General Public > Raid Performance
Useful hotkeys/macros/commands
Was talking in group tonight, and a couple of people were interested in hotkeys for different stuff.
The glyph hotkey I have is:
1. Buys Glyph (if you don't already have it bought)
2. Uses Glyph
3. Buys Glyph for next use
Tribute On
Tribute off
Unity horn hotkey
Blocking levitation
/blockspell add me 16813 2517 31549 40919 48881 13994 16814 3185 1391
Unblocking levitation
/blockspell remove me 16813 2517 31549 40919 48881 13994 16814 3185 1391
Blocking werewolf illusion from Group Pact of Wolf, but keep the buffs.
/blockspell add me 30708
To block multiple levels of mod rods.
/blockspell add me 10765 44806 29971 18800 2538 36017 14733 26843 3426
Edit: I would now suggest storing mod rods you never want to receive on your personal plot, instead of buff blocking them, since there are only 39 slots available to block.
To block group form illusions; group guardian of the forest form, group bestial alignment form, form of the great wolf, group pact of wolf, form of mana.
/blockspell add me 30708 16442 16443 21684 30707 20873
To block random mass items that most people don't want: Summon Throwing Dagger, Blessing of the Harvest, Blessing of the Storm.
/blockspell add me 100 2198 2199
Older buffs that do nothing but buffblock you: Dead Men Floating, Talisman of Jasinth, Talisman of the Tribunal, Guard of Druzzil, Protection of Seasons, Acumen of Dar Khura,
/blockspell add me 1391 1570 3384 3242 3444 2886
/blockspell add me 59636 63147
(to block cozen & beguile effect if you don't want more agro)
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