Updated my GINA triggers and attaching it here if anyone is interested. If you used mine from my earlier post or from in game sharing, just delete what you have and upload the new set I have here. These are not the official triggers. ** See the post Below for the most current GINA set to download **
One thing I notice is we aren't putting melee dps on Lanys after Deathamster dies. I assume this is for fear of getting hit by her ae's. We can melee Lany's with no issues if we are smart about it. Qeynos Technique AE will hit you with DD and a DoT with curse counters. With the recently added triggers you can easily run oor of this AE before it fires. One thing you could do as a melee is to click the portal over to Ro's Flame island as it is right next to where we tank Lanys atm. If you are closer to other island portals you can also use them to avoid technique I'd imagine.
Ro's Flame should* be a none factor, as long as the MT is facing her away from the raid, and nobody else is on the same side as the MT. If this happens, then only 1 person gets hit with RO's Flame that needs to be cured. Where the issue might arise is having Melee on Lanys when the adds start to spawn due to how we position her in relation to where we Kill the adds and how the Beam (Lifetap for lanys) works. Right now we put the melee in-between the adds and Lanys which is something we don't really want when adds are up so we can either just make sure they aren't in-between the adds and Lanys when adds spawn to make the Lifetap a non factorr. Or we change up our positioning, but I don't think that is ideal atm as I imagine that will just confuse most people.
Jist is we lose a lot of dps by not meleeing her.
Another note, we should be burning Down the house after the first Comet DT has gone off and we click back to the main island. Once up top Warrior pops fortitude and burns agro( while maintaining the positioning and facing Lanys away from raid) while the raid throws the kitchen sink at her.
With the AE charm on Zebuxoruk when he is <30%, I suggest that whoever is Hit by it (Only Hybrids and Melee can get hit by this) and the new trigger there fires, it's a very small AE range from the targeted palayer. I suggest they run to east side of the main island, or up the ramp to the dragon, or you can even click a portal to an island. (Not Queynos Island as Lanys and those groups will be up there at this point)