Author Topic: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - High Bokon Boromas  (Read 10908 times)


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TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - High Bokon Boromas
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:08:23 PM »
Crypt of Sul - High Bokon Boromas

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Demiplane of Decay, at Crypt of Sul zone-in (the skull on table just inside building)
NPC Name: N/A
NPC Location: N/A
Keyword to Enter:...
Mirror clicky is obtained from completing the task: Into the Temple
Into the Temple task can be requested from Mayor Salvador West, in Demiplane of Life; kw: allow

Flag & Key Requirements

Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul is required for this event.

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul
Group Mission/Task: Into the Temple
Event Flags: Greater Spirit Shield 16/16 Completed
Event Flags: Y Spirit Shield 16/16 Completed
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

Please read this strategy carefully, and commit to memory:

Assist MA.

- ...

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory


- ...

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:58:55 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - High Bokon Boromas
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 02:53:49 AM »
Saturday, April 9, 2016

High Bokon Boromas Defeated!  Nice work everyone!

Post your comments/feedback related to the event.  I'll try and update the strategy post before our next run.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 02:55:26 AM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - High Bokon Boromas
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2016, 05:35:40 AM »
Curable AE - Decay I(II, III, etc).  48 disease counters, if not cured by the time it expires, it reapplies as the next strongest version.  Each "version" reduces HME max by 10% (I is 90% cap, II is 80% cap, etc).  1 cast of copsetender cures it, although as long as we stay within range of pally splashes, shouldn't be too much of a problem.  If someone wants to make a trigger, the log text is "you feel weak" (this is also triggering an old CoA trigger, so make sure you disable that one (if you have it) so you don't get a double-trigger).


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Vanquisher of High Bokon Boromas
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2016, 04:04:20 AM »
Vanquisher of High Bokon Boromas

IMO, Freelance has to get this raid a lot smoother before worrying about the achievements None Shall Stand and Strong to the Core.  The ach to kill boss in 10 minutes or less should be done every attempt until one of the others are tried.

The add waves need to be handled better near the end of the event. At the start it seems it goes very smooth but then after some point people get tunnel vision on the boss or something. This deal where we get the boss locked because we have too many adds has to get smoother.

Ach: None Shall Stand - As we smooth out the event this achievement should be possible...having no adds (including bone constructs?) up when boss dies...but it means a solid burn on boss/adds at the end.  Nice to have but until this event is knocked out without issues a few times probably not something to focus on...

Ach: Strong to the Core - This is  where the entire raid has to get Decay IV and kill the boss before it fades. The little info I can find on this seems to say you need to be at Decay IV before boss is at 40% (45%?) then burn him dead before the buff fades. Since it does lower your max hit points by 40% (4 levels 10% each level) it means the entire raid is sitting at max 60% hit points.  If anyone dies and is rezzed = failure. If someone cures the buff = failure. So this is a rough one...need to be able to kill boss pretty quick from 40% (?) to 0% before even attempting this one IMO.

So, smooth out the event so we can work these achs at some point...means everyone has to be on the same page and work together to maximize DPS. Sounds fun.



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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - High Bokon Boromas
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2016, 01:40:34 AM »
Gimamam mentioned SKs need to work on AE aggro on this event (and other events with many adds).

Please read about the AE Aggro spell sets Gimamam mentioned.


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - High Bokon Boromas
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2016, 07:52:27 PM »
This is long overdue for this event:

This is a long post with log entries from the fight. Please read it all.

This is a single boss fight with different stages, waves of adds and debuffs.

First stage: 100%-70%. Boss will also randomly charm 8 people.  Boss will cast a PBAE lifetap every 15s through the first stage.
Second stage: 70%-40%. Boss will cast a debuff on the raid that progressively stacks and lowers the cap on hitpoints. Starts casting Barrage of Bone AE DD and Infected strike Viral.
Third stage: 40%-dead. Boss will summon bone construct adds every 20s.

Boss will summon adds 10s after engaging, 2 minutes after engaging, and every 2 minutes after engaging.  These adds come in groups of 8.

Event is still timed, the countdown is similar to other events. We should not exceed 15 minutes:
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:51 2016] Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay, shouts, 'High Bokon Boromas, hold back the invaders for 14 more minutes.'

Spells in play: - Blessing of Anashti Sul - The charm - 8 people at a time. - Siphon Life - The AE lifetap - unknown # of targets, assume any in range. - Decay I - Progressive stacking hp cap debuff - Decay II - Progressive stacking hp cap debuff - Decay III - Progressive stacking hp cap debuff - Decay IV - Progressive stacking hp cap debuff - Infected strike - Viral DD + DoT - Barrage of bone - AE DD

Expected Tanking position:

If you are shrunk, you can back into that pillar with High Bokon in front of you.  This will allow the melee to be to the side where the arrow is, pushing him into the wall, while simultaneously allowing backstab availability for the rogues.
Melee - if you are attacking from behind and pushing HBB too far into the corner, you are screwing the MTO by putting the mob in a possible position to hit them in the less defensible side or back.  Please to not push the mob willy nilly.
Add should be tanked on top of HBB so that the ae damage to the adds can also hurt HBB.

Beginning of event text:
[Thu Aug 04 17:16:43 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts 'Regardless of your intent, you have come here to serve. You might think otherwise, but eventually, [everyone serves] Anashti Sul.'
[Thu Aug 04 17:16:50 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts 'If you don't feel compelled to offer yourself in servitude to Anashti Sul now, you will in the [afterlife].'
[Thu Aug 04 17:16:52 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts 'Yes, the afterlife! And I, High Bokon Boromas, will be your guide!'

After 10s, the first wave of adds spawns:
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:01 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Anashti Sul's followers are loyal to the end. They would not suffer me to fight you alone!'

Every two minutes after event start another wave of adds spawn:
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Anashti Sul's followers are loyal to the end. They would not suffer me to fight you alone!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Anashti Sul's followers are loyal to the end. They would not suffer me to fight you alone!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Anashti Sul's followers are loyal to the end. They would not suffer me to fight you alone!'

From the beginning of the event until 70% he will cast Blessing of Anashti Sul every 45s. This is the charm that will hit 8 people:
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Shed your flesh, and rise again to serve Anashti Sul!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Blessing of Anashti Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Blessing of Anashti Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Blessing of Anashti Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Blessing of Anashti Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Blessing of Anashti Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Blessing of Anashti Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Blessing of Anashti Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Blessing of Anashti Sul>
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Shed your flesh, and rise again to serve Anashti Sul!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:06 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Shed your flesh, and rise again to serve Anashti Sul!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Shed your flesh, and rise again to serve Anashti Sul!'

From the beginning of the event until 70%, he will cast Siphon Life every 15s.  This is the PBAE lifetap.  It can be resisted. It can be assumed that it is limited targets as there was not a resist or damage message for several of his casts on me personally:
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:06 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:06 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:06 2016] You resist the Siphon Life spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:21 2016] You resist the Siphon Life spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:36 2016] Your life is ripped from your body.  You have taken 40481 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:17:51 2016] You resist the Siphon Life spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:06 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:06 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:06 2016] You resist the Siphon Life spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:21 2016] You resist the Siphon Life spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:18:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:06 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:06 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:36 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:19:51 2016] Your life is ripped from your body.  You have taken 42081 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:06 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:06 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Your life... is now mine. Your essence... is now mine. Your flesh... Is now MINE!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Siphon Life>

At 70%, the Charms stop, the AE lifetap stops, and he begins ae'ing the viral:
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:21 2016] High Bokon Boromas looks upwards and yells, 'Anashti Sul, your servant requires your assistance. Grant me your blessing, and give me the strength to defend your name!'

30s after he hits 70%, Decay progressive debuffs happen, and every minute after.  The debuff lasts for 66s:
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:51 2016] You feel weakened somehow.

From an older fight:
[Fri Jul 29 19:18:05 2016] You feel weakened somehow.
[Fri Jul 29 19:19:06 2016] You feel weakened somehow.

If they are not cured, the next one cast will increase the debuff from Decay I -> Decay II -> Decay III -> Decay IV.  This is the debuff wearing off message:
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:03 2016] You feel whole again.

Starting at 70%, High Bokon Boromas starts proccing a Viral DD/DoT on the MT.  Congratz Khur on being patient 0 of the zombie apocalypse:
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:24 2016] High Bokon Boromas is pierced by Khur's thorns for 127 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:24 2016] High Bokon Boromas pierces Khur for 28440 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:24 2016] High Bokon Boromas is pierced by Khur's thorns for 127 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:24 2016] Khur is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:24 2016] High Bokon Boromas is pierced by Khur's thorns for 127 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:24 2016] High Bokon Boromas crushes Khur for 42087 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:24 2016] High Bokon Boromas tries to crush Khur, but misses!
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:25 2016] High Bokon Boromas is pierced by Khur's thorns for 127 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:25 2016] High Bokon Boromas pierces Khur for 44816 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:25 2016] High Bokon Boromas is pierced by Khur's thorns for 127 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:25 2016] High Bokon Boromas crushes Khur for 29805 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:25 2016] High Bokon Boromas is pierced by Khur's thorns for 127 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:25 2016] High Bokon Boromas bashes Khur for 17523 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:25 2016] Khur goes into a berserker frenzy!
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:25 2016] High Bokon Boromas is pierced by Khur's thorns for 127 points of non-melee damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:25 2016] Khur is infected.

Which in turn will cascade to the rest of the raid after a few seconds:
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Stonechewer is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Odin is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Rafiki is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Dulcy`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Tirranun`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Shadowhands`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Mulila is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Denriel is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Oruatyrim is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Landaru is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Dulcy is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Evonnee is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Whosyrdaddy is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Shadowhands is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Minasu is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Pikell is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Macebus is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Mudkip is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Raccoo is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Meepitt is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Aphie is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Huevos is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Mten is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Xdezilx is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Dimbly`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Syco is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Sunlace`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Raccoo`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Shalbal is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Sunlace is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Curmugly is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Twoma is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Spriggenx is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Dimbly is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Tinyene is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Kaloha is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Manaelil is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Dochter is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Dickens is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Cyprian is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Celebairn is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Petey is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Raccoo`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Raccoo`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Dochter`s ward is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Reyek`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Reyek`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Reyek`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Reyek`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Dimbly`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Snakein is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Evonnee`s ward is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Kianara is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Sunlace`s pet is infected.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:30 2016] Sunlace`s pet is infected.

This viral will continue until he is dead. It can be resisted, but with so many people casting it, you will likely be hit:
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:32 2016] You feel feverish and weak.  You have taken 16340 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:38 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:44 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:50 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:20:56 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:02 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:03 2016] You feel feverish and weak.  You have taken 16340 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:03 2016] You resist the Infected Strike spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:08 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:14 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:14 2016] You feel feverish and weak.  You have taken 17940 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:20 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:26 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:32 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:38 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:44 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:45 2016] You feel feverish and weak.  You have taken 17940 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:45 2016] You resist the Infected Strike spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:57 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:58 2016] You feel feverish and weak.  You have taken 17940 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:03 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:09 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:09 2016] You feel feverish and weak.  You have taken 16340 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:15 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:21 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:27 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:27 2016] You feel feverish and weak.  You have taken 17940 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:27 2016] You resist the Infected Strike spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:33 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:39 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:40 2016] You feel feverish and weak.  You have taken 17940 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:40 2016] You resist the Infected Strike spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:45 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:51 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:52 2016] You feel feverish and weak.  You have taken 17940 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:52 2016] You resist the Infected Strike spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:52 2016] You resist the Infected Strike spell!

[Thu Aug 04 17:22:58 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:23:04 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:23:10 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas
[Thu Aug 04 17:23:16 2016] You have taken 10416 damage from Infected Strike by High Bokon Boromas

At 40%, the Decay debuffs stop, and we start getting Bone Constructs spawning every 20s.  These spawn 1 at a time, and hit pretty hard, tanks should split detail on them and not tank multiple:
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'More bones to the pile... More piles of bones rise to my command!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:11 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'More bones to the pile... More piles of bones rise to my command!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:31 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'More bones to the pile... More piles of bones rise to my command!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'More bones to the pile... More piles of bones rise to my command!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:23:11 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'More bones to the pile... More piles of bones rise to my command!'

Also, at the same time, he starts casting Barrage of Bone. This ae happens every 25s from 40%-dead. It can be resisted:
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Cower in fear from the Barrage of Bone!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Barrage of Bone>
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] Furro is blasted.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] Tirranun`s pet is blasted.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] Curmugly is blasted.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] Minasu is blasted.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] Fluffy is blasted.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] Mccoy is blasted.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] The rune fades.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] You are blasted by flying bone!  You have taken 28596 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] Spriggenx is blasted.
[Thu Aug 04 17:21:51 2016] Dimbly is blasted.
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:16 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Cower in fear from the Barrage of Bone!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:16 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Barrage of Bone>
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:16 2016] You resist the Barrage of Bone spell!
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:42 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Cower in fear from the Barrage of Bone!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:42 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Barrage of Bone>
[Thu Aug 04 17:22:42 2016] You are blasted by flying bone!  You have taken 30196 points of damage.
[Thu Aug 04 17:23:07 2016] High Bokon Boromas shouts, 'Cower in fear from the Barrage of Bone!'
[Thu Aug 04 17:23:07 2016] High Bokon Boromas begins to cast a spell. <Barrage of Bone>
[Thu Aug 04 17:23:07 2016] You are blasted by flying bone!  You have taken 28596 points of damage.

We burn him down. Deplete all ONE BILLION of his HP, and get our free loot:
[Thu Aug 04 17:23:16 2016] High Bokon Boromas has been slain by Huevos!
/G High Bokon Boromas in 381s, 1006220k @2640997dps

« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 04:39:56 AM by Gimamam »


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - High Bokon Boromas
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2016, 02:47:13 AM »
High Bokon Boromas Achievement Goal post

None Shall Stand - This is completed by having 0 add mobs up when he dies. This is difficult because the Bone Constructs spawn every 20s. Very important when working this achievement that you follow the MA and do not over-DoT HBB at the end of the fight.

A Quick Death is a Good Death - This is completed by killing him in under 10 minutes. This one is pretty routine at this point.

Strong to the Core - This is completed by getting the stacking debuff that happens in Stage 2 (70%-40%) of the fight to Rank 4. The debuff gets cast every minute. So we will have to be in stage 2 for about 4 minutes to get fully stacked debuff to rank 4. The debuff at rank 4 would limit your max hitpoints to be only 60% of normal. The debuff will only last for 66s, so we would have to kill him from roughly 41% to 0% in under a minute. All while dealing with the AE's and the adds spawning.  IF you for any reason were cured during this time, you will need to leave zone or you become the cause of the failure of this ach.  If you die during this time, you will need to leave zone or you become the cause of the failure of this ach. This includes hovering - if you die, you release.  The unfortunate side effect of this need - means you will not get a rez until event end or wipe.  Bring your A+ game, bring your healing pots, and stay alive through the debuff.  This will also result in our need to save heavy burns until the last 40% so we can throw the kitchen sink at him.


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Re: TBM - Crypt of Sul - T3 - High Bokon Boromas
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2016, 05:01:45 AM »
Since there was seemingly some confusion with the attempt at Strong to the Core - i'm going to clarify some.

100%-70% - the fight doesn't change. you dps him down to 70, and the charms stop.  you assist on adds.

70%-43% - the fight doesn't change much - you simply DO NOT CURE the disease debuff.  Stop DPS at 43%, let the next wave of adds spawn and get under control.
when we have the debuff "decay IV" for the full 66s timer, burn will be called - you will dps your ass off to get him dead asap.

43%-0% - this is all burn when called.

Decay 1 - your hp will be capped at 90%, you cannot heal to full
Decay 2 - your hp will be capped at 80%, you cannot heal to full
Decay 3 - your hp will be capped at 70%, you cannot heal to full
Decay 4 - your hp will be capped at 60%, you cannot heal to full

if you or anyone in your group is not at one of those waypoints when the entire rest of the raid is - you or they need to get out of the zone.

At no time during the 70%-0% should you cast a spell of any sort that will cure disease on you or another person.