Author Topic: ToL - Ka Vethan - T2 - Shei Vinitras  (Read 4114 times)


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ToL - Ka Vethan - T2 - Shei Vinitras
« on: February 16, 2022, 01:59:26 AM »
Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Maiden's Eye
NPC Name: a worrisome shade
NPC Location: Find path (CTRL-F)

Keyword to Enter:ready

Flag & Key Requirements

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flags: None
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: No requirement

Brief Event Overview

Shei Vinitras is boss.

Periodically, dator xi xavuelim spawn and path towards Shei.  Add will heal Shei if reaches him.

Datiar xi tavuelim adds spawn.

Shade adds Datiar xi tekar and Datiar xi pharuaim spawn with harmful auras and roam around main floor event area.

Players emoted with curable Death Touch effects.

Shei Vinitras reacts differently depending on number of players near him.


MA1 - Assist on Dator xi xavuelim adds (they heal boss if reaches him).

MA2 - Players that can Mez/Root - Use Mez and Root to kill Datiar xi tavuelim adds.

Only assigned groups up top at Shei Vinitras -- Need to limit number of players near Shei or we suffer damage.

Death Touch Emoted - GET CURED - Self cure or ask in group if you're not able to cure.

Avoid the roaming shade adds -- They have harmful DD/Mana Drain auras.  Whichever direction shade faces, they path straight line to other side.

- Paladins Splash and help cure emoted players

- Load cure Sanctified Blood
- Cure players emoted, self when emoted
- Cure takes two or three casts, because each cure is replaced by a different Touch of Vinitras

MA Kill Order: Dator xi xavuelim

That's it for now!

This is a preliminary write up, which will be amended accordingly based on our experiences and feedback provided by our raiders.

* Friendly reminder: Freelance Raid Suggestion Policy regarding New Content - Don't kill the messenger -- pie management.

Details of NPCs/Mechanics

Shei Vinitras


Players emoted with Death Touch effect: Shei Vinitras shouts, '..., You are unworthy.'

Shei Vinitras reacts differently depending on number of players near him:

Shei Vinitras bristles at the amount of people near him.
Shei Vinitras calms at the amount of people near him.
Shei Vinitras shouts, 'Quit being cowards and come closer.'

Corrupting Touch of Vinitras
Death Touch Mark (Increase Corruption Counter by 20)
Casts: Rotting Touch of Vinitras if Cured
Casts: Wave of Vinitras on Duration Fade
Warning Emote: Shei Vinitras shouts, 'SoandsoA, SoandsoB and SoandsoC, You are unworthy.'
Rotting Touch of VinitrasDeath Touch Mark (Increase Disease Counter by 20)
Casts: Corrupting Touch of Vinitras if Cured
Casts: Wave of Vinitras on Duration Fade
Warning Emote: Shei Vinitras shouts, 'SoandsoA, SoandsoB and SoandsoC, You are unworthy.'
Venomous Touch of VinitrasDeath Touch Mark (Increase Poison Counter by 20)
Casts: Corrupting Touch of Vinitras if Cured
Casts: Wave of Vinitras on Duration Fade
Warning Emote: Shei Vinitras shouts, 'SoandsoA, SoandsoB and SoandsoC, You are unworthy.'
Touch of Vinitras 2 Billion Damage - Death Touch (single target)
- Emoted players randomly get Corruption or Disease or Poison version of X Touch of Vinitras spells above
- Cure of one DT mark is replaced with another
- Number of players starts at three and increases as event unfolds up to at least seven

Example: Player successive cures (1st person perspective)

[Sat Feb 12 22:20:21 2022] Shei Vinitras shouts, 'Apple, Furro, Carrot, Tuple and Baton, You are unworthy.'
[Sat Feb 12 22:20:21 2022] You feel the rotting touch of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 22:20:26 2022] The touch fades.
[Sat Feb 12 22:20:26 2022] You feel the corrupting touch of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 22:20:40 2022] The touch fades.
[Sat Feb 12 22:20:40 2022] You feel the venomous touch of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 22:20:49 2022] The touch fades.

Example: Failure
[Sat Feb 12 21:58:26 2022] Shei Vinitras shouts, 'Soandso has proved that they are unworthy.'
[Sat Feb 12 21:58:26 2022] You have failed the Don't cut the strings achievement.
[Sat Feb 12 21:58:26 2022] Shei Vinitras begins casting Touch of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 21:58:26 2022] Shei Vinitras shouts, 'Your weakness will invigorate me.'
[Sat Feb 12 21:58:26 2022] Shei Vinitras hit Soandso for 1986905887 points of unresistable damage by Touch of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 21:58:26 2022] Soandso has been slain by Shei Vinitras!
Mark of Vinitras 30k Reverse DS (single target, song window)
1st Person: You are bound by a Vinitras' mark.
3rd Person: Soandso is bound by a Vinitras' mark.

[Sat Feb 12 22:12:25 2022] Shei Vinitras begins casting Mark of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 22:12:25 2022] Leeyo is bound by a Vinitras' mark.
Strike of Vinitras 18k to 8 Million DD (single target)
Emote: Shei Vinitras bristles at the amount of people near him.
Emote: Shei Vinitras calms at the amount of people near him.
- Number of players near Shei correlates with severity of Strike of Vinitras damage

Example 1: Bristles Emote

Many players near Shei, severe damage...

[Sat Feb 12 21:57:33 2022] Shei Vinitras bristles at the amount of people near him.
[Sat Feb 12 21:57:33 2022] Shei Vinitras begins casting Strike of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 21:57:33 2022] Shei Vinitras shouts, 'Your weakness will invigorate me.'
[Sat Feb 12 21:57:33 2022] Shei Vinitras hit Mten for 1130000 points of unresistable damage by Strike of Vinitras.

Few less players, reduced damage...

[Sat Feb 12 22:10:53 2022] Shei Vinitras bristles at the amount of people near him.
[Sat Feb 12 22:10:53 2022] Shei Vinitras begins casting Strike of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 22:10:53 2022] Shei Vinitras hit Mten for 418500 points of unresistable damage by Strike of Vinitras.

Few less players, reduced damage...

[Sat Feb 12 22:09:03 2022] Shei Vinitras bristles at the amount of people near him.
[Sat Feb 12 22:09:03 2022] Shei Vinitras begins casting Strike of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 22:09:03 2022] Shei Vinitras hit Mten for 209250 points of unresistable damage by Strike of Vinitras.

Example 2: Calms Emote

Few players near Shei...

[Sat Feb 12 21:58:33 2022] Shei Vinitras calms at the amount of people near him.
[Sat Feb 12 21:58:33 2022] Shei Vinitras begins casting Strike of Vinitras.
[Sat Feb 12 21:58:33 2022] Shei Vinitras hit Soandso for 5438 points of unresistable damage by Strike of Vinitras.


Dator xi xavuelim    --
- Heals Shei if reaches him
- Can headshot/assassinate

Example: Heals
[Sat Feb 12 21:59:04 2022] A dator xi xavuelim heals Shei Vinitras.

Example: Add hitting player

[Sat Feb 12 22:26:37 2022] Datiar xi tavuelim says, 'You will not evade me, Padraigg!'
[Sat Feb 12 22:26:37 2022] Datiar xi tavuelim is pierced by Padraigg's thorns for 140 points of non-melee damage.
[Sat Feb 12 22:26:37 2022] Datiar xi tavuelim hits Padraigg for 120865 points of damage.
Datiar xi tavuelim--
- Takes massive bane damage from Mez and Root type spells

[Sat Feb 12 22:28:02 2022] The datiar xi tavuelim take a moment to gain their bearing.
[Sat Feb 12 22:28:05 2022] A datiar xi tavuelim grunts in pain and glares at Wyen
[Sat Feb 12 22:28:07 2022] A datiar xi tavuelim grunts in pain and glares at Keloden
Datiar xi tekarStorm Tremor - HP% DD 2250% up to 200k + Stun + ATK Debuff (single-target, 24s duration)
1st Person: You are struck by the storm.
- Cannot target this add type
- Paths around lower area, indifferent
- Shade has an aura that when inside player hit with Storm Tremor

[Sat Feb 12 22:26:14 2022] Wyen has taken 200000 damage from Storm Tremor by .
[Sat Feb 12 22:26:14 2022] Wyen has taken 200000 damage from Storm Tremor by .
[Sat Feb 12 22:26:14 2022] Wyen has been slain by datiar xi tekar!
Datiar xi pharuaimThought Vortex - Mana Drain by 25% up to 150k + Decrease Effective Casting Level (single-target, 24s duration)
- Cannot target this add type
- Paths around lower area, indifferent
- Shade has an aura that when inside player hit with Thought Vortex

Start Event

Event is triggered by keyword, speaking with Shei Vinitras.


- Dance Like a Puppet
-- Do not allow Datiar Xi Pharuaim or Datiar Xi Tekar to touch anyone.

- Don't Cut the Strings
-- Do not allow anyone to die to Touch of Vinitras.

- Mending Ways
-- Allow Shei Vinitras to be healed at least five times.


Event Start:

[Sat Feb 12 21:57:01 2022] Shei Vinitras says, 'You will fail.'

Event Reset: ...

Leave Instance: Speak with dator xi ans vaunaer


The following are the absolute minimum graphic settings to see auras.  Zoning is required for the changes to take effect.

To make the changes, in game go to Options (ALT-O), Display tab.  On that page there's a Particles area with three little tabs: Spells, Env and Player.

Map Locations

Map file: N/A (right-click, "Save As", and place in EQ maps folder).

Code: [Select]
Labels submitted by: Soandso

Other labels for group zone:
Code: [Select]

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Everyone  Main Package  2022-02-14 (8:01pm)  - Add Spawn - Datiar xi tavuelim - Bane Damage Mez and Root
-- Add Spawn - Datiar xi tavuelim - Bane Damage Mez and Root

- Death Touch - X Touch of Vinitras - Cure (1st Person)
-- Death Touch - X Touch of Vinitras - Cure (1st Person)

- Death Touch - X Touch of Vinitras - Cure (1st Person, Failure)
-- Death Touch - X Touch of Vinitras - Cure (1st Person, Failure)

- Death Touch - X Touch of Vinitras - Cure Players
-- Death Touch - X Touch of Vinitras - Cure Players

- Players Near Boss - Strike of Vinitras
-- Players Near Boss - Not enough players near boss
-- Players Near Boss - Strike of Vinitras - Bristles (severe damage)
-- Players Near Boss - Strike of Vinitras - Calms (tolerable damage)

- Event Start

Main Tanks
  Main Tanks  0000-00-00 (00:00am)  - NA

Triggers below are toggled OFF by default - Situational usage.


GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

« Last Edit: March 02, 2023, 12:26:11 PM by Furro »


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Re: ToL - Ka Vethan - T2 - Shei Vinitras
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2022, 02:00:14 AM »
Saturday, February 12, 2022 - Shei Vinitras defeated!

Good job everyone!

Strategy posted, including trigger package.

See everyone in-game! :)