Author Topic: UF - Cooling Chamber - The Beast  (Read 9859 times)


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UF - Cooling Chamber - The Beast
« on: December 04, 2010, 07:50:24 PM »
Cooling Chamber - The Beast Below
*[02/11/2011] NOTICE: This post has been modified to reflect amendments posted within this thread *

Zone & Instance Info
Zone: Cooling Chamber

NPC Name: Rodrick Cleanheart
NPC Location: Follow path leading down towards Mission/Task NPCs at Loc: -170, -320, -25

Keyword to Enter: Ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Event Flag: None

Brief Event Overview and Strategy

This event involves: Two bosses, adds, emotes, and directional AE's!  Fun!

Always INVIS when you MOVE OVER THE WATER!  Otherwise, the lake adds will agro and hit you.

Throughout the event, Grunkuck randomly banishes players into the nearby lake onto rooted whelp adds which attack you.  When this happens, get out of the water ASAP and return to the raid.

AVOID Grunkucks SIDES, or you'll be hit with a 70% Melee SLOW, and 50% Spell SLOW!  If you are hit, use Corruption Cures to remove.  Paladins Splash!

At 70% - Grunkuck WARPS to the SOUTHWEST side of the lake, and FOUR beast adolescent adds spawn.  ASSIST MA on the adolsecent adds.  STAY OFF GRUNKUCK.

TWO minutes later, Grunkuck WARPS to the NORTHWEST side of the lake, and FOUR more beast adolsecent adds spawn.  ASSIST MA on the adds, STAY OFF GRUNKUCK until called.

At 43% - Kelmuck, Grunkuck's MATE spawns, the LAKE ADDS attack, and several additional adds spawn at Grunkuck.  Details below:

an underdeveloped whelp = KITE away (they move slow!), and it'll STARVE to DEATH in 30 seconds or so.

a dimensional beast whelp = ASSIGNED KITERS, as instructed, pickup your set and KITE away from the raid until we finish.

At this point, everyone else ASSIST MA on GRUNKUCK, and DISC when called on.  STAY OFF MATE please.


Throughout the entire event, you must react to emotes.  Failure to do so, will basically wipe us.

Each player targeted must RUN AWAY from the raid, or else everyone near you suffers either SILENCE or 30k DD.

Setup the following AT's, replacing "your_name", with your character name.  RUN AWAY when your trigger fires.

Pattern1: looks at your_name
Pattern2: with rage at your_name

MT's can be emoted!  When it happens, the MT will call out in RS, OOC, SHOUT, and EVERYONE must RUN AWAY.

Setup the following Trigger Pattern, and RUN when it fires.  Pattern: MT EMOTED

GTT Audio & Text Trigger imports available further down in this post: "Audio Trigger Setup" section.

Mob Adds - Information

Classes: Everyone, not specific to CC/Tank, or support.

                   ]         ][/td][/tr]
a dimensional beast adolescentNone - Perma rootedAssist MA to kill   
an underdeveloped whelpSlowly die as less players nearKite away until they die (30 seconds)   
a dimensional beast whelpUnmezzable, Run speed immuneAssigned Kiters for each set, pre-agro, kite away when active   

Tank Preperation

The locations provided below indicate where we pin the Beast and Mate.

Map Filename: coolingchamber_3.txt


P 202.9348, 2933.1067, -515.3658,  0, 0, 240,  3,

P 437.3120, 3127.9333, -507.3837,  0, 0, 0,  1,
P 437.3120, 3127.9333, -507.3837,  0, 0, 240,  3,

P 433.2322, 2888.2239, -509.3426,  0, 0, 240,  3,  prefight_small_island(MT_healers_stay_here_until_2nd_warp)
P 270.5081, 2617.0068, -503.2241,  0, 0, 240,  3,  Beast_Prep_Spot(always_invis_before_going_over_water)

Audio Trigger Setup


When targeted, you have 15 seconds to react and move far away from the raid.  When the timer runs out, an AE fires from your location affecting anyone nearby.

Blank Slate - Silence + 4k DoT (corruption cure 6 counters to remove)
Otherworldly Explosion - 30k DD + Knockback

Pattern: looks at <your_name> with
Action: Run away from the raid!

Kelmuck, Grunkuck's mate

When targeted, you have 6 seconds to react and move far away from the raid.  When the timer runs out, an AE fires from your location affecting anyone nearby. 

AE: Otherworldly Explosion - 30k DD + Knockback

Pattern: with rage at <your_name>
Action: Run away from the raid!


GTT Trigger File (with sound): beast-emotes-sound.gtt

GTT Trigger File (no sound): beast-emotes-no-sound.gtt

Audio File: Alert ding sound!


« Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 01:00:19 AM by Furro »


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Re: UF - Cooling Chamber - The Beast
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 11:45:21 PM »
We had our first look at this event Saturday.  Multiple attempts allowed us to size it up, and adjust our tactics.   Changes below have been amended into the source post to keep it current. 

Change/Additions are RED within the quoted section.
Details/Reasons are located outside the quoted section.

Event Strategy

Here's a brief overview of our strat.

Tiny Prep Island- INVIS over water area to reach island.
- Do not position at Grunkuck island ramp, or you risk early agro.
100% - 70%:- React to emotes when targeted.
- Avoid the SIDES of Grunkuck (AE DD).
- Save your DPS Discs.
- When banished, get out of the lake or you'll be attacked.
At 70%:     - Grunkuck WARPS!  Southwest side of lake
- INVIS over water areas.
- Avoid melee range of Grunkuck's warp to point
     - Continue reacting to emotes
     - DPS OFF Grunkuck, and ASSIST on ADDS (adolescents)
- Lake banish still happens, be ready.
< Brief timer inbetween >    
2nd WARP:     - Grunkuck WARPS AGAIN! 
- INVIS over water areas.
- Avoid melee range of Grunkuck's warp to point
- Emotes continue, stay focused.
     - DPS OFF Grunkuck, and ASSIST MA on ADDS
- Lake banish still happens, be ready.
At 43%:     - Kelmuck, Grunkuck`s mate Spawns
- Unless assigned, leave Kelmuck alone.
- Grunkuck remains active
- CC Kite/Root Underdeveloped whelps to kill them (avoid OT/Attacking them)
- Assigned groups ASSIST on Dimensional whelp adds (lake ones, attack in fours)
- Everyone else assist on Grunkuck when called
- Remember: Avoid the SIDES of Grunkuck (AE DD).
- React to emotes

INVIS over water areas:

During prep, and warp stages, use INVIS as you cross over the lake areas.  The lake adds don't see invis, so there's no reason to pointlessly take damage by not using invis to cross the distances safely. 

We've been prepping on the small island closest to Grunkuck, so you'll need invis to cross the short water distance
For each warp, invis as you move across any water area.

Note:  If you can't self invis, then simply carry a few stacks of invis potions with you.  Avoid asking people in group for invis, as it only slows us down.  Come prepared please.

WARP Stages:

Unless assigned otherwise, avoid the area where Grunkuck warps to.  Otherwise, you end up in AE Rampage range, and take unnecessary damage which healers have to cover. 

Following each warp, we always kill the adolescents in the same order.  So just look for the MA's target ring if you're not sure.

At 43% - Grunkuck + Kelmuck (mate):

This is the tricky part.  During this stage, in addition to Grunkuck, we have to deal with Kelmuck, Dim/U-dev Adds, and an extra emote.

- We're positioning Grunkuck and Kelmuck tail to tail.  Remember to avoid the sides of Grunkuck.
- Unless assigned, leave Kelmuck alone.


Mob Adds - Information

For Enchanters/CC and Tanks, here is some add information and weaknesses:

[td]Name[/td]  [td] [/td]   [td]Weakness[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]a dimensional beast adolescent[/td]  [td]    [/td]   [td]None - Perma rooted[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]an underdeveloped whelp[/td]  [td] [/td]   [td]Snare/Root acts like a DoT (stay away to starve them)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]a dimensional beast whelp[/td]  [td] [/td]   [td]Unmezzable - Test Stun/Snare/Root, and report[/td][/tr]
spacer[tr][td][/td]  [td]     [/td]   [td][/td][/tr]

Nubatamax was able to test mez on a dimensional beast whelp on Saturday and reported them as unmezzable.  Thanks Nub for the info.  Updated the list above.

We need to know if they're stunnable, Snare/Rootable.  So report your findings please in our next attempt.  This info helps tweak our handling of them.  Thanks!


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Re: UF - Cooling Chamber - The Beast
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2010, 11:20:21 PM »
Devoted two nights this weekend to this event.  Made good progress, and tested some tactics/tweaks based on prior attempts.


- Heal tactics in place (patch heal chain successful Friday, details not included in this post)
- Add handling tactic changed to kite method by assignment.

Mob Adds - Information

For Enchanters/CC and Tanks, here is some add information and weaknesses:

[td]Name[/td]  [td] [/td]   [td]Weakness[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]a dimensional beast adolescent[/td]  [td]    [/td]   [td]None - Perma rooted[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]an underdeveloped whelp[/td]  [td] [/td]   [td]Snare/Root acts like a DoT (stay away to starve them)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]a dimensional beast whelp[/td]  [td] [/td]   [td]Unmezzable - Test Stun/Snare/Root, and report[/td][/tr]
spacer[tr][td][/td]  [td]     [/td]   [td][/td][/tr]

Changed above table to the following:

Mob Adds - Information

Classes: Everyone, not specific to CC/Tank, or support.

                   ]         ][/td][/tr]
a dimensional beast adolescentNone - Perma rootedAssist MA to kill   
an underdeveloped whelpSlowly die as less players nearKite away until they die (15-30 seconds)   
a dimensional beast whelpUnmezzable, Run speed immuneAssigned Kiters for each set, pre-agro, kite away when active   

See you in game!

« Last Edit: December 12, 2010, 11:35:54 PM by Furro »


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Re: UF - Cooling Chamber - The Beast
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2010, 07:28:15 PM »
Merged Brief Event Overview and Event Strategy section of the post.   For clarity sake, it's easier to combine both.


Brief Event Overview

This even involves two main bosses, adds, and emotes with harsh recourses for failures.

We begin with Grunkuck, which has TWO player targeted emotes.  Every player targeted must MOVE AWAY from the raid, or everyone nearby suffers from either a SILENCE or 30k DD.

Grunkuck randomly banishes players into the lake.  In the lake are whelp adds that are unattackable, but will hit anyone within melee range of them.

At 70% - Grunkuck warps to the southwest side of the lake, spawns several beast adolescent adds which will heal Grunkuck unless killed.

A short time later, Grunkuck will warp again, but this time to the northwest side of the lake, and spawn adds the same as before.

At 43% - Kelmuck, Grunkuck`s mate, will spawn nearby.  In addition, the lake whelp adds will go active and attack us four at a time.  Coupled with the whelp adds, special underdeveloped ones spawn and attack (more on this later).

Kelmuck (the mate), has ONE Target emote, along with a 30k AE DD.  At this stage, Grunkuck is still active, and we must deal with both bosses + adds.

Event Strategy

Here's a brief overview of our strat.

          spacer       spacer                         spacer                                   spacer     spacer          spacer     spacer                                   spacer                                             
Tiny Prep Island- INVIS over water area to reach island.
- Do not position at Grunkuck island ramp, or you risk early agro.
100% - 70%:- React to emotes when targeted.
- Avoid the SIDES of Grunkuck (AE).
- Save your DPS Discs.
- When banished, get out of the lake or you'll be attacked.
At 70%:     - Grunkuck WARPS!  Southwest side of lake
- INVIS over water areas.
- Avoid melee range of Grunkuck's warp to point.
     - Continue reacting to emotes
     - DPS OFF Grunkuck, and ASSIST on ADDS (adolescents)
- Lake banish still happens, be ready.
< Brief timer inbetween >    
2nd WARP:     - Grunkuck WARPS AGAIN! 
- INVIS over water areas.
- Avoid melee range of Grunkuck's warp to point.
- Emotes continue, stay focused.
     - DPS OFF Grunkuck, and ASSIST MA on ADDS
- Lake banish still happens, be ready.
At 43%:     - Kelmuck, Grunkuck`s mate Spawns
- Unless assigned, leave Kelmuck alone.
- Grunkuck remains active
- CC Kite/Root Underdeveloped whelps to kill them (avoid OT/Attacking them)
- Assigned groups ASSIST on Dimensional whelp adds (lake ones, attack in fours)
- Everyone else assist on Grunkuck when called
- Remember: Avoid the SIDES of Grunkuck (AE DD).
- React to emotes

Changed above to the following:

Brief Event Overview and Strategy

This event involves: Two bosses, adds, emotes, and directional AE's!  Fun!

Always INVIS when you MOVE OVER THE WATER!  Otherwise, the lake adds will agro and hit you.

Throughout the event, Grunkuck randomly banishes players into the nearby lake onto rooted whelp adds which attack you.  When this happens, get out of the water ASAP and return to the raid.

AVOID Grunkucks SIDES, or you'll be hit with a 70% Melee SLOW, and 50% Spell SLOW!  If you are hit, use Corruption Cures to remove.  Paladins Splash!

At 70% - Grunkuck WARPS to the SOUTHWEST side of the lake, and FOUR beast adolescent adds spawn.  ASSIST MA on the adolsecent adds.  STAY OFF GRUNKUCK.

TWO minutes later, Grunkuck WARPS to the NORTHWEST side of the lake, and FOUR more beast adolsecent adds spawn.  ASSIST MA on the adds, STAY OFF GRUNKUCK until called.

At 43% - Kelmuck, Grunkuck's MATE spawns, the LAKE ADDS attack, and several additional adds spawn at Grunkuck.  Details below:

an underdeveloped whelp = KITE away (they move slow!), and it'll STARVE to DEATH in 30 seconds or so.

a dimensional beast whelp = ASSIGNED KITERS, as instructed, pickup your set and KITE away from the raid until we finish.

At this point, everyone else ASSIST MA on GRUNKUCK, and DISC when called on.  STAY OFF MATE please.


Throughout the entire event, you must react to emotes.  Failure to do so, will basically wipe us.

Each player targeted must RUN AWAY from the raid, or else everyone near you suffers either SILENCE or 30k DD.

Setup the following AT's, replacing "your_name", with your character name.  RUN AWAY when your trigger fires.

Pattern1: looks at your_name
Pattern2: with rage at your_name

MT's can be emoted!  When it happens, the MT will call out in RS, OOC, SHOUT, and EVERYONE must RUN AWAY.

Setup the following Trigger Pattern, and RUN when it fires.  Pattern: MT EMOTED

GTT Audio & Text Trigger imports available further down in this post: "Audio Trigger Setup" section.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 07:28:39 PM by Furro »


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Re: UF - Cooling Chamber - The Beast
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 04:37:19 PM »
This is NOT a Strategy change.  Fixing an oversight when I did the GTT sets.

Audio Trigger Setup


When targeted, you have 15 seconds to react and move far away from the raid.  When the timer runs out, an AE fires from your location affecting anyone nearby.

Blank Slate - Silence + 4k DoT (corruption cure 6 counters to remove)
Otherworldly Explosion - 30k DD + Knockback

Pattern: looks at <your_name> with
Action: Run away from the raid!

GTT Trigger File (with sound): beast-emotes-sound.gtt

GTT Trigger File (no sound): beast-emotes-no-sound.gtt

Audio File: Alert ding sound!


Kelmuck, Grunkuck's mate

When targeted, you have 6 seconds to react and move far away from the raid.  When the timer runs out, an AE fires from your location affecting anyone nearby. 

AE: Otherworldly Explosion - 30k DD + Knockback

Pattern: with rage at <your_name>
Action: Run away from the raid!

GTT Trigger File (with sound): beast-mate-emote-sound.gtt

GTT Trigger File (no sound): beast-mate-emote-no-sound.gtt

Audio File: Alert ding sound!


The mate GTT setup is a the DD duplicate of Beast.  This was an oversight on my part when making the imports up.  Thanks Eaud for pointing it out.

Removing the Mate GTT imports above.  You still need both Beast/Mate, but as mentioned above, they are inclusive in the Beast set.

Changed above to the following:


When targeted, you have 15 seconds to react and move far away from the raid.  When the timer runs out, an AE fires from your location affecting anyone nearby.

Blank Slate - Silence + 4k DoT (corruption cure 6 counters to remove)
Otherworldly Explosion - 30k DD + Knockback

Pattern: looks at <your_name> with
Action: Run away from the raid!

Kelmuck, Grunkuck's mate

When targeted, you have 6 seconds to react and move far away from the raid.  When the timer runs out, an AE fires from your location affecting anyone nearby. 

AE: Otherworldly Explosion - 30k DD + Knockback

Pattern: with rage at <your_name>
Action: Run away from the raid!


GTT Trigger File (with sound): beast-emotes-sound.gtt

GTT Trigger File (no sound): beast-emotes-no-sound.gtt

Audio File: Alert ding sound!



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Re: UF - Cooling Chamber - The Beast
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2011, 08:12:27 PM »
Added some tank map locations, provided by Eaud, to help new tanks know where we pin on this event.

New tanks are visually shown during prep where to position.  The locations provided here are to help tanks prep before attending.

Thanks Eaud for taking a few moments creating the locs.


P 202.9348, 2933.1067, -515.3658,  0, 0, 240,  3,

P 437.3120, 3127.9333, -507.3837,  0, 0, 0,  1,
P 437.3120, 3127.9333, -507.3837,  0, 0, 240,  3,

P 433.2322, 2888.2239, -509.3426,  0, 0, 240,  3,  prefight_small_island(MT_healers_stay_here_until_2nd_warp)
P 270.5081, 2617.0068, -503.2241,  0, 0, 240,  3,  Beast_Prep_Spot(always_invis_before_going_over_water)

« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 08:15:21 PM by Furro »