Author Topic: ToL - Umbral Plains - T1 - Zelnithak  (Read 4418 times)


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ToL - Umbral Plains - T1 - Zelnithak
« on: January 08, 2022, 06:44:33 PM »
Umbral Plains - Zelnithak

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Maiden's Eye
NPC Name: Rowain McKay
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Zelnithak main boss.

Various zelniak adds begin to spawn at 93% and onward.

Penalty 500k AE + Mana Drain upon death of zelniak add if left alive too long.

Zelnithak alternates two buffs; one mitigates MELEE damage (Quilled Coat) and the other increases SPELL reflects (Aura of Spiritual Power).

When Zelnithak mitigates MELEE, the adds will increase SPELL reflects.

When Zelnithak reflects SPELLS, the adds will mitigate MELEE.

Auras - Stones & Insects:

Two aura mechanics.  Only one is in play at any given time; either Stones or Insects.

Stones Aura - Warning emote and visual ring on the ground appears.  15 seconds later, a 400k AE fires at aura location.

Insects Aura - Targets player with warning, then aura spawns and chases player.  Anyone caught in aura suffers 300k DoT + Mana Drain.


DO NOT HAIL Zelnithak -- Otherwise event will start.

Assist MAs.

Melee and Casters - React to triggers and /raidsay calls when asked to switch between Boss and Adds to be effective against the mitigation buffs.

Stones Aura - When warning emote fires, look for aura and adjust position to avoid.

Insects Aura - When emoted, kite aura away from raid; stay in event boundary area, don't let aura touch you.

- Position adds at designated campfire

- If Shaman, splash and out heal Julen or Kilorf; make them cry, earn pie
- If Cleric, out heal any Halfling on the raid and earn an empty pie tin; make your own pie
- If Druid, debuff things, heal, adps, bufff, and own it up

MA Kill Order: Zelniak, Small, Young

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics


Zelnithak alternates two buffs; one mitigates MELEE damage (Quilled Coat) and the other increases SPELL reflects (Aura of Spiritual Power).

Quilled Coat    Self Buff - 4800 DS + AC + Absorb Melee Damage: 60%
Warning Emote: Zelnithak's skin hardens, its fur turns to spikes.
- Mitigates MELEE Damage

[Sat Jan 08 20:18:40 2022] Zelnithak's skin hardens, its fur turns to spikes.
Aura of Spiritual PowerSelf Buff - Spell Reflect 40% + Increase Spell Resists 300
Warning Emote: Zelnithak's body begins to glow with magical power.
- Increases SPELL reflects

[Sat Jan 08 20:54:30 2022] Zelnithak's body begins to glow with magical power.
[Sat Jan 08 20:54:33 2022] Julen's Malosinetra spell has been reflected by Zelnithak.
Energy of Zelnithak Caster PB 425k DoT + Mana Drain (250' range, 12s)
1st Person: Energy sparks in your body and mind, destroying both.
- Energy of Zelnithak is cast at same time as Aura of Spiritual Power

[Sat Jan 08 20:26:05 2022] Zelnithak begins casting Energy of Zelnithak.
[Sat Jan 08 20:26:05 2022] Energy sparks in your body and mind, destroying both.
Quill SprayCaster PB 375k DoT + Melee SLOW + Snare (250' range, 18s)
1st Person: Quills sink deeply into your body.
Hoof StompCaster PB AE 405k + Stun
1st Person: The ground shakes!
- Occurs at 35s~ intervals

Auras - Stones & Insects

Two aura mechanics.  Only one is in play at any given time; either Stones or Insects.

Summoned Stone Shards    Caster PB AE 400k + Stun + Knockback (150' range)
Warning Emote: Stones begin to rumble and rise from the ground.
1st Person Effect: Shards of stone fire up from the ground beneath you.
- Aura should be visible when the "Stone begins..." emote occurs (15s warning, then rumbling ground casts Summoned Stone Shards)
- Anyone within the 150' range of the aura is hit by the damage from Summoned Stone Shards

[Sat Jan 08 20:19:14 2022] Stones begin to rumble and rise from the ground.
[Sat Jan 08 20:19:29 2022] The rumbling ground begins casting Summoned Stone Shards.
[Sat Jan 08 20:19:29 2022] Shards of stone fire up from the ground beneath you.
[Sat Jan 08 20:19:50 2022] Stones begin to rumble and rise from the ground.
[Sat Jan 08 20:20:05 2022] The rumbling ground begins casting Summoned Stone Shards.
Voracious Insects   300k DoT + 3k Mana Drain (single target, 24s duration)
Warning Emote: Insects begin to swarm. They seem to be drawn to Soandso.
1st Person Emote: Insects begin to swarm around you.
1st Person Effect: Insects burrow into your muscles and brain tissue.
- Aura follows person emoted.  Player emoted runs away but stays in event boundary, returns when aura disappears
- Ogres less affected because they have very little brain tissue; but they still have to react to emote
- Emotes occur at one minute intervals

[Sat Jan 08 20:41:56 2022] Insects begin to swarm. They seem to be drawn to Leeyo.
[Sat Jan 08 20:42:56 2022] Insects begin to swarm. They seem to be drawn to Zztop.
[Sat Jan 08 20:54:44 2022] Insects begin to swarm, but the swarm fades when no target scent is found.
[Sat Jan 08 20:55:59 2022] Insects begin to swarm. They seem to be drawn to Nnyxx.


Various adds spawn throughout event.

Add spawn emote: Zelniak emerge from the forest.

A zelniakReleased Power - Caster PB AE 500k + Mana Drain (300' range)
1st Person Effect: Power released by the death of the zelniak blasts into you.
- Released Power penalty AE upon add death if zelniak left alive too long
A small zelniakReleased Power - Caster PB AE 500k + Mana Drain (300' range)
1st Person Effect: Power released by the death of the zelniak blasts into you.
- Released Power penalty AE upon add death if zelniak left alive too long
- Immune to mez
A young zelniakReleased Power - Caster PB AE 500k + Mana Drain (300' range)
1st Person Effect: Power released by the death of the zelniak blasts into you.
- Released Power penalty AE upon add death if zelniak left alive too long
- Mezzable

Start Event

Event is triggered by hailing Zelnithak.


- Unreleased Power
-- Allow no zelniaks to reach their full potential before death.

- Unsharded
-- Allow no one to be harmed by stone shards.

- In Bounds
-- During the entire battle with Zelnithak, everyone must remain within the binding runes.


Event Start:
[Sat Jan 08 20:16:34 2022] Zelnithak roars!

Event Reset:
[Sat Jan 08 15:43:20 2022] Left alone, Zelnithak goes back to grazing.


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: umbraltwo_3.txt (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Code: [Select]
L 123.5452, 564.3383, -55.6435,  351.5591, 560.1340, -53.0264,  240, 0, 0
L 351.5591, 560.1340, -53.0264,  617.0287, 549.8793, -23.7149,  240, 0, 0
L 617.0287, 549.8793, -23.7149,  602.8005, 713.4447, -32.8663,  240, 0, 0
L 602.8005, 713.4447, -32.8663,  610.3730, 886.5991, -38.8899,  240, 0, 0
L 610.3730, 886.5991, -38.8899,  397.7908, 901.2267, -33.0570,  240, 0, 0
L 397.7908, 901.2267, -33.0570,  129.7186, 911.1216, 8.6174,  240, 0, 0
L 129.7186, 911.1216, 8.6174,  129.6123, 781.7605, -17.4080,  240, 0, 0
L 129.6123, 781.7605, -17.4080,  125.5675, 565.3156, -55.7332,  240, 0, 0
P 351.5340, 560.1346, -52.8297,  240, 0, 0,  3,  Boundary
P 423.6019, 688.9520, -52.3912,  0, 127, 127,  3,  Zelnithak_(Raid_Event)
Labels submitted by: Raiena

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2022-01-19 (8:04pm)  - Adds Spawn - Zelniak
-- Adds Spawn - Zelniak

- Insects Swarm - Run Away - Stay in Boundary
-- Insects Swarm - Run Away - Stay in Boundary

- Stones
-- Stones - Adjust Position - Avoid Aura
-- Stones - Failure - Caught in Aura

- SWITCH - Aura of Spiritual Power - MELEE on Boss - CASTERS on Adds
-- SWITCH - Aura of Spiritual Power - MELEE on Boss - CASTERS on Adds

- SWITCH - Quilled Coat - CASTERS on Boss - MELEE on Adds
-- SWITCH - Quilled Coat - CASTERS on Boss - MELEE on Adds

- Event Reset
- Event Start

Main Tanks
  Main Tanks  0000-00-00 (00:00am)  - N/A

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: March 02, 2023, 12:26:29 PM by Furro »


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Re: ToL - Umbral Plains - T1 - Zelnithak
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2022, 02:26:55 AM »
Saturday, January 8, 2022 - Zelnithak defeated!

Good job everyone!

Strategy post updated.

Map updated.  Removed all but one of the boundary labels.

Trigger Package updated.


See everyone in-game! :)


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Re: ToL - Umbral Plains - T1 - Zelnithak
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2022, 12:21:55 PM »
Thursday, January 20, 2022 - Update

Strategy post updated.

Everyone trigger package updated.


See everyone in-game! :)