General Public > Raid Performance
Re-examining debuffs and what NOT to put on a main/boss mob
I did an /inspectbuff on Charayan the Crusader (the dragon we burn on). But this rant goes for all 4 mobs we have to kill really in the Crusader's event.
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] You sense 96 enchantment(s) on Charayan the Crusader:
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Kragek's Roar Rk. III [Centare] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Proclamation of Tashan Rk. III [Faldyarr] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:14:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Tashan's Lingering Cry VI [Faldyarr] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:13:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Malosinara Rk. III [Eeline] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:23:48 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Scent of Mortality Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:17:48 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Eye Gouge XXXIV [Thegreat] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Gathering Dusk IX [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Scent of Terris [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:13:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Icewalker's Synergy Effect [Vulvana] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Dire Convulsion Rk. III [Kightman] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:18 remaining.-- - WTF?
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Turgur's Insects [Toransa] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:07:48 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Turgur's Diminishment VII [Toransa] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:07:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Vainglorious Shout VII [Reyek] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Bond of Vulak Rk. III [Zimmak] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:48 remaining.-- - like really WTF?
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense T`Vyl's Resolve Weakness V [Zimmak] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Ice Burrower Swarm Rk. III [Mannladar] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Oppressing Shout Effect III [Minasu] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.-- - seriously...WTF?
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Twisted Shank XXXIV [Padraigg] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Horde of Hyperboreads Rk. III [Achima] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Mental Contortion VIII [Rgagar] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:02:36 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Malvus's Chant of Poison Rk. III [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Funeral Dirge XXIV [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Broiling Shadow Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:36 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Season's Wrath VIII [Bilie] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Clasp of Ro Rk. III [Bilie] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:12:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Oblivion Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Mortiferous Wounds Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Mind Coil Rk. III [Succuba] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Overpowering Frenzy Effect [Volanis] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Pulmonary Grip Rk. III [Landaru] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:54 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Two-Finger Wasp Touch XI [Vulvana] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:42 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Mind Coil Rk. III [Landaru] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Sunshock Rk. II [Bilie] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Called Shots Effect [Kevsaiyan] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Crystal Crawler Venom Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Boastful Bellow XXXVIII [Allyris] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Icewalker's Coalition Trigger III [Thegreat] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Restless Blood Rk. III [Kilorf] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Nectar of Misery Rk. III [Kilorf] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Plague of Zlandicar Rk. III [Kightman] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:54 remaining.-- - WTF?
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Bladewhirl XXIII [Reyek] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:48 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Boastful Bellow XLIV [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Bladed Song XXVI [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.-- WTF?
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Pulmonary Grip Rk. III [Faldyarr] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Pyre of Klraggek Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Dracnia's Pallid Haze Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Cacophony XXX [Allyris] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.-- WTF?
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Cacophony Disruption III [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.-- WTF?
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Chaotic Poison Rk. III [Twoma] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Chant of Plague [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Bloodletting Coalition Rk. II [Tapzz] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Yelinak's Chant of Frost Rk. III [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Cacophony XXXIV [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.-- WTF?
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Blood of Ikatiar Rk. III [Kightman] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Composite Paroxysm 6 [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Oblivion Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Danvid's Decay Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:48 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Marlek's Curse Rk. III [Kilorf] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Sunshock Rk. III [Achima] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Malvus's Chant of Poison Rk. III [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Nature's Fervid Wrath Rk. III [Achima] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Pulmonary Grip Rk. III [Succuba] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:48 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Crystal Crawler Venom Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Erupting Sunray Rk. III [Achima] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:42 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Septic Wounds Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Pyre of the Wretched Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Chill of the Arbor Tender Rk. III [Achima] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Blinding Luminance [Windreaper] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.-- - the HUGEST WTF?
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Nefarious Blight Rk. III [Tapzz] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:48 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Cytotoxic Wounds Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Dracnia's Pallid Haze Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Broiling Shadow Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Harm Touch XXX [Tapzz] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Yelinak's Chant of Frost Rk. III [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Chant of Venom [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Sontalak's Chant of Flame Rk. II [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Chant of Flame [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Nature's Fervid Wrath Rk. II [Bilie] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Scorpikis Blood Rk. III [Twoma] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:42 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Composite Paroxysm 6 [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Zlexak's Chant of Disease Rk. III [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Screaming Axes IV [Jozerk] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Frozen Leech Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Sontalak's Chant of Flame Rk. III [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Ice Burrower Swarm Rk. III [Rulolin] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:00 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Harm Touch XXX [Zimmak] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Pyre of Klraggek Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Chant of Frost [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Coalition of Sticks and Stones Rk. III [Reyek] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Cryomancy XXX [Sunspark] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Nectar of Suffering Rk. III [Twoma] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:42 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Pyre of the Wretched Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:54 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Siavonn's Chant of Disease [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Oblivion Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Yelinak's Chant of Frost [Allyris] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
[Sat Mar 20 22:25:23 2021] --You sense Pulmonary Grip Rk. III [Rgagar] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:54 remaining.--
Dire Convulsion - blocks a good necro dot which is far better than this SK spell. It's not that it's not good DPS for an SK, but that it's blocking something that is far better DPS to be labeled boss-worthy. Use it on adds or something instead.
Bond of Vulak - I won't even bother explaining why.
Oppressing Shout - c'mon Minasu.
Bladed Song - WEAK - it only works each time the mob lands a successful attack only on the MT
Cacophony and Cacophony Disruption - One song that eats up two debuffs. The latter debuff doesn't do effectively anything to the mob. It's not that the main dot portion is useless, but it's eating up a 2nd debuff that does nothing and not good enough for a raid boss. Use it for adds instead.
Blinding Luminance - are... you... kidding me? By a cleric?
That's 7 wasted debuff slots right there.
The reason I posted this (and this was the winning run on Crusaders), is that one of our top necros lost over 200K dps (and probably overally 10 percent damage) on Charayan.
- Achima/Rexa/Evangela
I only did one /inspectbuff tonight apparently...I slack. Here are the debuffs that stand out to me as not good to be using on boss mobs.
--- Quote ---03/20/21 09:53:12 PM You sense 78 enchantment(s) on Charayan the Crusader:
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Kragek's Roar Rk. III [Centare] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Nature's Fervid Wrath Rk. III [Achima] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Scent of Mortality Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:14:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Clasp of Ro Rk. III [Achima] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:10:48 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Proclamation of Tashan Rk. III [Faldyarr] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:12:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Tashan's Lingering Cry VI [Faldyarr] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:10:54 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Ice Burrower Swarm Rk. III [Keloden] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:54 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Danvid's Decay Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:48 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Scent of Terris [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:11:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Violent Proliferation II [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Sontalak's Chant of Flame Rk. III [Reyek] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Composite Paroxysm 6 [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Called Shots Effect [Kevsaiyan] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Erupting Sunray Rk. III [Achima] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Rot Vulnerability [Minasu] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:04:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Ice Burrower Swarm Rk. III [Rulolin] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Pulmonary Grip Rk. III [Rgagar] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Malosinara Rk. III [Toransa] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:24:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Zlexak's Chant of Disease Rk. III [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Turgur's Insects [Toransa] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:06:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Turgur's Diminishment VII [Toransa] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:06:42 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Oblivion Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Sontalak's Chant of Flame Rk. II [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Mental Contortion VIII [Rgagar] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Pyre of the Wretched Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Chant of Plague [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Decimator's Intimidation X [Volanis] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Weakness [Landaru] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:04:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Eye Gouge XXXIV [Thegreat] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Composite Paroxysm 6 [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Ice Burrower Swarm Rk. III [Mannladar] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Danvid's Decay Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Icewalker's Synergy Effect [Thegreat] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Septic Wounds Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Arbor Stalker's Coalition Rk. III [Huevos] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Pyre of the Wretched Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Vindicator's Coalition Trigger III Caza [Volanis] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Chant of Venom [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Ascendant's Intimidation X [Adobo] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Malvus's Chant of Poison Rk. III [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Malvus's Chant of Poison Rk. III [Taurato] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Composite Paroxysm 5 [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Dracnia's Pallid Haze Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Dracnia's Pallid Haze Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Broiling Shadow Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Bonecrawler Swarm [Ianya] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Broiling Shadow Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:06 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Sunshock Rk. III [Achima] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Crystal Crawler Venom Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Pulmonary Grip Rk. III [Succuba] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Chant of Flame [Reyek] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Siavonn's Chant of Disease [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Mind Coil Rk. III [Succuba] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Ice Burrower Swarm Rk. III [Huevos] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Pyre of Klraggek Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Stormwall Coalition Rk. II [Bellerophon] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Chant of Frost [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Crystal Crawler Venom Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Chromatic Coalition [Landaru] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:12 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Sontalak's Chant of Flame Rk. III [Trommel] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Scorpikis Blood Rk. III [Twoma] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:24 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Jugular Cut Rk. III [Hothar] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:42 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Danvid's Decay Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Dracnia's Pallid Haze Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Pyre of Klraggek Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Twisted Shank XXXIV [Hothar] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Sontalak's Chant of Flame [Allyris] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Boastful Bellow XXXVIII [Allyris] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:06 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Sunshock Rk. II [Bilie] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Cytotoxic Wounds Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:01:06 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Septic Wounds Rk. III [Whitestripe] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:42 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Elemental Arrow XI [Ianya] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:36 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Crystal Crawler Venom Rk. III [Zleski] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Nectar of Suffering Rk. III [Twoma] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Pulmonary Grip Rk. III [Landaru] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:30 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Mind Coil Rk. III [Landaru] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Oblivion Rk. III [Mirytauro] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:18 remaining.--
03/20/21 09:53:12 PM --You sense Plague of Zlandicar Rk. III [Kightman] on Charayan the Crusader has 00:00:00 remaining.--
--- End quote ---
Since I can't move the post I made under raid performance, I'll link it here.
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