Author Topic: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - The Sathir Line  (Read 2655 times)


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RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - The Sathir Line
« on: March 27, 2020, 10:29:20 PM »
Sathirs Tomb - T2 - The Sathir Line

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Overthere
NPC Name: Scout Deni M`Trix
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Sathir's Seal (Raid) achievement

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

Event is triggered.  Trash can be cleared from room before triggering event.  Event is timed.


Paladins - DO NOT USE SPLASH (it contains cure components)

Venril Sathir (VS) goes active on event start.

Venril Sathir emotes player with mesmerizing gaze - Player needs to run away or everyone nearby is hit by Sathir's Mesmerization 300k DD + STUN (Target AE, 35' range). 

Mesmerizing Gaze emoted - Run to middle/center of room when emoted.  Orange ring appears around player emoted.

Venril Sathir - At 20% HP Rile Sathir spawns.

Rile spawns Spirits and Hexbone adds at HP/timed intervals.

Rile HP LOCKS at 5%.

Rile HP is on a 20 minute reset timer.

Drusella Sathir appears and disappears throughout the event.

Drusella appears with it's blue damage AURA - EMOTES a player then CHASES THAT PLAYER.  Emoted player RUN AWAY until Drusella stops chasing (emote notifies when chasing stops).

EMOTE FAILURE: IF PERSON BEING CHASED IS HIT BY AURA, then Drusella emotes the player and does a PULL AE effect: Pull of the Demi Lich.  Anyone caught in the PULL area of 125' range will die usually as a result of being in her AURA at that point.


Tight formation - Raid SHIFTING between TWO CAMPFIRES - WEST and EAST.  We start at West.

When Drusella warns she is about to respawn we SHIFT to the other camp using /rs announce calls (make sure you have our Generic Raid triggers).

Drusella emoted players use SOUTH AREA TO KITE Drusella and do not let her aura hit you.

DPS Venril Sathir to 20% then Rile Sathir spawns.  VS despawns then returns a short time later.

Mages, Necros and Enchanters DPS Rile Sathir until Venril Sathir respawns then immediately switch to Venril Sathir (remember to switch your pets to VS too).

Necros DoT both Rile and Venril Sathir (when VS up), unless Rile HP at 5% (locked), then stay on VS.


AE DAMAGE is OK and encouraged.

Tanking Venril Sathir and Rile and adds at same location.  When raid shifts, tanks drag bosses + adds together to other spot.  Rinse/repeat.

Kill Venril Sathir first then Rile 5% HP unlocks, then kill Rile to complete event.

Image by: Raiena


Tanks for VS and Rile - Your tank spots change due to shifting of raid between two spots: West and East.  We start out West.

MTO for both VS and Rile, tank them together.  When raid shifts, you shift with the raid and drag your boss to other spot.

Add tanks - Pickup Spirits and Hexbone adds and tank at raid location.  Drag your adds when raid shifts spots.


Do not use the following spells/AA:
- Radiant Cure (RC AA), Purify AA, Group Purification
- Ward of Purity AA
- Cleric Epic
- Renewal heal line (contains cures)
- Group Heal with cures (i.e: do not use Word of Greater Replenishment)
- Group Heal-Over-Time (GHoT) with cures (i.e: do not use Sincere Aquittal)

Clerics - Some spells you can swap in place of above:
- OK to use the following group heals: Word of Soothing and Syllable of Soothing
- OK to use the following group HoT: Elixir of Transcendence
- OK to use AA Divine Arbritration
- OK to use Exquisite Benediction AA
- OK to use Remedy line, Promised Restoration line.

If in doubt, right click any spell and look at description to determine if it cures.  If still not sure, ask in FLHeals channel.

You should have a standard "NO CURES" spell set saved for these types of events.

MA Kill Order: Melee DPS: Spirits, Hexbones, then Rile (to 5% HP lock), then Venril Sathir

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Venril Sathir

Venril Sathir (VS) goes active on event start.

Venril Sathir - At 20% HP Rile Sathir spawns: Drusella Sathir shouts, 'At last! The ritual is complete. My son has returned!'

Venril Sathir Reappears: Venril Sathir shouts, 'Let's see how you fare against the entire Sathir family!'

Venril Sathir calls on Drusella for assistance (initial Drusella spawn warning): Venril Sathir shouts, 'Drusella, my dearest, I require your assistance!'

Sathir's Mesmerization300k DD + STUN (Target AE, 35' range)
Players targeted via emote.
   Action: RUN TO MIDDLE / CENTER AREA when emoted
Deadly Lifetap175k~ DD (single-target)
   Targets up to 10 random players at 15 sec intervals

Rile Sathir

Rile Sathir spawns when Venril Sathir at 20% HP: Drusella Sathir shouts, 'At last! The ritual is complete. My son has returned!'

Rile spawns Spirits and Hexbone adds at HP/timed intervals.

Rile HP LOCKS at 5%.

Rile HP is on a 20 minute reset timer.

Drusella Sathir

Appears and disappears during event.

When appears, it's blue damage AURA is active and it target emotes a player and chases that person.

EMOTE FAILURE: IF PERSON BEING CHASED IS HIT BY AURA, then Drusella emotes the player and does a PULL AE effect: Pull of the Demi Lich.  Anyone caught in the PULL area of 125' range will die usually as a result of being in her AURA at that point.

Curse of the Vault196k DD + Mana/Endurance drain 8666
   Emotes player and chases.  Drusella has a blue damage AURA
   Action: RUN AWAY when emoted

[Thu Mar 26 23:06:40 2020] Drusella Sathir peers at Hothar and prepares to give chase!
[Thu Mar 26 23:06:56 2020] Drusella Sathir stops chasing her quarry.
Pull of the Demi Lich197k~ DD + PULL EFFECT (Caster PB AE, 125' range, 6 seconds)
      Cast on you: An unseen force pulls you inexorably closer to the undead...
   EMOTE FAILURE: IF PERSON BEING CHASED IS HIT BY AURA, then Drusella emotes the player and does a PULL AE effect: Pull of the Demi Lich.  Anyone caught in the PULL area of 125' range will die usually as a result of being in her AURA at that point.

[Thu Mar 26 23:04:15 2020] Drusella Sathir peers at Luthernhamner and prepares to give chase!
[Thu Mar 26 23:04:30 2020] Drusella Sathir begins casting Pull of the Demi Lich.
[Thu Mar 26 23:04:31 2020] Drusella Sathir shouts, 'Come closer... to me... Luthernhamner...'


Drusella Respawn:
[Thu Mar 26 23:00:10 2020] Drusella Sathir shouts, 'I have returned...'
[Thu Mar 26 23:03:05 2020] Drusella Sathir shouts, 'I have returned...'

Drusella upset about attacking her son:
[Thu Mar 26 23:03:00 2020] Drusella Sathir shouts, 'How dare you attack my son! It has been too long to be reunited with him to lose him again so soon.'

Rile Sathir HP Reset Timer:
[Thu Mar 26 22:59:45 2020] Drusella Sathir shouts, 'Rile will be restored to his full strength in 19 more minutes.'
[Thu Mar 26 23:00:45 2020] Drusella Sathir shouts, 'Rile will be restored to his full strength in 18 more minutes.'
[Thu Mar 26 23:01:45 2020] Drusella Sathir shouts, 'Rile will be restored to his full strength in 17 more minutes.'


Various adds spawn throughout event.

A vengeful sepulcher spiritSepulchral Stun - 101k DD + STUN (5s, single-target)
Hush of the Sepulchral Spirit - SILENCE Melee/Spell (6s) + Decrease Endurance/Mana by 2500 (single-target)
Note: Undead
A hexbone protectorPain Touch - 140k DD + 41k DoT + Push (36s, single-target).  Curse counters 50
Note: Undead

Tomb Rot

Comes into play when a player dies.

[Sat May 11 22:35:17 2019] You regain some experience from resurrection.
[Sat May 11 22:35:17 2019] Returning to Resurrect. Please wait...
[Sat May 11 22:35:17 2019] You are afflicted with Tomb Rot.

SoandsoTomb Rot I - Increase Hit Dmg Taken by 40% (15m+ duration)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)
   Cast: Tomb Rot II on Curer
SoandsoTomb Rot II - Increase Hit Dmg Taken by 80% (10m+ duration)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)
   Cast: Tomb Rot III on Curer
SoandsoTomb Rot III - Increase Hit Dmg Taken by 80% (5m+ duration)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)
   Cast: Tomb Rot IV on Curer
SoandsoTomb Rot IV - Increase Hit Dmg Taken by 200% (90s+ duration)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)
   Cast: Rotten Body on Duration Fade - 100M DD (single-target)

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with Venril Sathir.


- Ghost Buster
-- Defeat Rile with no skeletons or ghosts left standing.

- Resisting the Pull
-- Do not allow Drusella to activate her gravitate ability.

- Careful Cures
-- Do not allow anyone to cure Venril Sathir's Bond of Blood.


Event Start:
[Thu Mar 26 22:58:47 2020] The doors to the final tomb chamber seal shut.

Event Reset:
[Thu Mar 26 23:08:20 2020] The Sathir family returns to their dark toiling.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  03-28-2020 (4:02pm)  - Drusella Sathir - COMING FOR YOU - RUN AWAY - Avoid AURA
- Drusella Sathir - Pull of the Demi Lich - PULLS PLAYER
- Drusella Sathir - MOVING - WATCH OUT - She is after someone else
- Drusella Sathir - Returns (appears)
- Drusella Sathir - Rile Sathir Spawned
- Event Reset
- Event Start
- Venril Sathir - Mesmerizing Gaze - Emote at player
- Venril Sathir - Rile Sathir Spawned
- Event Timers (toggled off by default)
-- Rile Sathir HP Reset Timer (toggled of by default)


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:53:58 PM by Furro »


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - The Sathir Line
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2020, 11:05:00 PM »
Just a heads up.  Drew appears in a spot for a few seconds before she turns her aura on.  So you have to watch out for her and her aura.  Or she might pop on ya, and then you get aura'ed before you can move.


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - The Sathir Line
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2020, 04:20:12 PM »
Furro - Let me know if you need me to change anything.


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - The Sathir Line
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2020, 08:59:31 PM »
March 28, 2020 - Strategy & Trigger Package Updated

Good progress on this event so far.  On our best run last night we got Rile to 5% and discovered the HP lock, then switched to Venril Sathir at the time and got him to 84% before wipe.

Our raid shifts between two camps strategy worked very well, we'll continue the tactic going forward.

In addition, melee DPS focusing on adds kept them in check, but we did fall behind at times near the end.  I'm confident we can optimize this further with better disc timing during that stage and stronger focus on adds.

Strategy post has been updated as well as various other details.

At a minimum read the "Brief Event Overview & Strategy" section to ensure up to date.

Trigger package updated:


VS/Rile spawn triggers were backwards (thanks Centare/Huevos for pointing out).

Added new trigger to warn when Drusella is about to respawn (return).  Shortened the text/voice of trigger to alert player more quickly.

It is critical to delete old trigger set before importing new, otherwise you will end up with duplicate and incorrect triggers.

Added Event Diagram:

Thanks Raiena for working up a diagram with run to locations and shift camp spots.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: RoS - Sathirs Tomb - T2 - The Sathir Line
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2020, 04:31:51 AM »
Saturday, March 28, 2020 - The Sathir Line defeated!

Awesome work all!

See everyone in-game! :)