | | Thrown Spear - 500k DD (single target) |
| | 1st Person: A spear punctures you in a painful way. |
| | |
| | Note: -
| | |
A skirmisher elite | | Piercing Arrow - 550k DD + 500k DoT (single target, 12s duration) |
| | 1st Person: An arrow cuts through you. |
| | |
| | Note: - Mezzable
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A skirmisher guard | | -- |
| | |
| | Note: -
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a warblood | | -- |
| | |
| | Note: -
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a warblood recruit | | -- |
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| | Note: -
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a warblood runner | | -- |
| | |
| | Note: - Special - Snareable
Example: Runner reaches cave [Sat Jan 07 22:56:57 2023] The runner reaches the cave and summons reinforcements.
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Start EventEvent is triggered by hailing Sergeant Hujiid.
- Unshattered
-- Don't allow anyone to be hit by a Shattering Dart.
- Run Runner
-- Don't let any runners escape.
- Stay Close
-- Keep all of the grimlings near their leader at all times.
Event Reset:
[Sat Jan 07 22:57:30 2023] a blacksoul defender, with time to consider, calls the grimlings to return to their defensive positions.
AurasThe following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras. Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.
To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab. On that page there's a
Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.
Map LocationsMap file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).
Corner Locations:
Labels submitted by: Soandso
Other labels for group zone:
Text & Audio Triggers - MandatoryEveryone | | Main Package | | 2023-01-19 (5:01pm) | | - Add Spawn - Skeletons - Bosses - Active - Hargil Bloodpoint - Add Spawn - Runner - Kyklim Bonebinder - Add Spawn - Skeletons - Shattering Dart - Rainbow Aura - Get Out of Aura
- Event Reset - Event Start
Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.
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GINA Issues? Help Below:
If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read
Ssark's GINA Manual. If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the
Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the
Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).