Author Topic: Necro DPS  (Read 35189 times)


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Re: Necro DPS
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2015, 03:46:57 AM »
Cool, did you get yours from Tris or Mayong? I'm 0/2 for getting one from Tris.


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Re: Necro DPS
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2015, 11:37:13 PM »
Hey Raccoo, I did end up getting it from Mayong after Tris didn't drop for me either. Had to "force it" by collecting and turning in zone debuff pages. Kaloha helped, i was not present the whole time. :(


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Re: Necro DPS
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2015, 12:32:21 AM »
When turning in zone AE items you have to say the correct phrases for your class/force epic from Mayong...


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Re: Necro DPS
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2015, 06:02:23 AM »
Took me 12 hours, but I finally got it from Mayong with help from Scornfire.


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Re: Necro DPS
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2016, 01:26:45 AM »
Borrowed this from RoTE's site have a look and see if it would help or a waste?

Below I have listed a bunch of classes and debuffs that I am aware of that aren't too terribly useful and take slots away from necromancers when we're running 3. I understand that some people won't be pleased with this and some of you might not even be using things listed. Feel free to comment on if you think some ability or spell is more useful than I perceive it to be and I will check it out. Also feel free to ask questions about things that are not on the list that you just want to make sure on.


No Boastful Bellow

No Vainglorious Shout

Bladed Song (This is a maybe, it might be worth it on non slowed mobs but currently I think my lowest DoT has a better output. Need Kirby to confirm if it's really useful or not)

Cacophony (This is a maybe, I don't know if we're fighting any raid bosses where the spell cast interruption is useful, the DoT damage is slightly ok but I still think it'd be out-done by my worst DoT. Need Kirby to confirm if it's really useful or not)


No lame zerker DoT’s (Blood Brand, Snare DoT)


Only the highest level Mark please, no multiple marks.


Only high damage DoT’s pls, exception of if you’re doing your DoT burn (Need confirmation if that is even viable as good DPS)

Debuffs that help the raid as a whole that are also DoT’s are perfectly fine


No Enchanters DoT’s outside of Bewildering Constriction and Mental Contortion. (Only 1 enchanter casting Bewildering please!)


No Audacity


No silly DoT’s


No Twisted Shank

No Jugular Hack unless you’re super high on agro and fade is down.

Hack is fine

Shadow Knights:

No Audacity or DoT’s, exception to Bond if it’s necessary for survival.


No Languid Bite (I’m unsure if it’s an additional debuff slot or triggers with the slow, if it’s additional turn it off please)

No DoT’s


No Synapsefreeze unless agro is a problem


No random DoT clickies, lots of classes get them, don't use them please.
No DoT sympathetic procs in weapons
Don't cast Rot Vulnerability, it's useless and lasts forever.





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   Posted 9 days ago  · Edited       #2   

If I run low on mana I will be using Mind Storm III I will use up all other mana abilities I have before I use it..... enc with no mana =  pointless




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   Posted 9 days ago  · Edited       #3   

I know little about pretty much any class in this game...I just press buttons over and over but here goes....

 This might be addressed in separate forums not sure but I found Argon's posts in the SK forum and some other posts about debuffs in general but I probably missed many of these types of posts....

 In general the raid leadership needs to make the decision on what debuffs are helpful toward the goal of the raid. Meaning...if the goal is to drop the overall STR of a mob then debuffs that apply STR debuffs are preferred over a debuff that drops AC.

 SKs - Deceitful Blight is a disease dot debuff that is overwritten by Shammy (aa?) Pathosis.

 Deceitful Blight Rk. III
 1: Increase Corruption counter by 30
 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 2222 per tick
5: Decrease Disease Resist by 54

 Pathosis III
5: Decrease Disease Resist by 114

 Torrent of Misery and Torrent of Agony "stack" in the debuff slots of a mob but do not seem to stack on the SK or group so casting both of them is wasteful. (I saw a post on forums suggesting to cast both but not sure if it was/is being done.)

 Torrent of Misery Rk I, II, and III use to all land on the mob instead of overwriting. This may have been fixed in a patch but if it hasn't then if an SK is casting anything below RK III it is wasting a slot. RK III's should overwrite each other so the SK casting it can give his group the AC boost (10 mins?)

 Dire Strangulation is overwritten/blocked by BST Roar of Thunder. Dire Strangulation gives a AC debuff while Roar of Thunder does not...

 Dire Strangulation Rk. III
 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24
 2: Decrease STR by 109 (L105) to 270 (L105)
 3: Decrease AC by 30 (L105) to 91 (L105)
 4: Decrease Hitpoints by 2121 per tick

 Roar of Thunder XVIII
 1: Decrease HP when cast by 5000
 2: Decrease STR by 266
 3: Decrease DEX by 266
 4: Decrease AGI by 266

 I don't know the EQ math on how/why Roar of Thunder would overwrite Dire Strangulation but if the goal is to lower the mobs AC as much as possible then Roar of Thunder should/could be avoided. It just depends on the goal for overall debuffing of the mob.

 There...input added. Leaving the heavy thinking to those that know the game to hug a tree or two!

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   Posted 9 days ago  · Edited       #4   

Cam, pathosis comes with shaman malo (aa and spell). 




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   Posted 9 days ago      #5   

Perfectly understandable, Forgottin!

The reason Roar overrides Dire is most likely due to it being the better debuff as a whole, Cam. Since it has multiple applications of stat lowering. My guess is that the 266 raw agility is more than 91 AC.





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   Posted 2 days ago      #6   

All 3 Beastlord DoT's are now cleared for raids after some parsing. 




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   Posted 2 days ago  · Edited       #7   

Enc AA Ethereal Manipulation is now passive and linked with our Tash. So now when we cast Tash it goes on mob so Tash will now take up 2 slots. It helps Wiz Ethereal dd spells 3 to 12%




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   Posted 2 days ago      #8   

Yup, both of those are fine! 




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   Posted 1 day ago      #9   


Originally Posted by Evileen
Yup, both of those are fine!

Was just a Heads up was not asking for your permission [rolleyes][crazy][rofl]




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   Posted 19 hours ago      #10   

Cacaphony may not seem a lot to many but it's every 2 mins like the epic so that's why I use it I'm not the biggest on who dps's the most but that's why I use it and if you have lots of Nec's I could understand not using it, just my thoughts. 
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Re: Necro DPS
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2016, 07:24:57 PM »
I had to laugh at the direct copy/paste of the thread here jilkk heh.

As to dot and debuffs and what to use for which class, this won't matter for too much longer with the changes to dots that are coming. but for the moment until each class gets thier dots re-worked, The two classes I play that have dots/debuffs:

Boastful Bellow. I put this on the mash key but some events will take it out, in particular events that we can't pin against a wall and push is an issue.
Vainglorious Shout. I'll use on single target mobs with no mezzable adds, again I won't use it if push is an issue on the fight.
Selo's Drums of the March. This clicky I use at the start of an event and don't usually keep it up at all times, I use this as a pulling tool more often though.
Bladed Song I don't use this really, If I do it's just because I have it on one of my linked keys somewhere.
Cacophony I have this tied in with Epic/FE click ~

Actual dot songs if they make any changes to them with the upcoming overhaul on dots, may be interesting to see what happens there with them.

The only time I even load a dot on my druid is if I am forced to cast one of the debuffs that happens to have dot damage as well on the debuff, ie druid dots are worthless! This may change though when they get around to updating druid dots with the DoT overhaul they are performing at the moment. As to the debuffs, there's about 3 maybe 4 that are good to have on mobs from druids.


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Re: Necro DPS
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2016, 07:49:06 PM »
The reason Roar overrides Dire is most likely due to it being the better debuff as a whole, Cam. Since it has multiple applications of stat lowering. My guess is that the 266 raw agility is more than 91 AC.

This claim that a raw 266 agility is more than 91 AC means that 2.93 raw agility is more than 1 AC point.

This response seems to completely ignore the slots for the buffs. Maybe it is true that 2.93 raw agility is more than 1 AC point which is super great I guess but is it possible that the stacking rules of EQ make it so that the 266 DEX overwrites the 91 AC in slot 3?  Having nothing to do with the AGI in slot 4 at all? Or that the AGI in slot 4 is overwriting the DOT damage in slot 4?

Or are these numbers (1,2,3,4) not really important and just a list? Don't get me wrong I am all for smart people saying smart things but at times it is smart people just claiming things they don't bother looking all.

Until Furro/leadership says Roar of Thunder is more important than Dire Strangulation....BST should not use Roar of Thunder. It is up to Furro to decide what debuffs he wants on the mob.  But if SKs stop casting Dire Strangulation I doubt any SK would complain...other than how it impacts the overall damage on events.  SKs would just have to find a different DOT to DPS with on mobs...oh the shame of it.

 Roar of Thunder XVIII 
    1: Decrease HP when cast by 5000
    2: Decrease STR by 266
    3: Decrease DEX by 266
    4: Decrease AGI by 266

 Dire Strangulation Rk. III 
    1: Increase Disease Counter by 24
    2: Decrease STR by 109 (L105) to 270 (L105)
    3: Decrease AC by 30 (L105) to 91 (L105)
    4: Decrease Hitpoints by 2121 per tick

If it was like Pathosis vs Deceitful Blight then it is more reliable information.  Pathosis disease is in slot 5 and Deceitful Blight disease is in slot 5...making it clear why blight is overwritten.

 Pathosis III 
    5: Decrease Disease Resist by 114

Deceitful Blight Rk. III 
    1: Increase Corruption counter by 30
    2: Decrease Hitpoints by 2222 per tick
    5: Decrease Disease Resist by 54

If someone can point me and everyone else to a thread on how slots and stacking work that would be great too!

Also, is it a good idea to cross post information from behind a login to an open forum? Freelance is open for all to read but your source isn' you think they will mind you sharing the secrets on those forums with everyone in this manner?

DoTs Rule!