Author Topic: TBL - Aalishai - T3 - The Palace Gates  (Read 3888 times)


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TBL - Aalishai - T3 - The Palace Gates
« on: May 02, 2020, 02:34:27 AM »
Aalishai - T3 - The Palace Gates

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Aalishai
NPC Name: Vermillion Refuge in Symmetry
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: Greater Battle Writ of the Jann (Raid) achievement

* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: N/A

Brief Event Overview

Trash up in zone.  Clearing for safety is ideal.

Proximity aggro on boss starts event.

Seneschal Radiant Propensity boss wild rampages.

At timed intervals Seneschal self buffs a short duration 50M HP Rune with a recourse Repercussions AE if enough damage occurs to drop the rune.  The Repercussion AE recourse kills phoenix and armor adds. 

There are two types of phoenix adds: Wildfire and Wind.  Each casts a different AE before being killed by the Repercussion AE.

A Wildfire phoenix casts Flames of Destruction - Caster PB 200k DD (30' range).  If this AE hits boss it will cause massive DAMAGE (145M~).  AE hits players for 200k.

A Wind phoenix casts Flames of Renewal - Caster PB Increase HP by 100k (30' range).  If this AE hits boss it will cause a massive HEAL (300M~).  AE heals players for 100k.

When Repercussion AE kills armor adds it strengthens the rank of the Repercussion AE.

Golems target random player locations and cast a visible ring on ground then AE damage that location and despawn.  Players avoid the ring to prevent AE damage.

Jopal, Vekerchiki, Triloun, Mephit adds cast a short range Fetid Blood DoT; massive mana/end drain.

Fire Giants are charmable.  Many of the adds mezzable.  Other event adds do not cast any spells.



Boss positioned at door.

Entire raid position at boss location to minimize Wild Rampage damage.  Do not be near bridge or other area unless assigned to be.

Kiters assigned for wind phoenix and armor adds.  Kite counterclockwise, beyond the bridge.

Special kiter assigned for wildfire phoenix adds.  Kite in a tight loop to ensure the small range AE hits boss to cause damage.

Druid, Ranger or Enchanter assigned to PUNT/knockback the Slag Golem to keep it away.  Emoted players need to still react to trigger and run away.

ALL remaining adds not covered above to be MEZZED at raid.


- Pay attention to MA call when to DPS boss.


- ALL adds MEZZED at raid except for the following:
-- Phoenixes being kited
-- Armors being kited
-- Slag golem, punted (may need tank to snag to get off soft players, like Dark Elves, a weaker race...)

- Paladins, splash!


- Disease Cure oriented spell lineup
-- Word of Greater Replenishment
-- GHoT with cure component
-- Etc.


- CHARM a fire giant lord and sick on boss.  Fire giant spawns south side.

- MEZ ALL adds at raid except for the following:
-- Phoenixes being kited
-- Armors being kited
-- Slag golem, punt away from raid

MA Kill Order: Boss on/off.

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Seneschal Radiant Propensity


Wild Rampages.

Bond of Indemnity I - IV50M HP RUNE Self buff
If it absorbs more than 50M damage during 30s it will explode casting Repercussions I - IV
Effect - 1st Person: Seneschal Radiant Propensity is surrounded by a bond of indemnity.
Emote: The Seneschal surrounds himself in a Bond of Indemnity.
Repercussions I - IV300k - 427k Caster PB (200' range)
Effect - 1st Person: You face the repercussions of breaking your bond.
Deals X fire damage to all targets in a large radius. 
Has unusual effects on animated armors and phoenixes.

[Sat May 02 23:22:16 2020] The Seneschal surrounds himself in a Bond of Indemnity.
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] The armor is unmade by repercussions of flame, strengthening its bonds!
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] The phoenix's magic gives life to the Seneschal!
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] The armor is unmade by repercussions of flame, strengthening its bonds!
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] The armor is unmade by repercussions of flame, strengthening its bonds!
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] Seneschal Radiant Propensity hit you for 208750 points of magic damage by Repercussions II.
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] You face the repercussions of breaking your bond.
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] The phoenix's magic gives life to the Seneschal!
[Sat May 02 23:22:41 2020] The Seneschal's Bond of Indemnity gains strength from the elemental armor!
Stipulation of Flame360k Caster PB (100' range)
Effect - 1st Person: You are burned by a stipulation of flame.
Warning Emote: The Seneschal begins to speak words of flame.
Effect Cast Emote: The Seneschal speaks words of flame.
[Sat May 02 23:19:46 2020] The Seneschal begins to speak words of flame.
[Sat May 02 23:19:55 2020] The Seneschal speaks words of flame.
[Sat May 02 23:19:55 2020] Seneschal Radiant Propensity begins casting Stipulation of Flame.
[Sat May 02 23:19:55 2020] Seneschal Radiant Propensity hit Soandso`s pet for 234000 points of fire damage by Stipulation of Flame.
[Sat May 02 23:19:55 2020] Seneschal Radiant Propensity hit you for 222700 points of fire damage by Stipulation of Flame.
[Sat May 02 23:19:55 2020] You are burned by a stipulation of flame.


Various adds spawn throughout event.

A slag golemCoal Dust Explosion - Caster PB 320k + Knockback (30' range)
1st person: Coal dust explodes in your face!
Warning Emote - 1st Person: A slag golem becomes enraged at Dimerall and prepares to charge at their location!
Warning Emote - Generic: A slag golem selects a target and begins running towards that location in a blind rage!
Action: Run Away
- Snareable
- Hits for 20k~
- Targets  a player, runs to player location, casts Coal Dust Explosion AE and then golem dies.
-- [Sat May 02 00:05:59 2020] A slag golem begins casting Coal Dust Explosion.
-- [Sat May 02 00:06:00 2020] A slag golem died.
- Player name targeted appears in brackets below golem name
- Visible orange fire ring appears at golem
A wildfire phoenixFlames of Destruction - Caster PB 200k DD (30' range)
1st person: You are burned by the flames of destruction.
Warning emote: ...
- Mob dies when hit by Repercussions effect.  Mob casts Flames of Destruction before dies.
- Flames of Destruction AE fire damage to all targets in small radius for 200k then dies
- Flames of Destruction: DAMAGES boss for 145M~ HP

Example 1:
[Fri May 08 23:03:26 2020] The phoenix's fire drains power from the Seneschal!
[Fri May 08 00:00:00 2999] Seneschal Radiant Propensity is burned for 145806451 points of damage by the flames of destruction!

Note: Above damage reported by Raiena/Centare(?).   Furro out of range of damage message.

Example 2:
[Fri May 01 23:17:26 2020] A wildfire phoenix begins casting Flames of Destruction.
[Fri May 01 23:17:26 2020] A wildfire phoenix died.
A wind phoenixFlames of Renewal - Caster PB Increase HP by 100k (30' range)
1st person: You are reborn in the flames of renewal.
- Keep phoenixes away from boss
- Mob dies when hit by Repercussions effect.  Mob casts Flames of Renewal before dies.
- Flames of Renewal: Heals all targets; including players in a small radius for 100k hit points
- Flames of Renewal: Heals boss for 300M~ HP
- Wind phoenix casts Flames of Renewal then dies
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] A wind phoenix begins casting Flames of Renewal.
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] a wind phoenix healed Canneto`s pet for 100000 hit points by Flames of Renewal.
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] a wind phoenix healed Clown`s pet for 100000 hit points by Flames of Renewal.
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] a wind phoenix healed Bumkus`s pet for 15357 (100000) hit points by Flames of Renewal.
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] a wind phoenix healed Soandso`s pet for 100000 hit points by Flames of Renewal.
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] a wind phoenix healed a fire giant lord for 100000 hit points by Flames of Renewal.
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] The phoenix's magic gives life to the Seneschal!
[Sat May 02 23:22:36 2020] Seneschal Radiant Propensity  is restored for 301333333 hit points by the flames of renewal!

A jopal soldierFetid Blood - Caster PB DoT 65k + 25k MANA/END DRAIN (120 Disease counters, 50' range)
- Decrease Spell Damage Taken 40% to 60% from Stipulation of Flame (360k DD)
- Lasts 60s or until it has absorbed damage from 2 spells
1st person: You are doused in fetid blood.
3rd person: Soandso The fetid blood dries up.
- Fetid Blood DoT removed when hit by Stipulation of Flame
- Mezzable
A vekerchiki warriorFetid Blood - Caster PB DoT 65k + 25k MANA/END DRAIN (120 Disease counters, 50' range)
- Decrease Spell Damage Taken 40% to 60% from Stipulation of Flame (360k DD)
- Lasts 60s or until it has absorbed damage from 2 spells
1st person: You are doused in fetid blood.
3rd person: Soandso The fetid blood dries up.
- Fetid Blood DoT removed when hit by Stipulation of Flame
- Mezzable
A triloun championFetid Blood - Caster PB DoT 65k + 25k MANA/END DRAIN (120 Disease counters, 50' range)
- Decrease Spell Damage Taken 40% to 60% from Stipulation of Flame (360k DD)
- Lasts 60s or until it has absorbed damage from 2 spells
1st person: You are doused in fetid blood.
3rd person: Soandso The fetid blood dries up.
- Fetid Blood DoT removed when hit by Stipulation of Flame
- Mezzable
A gusty mephitFetid Blood - Caster PB DoT 65k + 25k MANA/END DRAIN (120 Disease counters, 50' range)
- Decrease Spell Damage Taken 40% to 60% from Stipulation of Flame (360k DD)
- Lasts 60s or until it has absorbed damage from 2 spells
1st person: You are doused in fetid blood.
3rd person: Soandso The fetid blood dries up.
- Fetid Blood DoT removed when hit by Stipulation of Flame
- Mezzable (reported by Luthernhamner.  Confirmed by Furro in raid attempts log: 2020-05-08)
A pyre armorDoesn't cast any spells
- Mob dies when hit by Repercussions effect
- Snareable
- Rootable
A swell armorDoesn't cast any spells
- Mob dies when hit by Repercussions effect
- Snareable
- Rootable
A fire giant lordDoesn't cast any spells
Action: Charm it
Note: Charmable
A tempest gustDoesn't cast any spells
Note: Mezzable (reported by Luthernhamner.  Confirmed by Furro in raid attempts log: 2020-05-08)
An inferno flareDoesn't cast any spells
Note: Mezzable (reported by Luthernhamner.  Confirmed by Furro in raid attempts log: 2020-05-08)

Start Event

Event is triggered by proximity aggro to boss: Seneschal Radiant Propensity


- Legend of the Phoenix
-- Ensure the Seneschal is affected by Flames of Destruction five times.

- No Repercussions
-- Do not allow the Seneschal's Repercussions spell to affect four or more animated armors.

- Quadruple Indemnity
-- Complete the Seneschal's fight at the maximum level of Repercussions.


Event Reset:
[Fri May 01 23:19:40 2020] Seneschal Radiant Propensity says, 'Let's see you wriggle your way out of THIS one!'

Note: Same emote when boss leashed.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: aalishai_2.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Code: [Select]
P -140.0000, 1.0000, 13.0000,  0, 0, 240,  3,  Bridge
P -10.0000, 1.0000, 6.7400,  127, 0, 0,  3,  Seneschal

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  05-09-2020 (5:37pm) 
- Fetid Blood
-- Fetid Blood - DoT on YOU - Disease Cure

- Phoenixes
-- Phoenix - Flames of Destruction - Boss HP Damaged
-- Phoenix - Flames of Renewal - Boss HP Restored

- Slag Golem
-- Slag Golem - AURA at Player - Warning (3rd person)
-- Slag Golem - AURA at YOU - Warning (1st person)

- The Seneschal - Bond of Indemnity - RUNE Active
-- The Seneschal - Bond of Indemnity - RUNE Active

- The Seneschal - Stipulation of Flame - Warning AE Incoming
-- The Seneschal - Stipulation of Flame - Warning AE Incoming

- Event Reset

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.

- The Seneschal - Bond of Indemnity - Gains Strength
-- The Seneschal - Bond of Indemnity - Gains Strength

Paladins (extras)  Splash Raid  05-06-2020 (11:27pm) 
- Fetid Blood
-- Fetid Blood - DoT on YOU - Disease Cure

- Fetid Blood
-- Paladins - Fetid Blood - Splash to Cure Raid
--- Paladins - Fetid Blood - Splash to Cure Raid


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:52:51 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBL - Aalishai - T3 - The Palace Gates
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2020, 10:20:12 PM »
May 2, 2020 - Updates to Strategy post & Trigger Package Added

Strategy post Details of NPCs/Mechanics section has been updated to reflect our first couple of attempts late Friday.

Trigger package Added:


It is critical to delete old trigger set before importing new, otherwise you may end up with duplicate and/or incorrect triggers.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Aalishai - T3 - The Palace Gates
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2020, 08:23:09 PM »
May 7, 2020 - Strategy & Triggers Updated - Map File Added

Strategy post has been updated to reflect our tail end of the night attempt last Saturday.

At a minimum read the Brief Event Overview and Strategy sections to ensure up to date.

Trigger Package Update:


It is critical to delete old trigger set before importing new, otherwise you may end up with duplicate and/or incorrect triggers.

Paladins - Extra Trigger Package Added:

Import package after the main package has been imported.

Map File:

Bridge and Seneschal (boss) on map as points of reference.  Bridge where raid positions and tank boss at door where it is.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Aalishai - T3 - The Palace Gates
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2020, 09:58:52 PM »
May 9, 2020 - Strategy & Triggers Updated

Strategy post has been updated to reflect our attempts last night.

At a minimum read the Brief Event Overview and Strategy sections to ensure up to date.

Trigger Package Update:

OK to MERGE PACKAGE WITH EXISTING "Aalishai - The Palace Gates"

An additional trigger was added to notify when boss HP damaged as a result of wildfire phoenix AE hitting boss.


Re-import "Paladin (extras)" trigger package after the main package has been imported.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Aalishai - T3 - The Palace Gates
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2020, 02:52:13 AM »
Saturday, May 9, 2020 - The Palace Gates!

Nice work everyone!

See everyone in-game! :)