Author Topic: Bard Discs  (Read 15032 times)


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Bard Discs
« on: November 25, 2015, 08:53:15 AM »
Bard discs over time look something like this: (may want to open image in new tab)

General Disc Rules:

Use Epic + Fierce Eye every 3 minutes. When you burn, you can use everything except for two things:
1. Funeral Dirge doesn't stack, pay attention to the rotation. Ideally, T'Vyls goes first, followed by Dirge.
2. Spell/Melee damage bonuses don't stack, so use the BP and when it fades use 2nd Spire.
3. Use a decent burn melody if the fight is short.

Disc Descriptions:

- Bard Epic (Spirit of Vesagran):
Effect: nuke crit chance, DoT crit chance, Accuracy %
Stacking: Stacks with everything
Use: Use every 3 minutes along with Fierce Eye.

- Fierce Eye:
Effect: Crit DoT/HoT/heal/nuke chance, DD crit % mod, hit damage %, proc rate, crit hit damage %
Stacking: Currently broken and overwrites/overwritten by IoG.
Use: Use every 3 minutes along with Bard Epic. Currently, FE and IoG do not stack. Bards should take care not to overwrite an enchanter's IoG.

- First Spire of the Minstrels:
Effect: 7% hit damage reduction (group)
Stacking: Unknown
Use: If you think your group would benefit from this (i.e. some of them might die) more than the other spires, go for it.

- Second Spire of the Minstrels:
Effect: spell damage bonus (all spells)
Stacking: Doesn't stack with other spell damage bonus effects.
Use: Use after BP clicky fades (~1 min), otherwise any time it's up.

- Third Spire of the Minstrels:
Effect: 21 hit damage bonus (melee)
Stacking: Doesn't stack with other hit damage bonuses
Use: Low ADPS, useful if you don't have hybrids in the group.

- BP Clicky (Ionian Arpeggio - TDS):
Effect: spell damage bonus (fire/cold/magic DDs), melee damage bonus
Stacking: Doesn't stack with other spell/melee damage bonus effects (Spires)
Use: Use any time it's up (ADPS from this has no synergy).

- Quick Time:
Effect: delay reduction (HHE%), ATK, chance to hit %
Stacking: The HHE% doesn't stack with RF, but other effects do stack.
Use: Use every 10 mins, ideally for burns. Consider letting RF run its course before firing QT.

- Thousand Blades:
Effect: crit chance / crit damage
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Use when burning.

- Dance of Blades:
Effect: Bladewhirl proc, Triple/Flurry % chance
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Mainly used for the powerful resist/delay debuff. Also increases the bard's DPS.

- Flurry of Notes:
Effect: proc every swing (weapon procs only - no spell procs)
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Extra DPS or proc tricks (memblur, etc).

- Frenzied Kicks:
Effect: Reduce reuse time on Selo's Kick.
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Use when burning.

- A Tune Stuck In Your Head:
Effect: Extends songs by 6 seconds.
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Use whenever up or save for disc/burn. High uptime.

- Funeral Dirge:
Effect: Increases melee damage NPC takes.
Stacking: Doesn't stack with T'Vyls Resolve.
Use: Ideally rotate SK T'Vyls followed by Funeral Dirge.

- Bladed Song:
Effect: Reverse damage shield on NPC.
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Avoid if low # of debuff slots on NPC. Use whenever up. Low ADPS.

- Cacophony:
Effect: 11k DoT + stun
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Avoid if low # of debuff slots on NPC. Use whenever up.

- Song of Stone / Lyrical Prankster:
Effect: 9 / 5 swarm pets
Stacking: Stacks with everything.
Use: Helps ADPS for mages. Low DPS.

- Vainglorious Shout:
Effect: Frontal AE stun/resist debuff/small DD
Stacking: Stacks with Bellow if you land Bellow first.
Use: Useful for resist debuffing.

- Boastful Bellow:
Effect: Single target resist debuff/small DD
Stacking: Stacks with Vainglorious Shout if you land Bellow first.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 03:49:38 AM by Mildaria »


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Re: Bard Discs
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2015, 02:56:52 PM »
Thanks for posting Mildaria, very thorough!


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Re: Bard Discs
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2018, 04:48:44 PM »
This thread is quite dated.  How much is still relevant I wonder.

Perhaps the OP, and/or Team Bard members can chime in to this thread and update it with their disc lineups to bring things in line with the latest expansion.

Thanks! :)


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Re: Bard Discs
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2018, 09:59:28 PM »
I have not checked them all, but most are still viable and used.

I am told that by keeping certain AA's on cooldown and Combat skills like Thousand Blades, you can put out some decent DPS. Something I have to work on. :)
I use Fierce Eye, Bladed Song, Boastful Bellow, Cacophony and QuickTime on cooldown.
A Thousand Blades, Song of Stone, Dance of Blades, Flurry of Notes and Frenzied Kicks on a burn because of the long cooldown times. Trying to save as many of the above abilities as possible for the burn as well.
I use Funeral Dirge only when called for in raids or at the end for extra dps to burn down.


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Re: Bard Discs
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2018, 02:33:19 PM »
Bard Alliance is a huge DPS opportunity if there's 2-3 on an event, work a melody with an insult cast every 3rd song and one bard can proc Alliance if it's applied with good timing (as long as the person casting alliance has Tune running). Bard alliance is a measly 5s refresh, so either 1 person can keep casting it, or a rotation can be sorted.

Note that Bellow and Shout stack (And shout actually does more damage), it's very endurance intensive so I wouldn't recommend using both on long fights, but shout vs large piles of trash would make a zerker blush.

Not much else has changed for bards really, but they can definitely put out some DPS for once