Author Topic: EoK - Kor-Sha - T3 - Atrebe Sathir  (Read 2833 times)


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EoK - Kor-Sha - T3 - Atrebe Sathir
« on: November 01, 2018, 06:08:30 PM »
Kor-Sha - T3 - Atrebe Sathir

Gather Zone:Gates of Kor-Sha
NPC Name: Praetor Tellik
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)
Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: Essence of the Dragon I (Group) /achievement.  Not Required, but recommended.  Reduces Zone-wide AE.
Event Flags: Seal of the Kar`Zok
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: N/A

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

Work in Progress.

Waves of adds spawn from the portal to soften us up.  Then Haulers spawn and path towards iksar and a minboss spawns and then finally a pie in the sky.  Apple pie.

Stage 1: Shissar Remant Adds - 7x from portal

Stage 2:

Wave of 7 ancient iksar adds from portal.

Haulers (golems) spawn periodically one at a time a few seconds apart and path towards iksar corpses.  Golems don't appear on ETW.  Kill these quickly, or they'll reanimate iksar corpses and bring them to the portal.

While golems are spawning, Garssilor, Cinderscale (karzok miniboss) comes into play to join the fun.

Garssilor MT: Frontal AE -- Face Garssilor away from main raid please.

Several plaguebone adds come into play (An emerald plaguebone, a violet plaguebone).


Teleportation Key Fragments:  Dimbly coordinating this mechanic.

In-game Achievements, can provide some hints.

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Atrebe, the Lost King

Deathly Touch  235k DoT + Snare (30s duration)
Weathering Blast  125k DoT + HP/Mana 80% cap + Spell/Melee Slow (Target AE 30' range, 30s duration)

Atrebe, the Lost King / Atrebe shouts:

[Sat Oct 20 22:26:34 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, in Lizardman, 'So, you have come. I have heard about strangers, invaders, that came to our homeland like an insect swarm while I was, otherwise disposed. You were not responsible for the fall of my people, the people I was born to, but you finished what others started. You came here and ground your heels into what remained of them. Some of them you even turned from their own people and made into your servants. They stand alongside you as allies against me, their true king. This I cannot abide.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:26:39 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, in Lizardman, 'I have lived longer than you know and I have dominion over things you will never understand. My children have outpaced you and they will help me restore the empire.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:27:33 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Lilpugs.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:28:50 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Gruesula.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:29:09 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'Defeating those feeble old corpses is no accomplishment. Let us see how strong you really are.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:30:05 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Twoma.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:31:22 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Jimech.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:32:40 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Huevos.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:33:56 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Windreaper.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:34:31 2018] Atrebe shouts, 'So, let's see if you can find the proper way to control THESE spirits!'
[Sat Oct 20 22:35:14 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Immuden.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:35:18 2018] Atrebe shouts, 'So, let's see if you can find the proper way to control THESE spirits!'
[Sat Oct 20 22:36:31 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Toransa.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:36:41 2018] Atrebe shouts, 'Well, my target appears to be missing. I am nothing if not patient. I will display my power at someone else's expense!'
[Sat Oct 20 22:36:49 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Faithanna.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:38:05 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Jasson.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:39:21 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'It is time to show you just a fraction of my real power, Furro.'

Stage 2 Starting Emote:

[Sat Oct 20 22:29:09 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, 'Defeating those feeble old corpses is no accomplishment. Let us see how strong you really are.'

Garssilor, Cinderscale

A Karzok that comes into play sometime during Stage 2 - ancient iksar adds and haulers (golems).

Casts Burning Scales and Gust of Atrebe.

AE Rampages.

Garssilor is clearly upset about something!

Burning Scales     12k DS (self buff, slot 1)
Gust of Atrebe9k MANA DRAIN + 55k DD + 6.5k Endurance Drain
Directional AE - FRONTAL (300 to 60 Degrees)
Aura of the Kar`Zok45k DoT + MANA DRAIN Target AE (180', AE Range 150')
Decrease Healing Taken by 60% to 80%


- Chain casts Burning Scales (DS).  Doesn't only coincide with the burn emote.
-- Burning Scales DS is slot 1.  Paladin try Mark of Krausig or Cleric MoK / Mark of Shandral on Garssilor


[Sat Oct 20 22:32:22 2018] Garssilor shouts, 'It's time to make you all burn!'
[Sat Oct 20 22:33:22 2018] Garssilor shouts, 'It's time to make you all burn!'
[Sat Oct 20 22:34:27 2018] Garssilor shouts, 'It's time to make you all burn!'
[Sat Oct 20 22:35:28 2018] Garssilor shouts, 'It's time to make you all burn!'


Various adds, hits, etc.

The shissar remants, ancient iksars and haulers cast Barrage (Rogue ability).

A shissar remnant   Stage 1: Spawns 7~ of them from portal.
An ancient iksar   Stage 2: Spawns 7~ of them from portal.
A hauler   Stage 2: Spawn at timed intervals a few seconds apart.
(golem)   Action: Kill them before they reach an iksar corpse or it'll reanimate the corpse and brings it back to portal.
- Spawn periodically a few seconds apart.
- Spawn during Stage 2 (ancient iksars).
- DOES NOT appear on ETW.

- Hauler panics and goes invulnerable:
[Sat Oct 20 22:31:17 2018] A hauler briefly panics for fear of being unable to perform its tasks and starts attacking wildly.
[Sat Oct 20 22:31:17 2018] Konn tries to bash a hauler, but a hauler is INVULNERABLE!
[Sat Oct 20 22:31:22 2018] Fluffy tries to bash a hauler, but a hauler is INVULNERABLE!

An emerald plaguebone   Armor of the Ghostly - Self buff - Increase Melee Mitigation 90%
   Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 80% with up to 80% Damage
Effect wears off message, 3rd person: loses its ghostly armor.
   Grasp of Bones - Root - Caster PB (50' AE range)
Effect message, 1st person: Bones grasp you.
   Reflected Root - Root - Target AE (30' range)
A violet plaguebone   Armor of the Ghostly - Self buff - Increase Melee Mitigation 90%
   Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 80% with up to 80% Damage
Effect wears off message, 3rd person: loses its ghostly armor.
Gravegust - 95k DD + Knockback (single-target)
Effect message, 1st person: You are hit by a powerful gust of chilling wind.
Reflected Enthrall - MEZ DoT 12s - Target AE (30' range)
Action: SIT to BREAK MEZ
Reflected Enthrall, Reflected Charm, Reflected Root -- all share the same effect message.
  Effect message, 1st person: Magic reflects from the plaguebone onto you.
Bone Plague - 139k DoT VIRAL (24s duration, Viral Range 25', Recast 10s to 12s)
  Emote 1st person: You become the source of plague.
Note: Bone Plague possibly in play from plaguebone adds - Viral - Putting in this section.

Mechanic - Teleportation Key Fragments

Coordinator: Dimbly.

Fragments drop from haulers (golems).

Item: Blue Glowing Teleportation Key Fragment

[Sat Oct 20 22:31:47 2018] --Huevos has looted a Blue Glowing Teleportation Key Fragment.--

The Sphere of Flame

30 seconds apart.

[Sat Oct 20 22:35:53 2018] The sphere of flame grows larger and hotter.
[Sat Oct 20 22:36:23 2018] The sphere of flame grows larger and hotter.
[Sat Oct 20 22:36:53 2018] The sphere of flame grows larger and hotter.


[Sat Oct 20 22:31:31 2018] The siphon pulls energy from another reality, growing stronger even as Atrebe takes that power for himself.
[Sat Oct 20 22:36:31 2018] The siphon pulls energy from another reality, growing stronger even as Atrebe takes that power for himself.


[Sat Oct 20 22:36:26 2018] Power flows from Atrebe and makes you feel queasy.

Note: Could be queasy from pie overdose... /burp.


No Return - Win without allowing any of the ancient iksar to be animated.
Everything Reborn - Win after allowing all of the corpses to be animated.
Fire Control - Win without allowing the gathering flames to expand.

Event Start Lore

[Sat Oct 20 22:26:30 2018] A servant says, 'You are expected. Invaders like you would have to come, sooner or later. The king asks you to leave, right now. He will [not] ask twice.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:26:31 2018] You say, 'not'
[Sat Oct 20 22:26:32 2018] A servant says, 'Your decision is predictably foolish.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:26:34 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, in Lizardman, 'So, you have come. I have heard about strangers, invaders, that came to our homeland like an insect swarm while I was, otherwise disposed. You were not responsible for the fall of my people, the people I was born to, but you finished what others started. You came here and ground your heels into what remained of them. Some of them you even turned from their own people and made into your servants. They stand alongside you as allies against me, their true king. This I cannot abide.'
[Sat Oct 20 22:26:39 2018] Atrebe, the Lost King shouts, in Lizardman, 'I have lived longer than you know and I have dominion over things you will never understand. My children have outpaced you and they will help me restore the empire.'

Zone wide AE - Aura of Kor-Sha

Appears in song window.  Group and Raid Achievements negate the effects.

Aura of Kor-Sha    Inhibits: Crit Nuke Dmg, DoT Dmg, Heal Chance, HoT Chance, Hit Chance, Crit Hit Dmg.  Cap Mana at 80%
Effect message: Dark magic infests your blood because it is not of the dragon.


[Mon Feb 12 21:45:14 2018] You have entered Kor-Sha Laboratory.
[Mon Feb 12 21:45:14 2018] Your mercenary has been suspended.
[Mon Feb 12 21:45:15 2018] You have entered an area where levitation effects do not function.
[Mon Feb 12 21:45:15 2018] You appear.
[Mon Feb 12 21:45:15 2018] Dark magic infests your blood because it is not of the dragon.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

* Important Notes:

There is a main package for everyone.

Everyone  Main Package  11-30-2018 (11:33pm)  - Atrebe, the Lost King - Deathly Touch - Weathering Blast - Player Targeted
- Stage 2 - Start - Ancient Iksar Adds
- Plaguebone adds - Reflected Enthrall - Mezzes - Sit to break mez
- Plaguebone adds - Bone Plague - VIRAL - Targets player by emote, 1st person


- [ Sub-group folder ] The Sphere of Flame
-- The Sphere of Flame - Grows larger and hotter

- [ Sub-group folder ] The Siphon
-- The Siphon - Pulls Energy - Grows stronger

- [ Sub-group folder ] Hauler (golem)
-- Hauler - Panics - It's invulnerable now

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:55:06 PM by Furro »


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Re: EoK - Kor-Sha - T3 - Atrebe Sathir
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2019, 04:54:39 AM »
Saturday, February 16, 2019 - Atrebe Sathir Defeated!

Awesome job everyone and the click team too!

Thanks all who were able to stay overtime to get this down.  It was for a good cause!

Empires of Kunark expansion complete!

See everyone in-game! :)