Author Topic: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA  (Read 49865 times)


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Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:28:34 PM »
Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
*[04/12/2018] UPDATED: Ring of Scale Expansion *

Debuffs have the single biggest impact in our DPS.  ALL debuffs are assigned to individuals of select classes, by Spell/AA name(s), at the time of raid.

Current Debuff List

Contributors: Vanlor, Volk, Felden, Netn, Nuebe -- Special thanks for your Spell/AA insight, recommendations and support!  Also thanks to others who've replied with contributes to this thread, and/or in-game!

Note: When and where buff order matters, is indicated within the description area.
Harmony of SoundUnresistable - Decrease FIRE, COLD, MAGIC Resist
Dance of Blades (AA)Self buff, but can proc Bladewhirl (resistible) - SLOW, Decrease AC, and FIRE, COLD, MAGIC Resist
Funeral Dirge (AA)Increase Hit Damage Taken by 22%
Blessing of Ro (AA)Decrease AC and Attack (Fixation of Ro I)
Decrease AC, Attack and FIRE Resist (Blessing of Ro V)
Glistening FrostDecrease AC and Attack
Skin to SumacIncrease Incoming Spell Damage by 2-12% (FIRE)
Overwhelming SunrayDoT + Decrease FIRE Resist and AC
Increase Spell Damage Taken (FIRE)
Pearlescent MoonbeamDoT + Decrease COLD Resist and AC
Increase Spell Damage Taken (COLD)
Frostreave Breath Increase Spell Damage Taken by 2-10% (COLD)
  Decrease COLD Resist and AC
Order of TashanDecrease to MAGIC Resist and Increase Incoming Spell Damage Taken
  Always do Tash FIRST please
Constraining HelixSLOW, Decrease DEX, AGI, STR, AC, and chance to Duel Wield by 19-20%
  Shaman SLOW will overwrite this.  You must re-apply it after.
  (Does current Shaman slow still overwrite this new version?)
Deluding ConstrictionDoT + Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% + Decrease MAGIC
Arcane Disjunction AuraDecrease MAGIC
WeaknessDecrease STR
  Note: Not being assigned.  Cannot justify spell slot usage for this.  Listed in debuffs for reference purposes.
Malosinete (AA)Decrease FIRE, COLD, MAGIC, POISON Resist
  Land this AA Malo FIRST, then get SPELL version on.
  Note: Mage can do AA by assign.  Then a Shaman can do spell version.  Cannot justify mage using spell slot for spell version.
MalosinataIncrease Incoming Spell Damage by 10% (MAGIC)
  Decrease FIRE, COLD, MAGIC, POISON Resist
Wind of Malosinete (AA)Decrease FIRE, COLD, MAGIC, POISON Resist
Note: Splash AE Malis.  To malis alot of mobs at once.
Sanctimonious AudacityDecrease MAGIC Resist
Malosinete (AA)Decrease FIRE, COLD, MAGIC, POISON Resist
  IF no MAGE in raid, AA Malo FIRST, then get SPELL version on.
MalosinataIncrease Incoming Spell Damage by 10% (MAGIC)
  Decrease FIRE, COLD, MAGIC, POISON Resist
Wind of Malosinete (AA)Decrease FIRE, COLD, MAGIC, POISON Resist
Note: Splash AE Malis.  To malis alot of mobs at once.
Pathosis (AA)Decrease DISEASE Resist by 114
FeraliseniaIncrease 1H/2H Blunt Damage Taken by 13-15% + Decrease Chance to Hit by 6-8%
Restoring CounterbiasCast on MOB.  Slows it, and procs a Heal over Time on Targets Target
  Superior to Lethargy (instant cast, greater Slow + HoT component best in game)
  Proc: Restoring Counterbias Slow - Decrease Attack Speed by 75% (Lower resist check vs Lethargy slow).
  Proc: Restoring Counterbias Effect - Heal over Time Targets Target
Turgur's Swarm (AA)Decrease Attack Speed 80% (Single-Target, longer duration then Counterbias)
  Casts: Turgur's Diminishment IV
  Decrease DEX, AGI, STR, and AC
  Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 18%
Curse of InsectsDecrease Attack Speed 55% (Single-Target)
Erogo's DrowseDecrease Attack Speed 50% (PBAE, Unlimited targets, short duration)
Tigir's InsectsDecrease Attack Speed 50% (Targeted AE, 4 target limit, long duration, hate reduction)
Crippling ApparitionDecrease DEX, AGI, STR, and AC
  ENC Demolished line superior.  Only use Cripple if no ENC, or assigned.
LethargyDefensive SLOW proc (Lethargy Trigger).  Inhibit Melee Attacks by 25%
  Note: Cast on TANKS, not mobs.
Scent of ExtinctionIncrease Spell Damage Taken (DISEASE)
  Decrease DISEASE and POISON Resist
Scent of Terris (AA)Decrease FIRE, POISON, DISEASE Resist
Aura of DarknessDecrease all Resists by 10
Torrent of HateDecrease ATK
Torrent of SufferingDecrease AC (recourse AC on group)
Dire CoarctationDoT + Decrease STR and AC
T`Vyl's Resolve (AA)Increase Hit Damage Taken by 15% - 20%
Lower Element (AA)Decrease FIRE and COLD Resist (Easy Quest, Instant Cast, Any Slot)
  Note: Only use if NO Bard in the raid setup (or HoS not done).  Conflicts with HoS.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 01:23:57 AM by Furro »


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2011, 04:02:44 PM »
Added Enchanter AURA: Arcane Disjunction Aura - Decrease MAGIC.  Thanks Nubatamax.

Added Shadowknight DoT: Insidious Blight - DoT + Decrease DISEASE.  Thanks Imnotjim.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 04:17:49 PM by Furro »


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2011, 02:54:45 AM »
Updated.  Added Dance of Blades.  BRD self buff, but has a proc debuff that can land on target.  Thanks Zuhymn for pointing it out.


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2012, 03:50:52 AM »
Ok Shadow Knight spells should be updated to
Torrent of Hate
Aura of Darkness
Dire Stenosis
Perfidious Blight


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2014, 05:39:11 AM »
Should add Torrent of agony to SKs AC Debuff and group recourse does not stack with warrior field defender
Reduce AC by 80
group recourse increase group AC by 80

Note: duration for me is about 10 min


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2014, 09:26:13 PM »
Should add Torrent of agony to SKs AC Debuff and group recourse does not stack with warrior field defender
Reduce AC by 80
group recourse increase group AC by 80

Note: duration for me is about 10 min

Aye, the Torrent line is dated in the OP, but it is listed at least.  It'll be updated when I update the debuff post.


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2014, 04:44:59 AM »
Updated the post to reflect Call of Forsaken expansion debuffs.


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2014, 10:34:31 PM »
Removed Shadowknight Surreptitious Blight due to conflict with Shaman Pathosis (AA).

Added Shaman Pathosis (AA), which lowers DISEASE resist by 114 (superior to blight as well).

Thanks Brenlaven for catching this conflict.


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2014, 03:35:02 AM »
New SK debuff:

T'vyl's Resolve
Classes: SHD/254
Target: Single
Resist: Unresistable
1: 2H Slash Attack for 381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: 2H Slash Attack for 381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: 2H Slash Attack for 381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
4: Cast: T'vyl's Resolve Effect (75% Chance)
Text: You are struck by a flurry of blades.

T'vyl's Resolve Effect
Duration: 12s (2 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
8: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 50%

This is amazing. "Stacks" but is not cumulative with the bard disc Funeral Dirge:

Funeral Dirge
Target: Single
Resist: Magic -150
Duration: 42s (7 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
2: Cast: Shrieking Death if Not Cured
5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 21%
Text: You are overwhelmed by the sadness of a Funeral Dirge.

My suggestion would be to have SKs rotate T'vyl's Resolve on burn fights, followed by the bard Funeral Dirge rotation. Although T'vyl's is only 75% proc rate, I have yet to see it fail to proc (knock on wood).
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 03:37:05 AM by Mildaria »


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2014, 02:00:51 AM »
New SK debuff:

T'vyl's Resolve
Classes: SHD/254
Target: Single
Resist: Unresistable
1: 2H Slash Attack for 381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: 2H Slash Attack for 381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: 2H Slash Attack for 381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
4: Cast: T'vyl's Resolve Effect (75% Chance)
Text: You are struck by a flurry of blades.

T'vyl's Resolve Effect
Duration: 12s (2 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
8: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 50%

This is amazing. "Stacks" but is not cumulative with the bard disc Funeral Dirge:

Funeral Dirge
Target: Single
Resist: Magic -150
Duration: 42s (7 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
2: Cast: Shrieking Death if Not Cured
5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 21%
Text: You are overwhelmed by the sadness of a Funeral Dirge.

My suggestion would be to have SKs rotate T'vyl's Resolve on burn fights, followed by the bard Funeral Dirge rotation. Although T'vyl's is only 75% proc rate, I have yet to see it fail to proc (knock on wood).

Left this linger, because at the time the SK T'Vyl's Resolve had stacking conflicts with a Monk debuff (name of which escapes me atm).  I think the stacking has been fixed, but the debuff has been changed:

41134   T'Vyl's Resolve
Hate: 1
1: 2H Slash Attack for 381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: 2H Slash Attack for 381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: 2H Slash Attack for 381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
4: Cast: T'Vyl's Resolve Effect

41135   T'Vyl's Resolve Effect
0      0s   0s   2+   Unresistable   Single   
 6: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 15%

Looks like the damage mod was reduced from 50% to 15%.  The 75% chance to proc was removed.  Still useful, albeit short duration, and of course Dirge takes precedence.

Added SK debuff to the OP related section.

Re: Dirge

This is something we've been using a while as you know.   I added it to the debuff OP for completeness.  Thanks.


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2014, 08:39:26 PM »
[41274] T'Vyl's Resolve Effect
Target: Single
Range: 50'
Resist: Unresistable
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s
Duration: 12s (2 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
6: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 30%

Rank 1 of the AA is 15% - rank 2 is 30%. So it should ideally go before Funeral Dirge.


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2014, 01:57:24 AM »
[41274] T'Vyl's Resolve Effect
Target: Single
Range: 50'
Resist: Unresistable
Reflectable: No
Casting: 0s
Duration: 12s (2 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
6: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 30%

Rank 1 of the AA is 15% - rank 2 is 30%. So it should ideally go before Funeral Dirge.

I was looking just at the spell data, I didn't realize SK had ranks for it.  Edited the debuff OP entry to reflect this.  Thanks!


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2015, 09:18:55 PM »
I might be just not seeing it here, but for enchanters, in a lot of guilds and raid teams, Mental Contortion AA debuff is considered one of the most important debuffs to have on boss at any time.  When I ask in raid for Mental contortion to be cast, it seems like it is treated as not very critical or just a secondary thing to be done as able.  So, two most common things I hear, our tanks lack gear, our healers aren't healing enough.  I never hear, hey everyone else makes sure to have mental contortion always up on their boss and we don't.  I see this when I play my bard also, a hypothetical order is set for funeral dirge and bladewhirl, and then exactly 0 ppl follow it, for whatever reason, and the people following them give up on the order and everyone just starts casting stuff whenever. 

Mental Contortion
1: Decrease All Skills Damage Modifier by 25%
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 3855 per tick
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 25% with All Skills

Before anyone says I don't realize how strained enchanters are: It is a single button press of an aa ability, either you have it up or you don't.  I hear during raid, about Nascar, about what type of pizza ppl are ordering, about what type of beer ppl are drinking, about what loot they'd like to win at event, but nobody has the time to maintain a debuff order, they are just too busy.  Tank channels and healing channels have to spend a ton of time co-ordinating their efforts in order to have any chance of success and debuffs are equaly as important.  Additionaly, I'm not sure the right forum for it, but our dps gets absolutely crippled by improperly timed and stacked adps buffs and clicks, and again I understand it takes some communication and effort to co-ordinate that with in a group, but it is really important.  The number one response I get when I ask people about it is, this is just open raiding, you can't expect people to care.  A lot of people care, don't assume otherwise, the goal isn't to see how much loot you can get with how little effort. Be a team player.


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2015, 04:20:16 PM »
join the cc channel. MC is discussed.
make a trigger to see when its cast and by who.
find out from an enchanter with max hastened aa's what the cooldown is on it. for a 3 min duration and something like a 15 minute reuse, and with what usually is 1-3 enchanters on the raid - there is still downtime.
oh. and it can and does get resisted.~


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Re: Debuff Breakdown - Spells & AA
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2015, 02:36:08 PM »
Thanks.  I don't need to ask an enchanter as I have a level 105 max AA enchanter.  So help me with the math, often times on a single boss, with 4 ench in the raid, I see MC debuff on 0 times.  And when I ask about it I get about the same answer as what you just posted, its too hard, they are too busy buffing, they forgot etc.  Anyhow, if at FL they feel it isn't important so be it.  I've also been told, its not a listed debuff so we don't HAVE to cast it.  What type of an answer is that?  Everyone else uses it with great effectiveness to win raids.  If FL doesn't want to  use it, that's up to them.