Author Topic: Bard Raid Melodies  (Read 50044 times)


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Bard Raid Melodies
« on: November 25, 2015, 07:48:25 AM »

- Normal melody:

     /melody 1 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 1 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 7 1 2 10

- A Tune Stuck In Your Head melody:

     /melody 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 7 3 4 5 1 10

- Burn melody (2 nukes - also need A Tune...):
     /melody 8 9 1 8 9 2 8 9 1 8 9 3

- Slow burn melody (only 1 nuke, maximizes ADPS):

     /melody 8 1 2 8 3 4 8 1 5 8 2 3 8 1 4 8 5 2 8 1 10

Why you should have a fancy/long melody key:

Most bard songs last 18 seconds with the Extended Ingenuity AA. A few (reference), do not - mainly Aria, Accelerando, and Harmony of Tone. Aria is our most important and highest ADPS song. Since our other songs have a longer duration, it is worth the effort of a complicated melody key to keep Aria up while maximizing the number of songs we can play. It is a huge mistake to make a simple /melody 1 2 3 4 5 key and let Aria drop every 12 seconds (this lowers you to 80% uptime - think of it as a 20% loss in ADPS). Similarly, it's silly to just do /melody 1 2 3 4 when you can add another song. The small amount of work it takes to make a long melody key is well worth the result (getting to play an extra song). It requires 0 effort beyond making the hotkey once.

Long reuse songs (Crescendo, Dichotomic) have a big benefit and should be included in your melody. Crescendo adds ~500 mana and 50 endurance regen, while Dichotomic adds ~200 mana and 30 endurance regen.

When to use different melodies:

Normal melody = when A Tune.. isn't up, or when you're saving it for something.

Burn melody = Short-ish boss fight
For the burn melodies, I only use the 2 nuke burn (this is the high DPS one) on fairly short events that I'm certain we'll win. The drawback of using two nukes in a melody is you can only really play 2.5 ADPS songs for your group. The 1 nuke burn melody is reasonably good DPS while still letting you play 5 ADPS songs.

The best songs for your group:

It varies by group makeup and raid event. There are a few things I'll point out about our different songs:
- Aria is by far the best ADPS song we have - the only time I wouldn't use it is in a tank group, where the overhaste aura suffices.
- Aria and the overhaste aura stack, so in melee DPS groups (and caster groups where mana regen wont help) you should be using both Aria and the overhaste aura.
- Beyond Aria, most ADPS songs are relatively low return. In order of ADPS (roughly):
  War March > Song of Suffering > Arcane Melody > Nilsara's Aria / Fatesong / Potency
   - The ADPS from the spell damage bonus songs is so small, I almost never play them.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 09:05:28 PM by Mildaria »


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Re: Bard Raid Melodies
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2018, 08:34:22 PM »
updating the spells on this to:
Melee Group;
1.) Aria of Belgalru
2.) War March of Dekloaz
3.) Travenro's song of Suffering
4.) Arcane Ballad
5.) Kluzen's Spry Sonata
6.) Chorus of Xigam
7.) Jembel's Lively Crescendo
8.) Sathir's Insult (does not have a pushback but with a 6sec timer)
9.) Travenro's Insult (does have the pushback)
10.) Dichotomic Psalm (its the only one that effects most spells and melee)
11.) Aura of Belgalru
12.) Wave of Somnolence
13.) Nillipus March of the Wee ( Rune. I like this one but anything extra you want t o put here. Place it instead of 7 in the line up)

Caster Group;
1.) Aria of Begalru
2.) Arcane Ballad
3.) Travemro's Song of Suffering
4.) War March of Dekloaz (Shorter range)
5.) Qunard's Aria
6.) Kluzen's Spry Sonata
7.) Jembel's Lively Crescendo
8.) Sathir's Insult (does not have a pushback but with a 6sec timer)
9.) Travenro's Insult (does have the pushback)
10.) Dichotomic Psalm (its the only one that effects most spells and melee)
11.) Aura of Belgalru
12.) Wave of Somnolence
13.) Nillipus March of the Wee ( Rune. I like this one but anything extra you want t o put here. Place it instead of 7 in the line up)

Tank Group;
1.)Atoning Accelerando
2.)Kluzen's Spry Sonata
3.)Travenro's Spiteful Lyric
4.)Pulse of Xigam
5.)Rigelon's Reckless renewal
6.)Chorus of Xigam
7.) Jembel's Lively Crescendo
8.) Sathir's Insult (does not have a pushback but with a 6sec timer)
9.) Travenro's Insult (does have the pushback)
10.) Dichotomic Psalm (its the only one that effects most spells and melee)
11.) Aura of Belgalru
12.) Wave of Somnolence
13.) Nillipus March of the Wee ( Rune. I like this one but anything extra you want t o put here. Place it instead of 7 in the line up)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2018, 09:22:59 PM by Dimerall »


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Bartola's Ultimate guide for Bards
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2018, 01:19:08 PM »
The Ultimate Bard Guide 85+

This set up is great for AFK bard boxes or group content, works for any bard 85+, and usually plays continuous thru the battle. The Songs upgrade ever five levels from 85 and up for the next set.

Spell Slots
01 Aoe Mez
02 Lull
03=Storm blades(69)
05=War March
06=Spiteful Lyric
09=Song of Suffering
10=Spry Sonata
12 is separate click for your aura usually Echo Hps/Mana
Then switch to March of Wee(52) or Requiem of the Dead(104) for the rune proc.

Once you add the 13 th song slot your Hps/Mana echo can be moved down the row one slot to 13.
/melody 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (12)

Click your Circle of Power 4
Click your Horn of Unity
Click your Phos Rapier of the Dim Light
Click your Songblade of the Eternal

Rawr !
Line 1: /alt activate 15073 - Banestrike
Line 2: /alt activate 8205 - Selo's Kick
Line 3: /alt activate 669 - Bladed Song
Line 4: /timer 60, /alt activate 8204 - Lyrical Prankster
Line 5: -Empty-

Bard Tank
Line 1: /bandoilier activate Shield
Line 2: /alt activate 361 - Shield of Notes
Line 3: /alt activate 668 - Hymn of the Last Stand
Line 4: /useitem 24 3 - Frightweave Breastplate of the Performer
Line 5: /potionbelt activate 1 - Heal over time potion

Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /pause 10, /useitem 17 - Blade of Vesagran
Line 3: /pause 5, /useitem 24 1 - Latent Etheric Breastplate of the Performer *Note Current EOK-ROS BPs can be substituted for this effect click.
Line 4: /pause 10, /useitem 24 2 - Whisper-Wrought Plate Breastplate
Line 5: /timer 1810, /g Bard Epic Activated!

Melee DPS
Line 1: /alt activate 3506 - Fierce Eye
Line 2: /alt activate 3702 - Quick Time
Line 3: /alt activate 1422 - Third Spire of the Minstrels
Line 4: /alt activate 553 - Cacophony
Line 5: /timer 6000

Caster DPS
Line 1: /alt activate 3506 - Fierce Eye
Line 2: /alt activate 3702 - Quick Time
Line 3: /alt activate 1421 - Second Spire of the minstrels
Line 4: /alt activate 553 - Cacophony
Line 5: /timer 6000

Line 1: /alt activate 777 - Funeral Dirge
Line 2: /rs Funeral Dirge on %t!
Line 3: /alt activate 544 - Song of Stone
Line 4: /alt activate 359 - Dance of Blades
Line 5: /timer 7200, /disc thousand blades

AE mez
Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /alt activate 8261
Line 3: /pause 25, /cast 1 - Wave of Somnolence
Line 4: /alt activate 244 - Lure of the Siren's Song
Line 5: /timer 1200

Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /alt activate 3704 - Selo's Sonata
Line 3: /alt activate 231 - Shauri's Sonorous Clouding
Line 4: /timer 90, /doability 3 - Track
Line 5: -Empty-

Solo Rally Call
Line 1: /attack off
Line 2: /g casting Solo Rally Call
Line 3: /alt activate 1136
Line 4: /sit

I set my attack off and stop song key to my space bar for both actions.

The rest of my hotkeys are the usual bard ones like a Fade hotkey and a mez key. I also have a key that does harmony of tone and Requiem of time. Bellow and sonic displacement are on their own key as well for pulling purposes. I have a few hotkeys linked to the same key as well but nothing of too much import.

Now my song lineups depend on what group I get placed in. Melee DPS, Caster DPS, or Tank group.

My Melody 1 when A tune stuck in your head isn't active, is the same spell gem rotation as before:

/stop song
/doability 3 - Track for me
/melody 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (12)

My Melody 2 When A tune stuck in your head is active
/stop song
/doability 3
/alt activate 8261
/melody 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 (12)


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Re: Bard Raid Melodies
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2022, 05:01:52 PM »
My default song bar

1. Aria of Pli Xin Liako
2. War March/Chorus
3. Coagulus' Chant of Disease
4. Cruor's Chant of Poison
5. Sylra Fris' Chant of Frost
6. Shak Dathor's Chant of Flame
7. swap/mez/etc
8. Sogran's Insult (could also be Yelinak's insult if you don't want push or don't have big mana pool)
9. Pulse of Nikolas/Chorus of Shei Vinitras
10. Zelinstein's Lively Crescendo
11. swap/aura/etc
12. Jonthan's Mightful Caretaker
13. Kai's Reckless Renewal/Amplification

Melody keys
QT Tune (to use while Quick Time is on)
Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /melody 8 1 2 8 6 5 8 4 3 8 9 10 8 12 13
No QT (to use while Quick Time is down)
Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /melody 8 1 2 9 8 6 5 4 8 3 1 2 8 10 9
Cow Bell (to use during Quick Time when you are burning)
Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /melody 8 1 2 8 6 5 8 4 3 8 13 12 8 1 2 8 6 5 8 4 3 8 10 12 8 9
Adds (to use when swapping between adds to dot multiples)
Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /melody 6 5 8 1 2 10
No Dmg (for use during rally solo or prebuffing before event activates)
Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /melody 1 2 10 9 13 12 1 2 9 13
Pool Charm (for Close the Gate bane)
Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /tar a_pool_of_shadow
Line 3: /melody 11 #Solon's Song of the Sirens
Bat Mez (for Close the Gate bane)
Line 1: /stopsong
Line 2: /tar a_darkwing_bat
Line 3: /melody 7 #Kelin's Lucid Lullaby



Items worth getting
  • Blade of Vesagran
  • Lyssa`s Darkwood Piccolo or Flute of the Siren
  • Horn of the Stormcaller or Marrow's Song
  • Rapier of Somber Notes or Songblade of the Eternal
  • Possessed Dreadstone Minstrel's Rapier
  • Spirit Drinker's Coating
  • Spider's Bite
  • _______ Fortified Drink
  • Crusader's Tonic/Champion's Restorative
  • Steamjet Pack
  • Unified Phoenix Feather
  • Miniature Horn of Unity
  • Venenium
  • Shield of Immaculate Light
  • Rage of Rolfron
  • Staff of Viral Flux (for pulling)
  • Skull of Null
  • Selo's Drums of the March
  • Dragonscale Skystrider Scales (to rebuff familiar quick)
  • Ring of the Ancients (or another shrink item)
  • Current Mount blessing mount
  • Jann's Veil
  • The Lady's Entreaty / Orb of Tashan
  • Striped Badger Whistle
  • Valla's Unyielding Bravery
  • Primary and Secondary anchors
  • Wishing Lamp
  • Zueria Slide
  • Fellowship Registration Insignia
  • Various illusions for funzies
« Last Edit: November 10, 2024, 01:23:39 PM by Raccoo »