Author Topic: RoV /CoV zerking  (Read 7768 times)


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RoV /CoV zerking
« on: February 21, 2021, 08:42:55 PM »
Below is ToV Zerker setup - Change to the CoV version of the couple of discs we received and voila, current for CoV.
Hdex >all else.  Don't forget to use Type 3's for everything that is used, any empty spots go for LDoN Atk type 3's.
Progressions: Your Heroics - CoTF forward......SUPER important
CoV hero mission achievements to max out your expansion Type 3 (won't max fully w/o raids/raid achieves but a nice bonus not really seen since eyes aug from TBM)


Before you do any fight you wanna active Battle Leap. This fades every time you zone. this can be done with eye of zomm clicky ( golden ticket - Casino reward ) if you don't have eye of zomm…. you need one it makes life 100% easier. find someone with all tradeable rewards so you can just need 1 - 2 tickets and get eye of zoom since other items lore its almost guaranteed. I use the following hotkey to make this work. > See Below <
Battle Leap Activate:
Line 1: /pause 45 , /useitem Holgresh Elder Beads
Line 2: /pause 5 , /tar Eye_of_<insertplayername> (obviously change to your name !)
Line 3: /pause 5 , /alt act 611 (611 is Battle Leap AA)
Line 4: /pause 5 , /blockspell add me 323
Line 5: /blockspell remove me 323

Other useful clickies that are easy to obtain and will help you within:
Ganak Familiar ( ROS paragon reward ) or newer CoV familiar from Hero Tasks
Jann Mask ( TBL paragon reward )
Poison Pots ( from rogues )
Shrink clicky ( I mean who doesn't have one ! )
Blood Drinker's Coating ( Small effect in theory of a SK epic for 3 min )
EOK raid / group BP clicky
Zerker 2.0 ( not super useful anymore if your dex is high enough )

Make sure you always have bloodlust aura up and hit your group cry carnage, and if your smart can split zerks up and have them to each group to buff individual groups with cry carnage because it can be instantly group buffed to all groups.

Directly before fight starts about 2-5 seconds try and - Activate magnified frenzy line with a hotkey (hotkey below) that hits you with bloodfury AA and follows magnified ( might have to click couple times to drop below the health % and get it to trigger ) ( never use ritual scarification in raid the loss of max HP isn't worth it.
Hit epic but if don't have it, don't stress or if you HDex is over 2500 it won's matter
Turn tribute on.
Magnified Frenzy Hotkey:
Line 1: /alt act 752
Line 2: /disc Magninfied Frenzy Rk. III (put which ever rank you own)

Here is a list of Disciplines you should have rank 3 from: (These are super important to maximize your dps as a raiding berserker)
Mangling Disc (ROS) - Rk 3 from RoS or TBL 108 raid runes.
Brutal disc (ROF) - Rk 3 from RoF 110 raid runes - can do Velishan raid with single group and will always drop glowing.
Cleaving Acrimony (HOT) - Rk 3 from HoT 86 raid runes - can do The Grounds with few people long as can get requester.
Frenzied Resolve (VOA) - Rk 3 from VoA 94 raid runes - can do Beast domain raid King of the Beast with few people if have requester
Avenging Flury (HOT) - Rk 3 from HoT 89 raid runes - can do The Grounds as well as long as have a requester.
Disconcerting (EOK) - Rk 3 from EoK 104 raid runes - Currently its kinda tough to just go solo and EOK raid but it is hardly used in raids however Droga will be you easiest raid to obtain it.

For Cleaving and Avenging you will be faction in HoT expansion to get the quest to hand rune in, I recommend sitting in HoT lower and do all the merc quest over and over took me all of 30-45 min to obtain. No lockouts, and super easy.

>Name then cooldown timer<
Furious/Focused Rampage - 20m
Desperation - 20m
Untamed Rage - 15m
Reckless Abandon - 10m
Blood Pact - 10m
Blinding Fury - 10m
Savage Spirit - 10m
Spire of the Juggernaut - 7.5m
Juggernaut Surge - 6m

SPAM Buttons:
Vindicating Frenzy
Axe of Derakor
Vindicating Volley
Vindicating Axe Throw
Seething Rage
Shared Atavism
Magnified Frenzy ( See hotkey up above how to activate easy )

Here is my burn buttons and how I roll It:
Mangling Burn:
/Line 1: /disc Mangling Discipline Rk. III
/Line 2: /alt act 379 (Focused Rampage)
/Line 3: /alt act 465 (Savage Spirit)
/Line 4: /alt act 3710 (Reckless Abandon)
/Line 5: /alt act 373 (Desperation)
BURN 2 (followed after hitting mangling instantly)
/Line 1: /alt act 610 (Blinding Fury)
/Line 2: /alt act 1500 (Spire of Juggernaut)
/Line 3: /alt act 961 (Juggernaut Surge)
/Line 4:/alt act 387 (Blood Pact)
/Line 5: /alt act 374 (Untamed Rage)

If you wanna use Brutal instead of Mangling because of whatever reason:
Brutal Disc Burn
/Line 1: /disc Brutal Discipline Rk. III
/Line 2 /alt act 379 (Focused Rampage)
/Line 3: /alt act 465 (Savage Spirit)
/Line 4: /alt act 387 (Blood Pact)
/Line 5: /alt act 373 (Desperation)

Typically after the main disc fades I follow up with this
Second After burn:
/Line 1: /disc Cleaving Acrimony Discipline Rk. III
/Line 2: /alt act 800 (Vehement Rage)
/Line 3: /timer 11400

The Strat:

In most fights you're gonna want to hit your full burn at the start. This is the Mangling followed by burn 2 key. Do all your pre engage things before fight starts as well, you want to wait until you get FE and QT from your bard before hitting any burn buttons to MAXIMIZE your DPS. Make sure Vindicating Frenzy is used before Dissident Rage and Rampage, as our synergy will stack with those abilities and increase their dps. Its why I use Vindicating frenzy in beginning of spam button. I Manually hit Braxi Howl and Dissident Rage (or CoV version)  and have a trigger to tell me when their up to hit. Always hit Braxi before Dissident (or newer CoV version).

Mangling last 1 min as well as the biggest of our burn AAs, or even less. After mangling drops, you'll want to hit brutal, this is your secondary biggest burn if the bards on their shit and you hit immediately after mangling you'll be covered the entire fight of that FE click from bard. After brutal goes down you have a choice to make either to hit frenzied or hit nothing for a full min, which do you pick? frenzied roots you in place so at this point it might be safe or not safe. pending each raid. Stacking FR with QT is powerful amounts of dps, but its also powerful with FE. After FR fades or you have been "disc less" for a in then you wanna hit the "secondary burn button" With cleaving in it. its technically not a secondary burn but that's what I consist it of. CA knocks off Cry carnage so beware and be weary to click cry carnage again when its over. Once CA fades you can reactive Cry carnage and hit Avenging, once Avenging Fades your basically out of discs for a min, about 5 min later you'll reacquire your 10min burn AAs included Reckless Abandon . YOU CAN HIT RA BUT DON'T HIT 10m BURNS TILL Brutal is up. once RA fades your brutal disc should be up so pop 10min burns and hit brutal with it. As hotkey below.

10 min burn hotkey:
/Line 1: /alt act 610 (blinding flurry)
/Line 2: /alt act 387 (blood pact)
/Line 3: /alt act 1500 (spire of juggernaut)
/Line 4: /alt act 961 (juggernaut surge)
/Line 5: /alt act 465 (savage spirit)

Hope this helps!!!



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Re: RoV /CoV zerking
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2021, 03:52:13 PM »
Before you do any fight you wanna active Battle Leap. This fades every time you zone. this can be done with eye of zomm clicky ( golden ticket - Casino reward ) if you don't have eye of zomm…. you need one it makes life 100% easier. find someone with all tradeable rewards so you can just need 1 - 2 tickets and get eye of zoom since other items lore its almost guaranteed.

If you don't have it , you can also ask a tinkerer to make Clockwork Automaton. It's the same thing, but player made.