Author Topic: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence  (Read 19955 times)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2020, 05:21:17 PM »
Not sure what spells cleric/shaman are using to do snares on an_animated_mephit/sentinels to get put on the ideal list of candidates. :P
I think they might've been on your list for wave for roots? That's the only list would make sense for both of them to be on.


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2020, 07:41:52 PM »
Not sure what spells cleric/shaman are using to do snares on an_animated_mephit/sentinels to get put on the ideal list of candidates. :P
I think they might've been on your list for wave for roots? That's the only list would make sense for both of them to be on.

They might have been on the assign list at some point, I don't recall for sure.  Thanks for the reminder.  I adjusted the Strategy post Mephits & Armors Kill Team table area to include the /alt act AA listed below.  I worked up some prep notes to shoot across our in-game channels.

AA Roots for Clerics are limited to Blessed Chains, /alt act 138.

For Shaman; as you know, Virulent Paralysis, /alt act 171.

Druids have Paralytic Spores AA, /alt act 403, uses same slot as Cleric BC though, so may be an issue.  Refresh time of Spores is kinda long too at 60s.

Some classes that may not think they have AA that can help in this area actually do.

Warriors and Berserkers can stun a_breeze_mephit/sentinel using their Battle Leap AA, /alt act 611.  Warriors can immediately follow up with Press the Attack, /alt act 467.

Monks have their Stunning Kick skill that can be used against a_breeze_mephit/sentinel, useful when boss is invulnerable, every bit helps.

Rogues can snare an_animated_mephit/sentinel with Ligament Slice AA, /alt act 672.  90s refresh, but something to contribute when the boss is invulnerable.

Note to all reading this, the list above isn't all inclusive.  Just mentioning a few classes and some others that can contribute to banes.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2020, 08:45:11 PM »
July 30, 2020 - Strategy Post Updated

It has been pointed out that line-of-sight against sentinels is an issue when at the rock garden west location.  We're going to try using a south location instead.  Although south is ideal for direct LoS South hallway, players will have to adjust slightly to obtain NE and NW line of sight.

We need more consistent DPS on sentinels to get them down more quickly.  To help in this area, we'll adjust how assigns are done for sentinel DPS.  I think of the players assigned the DPS is too little and once we lose a player or two, that's when a sentinel slips by and reaches middle.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2020, 05:22:09 AM »
August 6, 2020 - Strategy Post Updated

Good run last Saturday!

Adjusted strategy for 50% stage to include designated locations to shift boss around the room for Melee/Boss and offset locations for Casters/Healers.

Strategy section of post updated and diagram added.

In-game map file updated to compliment the designated locations.

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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2020, 08:38:40 PM »
August 6, 2020 - Strategy Post Updated & Diagram Adjusted

Excellent run last night!  We got UEE to 24%!

At 25% the boss went inactive and hallway emotes came back into play.

Sentinels that were already up continued to path towards middle during hallway emotes.

Diagram Adjusted for 50% to 25% Stage:

We adjusted our shift pattern slightly last night.  How we are doing it now involves two circles; inner and outer, with smaller boss moves.

Melee DPS and MT boss is the inner circle pattern shifting around the room.

Casters & Healers is the outer circle pattern shifting around room.

Strategy section of post updated and diagram changed to reflect above.

In-game map file markers changed slightly to align with the above adjustments.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2020, 02:45:36 AM »
August 12, 2020 - Strategy Post & Triggers Package Updated

Awesome attempts last week!  We got UEE to 24%!

Triggers and Strategy post updated.

At 25% - Waves of mephits spawn:

Everyone who has the ability to do ANY BANE against a Mephit needs to do so!

Setup a /target hotkey for each mephit type you can BANE against and use the 2nd line in hotkey to cast your bane type spell.

Your SPELL DOES NOT HAVE TO LAND for the BANE to do massive damage.  Low level spells work as long as they meet the BANE criteria.  Use what is most efficient.

Check out the "Mephits & Armors Kill Team" section of strategy post for BANE breakdowns and mephit names to setup your hotkeys.

It is absolutely critical that everyone that can BANE is doing so at the 25% stage.

We also have an additional adjust to try for this part, we'll explain in raid at the time.

At 24% - Hallway Emotes & Returning to Raid:

AFTER returning from Hallway emote - MOVE TO SOUTH campfire - DO NOT GO TO MIDDLE (AE/Mana drain in effect still). 

Avoid crossing through middle also, go around the outside to reach raid.

Sentinels still have to be killed before they reach middle.

Boss active again around 24%.

Trigger Package Updates:

- Triggers for when boss active (stack on boss) and inactive (move south)

- Enabled Interrupt Speech for all of the hallway emotes to ensure they go off immediately

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2020, 09:46:46 PM »
In general, I increase the speed for the voice on gina so I don't have to have interrupt checked on triggers, since there might be other triggers just as important to hear. Below is what I have for speed (75%ish)/volume (50%).


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2020, 03:24:33 AM »
Recommended Enchanter Bane spells for Maeteras
The spells do not need to have the level to effect the target only be the correct bane
Snare: none
Root: single:Greater Fetter (no ae)
Stun: single:chaotic feedback level 8 (color flux (3), colow shift (20) and color skew (43)for AE all different timers and fast cast)
Mez:  single:mezmerize level 2 (entrancing lights for AE)
Slow: single:languid pace level 9 (AA Enveloping Helix for AE)
beyond this tash, 2 mindrift and mindslash for damage when no bane targets are up and use the other 2 for buffs

Snare: kick
Stun: round kick

mez: screaming terror(level 22)
snare: encroaching darkness (aa)
root: shackle (1.25sec) or hungry earth (level 16) or pestillent paralisis (aa)
stun: conglaciation of bone(level 55), or char/burn bones (seperate timers)
« Last Edit: August 15, 2020, 03:42:09 AM by Faldyarr »


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2020, 03:20:47 PM »
Been barding for Mearatas - my strategy is strongly informed by our overall pace running super close to the impending Enrage timer, and so keeping pressure on the dps front feels crucial. So:

I keep the core DPS group melody intact on my song bar:
(Aura of Margidor on)
Sathir's Insult
Aria of Margidor
War March of Radiwol
/melody goes 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 , the Insult just skips if it's not ready to be sung

For banes, I load:
  • Selo's Assonant Strain (lv54 AE slow+snare. find in Utility Detrimental > Slow, also Utility Detrimental > Snare)
  • Denon's Bereavement (lv59 AE stun. find in Damage over Time > Poison)
  • Wave of Somnolence and
  • Wave of Sleep (lv115 & 110 AE mez. Utility Detrimental > Enthrall)
  • Slumber of Zburator (lv114 single target mez. unlike enchanter situation, high & low level songs have the same "cast time" and cost the same (nothing), so may as well use the one that can save the tanks a melee round)
  • Largo's Assonant Binding (lv51 single target Slow+Snare)

During mephit intervals (85%, 50%, 25%) I do not plainly melody this whole mess together, that would be terribly slow & inefficient. I also don't just sing one song, that also would be slow & inefficient since a constantly-played song will only refresh each tick. A "trick" is available to bards in that single-target songs will be skipped in /melody if there is no target, so the technique nearly all the time mephits are up is to /melody just the best AE song (Selo's, double Bane types!) along with some single-target song while targeting nothing: the good AE repeats as fast as possible. My choice has been to /melody Selo's with single target mez since the AE isn't already hitting mez banes; I target a rock mephit if one is up alongside just one of the Animated/Flames. If there are no Animated or Flame mephits up, and there are Breeze mephits, then I swap to the same sort of 2-song melody but with Denon's instead. This case is unusual as enc & pal & wiz are so much better at stun baning. Ditto AE mez; due to bard AE mez songs having a substantial reuse timer, it is rare that mez baning is a stronger contribution than AE snareslowing.

During boss phases, if there's a mephit due to someone dying out of turn, I make sure Aria & War March are staying on the group. Maintaining dps (increasing it if we can) will be crucial to our eventual win. It's not been a problem to solo bane a solo mephit to death before the key ADPS songs need to be re-sung.


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2020, 03:35:57 PM »
I don't believe he frequents these forums, but I will say on his behalf that Lophophora has had great success as a wizard baning with:

/tar a_wave_mephit0
/alt activate 851 (Frost Shackles AA)
/cast # (Ice Grinder spell)

/tar a_breeze_mephit0
/cast # (Spiked Lightning spell)
/cast # (Divergent Lightning spell)

/tar an_animated_mephit0
/alt activate 1155 (Atol's Shackles AA)
/cast # (Atol's Spectral Shackles spell)

In the runs he participated in the sentinels group, he spent Flame Sentinel, Rock Sentinel time bombing the boss. The above four spells left plenty of room for the core wizard line up:

Shield of Destiny
Musing Gambit
Claw of Sontalak
Stormjolt Vortex
Ethereal Confluence
Ethereal Brand
Restless Ice Comet


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2020, 03:25:57 PM »
For Warriors -

Call of Challenge - Single Target
Lionhearted Rally-Cry - AE Splash

Battle Leap
Press the Attack


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2020, 09:43:07 PM »
August 20, 2020 - Strategy Post & Triggers Package Updated

Good attempts last week!  Working on our performance, especially in the banes area.

Trigger Package Update

Update to delay moving to center area too early when UEE activate emote occurs.

Classes - Banes & Tips

Thanks to the contributors to date!  I've compiled the bane and class tips provided into sections by class and incorporated it into our strategy post.


Contributor: Szilent

Songs: DPS melody

(Aura of Margidor on)
Sathir's Insult
Aria of Margidor
War March of Radiwol
/melody goes 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 , the Insult just skips if it's not ready to be sung

Bard Banes

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Selo's Assonant Strain  54   AE  -Spell menu: Utility Detrimental > Slow, also Utility Detrimental > Snare
         Largo's Assonant Binding  51   ST  - 
BREEZESTUN  Denon's Bereavement  59   AE  -Spell menu: Damage over Time > Poison
FLAME SLOW  Selo's Assonant Strain 54   AE  -Spell menu: Utility Detrimental > Slow, also Utility Detrimental > Snare
        Largo's Assonant Binding  51  ST  - 
ROCKMEZ  Wave of Somnolence  110   AE  -Spell menu: Utility Detrimental > Enthrall
      Wave of Sleep  115 AE  -Spell menu: Utility Detrimental > Enthrall
      Slumber of Zburator  114  ST  -- Unlike ENCs, high & low lvl songs have same "cast time" and cost same (nothing),
so may as well use the one that can save the tanks a melee round
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

Bard Event Tips:

During mephit intervals (85%, 50%, 25%) I do not plainly melody this whole mess together, that would be terribly slow & inefficient. I also don't just sing one song, that also would be slow & inefficient since a constantly-played song will only refresh each tick. A "trick" is available to bards in that single-target songs will be skipped in /melody if there is no target, so the technique nearly all the time mephits are up is to /melody just the best AE song (Selo's, double Bane types!) along with some single-target song while targeting nothing: the good AE repeats as fast as possible. My choice has been to /melody Selo's with single target mez since the AE isn't already hitting mez banes; I target a rock mephit if one is up alongside just one of the Animated/Flames. If there are no Animated or Flame mephits up, and there are Breeze mephits, then I swap to the same sort of 2-song melody but with Denon's instead. This case is unusual as enc & pal & wiz are so much better at stun baning. Ditto AE mez; due to bard AE mez songs having a substantial reuse timer, it is rare that mez baning is a stronger contribution than AE snareslowing.

During boss phases, if there's a mephit due to someone dying out of turn, I make sure Aria & War March are staying on the group. Maintaining dps (increasing it if we can) will be crucial to our eventual win. It's not been a problem to solo bane a solo mephit to death before the key ADPS songs need to be re-sung.


Contributor: Furro, extrapolated spell lineup from Skattle's casts

Spell Lineup:

Al'ele's/Venon's Vindication
Bestial Vivisection/Rending
Bethun's Mending
Bloodmaw's Bite
Dissident Fury
Endaroky's Chill
Frostbite Lance
Frozen Malignance
Growl of the Lioness
Ikatiar's Blood
Neemzaq's Endemic
Restless Lance
Vkjen's Maelstrom

Beastlord Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --

Magician Event Tips:

Sentinels will be Raid Marked and show up in your ETW providing you set it properly.  Select a slot on your ETW and right click for context menu.  Then select "Raid Mark Target 1".  Do the same for another ETW slot and mark as 2.

Sick your pet on Sentinels when they appear on ETW.  This helps bring Sentinel HP to 90% to allow player banes will work.


Spell Lineup: WIP

Berserker Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Battle Leap  -   ST  611-
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Binding Axe VI  -  ST  642-


Contributor: Furro

Spell Lineup: WIP

Monk Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Stunning Kick  -   ST  -- Skill
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  Echo of Deceit  103   T.AE  -- Req. Out of Combat.  Hit ID (FD), immediately stand then use Echo of Deceit
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --


Contributor: Furro, extrapolated banes from Ranger spell casts (Keloden, Kevsaiyan and Rulolin possibly, forget atm)

Spell Lineup: WIP

Ranger Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Entrap IV  -   ST  219-
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Vinelash Assault  -  98  F.AE- Frontal AE
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)


Contributors: Padraigg, Furro

Spell Lineup: WIP

Rogue Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Ligament Slice  -   ST  672-
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  Smokeshade  105   AE  --
  Audacious Escape  105   ST  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --


Contributor: Faldyarr

Spell Lineup: WIP

Enchanter Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Chaotic Feedback  7   ST  --
  Color Flux  3   AE  --
  Color Shift  20   AE  --
  Color Skew  43   AE  --
FLAME SLOW  Languid Pace 9   ST  --
  Enveloping Helix -   T.AE  --
ROCKMEZ  Mesmerize  2   ST  --
  Entrancing Lights  2   AE  --
WAVEROOT  Greater Fetter  61  ST  --
      Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Enchanter Event Tips:

Recommended Enchanter Bane spells for Maeteras

The spells do not need to have the level to effect the target only be the correct bane


beyond this tash, 2 mindrift and mindslash for damage when no bane targets are up and use the other 2 for buffs


Spell Lineup: WIP

Magician Banes: WIP

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Magician Event Tips:

Sentinels will be Raid Marked and show up in your ETW providing you set it properly.  Select a slot on your ETW and right click for context menu.  Then select "Raid Mark Target 1".  Do the same for another ETW slot and mark as 2.

Sick your pet on Sentinels when they appear on ETW.  This helps bring Sentinel HP to 90% to allow player banes will work.


Contributors: Raccoo, Faldyarr, Furro

Spell Lineup:  Raccoo's base lineup; not specific to this event.  A starting point from Necromancer guide thread.

Assert for Blood
Dissident Paroxysm
Pyre of Klraggex
Crystal Crawler
Dracnia's Pallid Haze
David's Decay
Broiling Shadow
Pyre of the Wretched
Grip of Zorglim
Tserina's Grasp
Frozen Leech
Mind Erosion
Malevolent Covenant

Necromancer Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Encroaching Darkness  -   ST  826-
BREEZESTUN  Conglaciation of Bone  55   ST  --
  Burn Bones  110   ST  --
  Char Bones  115   ST  --
FLAME SLOW  Scent of Thule XV -   ST  751-
ROCKMEZ  Screaming Terror  22   ST  --
WAVEROOT  Pestilent Paralysis  -  ST  431-
  Shackle  98  ST  --
      Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Necromancer Event Tips:

Sentinels will be Raid Marked and show up in your ETW providing you set it properly.  Select a slot on your ETW and right click for context menu.  Then select "Raid Mark Target 1".  Do the same for another ETW slot and mark as 2.

Sick your pet on Sentinels when they appear on ETW.  This helps bring Sentinel HP to 90% to allow player banes will work.


Contributors: Szilent

Spell Lineup:

Shield of Destiny
Musing Gambit
Claw of Sontalak
Stormjolt Vortex
Ethereal Confluence
Ethereal Brand
Restless Ice Comet

Wizard Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Atol's Shackles  -   T.AE  1155-
       Atol's Spectral Shackles  51   T.AE  --
BREEZESTUN  Spiked Lightning  113   ST  --
  Divergent Lightning  108   ST  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Frost Shackles  -  ST  851-
  Ice Grinder  104  ST  --
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Wizard Event Tips:

I don't believe he frequents these forums, but I will say on his behalf that Lophophora has had great success as a wizard baning with:

/tar a_wave_mephit0
/alt activate 851 (Frost Shackles AA)
/cast # (Ice Grinder spell)

/tar a_breeze_mephit0
/cast # (Spiked Lightning spell)
/cast # (Divergent Lightning spell)

/tar an_animated_mephit0
/alt activate 1155 (Atol's Shackles AA)
/cast # (Atol's Spectral Shackles spell)

In the runs he participated in the sentinels group, he spent Flame Sentinel, Rock Sentinel time bombing the boss. The above four spells left plenty of room for the core wizard line up:

Shield of Destiny
Musing Gambit
Claw of Sontalak
Stormjolt Vortex
Ethereal Confluence
Ethereal Brand
Restless Ice Comet


Contributors: Raiena, Centare (?), Camraderry (?)

Spell Lineup: WIP

Warrior Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Lionhearted Rally-Cry  83   TR.AE  --
       Call of Challenge  -   ST  552-
BREEZESTUN  Battle Leap  -   ST  611-
  Press the Attack  -   ST  467-
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --


Contributors: Furro, extrapolated spell lineups and banes from Helicoprion and Luthernhamner's casts

Spell Lineup:

Burst of Wakening
Dissident Force
Eradicate Curse
Eradicate Poison
Force of the Grotto
Invocation of the Devout
Lesson of Propitiation
Sincere Cleansing
Sincere Force
Wave of Propitiation
Aurora of Morninglight
Dichotomic Force
Force of Mercy
Wave of Expiation

Paladin Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Dichotomic Force  101   ST  -- 60s refresh
  Dissident Force  106   ST  -- 60s refresh
  Force of Mercy  109   ST  -- 30s refresh
  Sincere Force  111   ST  -- 12s refresh
  Lesson of Propitiation  112   ST  -- 24s refresh
  Force of the Grotto  115   ST  -- 12s refresh
  Beacon of the Righteous  -   AE  10394- 90s refresh
  Invocation of the Devout  115   ST  -- Self buff.  Melee Stun Proc
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Shackles of Tunare II  -  ST  10393-

Shadow Knight

Contributors: Furro, extrapolated spell lineups and banes from Bubbulz, Zimmak, Persephone and Modalex

Spell Lineup:

Abhorrent Bargain
Blood of Ikatiar
Bloodletting Covenant
Bond of Vulak
Cadcane's Skin
Claret Rage
Dire Indictment
Dissident Fang
Insidious Rejection
Pestilent Darkness
Protest for Power
Soul Carapace/Shield/Guard
Spear of Cadcane
Stormwall Stance
Terror of Mirenilla
Torrent of Anguish
Touch of Drendar
Touch of Lutzen
Touch of T`Vem
Touch of Zlandicar
Vulak's Bite

Note: Adjust lineup accordingly, obviously the list exceeds spell gems available.

Shadow Knight Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Encroaching Darkness  -   ST  826-
       Pestilent Darkness  112   ST  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  -  -  -  --


Contributor: Furro

Spell Lineup: TODO, ran out of time

Cleric Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  Tarnation  61   ST  --
  Awe *  -   ST  -- If you don't have Tarnation, use lowest level in Awe* spell line
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Blessed Chains  -  ST  138-
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)


Contributor: Furro, extrapolated spell lineup and banes from Dimbly's casts.  Added my own notes.

Spell Lineup:

Dissident Winds
Icerend Aura (or Wildfire Aura depending on group makeup)
Maelstrom of the Stormborn  (adjust accordingly)
Typhonic Roar (adjust accordingly)
Vinelash Assault
Vinespike Rush

Druid Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    Entrap IV  -   ST  219-
BREEZESTUN  * of the Stormborn  71+   ST  -- Use the lowest level in the Stormborn spell line (to save mana),
or adjust for little more DPS accordingly
  * Roar  93+   ST  -- Use the lowest level in the Roar spell line (to save mana),
or adjust for little more DPS accordingly
FLAME SLOW  - -   -  --
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Vinelash Assault  -  98  F.AE- Frontal AE
  Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)


Contributors: Minrye and Szilent.  Furro, extrapolated spell lineup from Agency's casts

Spell Lineup:

Blood of Tevik
Dissident Roar
Elkikatar's Pandemic
Eradicate Curse
Erogo's Drowse
Primordial Intervention
Reckless Regeneration
Reckless Rejuvenation
Reckless Renewal
Primordial Intervention (Soothsayer's Intervention X)
Spectre of Renewal
Spiritual Squall
Zrelik's Recourse

Shaman Banes:

Mephit & Armor  Weakness  Spell / Ability / Clicky LVL   Type  /alt act  Note
ANIMATED   SNARE    -  -   -  --
BREEZESTUN  -  -   -  --
FLAME SLOW  Turgur's Swarm -   ST  3729-
        Turgur's Virulent Swarm  -  T.AE  856-
      Time's Antithesis  -  ST  -- PoTime Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)
ROCKMEZ  -  -   -  --
WAVEROOT  Virulent Paralysis  -  ST  171-
      Shackle  -  ST  --
      Ring of Immobilization  -  ST  -- VT Clicky (include as /useitem in hotkey)

Shaman Event Tips:

Shaman Bane hotkeys from Minrye.  Adjust accordingly for your bane specialty.

FLAME        WAVE    
Example images by: Minrye

Finish casting your Gift+Squall combo, then hit [Esc] button to clear your target before tapping bane buttons. If Gift+Squall is up, do that, then go back to tappy-tappy-tapping bane buttons:

/tar a_wave_mephit0
/cast # (Shackle spell)
/alt activate 171 (Virulent Paralysis AA)
/useitem Ring of Immobilization

/tar a_flame_mephit0
/pause 3,/alt activate 3729 (Turgur's Swarm AA)
/alt activate 856 (Turgur's Virulent Swarm AA)
/useitem Time's Antithesis

If there's no mephits to target, the buttons will work Just Fine for sentinels too, once you've targeted them yourself. I don't think we have shaman playing with those now, though?

The AE root AA is directional, so you only use that if your character is faced toward the Wave Mephit (hopefully more than one, but whatever). Can't just spam it out there, not productively.

See everyone in game! :)


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2020, 09:55:14 PM »
Besides Ring of Immobilization, there are a few other items that have the same spell clicky.

Shaman can use Spiritual Rebuke  (forward facing cone AE knockback and root) as well for the baning of wave mephits.

I'd suggest poison/magic dots on shaman, over using disease dots (disease is lower dps, but duration is longer, not so great on adds that need to die quick, or on UEE that dispells himself).


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2020, 11:34:18 PM »
I was informed that Lionhearted Rally-Cry may not work because it's a disc and no other class discs work. I will have to try it out tonight to confirm.


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Re: TBL - Mearatas - T3 - Unfettered Emerald Excellence
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2020, 07:27:15 PM »
Regarding Magician bane attacks...

Looks to me like the Ring of Immobilization, for pure casters, is Enchanter, Necromancer, Wizard only.

I have been using my Elemental Silence (level 63 Mez, Mem Blur).  I have used it successfully on both the Rock Mephits and Rock Armors.

I have a simple hotkey - /tar a_rock - I spam it repeatedly during the mephit phases, then manually click the spell gem as fast as it refreshes.
I pick up the armors from the Extended Target Window and the voice trigger, then make my way down the hallway to send my pet and cast.