Author Topic: Hdex vs Hstr. The results may surprise you!  (Read 8632 times)


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Hdex vs Hstr. The results may surprise you!
« on: July 12, 2016, 03:44:06 AM »
I have to get to work soon, so this post won't be as detailed as I hoped it would, but here's the breakdown. I did two sets of parses one was just autoattack and forget, and the other was a "burn" fight. The burn fight was with a full raid burn going, minus things w/ counters (BP), or things that would throw in a variable (Crane Stance, Five Point Palm). The first set of parses was with slot 5 hstr augs, and the second set was with slot 5 hdex augs.

 Stats:          HStr.       Hdex.

 Attack:       11536     11366

 Hstr:           1213       1024

 Hdex:          959         1148

 Accuracy:   172         179

 C. Effects:   104         105

 I ran all of these parses while  full adps running. However, I did not have scarlet cheetah, group bestial, or group guardian of the forest going. 

   Parse one, this is burn, w/ hstr augs in:
Combat Dummy Azia on 7/10/2016 in 182sec

--- DMG: 100693178 @ 553259 sdps (553259 dps in 182s) [100%]

--- DMG: 100693178 @ 553259 sdps (553259 dps in 182s) [100%]
------ Total: 100693178 -- Crush: 51896029 -- Kick: 37240741 -- Strike: 6918059 -- DirDmg: 4269126 -- Punch: 369223
------ Normal rate: 57.2% (38.8% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 42.8% (61.2% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 4479 -- Hits: 4245 -- Misses: 234 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 94.8%

Special: 2: Infusion 6: Staunch 7: Intensity 9: Armor G: Glyph M: Secrets K: Kiss X: Slain $: Saved by DI
Produced by GamParse v1.5.1.7


    Parse two, no burn, no spam abilities, full adps, w/ hstr:

Combat Dummy Azia on 7/10/2016 in 851sec

--- DMG: 279082821 @ 327947 sdps (327947 dps in 851s) [100%]

--- DMG: 279082821 @ 327947 sdps (327947 dps in 851s) [100%]
------ Total: 279082821 -- Crush: 249301389 -- Strike: 19284950 -- DirDmg: 10496482
------ Normal rate: 55.6% (33.6% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 44.4% (66.4% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 15666 -- Hits: 14756 -- Misses: 910 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 94.2%

Special: 2: Infusion 6: Staunch 7: Intensity 9: Armor G: Glyph M: Secrets K: Kiss X: Slain $: Saved by DI
Produced by GamParse v1.5.1.7

  These next two parses are with hdex......

    Parse three, full burn, w/ hdex augs:

Combat Dummy Azia on 7/10/2016 in 181sec

--- DMG: 101037384 @ 558218 sdps (558218 dps in 181s) [100%]

--- DMG: 101037384 @ 558218 sdps (558218 dps in 181s) [100%]
------ Total: 101037384 -- Crush: 52456527 -- Kick: 39274827 -- Strike: 6618404 -- DirDmg: 2614380 -- Punch: 73246
------ Normal rate: 55.3% (37.6% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 44.7% (62.4% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 4376 -- Hits: 4169 -- Misses: 207 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 95.3%

Special: 2: Infusion 6: Staunch 7: Intensity 9: Armor G: Glyph M: Secrets K: Kiss X: Slain $: Saved by DI
Produced by GamParse v1.5.1.7

    Parse four, no burns, no spam abilities, full adps, w/hdex:

Combat Dummy Azia on 7/10/2016 in 853sec

--- DMG: 283197727 @ 332002 sdps (332002 dps in 853s) [100%]

--- DMG: 283197727 @ 332002 sdps (332002 dps in 853s) [100%]
------ Total: 283197727 -- Crush: 250587017 -- Strike: 21594648 -- DirDmg: 11016062
------ Normal rate: 53.4% (31.8% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 46.6% (68.2% of DMG)
------ Attempts: 15470 -- Hits: 14615 -- Misses: 855 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 94.5%

Special: 2: Infusion 6: Staunch 7: Intensity 9: Armor G: Glyph M: Secrets K: Kiss X: Slain $: Saved by DI
Produced by GamParse v1.5.1.7

 Basically what all this is saying is: While burning hdex is about .9% better than hstr, during non burn situations, its about 1.2% better dps than hstr. In conclusion, it really doesn't matter which heroics you decide (for monk anyway). All that matters is proper adps, good disc rotations, spamming the correct shit, and paying attention. A well skilled monk could stack up on hcha and still beat a decked-out-dex-dbag that isn't hitting his discs in the right order. I think I'm gonna stick with hstr, for magelo purposes, as my epeen can't take the hit #hstr4life


« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 05:40:04 AM by Xdevlx »