Author Topic: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok  (Read 11379 times)


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EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:06:55 PM »
Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Scorched Woods
NPC Name: Praetor Garont
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)
Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: Achievement: Di`Zok Royal Seal (12/12)
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: N/A.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

Go through fake wall to enter library event area.  Event triggered by talking to Prince Selrach Di`Zok.  Room seals off once event started.

Prince attacks and shortly after two alchemists spawn (a master alchemist).

There is a purplish-black aura that descends randomly covering about half of the room in three blocks that run from the bottom of the lower level to the top of the upper level.  When in the aura you are hit with a DoT + Blind.  When the aura descends, Prince is relocated.  The aura must be lifted in a timely fashion to resume the event, or an event failure occurs.

Throughout the room are various braziers (flames in pots).  Flames have different colors.

Coded emotes appear from a ghostly voice one minute apart.  These appear to coincide with portions of the room going dark.

A Worn Notebook spawns on the table near where Prince is initially located.  The book contains three (3) numbers.  These numbers correlate with related emotes from a ghostly voice.  The numbers are used to decipher the ghostly emotes (positionally), which then reveals the location of the correct brazier to light.  Each event reset appeared to spawn a new book, so a new set of numbers.

Each Master Alcehmist drops a torch clicky item.  The torch is taken and clicked near the appropriate brazier.  Upon clicking, the aura leaves the room and the library lights up.

The Prince then becomes active (attackable) again.


Main raid, on steps/ramp area.

Brazier mechanic co-ordinated by Dimbly, with assigned Clickers.


Main Tank Position Prince at bottom of the ramp; on the floor, a bit away from the steps.  This helps avoid AE Rampage from hitting raid.

Main Tanks, it'll be handy if you have the map file with the Brazier locations, because you're responsible for pulling the Prince back to the raid each time the room is relit.

Alchemist Tanks - Position these on the ramp, so casters have clear line of sight.

Braziers, Ghostly Emotes, & Book

Dimbly has compiled an overview:

Following the event start, Prince attacks, the room is sealed, and  a book containing three (3) numbers spawns on the table. 

These 3 numbers are the cypher to unlock the message from the "ghostly voice." 

The ghostly voice gives 3 lines of clues to locate the braziers, 1 minute apart.

[Wed Feb 01 21:42:49 2017] a ghostly voice shouts, 'Blue, Red, East, Upper, South, West, Green, Lower, North.'
[Wed Feb 01 21:43:49 2017] a ghostly voice shouts, 'North, South, Red, Upper, Lower, Blue, East, West, Green.'
[Wed Feb 01 21:44:49 2017] a ghostly voice shouts, 'West, South, Red, Blue, Lower, East, North, Green, Upper.'

The cypher changes every time the event is spawned.  In this case the cypher is 2, 4, 9.   The numbers correspond to the word positions in the phrase from the ghostly voice.  Using the example emotes above, would translate to the following locations: 

Red, Upper, North
South, Upper, Green
South, Blue, Upper

These descriptions indicate specific brazier locations.  The lower floor has 4 braziers - 1 in each corner of the room.  The upper floor has 8 braziers - 1 in each corner of the room, 2 close together at the top of the ramp on the East side, and 2 opposite on the balcony on the West side.

Lower Level

Upper Level

As we mentioned before, when the event starts 2 Master Alchemist spawn.  When these mobs are killed they drop an Alchemist's Torch.

This torch is to be taken and clicked near the appropriate brazier.  The brazier is not targetable, but merely being in its proximity when the torch is clicked is enough to satisfy the script.  The aura leaves and the room lights up. 

[Fri Feb 03 21:42:20 2017] Reyek lights the key brazier, illuminating the entire library!

Upon entering the aura, you have 6 seconds to click the torch at the proper brazier before you are hit with Necromantic Nightfall.  Don't dawdle imo.  When the torch carrier dies and/or when the event resets the torch poofs.

Further Master Alchemist spawn seem to be tied to % points in the Prince's health.  They spawn in pairs and again drop more torches when dispatched.

Brazier Map File & Locations

Map file: chardoktwo_1.txt (includes regular zone quest NPCs etc).

Locations for map file - If you choose not to use the above map file, the locs below can be manually added to your map file:
Code: [Select]
P 285.2816, 912.8037, -271.4573,  240, 0, 0,  3,  RED
P 316.0179, 1050.4685, -271.4688,  0, 0, 240,  3,  BLUE
P 19.5829, 1051.5262, -271.4901,  0, 240, 0,  3,  GREEN
P 17.2602, 908.5471, -273.5217,  0, 240, 0,  3,  GREEN
P 17.7847, 862.5322, -273.5136,  240, 0, 0,  3,  RED
P 9.7267, 725.5773, -271.5114,  0, 0, 240,  3,  BLUE
P 324.6831, 724.2117, -273.5404,  240, 0, 0,  3,  RED
P 284.0378, 862.3238, -271.4541,  0, 0, 240,  3,  BLUE
P 103.4967, 964.0565, -301.0559,  0, 127, 0,  3,  GREEN
P 224.8379, 962.0293, -299.3755,  0, 0, 127,  3,  BLUE
P 92.9422, 812.7885, -303.4168,  0, 0, 127,  3,  BLUE
P 236.1281, 811.4648, -300.0935,  127, 0, 0,  3,  RED

Periodic Purplish-Black Aura

There is a purplish-black aura that descends randomly covering about half of the room in three blocks that run from the bottom of the lower level to the top of the upper level.  When in the aura you are hit with a DoT + Blind (Chilling Gloom, Necromantic Nightfall [ when in proximity to correct braizer ]).

Chilling GloomBlind + 26k DoT + Snare (12s, 1k range, single-target)
Pattern: You are enveloped in chilling darkness.
Necromantic NightfallBlind + 168k DoT + Snare + Decrease Healing by 30%
Pattern: Darkness enters your bones and you become very weak.

Prince Selrach Di`zok

AE Rampages.

Whirlwind    Single-target 193k DD + Mana drain + STUN (1k range)

Master Alchemists

Charring ConcoctionTarget AE DoT 59k, Increase Spell Dmg taken by 140%, reverse DS
Pattern: The potion explodes, unleashing a raging fire that engulfs you.
Contagious ConcoctionDecreases Dodge, Melee SLOW, Casting Interrupt, MANA/ENDURANCE DRAIN (2000/1000, tick)
Pattern: The bottle shatters and a vile, contagious gas surrounds you.
Viral: Affects 3 targets max.  Target AE, Viral Range 50'
Freezing Concoction200k Target AE
Pattern: The potion bursts, enveloping you in frost.


Achievements for reference, and provide clues to event.

Never Give up     Win without allowing the event to reset.
Maximum AngerWin while allowing the Prince to become fully enraged.
Light in the Proper DarknessWin while only lighting the indicated braziers, never any of the others.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone GINA File: eok-chardok-prince-selrach-dizok-02-04-2017-727pm.gtp (updated 02-04-2017 (7:27pm))

Everyone - Trigger set includes:
- Event started
- Event reset
- Chilling Gloom - You are enveloped in chilling darkness. (for now, action: move out of the darkness), this may change.
- Ghostly emote message (in a sub-folder), displays overlay of the coded emote.
- Ghostly location (display/audio/overly)
- Brazier Lit - Library illuminated (indicating Prince active)

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:56:36 PM by Furro »


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2017, 06:26:37 AM »
Freelance team,

i have done this event with ROTE and here is how they did it

Form on Stairs and Shrink
start event
Bards will travel around room after  RL announce /loc
Main Raid  will engage Prince on Stairs
Secondary tank will engage  two alchemists spawn, entire raid will BURN DPS  two alchemists spawn, while MT keeps prince occupied ( yes 3 targets up at sametime )


let start using TEAM SPEAK, it will make the rest of the raids alot easier, from here on out it is not feasible  to type faster enough and keep up with current raid events and give direction, For example the VAULT !!!!!
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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2017, 06:34:56 AM »
Update - Friday, February 2, 2017

Sized up this event tonight.  Confirmed our theory on braziers mechanic.  Made good progress with 43 in raid.  We ended up getting boss to 55% before calling it a night.

If we can sport a similar turnout on Saturday, we're looking to take another run at it.

Thanks all who were able to stay a little overtime to get the attempts in.

See everyone in game!
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 06:39:02 AM by Furro »


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2017, 11:41:44 AM »
We really don't care how ROTE does it, as a raid team we enjoy the challenge and fun of developing our own strategy for targets.

At least to the 55% point we got him to, this seems like a straight up DPS event while the brazier team does their thing.  I would imagine with a full turn out, this should go down tonight!


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2017, 12:18:34 PM »
We really don't care how ROTE does it, as a raid team we enjoy the challenge and fun of developing our own strategy for targets.

At least to the 55% point we got him to, this seems like a straight up DPS event while the brazier team does their thing.  I would imagine with a full turn out, this should go down tonight!

noted, but your 2 cent worth is really not appreciated and should be kept to yourself!!!!

i was passing on info so that FL maybe able to bet it
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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2017, 04:45:00 PM »
No, not exactly.  RAID leadership makes it quite clear that they do not want input on how other guilds do events, and want to figure out events and build our strategy for ourselves.  That is part of what makes raiding enjoyable for a lot of people, working together to figure it out and building a strat together.  Raid leadership does not want to deprive or take away that experience for those raiders that desire it.  Raid leadership makes that quite clear during raids on newer events.  So this is not my opinion, but the opinion and wishes of the raid leadership. 

I appreciate you jumping down my throat without knowing the facts though.  Maybe if you raided with freelance instead of rote you would have been aware of that. 

« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 04:53:41 PM by Padraigg »


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2017, 11:34:02 PM »
Triggers Updated - Saturday, February 4, 2017

Added the following triggers to help with the Brazier locations and library illuminated indicating Prince is active.

Please delete the old triggers BEFORE importing new.  Ensure they are toggled ON.  Thanks.

- Ghostly location (display/audio/overly)
- Brazier Lit - Library illuminated (indicating Prince active)


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2017, 03:41:21 AM »
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Prince Selrach Di`zok defeated!  Smooth first win, good job torch lighters and nice work everyone else!


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2017, 01:11:09 AM »
Update - Tuesday, February 7, 2017

- Updated Overview and Strategy area.
- Included addition mob/spell details.
- Brazier additions, clarifications.
- Added Brazier Map file and /locs.

Note, the map file will be handy not just for Brazier clickers, but for the MTO who is responsible for pulling Prince back to the raid each time the room is relit.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 01:13:55 AM by Furro »


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2017, 01:42:22 AM »
So, I think I noticed something tonight out of the blue, no idea why it caught my eye.  Seems we only get the dot from the alchemists when they face each other, and the combinations of color potions they're carrying I believe dictate which ae we get (blue/blue - freezing, red/red - charring, red/blue - contagious).  Once I initially noticed a possible connection, I was able to confirm each time they faced each other, I got hit with a dot.  The few times they didn't face each other, I got nothing.


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2017, 03:13:32 AM »
So, I think I noticed something tonight out of the blue, no idea why it caught my eye.  Seems we only get the dot from the alchemists when they face each other, and the combinations of color potions they're carrying I believe dictate which ae we get (blue/blue - freezing, red/red - charring, red/blue - contagious).  Once I initially noticed a possible connection, I was able to confirm each time they faced each other, I got hit with a dot.  The few times they didn't face each other, I got nothing.

Interesting Kianara!  We can try facing them away from each other next run.  Thanks for posting, appreciated!


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2017, 03:28:14 AM »
There were times they were both facing the same direction, one behind the other, and I didn't get hit with anything.  But the second the front one turned around and faced the back one, I got a dot.  So they don't necessarily have to be facing away from each other, just not TOWARDS each other.  Easiest would be to face them away though, so if one spins it doesn't face the other.


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Re: EoK - Chardok - T2 - Prince Selrach Di`zok
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2017, 05:43:48 AM »
This is a shaman fail. The should have caught it.