Author Topic: Fix Your Specialization Skills  (Read 3024 times)


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Fix Your Specialization Skills
« on: April 21, 2022, 01:46:13 PM »
Taken from Discord; posted by Raccoo

Raccoo — Yesterday at 2:22 PM
Casters and Priests

- Made the following changes to specialization skills:
- - Corrected an issue where the difference in specialization skills slowly disappeared starting with level 91, having been completely eliminated by level 120.
- - Once a player is above level 40, their secondary specialization skill cap (from Secondary Forte) will be set to 50 skill points below the primary cap, while tertiary specializations are 100 points below the primary skill cap. This should smooth the difference in skill values from level 40 to 120.
- - Characters over level 90 who had high third, fourth, and fifth specialization skills have had those skills updated to be below the tertiary cap. You will have to intentionally improve your specialization skill again. See Ostorm in the Temple of Solusek Ro to reorder your skills.

This means you will have to relevel your specialization skills. If you level your primary to 246, and your secondary to 196, the rest of the leveling up will fall in accordingly.

Please make sure you have checked your specializations before raids tonight.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2022, 02:02:08 PM by Raiena »