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Druid Guide (Raid Setups & Basic Class Overview)
Thinking Druid?
Due to the lack of guides out there I have detailed my basic raid setup of common scenarios Freelance and any high-end raiding druids will encounter. This guide shares a baseline overview of my spell setup with abilities and descriptions to help improve your awareness of essential raid spells and utility capabilities that may otherwise be overlooked. You are encouraged to always be casting, use your full range of abilities smartly and push yourself to unlock more of your class potential across all raid events.
Your UI Setup
Complex macros and linked key bindings aren’t required to be a top performing raid druid. So this class is a good choice for new, returning or re-learning EverQuest players. The organization of your spells and abilities is important so take the detailed section groupings below as my recommendation on how to organize your spell and ability setup. Assign these groups of spells and abilities into your own hot key ribbons, hot bar key binds and spell keyboard assignments that make sense to you. Ultimately you need to set this to your individual setup to meet your personal preference and hardware. There are other UI walkthroughs on these forums to help you with this setup.
Extended Target Window
Scanning your Extended Target Window is very important, with a life saving snappy heal, rez, call, buff etc you can make a difference. Suggested setup below (again, there are other UI walkthroughs on these forums to help you with this UI setup, see:
Recommended ETW setup:
• First slot for MA
• Next few slots for tank group clerics, other critical healers, essential DPS or event specific players (i.e. torch clickers on EOK Prince event)
• Remaining slots for Main and Add Tanks
Raid Spell-set Overview
A) Heal Mode:
This is my dedicated healing setup. This will allow you to strongly support single target heals on the MTO / Add Tanks and assist with group heals.
Spell setup:
1- Revitalization
2- Adrenaline Barrage (or Thornspike Rush if short event)
3- Curavida
4- Lunasalve
5- Promised Rebirth
6- Sunflash Blessing
7- Survival of the Auspicious
8- Guard of the Reptile
9- Savage Growth
10- Arcronite Skin (or Blessing if short event)
11- Bosquetender’s Alliance
12- Nature’s Response
13- Nourishing Growth
B) Balanced Mode
This is the most common setup as you will find yourself in a DPS or Mixed Tank/DPS group. REGARDLESS, your top priority is to keep your designated group alive. Your second priority is sustaining a meaningful contribution to overall raid DPS. Thirdly, you will be constantly scanning a full Extended Target Window of tanks, critical healers and special DPS/event assignments. You will still compete with your fellow damaging priests whilst most importantly keeping your group alive as well as critical raid members!!
Spell setup:
1- Revitalization
2- Adrenaline Barrage (or Thornspike Rush if short event)
3- Curavida
4- Lunasalve
5- Survival of the Auspicious
6- Remote Moonflash (or Remote Sunblaze)
7- Dichotomic Winds
8- Nature’s Blistening Wrath
9- Sunflame
10- Horde of Polybiads
11- Chill of the Wildtender (Cycle with the spell Nourishing Growth for mana regen)
12- Pearlescent Moonbeam (Cycle with the spell Bosquetener’s Fortitude for a short-burn event) OR Overwhelming Sunray (Cycle with the spell Twincast for extra Twin burn)
13- Cyclonic Roar (Cycle with the spell Frostreave Aura or Wildspark Aura for extra cold/fire burst procs for your group)
C) Pure DPS Mode
I have not added this section as IMO this is the lowest priority for Freelance and high-end raiding druids. If you are requested to be in “Pure DPS mode” then this will most likely be event specific (i.e. area-effect event, bane damage mechanics, etc). If you want guidance on full blown DPS mode for a particular scenario you can send me a tell, otherwise seek hot tips from the following active Cazic server Druids that consistency perform across end-game content: Drmeow, Pikell, Camaroon, Drugas, Paflin, Kianara.
Heal Mode in Detail
Spell Overview:
Breakdown of my main dedicated heal spell setup, usability and common scenarios.
1- Revitalization: 0.5 second cast. 12 second refresh. This is our MAIN reactive heal. If your tank is taking heavy damage then be ready with a snappy Apothic Spine Hammer (Item Clicky) single target heal click or Manisi Branch (Item Clicky) single target heal and/or Survival of the Auspicious spell and/or Convergence of Spirits of Spirits (Class AA).
2- Adrenaline Barrage (or Thornspike Rush if short event): 1.8 second cast. 15 second refresh. Single target heal and 35% chance to proc a rune on the tank. Spam this with Curavida and/or in between timed Lunasalve group heals.
3- Curavida: 2.3 second cast. 2 second refresh. Single target heal always up and ready to go. Spam this with Adrenaline Barrage when it’s up and/or with your timed Lunasalve group heals.
4- Lunasalve: 2.7 second cast. 6 second refresh. Strong group heal spell. This also procs Preserver’s Synergy (Focus AA) that increases the power of the next 3 heals your tanks receive. Use Lunasalve to support in group heals against timed AEs or multiple tanks / group members taking damage. Consider using Blessing of Tunare (Class AA group heal ability) and/or Forceful Rejuvenation (Archetype AA) for a double Lunasalve cast.
5- Promised Rebirth: 0.3 second cast. 15 second refresh. This short duration buff will cast a strong heal on the tank in 20 seconds. You can hover over the short duration buff on the tank and know when you will have strong heal coverage so you can catchup on some beneficial casts i.e. Sunflash Blessing (Spell), Guard of the Reptile (Spell), Savage Growth (Spell), Skin (Spell), Bear Spirit (Class AA), Wrath of the Wild (Class AA), Swarm of the Fireflies (Class AA), etc.
6- Sunflash Blessing: 1 second cast. 13 second refresh. Cast this on the Tank. This will reflect twincasting for your next two heals. Consider using this to provide a timely twin-cast Lunasalve to keep your group up against heavy event AEs or on an event add spawn where multiple tanks begin taking damage.
7- Survival of the Auspicious: 0.5 second cast. 1 minute 30 second refresh. This ability is a great reactive rescue heal to “group members that are in danger of death”. This means it can also allow you to very quickly save another group member without having to change your main target.
8- Guard of the Reptile: 1.5 second cast. 2 second refresh. Keep this buff up on tanks at much as possible. Reflects a spell that heals the tank.
9- Savage Growth: 2.5 second cast. 1 minute 15 second refresh. A very strong stackable HP buff for the tank. This buff no longer interferes with STAT A Familiars (JULY 2018 change). Normally assigned and covered by Shamans however this is not always the case especially during dire times in an event.
10- Arcronite Skin (or Blessing if short event.): Skin recasts.
11- Bosquetender’s Alliance: 1.5 second cast. Instant refresh. Rains a strong heal on your target and nearby companions. Tank alliance is normally assigned and covered by Shamans or Clerics but a good back-up cast on your main tank, yourself or a nearby player during dire situations.
12- Nature’s Response: 3.3 second cast. Instant refresh. This is a 24-minute buff that automatically procs Responsive Regeneration and heals your group if damaged by an AE of 20k+ damage. Essential to keep this up on AE events.
13- Nourishing Growth: 3 second cast. 5-minute duration buff that restores mana once it reaches maturity. Keep this up on long events.
Ability Overview
Keep Wolf and Preincarnation up at all times.
• Group Spirit of the White Wolf (Class AA): Instant cast.. Group white wolf form: Heal crit increase and lots of juicy beneficials to support you and your groupmates. NOTE: Hit this early on before an event begins and give your group the opportunity to “Block Wolf Form”, this will be in their “Song Window”.
• Spirit of the White Wolf (Class AA): Instant cast. Self-only white wolf form. Keep this up when group white wolf is down to keep your heal bonus running. You can keep wolf on yourself at all times.
• Preincarnation (Archetype AA): 1.5 second cast. 30 second refresh. 1-hour duration buff. Your own personal divine intervention ability. Keep this up on yourself at all times.
Familiarize yourself with these clicks and abilities. You can hit your clicky heal with no delay after casting a spell or using an advanced ability. This ensures a strong snappy follow-up heal after using a spell or ability.
• Apothic Dragon Spine Hammer or Jeweled Apothic Dragon Spine Hammer (Item Clicky): 1 second cast. 2 minute refresh. Strong 50,000 points of health single-target heal. This item is the reward for a quest that begins in Veeshan's Peak. It can be upgraded to Jeweled with a Flawless Diamond from a raid chest.
• APOTHIC ALTERNATIVE: Small Manisi Branch (Item Clicky): 1 second cast. 2 minute refresh. Strong 40,000 points of health single-target heal. This item is the reward for The Foretold Hour achievement. It gives you an item that priests can convert into an item with direct heal for 40-80k, mana-free every 2 minutes.
• Convergence of Spirits (Class AA): Instant cast. 8 minute refresh. Strong single target heal + other beneficials. Our best reactive heal.
• Blessing of Tunare (Class AA): 1.5 second cast. 5 minute refresh. Moderate group heal. Great to use before or after a Lunasalve (spell) group heal cast for a double group heal during dire moments. You can use Forceful Rejuvenation (Archetype AA) and hit Lunasalve for a second time giving you 3 strong group heals in a very short time. If you needed to do this you’ll likely be hitting Exodus next as the entire raid is probably dead except your group and that DA’d guy who refuses to let the event reset.
• Peaceful Spirit of the Wood (Class AA): Instant cast. 9 minute refresh. A decent group heal-over-time that lasts for 1 minute 17 seconds. 11,000 points of health per tick. This can be TB’d (Tranquil Blessing) or MGB’d (Mass Group Buff). On certain events you will need to save this ability to be MGB’d. You will be designated and assigned when to perform this ability in the Heal channel.
• Nature’s Boon (Class AA): Instant cast. 20 minute refresh. Emits an area-effect of 3,000 points of health per tick for 5 minutes. Link this in with your Peaceful SOTW (Class AA) assignment to beef it up. By itself it was a waste of AAs during Omens and I can’t believe it’s still so terrible now in 2018. But better than nothing.
Don’t be afraid to combine these abilities for an incredible healing boost or stagger them depending on your situation.
• Nature’s Blessing (Archetype AA): Instant cast. 20-minute refresh. Enjoy being a cleric for 42 seconds. Increases your heals by 100%. Note: Also increases mana cost by 100%, hardly ever an issue. Consider using this ability if your support cleric(s) gets charmed, emoted or your group & tank(s) are taking extra heavy damage.
• Fundament: Second Spire of Nature (Class AA): Instant cast. 7 minutes 30 second refresh. Your next best heal booster that lasts for 1 minute 31 seconds delivering 4000 extra health points per heal.
• Scaled Lifewalker Tunic or Equivalent ROS BP (Item Clicky): 0.3 second cast. 10 minute refresh. Procs Nature’s Will. Depending on your next cast will follow the coordinating path to boost either 24 heals or 19 damage spells.
Overview of short and long duration Druid abilities that beef up your tanks and groups.
• Swarm of Fireflies (Class AA): 1.5 second cast. 5 minute refresh. 5 minute duration buff. Strong heal on your tank if they drop below 40% followed by a decent heal-over-time. Keep this up on your main tank. Always.
• Spirit of the Bear (Class AA): 0.5 second cast. 10 minute re refresh. Single target duration lasting 1 minute 39 seconds boosting HP, AC and Dodge. Use this when Paladin Armor is down and/or their heavy defensive Disciplines are down and/or just take the initiative to use it if they are taking heavy damage. Warriors should be using exclusively Imperators Charge (group spell over-haste) instead of Imperator’s command which is a conflict, if they are not using Imperator’s Charge, insist that they do.
• Fundament: Third Spire of Nature (Class AA): Instant cast. 7 minute 30 second refresh. Your group only boost for AC, HP, Mana and Wisdom cap for 1 minute 30 seconds. Use when Cleric or Tank spire is down and/or take the initiative to hit it if tank taking on heavy damage.
• Guard of the Reptile (Spell): 1.5 second cast. 2 second refresh. Reflects a spell that heals the tank. The buff lasts for over 10 minutes but if taking on damage will fade much sooner. Keep this buff up on tanks at much as possible.
• Savage Growth (Spell): 2.5 second cast. 1 minute 15 second refresh. A very strong stackable HP buff for the tank that lasts for 8 minutes. This buff no longer interferes with STAT A Familiars (JULY 2018 change). Normally assigned and covered by Shamans but keep this up as much as possible.
• Nature’s Response (Spell): 3.3 second cast. This is a self-only 24 minute buff that procs Responsive Regeneration and heals your group if damaged by an area effect totally 20,000 points or more of damage. Essential to keep this up on AE events.
• Bosquetender’s Alliance (Spell): 1.5 second cast. Rains a strong heal on your target and nearby companions. Tanks are normally assigned and covered by Shamans or Clerics but a good back-up to have ready to cast on your main tank or nearby players during dire situations.
Our limited rezzing options.
• Staff of Forbidden Rites (Item Clicky): 1 second cast. 30 seconds refresh. 90% rez. This can be used in combat, during raid events. Quicker casting and recast time than Call of the Wild. This is the the most important raid item for druid (not to mention, paladin, shaman, and even cleric (cleric AA rez is 1.5 cast time). I highly recommend talking with Mten, Raccoo or Minasu in-game to start your rez stick journey.
• Call of the Wild (Archetype AA): 3 second cast. 2 minute refresh. This is a rez-like ability to return players to their corpses. This can be used in combat, during raid events. Players called to their corpse will have
• Rejuvenation of Spirit (Class AA): 96% rez. This cannot be used during combat. Have to wait 5 minutes after raid combat to use.
Balanced Mode in Detail
Spell Overview:
Breakdown of my main dedicated Balanced Play spell setup, usability and common scenarios.
1- Revitalization: 0.5 second cast. 12 second refresh. This is our MAIN reactive heal.
2- Adrenaline Barrage (or Thornspike Rush if short event): 1.8 second cast. 15 second refresh. Our second fastest reactive heal spell.
3- Curavida: 2.3 second cast. 2 second refresh. Single target heal always up and ready to go.
4- Lunasalve: 2.7 second cast. 6 second refresh. Strong group heal spell. This also procs Preserver’s Synergy (Focus AA) that increases the power of the next 3 heals. If your entire group is taking heavy damage then consider using Blessing of Tunare (Class AA group heal ability) and/or Forceful Rejuvenation (Archetype AA) for a double Lunasalve cast.
5- Survival of the Auspicious: 0.5 second cast. 1 minute 30 second refresh. This ability is a great reactive rescue heal to “group members that are in danger of death”. This means it allows you to save another group member without having to change your main target.
6- Remote Moonflash (or Remote Sunblaze): 0.8 second cast. 16 second refresh. Strong Direct-Damage spell that reflects a heal to the tank.
7- Dichotomic Winds: 2 second cast. 1 minute refresh. Extremely strong damage direct damage that reflects a heal to the tank. Use this with your direct-damage and critical burns running and then hit Forceful Rejuvenation (Archetype AA) for a second cast.
8- Nature’s Blistening Wrath: 2.1 second cast, 18 second refresh. Our strongest short-duration fire-based DOT (damage-over-time) spell that is also delivered with a strong direct-damage effect.
9- Sunflame: 0.5 second cast. 6 second refresh. A decent short-duration fire-based DOT that is also delivered with a direct-damage effect.
10- Horde of Polybiads: 0.5 second cast. 6 second refresh. A decent short duration magic-based DOT.
11- Chill of the Wildtender: (Cycle this spell slot with the spell Nourishing Growth for mana regen) 2.1 second cast. Instant refresh. A decent long duration cold-based DOT. On maturity the DOT transforms to Frost of the Wildtender where you can then re-cast Chill of the Wildtender.
12- Pearlescent Moonbeam: 2.1 second cast. 2 second refresh. A decent medium duration cold-based DOT and cold debuff. [Cycle this spell slot with Bosquetener’s Fortitude for extra burn on a short-burn event OR Overwhelming Sunray (A decent medium duration fire-based DOT and fire debuff) OR cycle this spell slot first with the spell Twincast for extra Twin burn.]
13- Cyclonic Roar: 2 second cast. 9 second refresh. Our strongest magic-based direct damage that also has a stun component on NPCs up to Level 110. [Cycle this spell slot first with the spell Frostreave Aura or Wildspark Aura for extra cold/fire burst procs for your group]
Ability Overview
Do your best to keep Wolf and Preincarnation up at all times. Coordinate with your group Enchanter to coincide your group black wolf and burns.
• Group Spirit of the Black Wolf (Class AA): Group black wolf form: Damage spell crit increase and lots of juicy beneficials to support you and your groupmates.
• Spirit of the Black Wolf (Class AA): Self-only black form. Keep this up when group black wolf is down to keep your damage spell crit bonus running. You can keep wolf on yourself at all times.
• Preincarnation (Archetype AA): 1.5 second cast. 30 second refresh. 1 hour duration buff. Your own personal divine intervention ability. Keep this up on yourself at all times.
Mana-free damage abilities! All 3 of them!
• Storm Strike (Class AA): 0.5 second cast. 15 second refresh. Mana-free magic based damage that does bonus damage if the NPC is above 75% health. [Fire Storm (Class AA) is the fire based alternative for situational purposes only].
• Nature’s Guardian (Class AA): Instant cast. 10 minute refresh. Summons a level 109 fierce little bear to attack your target for 2 minutes. Summon to the sides or behind a boss to avoid dying to frontal ripostes.
• Spirits of Nature (Class AA): Instant cast. 10 minute refresh. Summons 3 level 110 pets to attack your target for 1.5 minutes. Summon to the sides or behind a boss to avoid dying to frontal ripostes.
You can literally use the following abilities and clickies all together for a simplified max burn or stagger for sustaining high damage output. Worth studying these burns for longer events to more efficiently burn, however as many of the damage-over-time spell lines deliver direct-damage you can’t go wrong just hitting everything. Coordinate with your group Enchanter to coincide their burns with your group black wolf.
• Scaled Lifewalker Tunic or Equivalent ROS BP (Item Clicky): 0.3 second cast. 10 minute refresh. Procs Nature’s Will. Depending on your next cast will follow the coordinating path to boost either 24 heals or 19 damage spells.
• Focus of Arcanum (Archetype AA): Instant cast. 10 minute refresh. Lowers your resist rate for 6 minutes and 4 seconds. Use this in conjunction with the other burns below.
• Distant Conflagration (Class AA): 1 second cast. 20 minute refresh. 10 minute duration buff that twincasts your next 10 Remote spells.
• Fundament: First Spire of Nature (Class AA): Instant cast. 7 minutes 30 second refresh. 1 minute 30 second duration buff that increases your direct-damage critical chance rate by 24%.
• Nature’s Fury (Class AA): Instant cast. 21 minute refresh. 4 minute 2 second duration buff increasing base damage of your direct damage spells by 30% and increasing mana cost by 50%.
• Destructive Vortex (Class AA): Instant cast. 13 minute refresh. Enhances your damage-over-time spells for 1 minute 5 seconds.
• Improved Twincast (Archetype AA): Instant cast. 15 minute refresh. Twincasts the next 19 detrimental spells.
• Glyph of Destruction (Special AA): Instant cast. 10 minute refresh. Increases the damage done by critical melee and damage spells by 60% for 2 minutes. If you have AAs to burn, stack this during all your event burns.
Other Stuff
These will be event specific. You’ll be given a heads up when essential usage is required.
• Radiant Cure (Archetype AA): 2 second cast. 1 minute refresh. Cures your Group of 35 poison, disease and curse counters with a 95% chance of removing one detrimental effect from all nearby group members.
• Purified Spirits (Archetype AA): Instant cast. 2 minute refresh. Self only. Removes 44 poison, disease, and curse counters. Removes 21 corruption counters. Also a 95% chance to remove one detrimental effect.
• Expurgated Blood (Spell): 2.3 spell cast. 2 second refresh. Single-target disease, poison, curse, corruption cure.
• Wildtender’s Breeze (Spell): 2 second cast. 4 second refresh. Group poison, disease and corruption cure.
• Chant of the Wulthan (Spell): 2 second cast. 4 second refresh. Group corruption cure.
Our mana-free advanced ability debuff options.
• Season’s Wrath (Class AA): 1.5 second cast. 5 minute refresh. Short-duration NPC debuff that increases the damage taken from cold and fire spells by 25% for 30 seconds. Use this on your NPC target to enhance your personal burn.
• Blessing of Ro (Class AA): 1 second cast. 6 second refresh. Long-duration (10 minute) debuff of fire, armor class, and attack power.
• Other spell debuffs will be assigned and coordinated as required. Click here for more detail:
Rarely assigned but we have some useful punts and crowd control support.
• Paralytic Spores (Archetype AA): 1.5 second cast. 1 minute refresh. Single target punt that also roots the target up to 3.2 minutes. NOTE: You do not need to be facing the NPC. The NPC will be punted in the direction you are facing. This can be very handy for repositioning.
• Paralytic Spray (Archetype AA): 1.5 second cast. 1 minute refresh. Directional area-effect punt that also roots up to 8 NPCs up to 2 minutes. NOTE: The NPCs must be in the direction your toon is facing.
• Wall of Wind (Class AA): 1.5 second cast. 1 minute refresh. Small directional punt that pushes away up to 8 NPCs with a chance of 2.2 minute snare. NOTE: The NPCs must be in the direction your toon is facing.
• Vinelash Assault (Spell): 1.5 second cast. 7 second refresh. Directional area-effect that roots everything in front of your toon within range up to 1 minute 10 seconds. Chance that the mobs will be snared when root breaks. NOTE: The NPCs must be in the direction your toon is facing.
• Entrap (Archetype AA): 0.3 second cast. 2 second refresh. Very quick, non-directional, 14 minute single target snare. This long duration snare does not conflict with Paralytic and Vinelash roots so you can link this in with your punts and AE roots. NOTE: You do not need to be facing the NPC.
Hi Zarake,
Thanks for taking the time to post a Druid guide! :) I've sticky posted it, so it stands out.
I haven't played the Druid class. They're such a big utility class though, and your guide appears to cover all the main areas.
One other area that might be good for Team Druid to discuss is their trigger packages. I imagine our Druids have triggers for BW and SoTW, etc., for example.
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