Author Topic: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide  (Read 32760 times)


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TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:09:50 AM »
Plane of Health - Stem the Tide

Zone & Instance Info

Gather Zone: Demiplane of Life
NPC Name: N/A
NPC Location: N/A
Keyword to Enter:Click crystal to enter Plane of Health instance.

Flag & Key Requirements

Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul is required for this event.

Zone Flag: None
Event Key: Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul
Group Mission/Task: Into the Temple
Event Flags: Greater Spirit Shield 16/16 Completed
* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul.

Brief Event Overview

We begin by AE'ing trash to clear to the boss (Akkapan Adan).

After trash, we immediately engage Akkapan Adan.

Adds spawn at boss HP intervals: 88%, 76%, 64%, 52%, 40%, 28%, 16%, and 4%.  The boss cannot be killed unless all adds are dead.

Throughout the event we must deal with various AEs and emote mechanics as detailed in the Event Mechanics & Emotes section of this post.

Once all the adds and Akkapan Adan have been killed, the event is complete.

The remainder of this post focuses on strategy details and related areas of prep.  Please take the time to familarize yourself with these strategy details and prepare in advance by downloading and importing the related audio triggers and ensuring they are toggled on.  Further, please download the map file and test it in advance by going to Plane of Health (regular zone, non-instanced works) to ensure the positioning lines are correctly displayed.

If you have any questions, please reply to this thread and/or contact one of the FL Leads by PM via this forum or in-game /tell.  Thank you.

Event Mechanics & Emotes

There are several mechanics we need to deal with:

Boss Aggro Emote: You have been chosen for death by Akkapan Adan! <- RUN TO BOSS.  This avoids boss running amok, running through raid and MT chasing it needlessly.

Death Strike:
  • Targets a random player every 35 seconds.
  • When targeted, you have 10 seconds to run away from the raid or you'll AE DD everyone near you for 92k damage.
  • Run away, get curse cured by a Paladin to remove Death Strike (if present) before returning to the raid.  Trigger reminds about getting cured after 12s.
  • Setup a /tell hokey to your favourite Paladin for a cure.  Healers can RC AA / PS AA self cure.

Totem - Embodiment of Decay:
  • Spawns randomly at a player location at set intervals.
  • When near a totem it AE DDs for 77k per tick (You skin burns and blisters).
  • Adjust position accordingly; as detailed in the Strategy section of this post.
  • Trigger will fire when you're too close to a totem.

Vortex of Tears:

Seperate Melee DPS trigger addon is included for this, because it really doesn't affect Casters/Healers, due to positioning.
  • Vortex is a short range 78k AE DD around boss at 40s intervals (25' range).
  • This trigger will warn you just before the AE fires.
  • The trigger can be helpful depending on your HP.  Because boss AE Rampage + Vortex AE can be lethal depending on your HP.
  • Tanks shouldn't be using this trigger, it'll just add confusion and noise.  This is why it's an addon for Melee DPS only.

Pulsing Fumes:
  • Paladins are corruption curing this with timed Splashes.
  • 69k DoT + AC debuff, lasts 48 seconds if not cured.
  • This is an addon trigger for Paladins only.  No one else should need the trigger; it would just add confusion and noise.


This is a quick overview of the most critical aspects we need everyone to conform to.  Commit this to memory, read it each day before you go to work, read it when you get home from work, and read it before turning in for the night.  Log in to EQ, go to Plane of Health, practice/orient yourself with the map lines.  Also ensure your triggers are setup and toggled on.  Do this prep work so it's second nature when it comes time to hit this target.

  • Never be in the path of the boss, because a totem can spawn on you ending up in boss/MT path and cause issues.  Positioning diagram illustrates this.
  • Aggro Emote: You have been chosen for death by Akkapan Adan! <- RUN TO BOSS.  This avoids boss running amok; causing damage and chaos.
  • React to the Death Strike Emote when targeted.
  • Keep up with the main raid:
    • If you fall too far behind you will not get cured, heals won't land, and you risk ping-ponging adds; slowing us down.
    • If you fall too far behind the aggro emote puts too much distance between you and boss to react properly (by running to boss).
    • If you fall too far behind and die, your corpse is out of range for drag/rezzing, causing delays/diversion for rezzers.

  • Never be on boss when adds are up.
  • Incorporate AE spells into your line-ups for add killing en masse.
  • Use short discs each time they are available.  Save long-timer discs/AE discs for larger add sets.
  • Pet Classes - Re-direct your pet on adds when they're up, we need all the dps we can muster on adds.
  • Use your judgement if caught in totem AE during adds.  If you see your HP dangerously low, adjust position.
  • Killing adds as quickly as possible is priority #1.
  • Melee DPS: The green line on map is a general guideline.  Naturally, you will be arcing behind the boss when no adds are up and boss is being DPS'ed.
  • Caster DPS: Follow the blue line on the map.

Enchanters & Bards
  • Do not mez anything.
  • Use AE Stuns on adds.

Add Tanks
  • Each tank is assigned an add.
  • Add pickups must be quick.  Use hotkey /xtar x, where x is ETW slot (discuss this tanks, if there's a better approach).
  • SKs co-ordinate your epic clicks when more than one in same group (some of you are doing this already, thanks).
  • Plan your discs accordingly.

Boss Main Tanks

Open your map, adjust it accordingly so you can glance at it to stay on course (red line on map).
  • Starting North, when a totem spawns, walk backwards and drag boss down the red line a short distance.
  • When adds spawn, walk backwards and drag boss down the red line a short distance.  This prevents boss AE rampage & vortex AE from hitting raid during adds.
  • Only the active MT should be in the boss path.
  • Do not kite the boss during adds.

Moving the boss is learned behavior.  It takes good judgement.  When a totem spawns for example, moving the boss widens the gap between the totem and you, which allows the raid to advance out of the totem AE.  I can illustrate this with a diagram if anyone needs, but here's a simple textual representation of totem/add situations requiring boss moves:

Totem situation:You -> Boss -> Totem AE ( raid in AE ).
After boss move:You -> Boss -> [ gap ] (raid not in AE, they advanced) -> Totem AE behind us.
Adds spawn:You -> Boss -> Adds ( raid in Boss AE Rampage ).
After boss move:You -> Boss -> [ gap ] (raid not in Boss AE Rampage during adds)

Note: If judging the distance to move is a big issue, I may be able to work out the correct distances and add map markers to the red line, and the MT could then move to each marker.

MT Hotkey aid for Aggro Emote (Pure Fury): [ Todo, waiting on response from Zak with better details, as I don't want to provide inaccurate instructions for this. ]

  • Pulsing Fumes: Terrible fumes engulf you. Run from it! <- SPLASH when your trigger goes off on this emote.  You must do this to cure the raid.
  • We have a trigger as part of our package.  It will give you an early warning when to queue up your splash ring, and when to cast splash.
  • When not splashing, you'll be healing add tanks when adds are up.  When no adds up, you're healing MT.
  • Populate your ETW with Add Tanks and MTO, except for those in your group.  Patch heal them hard.
  • Armor rotation on MT needs to be done as follows:
    • Armor co-ordinated for during add stages, if we have four Paladins, do Armor at: 40%, 28%, 16%, 4%.  If less than four, offset it accordingly.
    • Maglor or Feroxide set this up, or if absent, another Paladin step up.
  • Mem Ardent Purity, so that you can Curse cure players targeted by Death Strike emote.
    • Players with Death Strike should be sending you a /tell for a cure.  You can then /rt to target them and cure them.


Remember the primal rule: A B C = Always be casting.

Follow the blue line on the map.  There are four main scenerios where you have to adjust position:
  • To keep up with the raid.
  • To move out of a Totem AE.
  • Aggro Emoted, RUN TO BOSS immediately.
  • Death Strike targets you and you have to run away from the raid.

  • Do not load a cure.  Paladins are curing.  If Death Strike targeted, you can use PS/RC AA or Epic etc.
  • MGB CR with Double IoS casts are co-ordinated and assigned during prep (for adds, based on boss HP%).
    • When CR is not active, keep Elixir of the Seas (GHoT) running.
    • If you're grouped with another Cleric, work out which one is covering GHoT for your group to avoid overlaps.
  • Symbol is optional if you're grouped with another Cleric that is handling it.  You have to work this out in advance.  I'm not assigning it.
  • Mix in splash each time it is available, as best able.
  • Clerics in MTO Group: MT is priority #1, nothing else matters but to keep that MT alive at all costs.
  • Clerics outside MTO Group: Make sure each Add Tank is slotted into your ETW except for those in your own group.
  • My spell line-up is as follows:
    • Spiritual Remedy
    • Undying Life
    • Graceful Remedy
    • Mystical Intervention
    • Issuance of Spirit (IoS)
    • Syllable of Convalescence (GHeal)
    • Elixir of the Seas (GHoT)
    • Unity of Nonia (Symbol, single-target)
    • Divine Intervention (DI)
    • Fifteenth Emblem
    • Shining Bulwark (SB)
    • Convalescent Splash

  • Do not load a cure.  Paladins are curing.  If Death Strike targeted, you can use RC AA.
  • MGB SoTW casts are co-ordinated and assigned during prep (for adds, based on boss HP%).  Dimbly assigns it.
  • Dimbly spell line-up is as follows:
    • ... todo, waiting on Dimbly reply.
    • ...
  • Don't forget Boss Debuffs.  Dimbly assigns these during prep, ask him to repeat the assigns if you missed them.

  • Do not load a cure.  Paladins are curing.  If Death Strike targeted, you can use RC AA.
  • When CR (Cleric MGB'd GHoT AA) is not active, keep your Shear of Renewal (GHoT) running.
  • Mix in splash each time it is available, as best able.
  • Keep your group members HP topped off.
  • Make sure each Add Tank is slotted into your ETW.
  • Raccoo spell line-up is as follows:
    • Reckless Regeneration
    • Reckless Restoration
    • Krasir's Mending
    • Krasir's Recourse
    • Historian's Intervention
    • Glacial Gift
    • Spiritual Swell
    • Unity of the Doomscale
    • Ferocious Growth
    • Shear of Renewal
    • Roar of the Lion
    • Sluggishness or Srasku' Drowse, or other.

Positioning Details & Map File with Lines

We start North (top of map), and work our way down.

MT moves boss each time the following occurs:
  • Totem spawns.  To allow the raid more room to advance out of the totem AE.
  • Adds spawn.  To avoid Boss AE Rampage + Vortex AE to hit raid while they deal with adds.

Map file: pohealth_1.txt

Blue Line=>Casters/Healers
Red Line=>Boss Main Tank
Green Line=>Melee

Reminder: Everyone stay out of the yellow cone area marked "Active MT Only" please unless you are the current MT on boss.

Add Waves

Everyone with spell damage AEs, have them in your line-up.  Any complimentary AE discs with long timers, save them for the bigger waves.

It's a 9-10 minute window from the start of our run engaging boss to end with adds at various stages.  Use your discs efficiently.  That means that short refresh discs should be used everytime they are available.  Do not save up all your discs for the very end.  It's more effective to always be using your abilities when they are up.  The only exception to this are long-refresh discs/AE discs, which we would prefer you use for the bigger sets of adds.

Never be on boss when adds are up.

Killing adds as quickly as possible is DPS priority #1.

HP%  AddsDPS
88%1  <- this should die before it even goes active.
76%3  All DPS, AE damage
64%5  All DPS, AE damage
52%5  All DPS, AE damage
40%7  All DPS, AE damage, Mag/Wiz any discs to augment AEs
28%7  All DPS, AE damage, Mag/Wiz any discs to augment AEs
16%11  All DPS, AE Dmg, Bers/Rogs AE discs (long timers)
4~%11  All DPS, AE Dmg, Bers/Rogs AE discs (long timers)

Text & Audio Triggers - Mandatory

Delete existing triggers for this event before importing new.  Expand the set and toggle on any sub-folders as appropriate.

Everyone - GINA File: tbm-plane-of-health-stem-the-tide-06-07-2016-1227pm.gtp (updated 06-07-2016 (12:27pm))

Paladin Only - GINA File: tbm-plane-of-health-stem-the-tide-paladin-only-pulsing-fumes-06-06-2016-810pm.gtp (added 06-06-2016 (8:10pm))

Melee DPS Only - GINA File: tbm-plane-of-health-stem-the-tide-melee-dps-only-vortex-ae-warning-06-06-2016-1131pm.gtp (added 06-06-2016 (11:31pm))

Note: Paladin and Melee DPS trigger sets are addons only.  Those respective players need to also import the "Everyone" set as well.

Everyone set includes:
- Adds spawned
- Totem effect messages (1st person)
- Death Strike - Targets YOU - Run away from the raid - 10s warning.  AE DDs everyone around you.  Get curse cured before returning to the raid.
- Death Strike - Who was targeted.  For identifying who was targeted in event of emote failure by x person (ties in with buckle pattern trig for failues)
- Death Strike - Last person targeted FAILED the emote.  This is an aid trigger to help identify who is failing this emote resulting in extra AE damage taken.
- Pure Fury - Aggro emote - RUN TO BOSS.

Paladin set includes:
- Pulsing Fumes, early warning when to queue up splash and exactly when to cast splash.

Melee DPS set includes:
- Vortex cast overlay, 40s warns when down to 3s that it's about to cast.  It's a very short range AE (25') from boss.  As a melee, you can back away from boss a few steps, avoid it, then re-engage.  This can be helpful if you can't take AE Rampage + Vortex combination of damage, which can be significant together.

GINA Issues?  Help Below:

If you're new to GINA and/or having issues with importing/enabling our trigger files, please read Ssark's GINA Manual.  If you're still having issues after following Ssark's guide, reply to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread located in the Raiders Essentials section of our forums, and we'll work to resolve the issue(s).

Map Download

This is the same map file as linked earlier in the post.  It's helpful to have it here as well to ensure it stands out and allows for easier reference if we have to direct someone to download it.

Map file: pohealth_1.txt

Right click the file, and "Save As", or something similar depending on your browser.  Save the file in your Everquest maps folder.  Most commonly this is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\EverQuest\maps

If prompted whether you want to overwrite the existing file (or something similar, depending on your operating system), click "Yes/OK".

You cannot update your map if you are in the zone that the map file is for.  In other words, don't be in Plane of Health when you save the map file.  Or you can do it while out of game.

If you have any questions/issues with the above map instructions, please re-read them and repeat the steps.  If you still have issues, reply to this thread and we'll try and assist.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:57:57 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2016, 09:23:41 PM »
[ removed trigger set, there is an error in this set -- Pie Management ]

Based off one time I did this raid a while ago and the triggers I made for it above.

This one is all about positioning/moving accordingly and reacting to gina trigger, which is just more moving around. And the add waves.

Rat man spawns totem on people, dont stand in them/move boss out of them. Tank moves rat man in a circle preferably so we dont get too spread out.. casters dont be all spread out, bunch up somewhat ( in the middle of the circle perhaps )
Add waves get progressivley more adds each wave. Total of 6 add waves? something like 12ish? adds on the last wave which is at 2%?
When an add wave spawns, move boss away from the pile slightly.
Set tanks to ae/fort/flash whatever on the bigger add waves
3? types of adds, one type can be rooted (the knights?), another can be stunned(The mummys?), and a third can be mezzed (the rats?). Can kite if things get too hectic ( assuming ppl didnt damage it ), could ae dps but we suck at that.
Rat man will randomly summon someone and put them on top of hatelist, warrior just pop warlords, problem solved.

Again will edit/clean this up after we attempt this perhaps ~

« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 11:31:46 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2016, 03:35:55 AM »
According to tonight's attempts, here's observations on the adds (at least as far as spawns are concerned):

Spawn every 12%, increasing in numbers:

88% - 1 add
76% - 3 adds
64% - 5 adds
52% - 5 adds
40% - 7 adds
28% - 7 adds

Assuming the pattern holds, would be:
16%  - 9-11 adds
4% - 11 adds (not sure if they spawn this close to the end, assuming they do though)


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2016, 01:07:06 PM »
"Embodiment of Decay" was in buff window when standing too close to a totem.  Was on me not just when I was directly on top of the totem, but a good distance around the totem.

Got the following spell message:  Your skin burns and blisters

Did significant damage that we'll want to avoid and make a trigger for.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 08:15:06 PM by Padraigg »


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2016, 09:52:42 PM »
Thanks Kianara for your earlier reply above.  I've updated the post to reflect the percentages.

Thanks Padraigg for the post.  I'm doing up a quick table, and a couple triggers for totem effect messages.


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2016, 10:15:10 PM »
Strategy Post Updated & Triggers Added

Updated the strategy post.  Please read it over before attending, thanks.

Delete the trigger set Zak provided and import the new set from the strategy post.  Ensure they are toggled on please as well.  New set includes additional totem triggers to alert when you are being hit by one of the effects and adjust position accordingly.


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2016, 11:29:28 PM »
Strategy Post Updated & Triggers Added

Updated the strategy post.  Please read it over before attending, thanks.

Delete the trigger set Zak provided and import the new set from the strategy post.  Ensure they are toggled on please as well.  New set includes additional totem triggers to alert when you are being hit by one of the effects and adjust position accordingly.

Updated the trigger set again.  Thanks Minisca.  Fixed a missing comma in the Zak set, and Minisca made an Aggro related emote, added to package.

Delete old, import new, ensure toggled on, thanks.


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2016, 11:34:13 PM »
There's also the visual cue when you're too close to a totem, screen goes pretty much greyscale .. when you're out of range coloring returns to normal.


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2016, 01:28:49 AM »
Before we get to the boss, everything is stunable.

After we start the boss, I have a few observations, about the adds and a curse that is more easily curable than believed.

Looks like 7 adds is the max.  And there are 3 types of adds.

1 - A Pestilent (whatever).  Looks like the old Plane of Decay Death Knight.  Not Stunable or Mezable.
2 - Leacherous (whatever).  Looks like the old Plane of Decay caster.  Stunable with high resist.  Doubt if mezable.
3 - Bulbonian (whatever).  Looks lke the old Plane of Decay Bulbonian.  Mezable.  Some are stunable, others are not.

Also, Pulsing Fumes is cureable by a simple Pally Splash.  So get pallies to splash this away.  Much easier than running away to cure, though that is always an option.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 01:31:58 AM by Maglor »


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2016, 11:06:41 PM »
Defeated: Saturday, February 6, 2016

Triggers updated as well.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2016, 03:01:47 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2016, 07:13:01 PM »

Dimbly worked up a diagram describing positioning, shifts etc.  We worked this method last week with promising results.  There is another method we may explore going forward (parallel lines), but in the meantime we want to get this posted for clarity and reference.

Described below is written by Dimbly, I'm just reposting it and incorporating it into the strategy post:

The inner circle consists of the MTO/Melee.
The outer circle, marked in cerulean, consists of Casters/Healers.
The violet arrows indicate the direction to run when emoted to remove the dot.

We lay out 4 markers (ie fires) in the inner circle marked in orange. 

The big fat mouse is pulled to position 1. and tanked/dps'd/healed until such time as a totem randomly spawns on someone in either circle.  At such time the raid en masse moves counter-clockwise to position 2.  When a totem randomly spawns on someone in either circle the raid moves counter-clockwise to position 3. and then to 4. to 1. etc.

When adds spawn they should be mezzed/assisted/tanked in place.  MT moves BFM to the middle and Tanks it there or if the helter skelter kiting that we've been doing needs to be continued, it should be confined to a circle outside of the inner/outer circles near the next position.

When adds are dispatched, MT takes BFM to the next position and the rotation continues.

When players are emoted, they should run outward for 50 units and then run back to their group.


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2016, 07:56:22 PM »
The run away dot (Death Strike per the writeup?) is curable. Drood group cure Copsetender's Breeze will remove it in one cast. There should be no need to run at all if you are in range of your group curer.

Other classes will have to look at what spells they can use to cure that dot but if there is a drood in my group I expect to be cured by the drood not by running around.

But if you do need to run you do not have to go halfway across the zone.  It has a 50' AE range so the guess is that you have to move 50' or so to remove it.  People run way to far to remove it! This spreads the raid out...groups are scattered all over so the group heeler can't even single target heel a group member because they ran so far away.

Other than the totem, all other dots seem curable as well either via group cure or RC (and maybe splash?). So leveraging cures with groups trying to clump around the curer should help organize this raid a bit more.

For groups with melee, it would help if the group heeler was closer to the boss rather than at the outer circle. This would allow for group cures as well as group heelz.  Not sure if that is implied or not...I am a SK not a heeler.


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2016, 11:14:23 PM »
Gimamam did up somem map locs for the four locations for tanking boss.

P -1275.6771, -2729.9236, -49.6967,  0, 0, 0,  3,  9_-_West
P -1127.5044, -2731.1431, -45.7619,  0, 0, 0,  3,  3_-_East
P -1198.9091, -2669.3826, -51.1259,  0, 0, 0,  3,  6_-_South
P -1204.8334, -2801.6125, -46.1299,  0, 0, 0,  3,  12_-_North

You can add these to pohealth_1.txt or something similar before loading EQ.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 11:24:40 PM by Furro »


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2016, 04:52:00 PM »
there was some CFing going on last week. 

the reason for the fires is so that everyone has a location that is visible and available as a gather point and a mob parking lot.

If you are having trouble seeing the fires in game, there are a couple things that you can do.

play in third person - if nothing more than just for this fight.
put on particles enough that you can see the fire/smoke from the fires.
download the map locations above and keep your map open
the totems do not spawn that fast, you have plenty of time to line yourself up to the next fire and moonwalk or just beeline to it.

sk's and warriors i know both have positioning tools that will drag/push the mob in some fashion, use them. mob positioning and movement are huge on this fight.

i know there is a knockback. the trigs cover this. you should have a timer on your screen and a warning when it is coming. plan accordingly to reposition the boss back where he needs to be.

there were old trigs that included the vortex of tears ae/knockback as firing the 'totem move' gina trig.  these need to be deleted and you need to download the newest set of trigs. it appeared that every time there was a knockback last time the tanks were moving the mob - this shouldn't be happening.

thank you.


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Re: TBM - Plane of Health - T2 - Stem the Tide
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2016, 05:06:09 AM »
[47278] Pulsing Fumes
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 2000'
Resist: Lowest -850, Min Resist Chance: 10%, Max Resist Chance: 25%
Focusable: Yes
Reflectable: Yes
Casting: 0s
Duration: 48s (8 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Decrease Current HP by 69003 per tick
2: Cancel if Moved 50
3: Increase Corruption Counter by 25
4: Decrease AC v2 by 600
5: Increase Reverse Damage Shield by 350
Text: Terrible fumes engulf you. Run from it!

Are healers supposed to be curing this or are people supposed to cure themselves by moving? Noticed someone had this on them for a while and wondered if they are expecting cures.