General Public > Shadow Knight

pretty pretty UI!


Curious what other folks UI looks like. Just kind of a jumble of stuff. All channels/tells go to the window on the right. Main is for group/raid/guild. Info is for all the other stuff (randoms/other/disc ending/spell failures). Chat 4 is the dump of all the other parser shit no one wants to see.

ETW, Buffs, Songs, Target, Potion, EQ button, Tribute, and Combat abilities windows resized via XML for my own use.


Could you list some of the clickies you have in that UI? Specifically:

Hotbar 3 slot 8, 9, 11.
Hotbar 4 slot 10, 12.
Hotbar 5 slot 6, 7, 8 (a fishing pole?), 9, 11.
Hotbar 8 slot 10, 12.

Also, what is in Potion belt slot 3?

And my UI has a lot more chat windows and I use all 10 hotbars in various manners. On raids I will have up to 6 chat windows for various filtered outputs.

Hotbar 3 slot 8, 9, 11. - heal type clickies
Soul-Hewn Plate Breastplate, Silken Trillium, Duskbringer's Plate Chestguard of the Hateful.

Hotbar 4 slot 10, 12. - damage type clickies
Repeating Crossbow, Hero's Sigil of the Council.

Hotbar 5 slot 6, 7, 8 (a fishing pole?), 9, 11. - swarm pet type clickies
Jury-Rigged Arc Worker, Ceramic Raptor Statuette, Flute of the Dead, Burned Rabbit Foot, Dancing Blade of Fire.

Hotbar 8 slot 10, 12. - shit i didn't know where else to put.
Holgresh Elder Beads, Eye of the Beast.

Also, what is in Potion belt slot 3?
Majestic Tonic of Healing.



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