General Public > Raider Essentials
Assignment Triggers by Class
Assignment Triggers by Class
For raid events, we assign various players by name to specific areas/duties related to their class/role. This alone; most often due to event complexity and modern day EQ, can result in assignments becoming a huge wall-o-text, and as a result assignments can be missed accidentally in the noise of it all.
To help accent assignments and prevent them from being accidentally missed, we want everyone to download and import their class related assignment trigger set from the related trigger area below.
These triggers will only fire for your specific character name when assigned as previously mentioned. They will pop up a text message indicating what your assignment(s) are and other helpful information as it relates to your assignment (such as the MTO, or tanks you are assigned to and so forth).
For those interested, the syntax is somewhat obvious.
Syntax Breakdown:
playername (+assign/x)
+In addition to role/assign(s).assignAbbreviated assignment of Spell/AA./xDescriptor of action or occurrence of preceded assignment./m for Maintain/rb for Re/buff/b for Buff/db for Debuff/dbl for Double Cast (with Forceful Rejuvination AA)/sgl for Single Cast/mgb for Mass Group Buff...
Cleric Assigns Spell/AA Usage+ghot/mGroup HoTMaintain Group HoT during event.+olsif/mOlsif's Retort (proc heal)Maintain Olsif's Retort on assigned active MTO/Add Tank(s) during event+sym/rbSymbol HP BuffRebuffer for assigned MTO/Tank(s).+sym/bSymbol HP BuffRe/buffer for Raid. Direct Heals:+mhHealing spellsMain Healer for MTO/Add Tank(s).+shHealing spellsSecondary Healer for MTO/Add Tank(s). Coordination:+cr/mgbCR MGB CastFor coordinating CR MGB during events.+ios/dblIoS Double CastFor coordinating IoS during events.+ios/sglIoS Single CastFor coordinating IoS during events. Coordination Notes: CR/IoS cast related triggers are used during events to coordinate our actions at specific times. They are identical to the other assign triggers in that they will activate only for you. These triggers help prevent ios/cr calls from being lost in the channel noise amid the event chaos. Druid Assigns Spell/AA Usage+growth/mGrowth HP Buff (temporary)Maintain Growth for assigned active MTO/Add Tank(s) during event.+skin/rbSkin HP BuffRebuffer for assigned MTO.+skin/bSkin HP BuffRe/buffer for Raid.+foe&hpregen/bFoE & HP Regen Buff (during prep)Re/buffer for Raid. Debuffs:+skinto/dbSkin to ...Debuff assign.+sunray/db... SunrayDebuff assign.+moonbeam/db... MoonbeamDebuff assign.+frost/db... FrostDebuff assign.+breath/db... BreathDebuff assign.+for&bor/dbFixation of Ro & Blessing of RoDebuff assign. Direct Heals:+mhHealing spellsMain Healer for MTO/Add Tank(s).+shHealing spellsSecondary Healer for MTO/Add Tank(s). Coordination:+sotw/mgbSoTW MGB CastFor coordinating SoTW MGB during events. Druid Notes: Abbreviated names are based on commonalities throughout the spell series. Ie, Skin to Seedlings, Skin to Foliage, ... all share the commonality: Skin to. Coordination Notes: SoTW MGB cast trigger is used during events to coordinate our actions at specific times. It is identical to the other assign triggers in that it will activate only for you. The trigger helps prevent SoTW MGB calls from being lost in the channel noise amid the event chaos. Shaman Assigns Spell/AA Usage+growth/mGrowth HP Buff (temporary)Maintain Growth for assigned active MTO/Add Tank(s) during event.+growth&slow/mGrowth HP Buff (temporary) & SlowMaintain Growth for assigned active MTO/Add Tank(s) during event. Slow associated boss(es)/mob(s).+unity&haste/bUnity & Haste (when no Enc)Re/buffer for Raid. Debuffs:+slow/mSlowMaintain Slow Debuff assign.+malo/dbWind of Malosinate AA,Debuff assign.then Malosenete (spell superior)+pathosis/dbPathosis (Disease resist debuff)Debuff assign.+malo&pathosis/dbMalo & Pathosis Debuff assign. Direct Heals:+mhHealing spellsMain Healer for MTO/Add Tank(s).+shHealing spellsSecondary Healer for MTO/Add Tank(s). Shaman Notes: Generic name for Slow being used as there are too many variations of slows available to Shaman. Wind of Malosinete AA, not Malosinete AA. There's a difference. Malosinete AA will overwrite spell Malosenete which is superior. Using Wind of Malosinete AA can be overwritten by Malosenete spell, and everyone wins. Enchanter Assigns Spell/AA Usage+voice&haste/bVoice & Haste BuffRe/buffer for Raid. Debuffs:+slow/mSlowMaintain Slow Debuff assign.+enc/dbEnchanter Debuff RepertoireDebuff assign.Generic assign to include all Enchanter debuffs.This way multiple Enchanters can work it out based on the assignment. Damage Mitigation:+rune/mRune spellsRune casting on MTO/Add Tank(s).+stun/mStun spellsStun casting on MTO/Add Tank(s) Target(s). Magician Assigns Spell/AA Usage+ds/bDamage ShieldRe/buffer for Raid. Debuffs:+malo/dbWind of Malosinete AA,Debuff assign.then Malosenete (spell superior) Magician Notes: Wind of Malosinete AA, not Malosinete AA. There's a difference. Malosinete AA will overwrite spell Malosenete which is superior. Using Wind of Malosinete AA can be overwritten by Malosenete spell, and everyone wins. Necromancer Assigns Spell/AA Usage+dmf/bDead Men Floating (resists)Buff assign. Debuffs:+nec/dbScent of ... Debuff RepertoireDebuff assign. Paladin Assigns Spell/AA Usage+pal/bVarious Buffs (Brells ...)Re/buffer for Raid. Direct Heals:+mhHealing spellsMain Healer for MTO/Add Tank(s).+shHealing spellsSecondary Healer for MTO/Add Tank(s). Shadowknight Assigns Spell/AA Usage+shd/dbDire Strangulation, Torrent ofDebuff assign. Beastlord Assigns Spell/AA Usage+bst/bVarious Buffs (SE ...)Re/buffer for Raid. Bard Assigns Spell/AA Usage+brd/dbHoT, Dance of Blades ...Debuff assign. Ranger Assigns Spell/AA Usage+rng/bVarious Buffs (SoTB, Pred, Burrs ...)Re/buffer for Raid.+rng/ccCrowd Control (Root/snare ...)Specific CC.
Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory
Import the Generic Raid and your class related file and ensure they are toggled on (check marked) please.
Generic Set GINA File UpdatedGeneric Raid generic-raid-trigs-09-17-2020-350pm.gtp 09-17-2020-1203pm Class GINA File UpdatedCleric cleric-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmDruid druid-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmShaman shaman-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmEnchanter enchanter-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmMagician magician-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmNecromancer necromancer-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmPaladin paladin-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmShadowknight shadowknight-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmBeastlord beastlord-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmBard bard-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pmRanger ranger-trigs-09-14-2016-1203pm.gtp 09-14-2016-1203pm To be added: Warrior Rogue Monk Berserker Wizard
Added Ranger CC Assign: +rng/cc
Rangers, please import the updated package and ensure it is toggled on.
Added Generic Raid (+announce) to be used for various calls such as Bench and engage/start warning.
Please download the generic_raid_trigs.gtp file located in the trigger area and ensure the set is toggled on. Thanks.
Updated the Generic Raid (+announce) trigger set.
Please re-download the generic_raid_trigs.gtp file located in the trigger area and ensure the set is toggled on. Thanks.
I created a couple additional ranger triggers:
+rng/tb: Triggered by: TB Clicks Please (+rng/tb)
Useage: Reminder to click TB prior to starting event.
+rng/nsp: Triggered by: [{C}] Next Spice (+rng/nsp)
Useage: Starts timer with voice notification of who should spice next.
Note: Everyone must ad [Soandso] Next Spice (+rng/nsp) to their spice hotkey, and change Soando to the ranger spicing after you.
The attached file has all 4 ranger triggers.
I'm no regex wizard, so please modify these to align with the rest of the triggers or whatnot.
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