Author Topic: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!  (Read 23964 times)


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Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« on: July 30, 2016, 04:14:35 AM »
This is information taken from a previous post made on the subject. It is a little dated as there are now 13 slots for the ETW, but the quality of information remains the same.

With the advent of the Extended Target Window (known as ETW for short), knowing what is mad at you and ease of targeting mobs has become easier.

Going to cover some info on mob targeting and how to make raiding easier for you.

Here is your basic ETW window. No mobs are aggro and no targets are specifically set in the window:

Here is the menu for the ETW when you right click on a line within the ETW:

Note the red boxes and the arrows. These are important items to take note of. For most people who have not changed the settings, default for all 10 ETW slots should be "Auto" and "Auto Add Hater Targets" When a new target becomes aggro on you, your group, or your raid, it will be automatically added to the next available slot from the top. Everyone in the raid who is set on auto - will have the exact same order of mob placement on the ETW.

The first red box highlights that auto is set by the asterisk, but also shows the 'current target' option. If you have a target currently selected and you click the current target option - that target will appear on your ETW in the slot that you have selected. Note that is what I did to get Gimamam on the first ETW slot. Shown in this shot is putting Bdallya on the ETW in similar fashion:

The next red box highlights the 'raid assist' targets 1-3. In a raid, the raid leader can designate up to 3 assists. If you set a line of your ETW to one of these target types, it will no longer show automatically what is mad at you, but only the target of the specific assist. An example:

I have 2 raid assist targets loaded here. in the first slot is raid assist 1. You can see that with the "1" and "A" on the green box next to the target. The same with raid assist 2 on the second line.

The last red box is the load/save feature. If you find yourself constantly loading the same specific targets to lines you like to have them on (for example: healers constantly healing the same tanks in a raid) you can save the ETW set very similarly to saving a spell set and reload it at any point in the future.

Now, on to other targeting specifics.

The game has a command "/target" or "/tar" for short. This command will target the nearest NPC/PC that fits the name, or return a chat line "I don't see anyone by that name around here..."

examples of usage:
/target gimamam
/tar gimamam
/tar gim
/tar g

The more specific you are in the line, the better the results on getting the specific target you want. The first two are very specific and will result in targetting me. The third will also pick up anyone whose name starts with 'gim' if they are closer to you. The last example is very generic and will pick up the closest mob/PC that starts with the letter g. This illustrates targetting PC's.

Targeting NPC's is a bit different. Every mob in the game spawns with a number on its name. If you have only 1 mob named "Generic NPC" in the zone and you need to use the /target command, its full name will be "Generic_NPC00" Note that the space in its name now has a underscore character, and it has a number on its name. Mobs will always start their numbers with 00 and increment up from there. Two Generic NPC mobs in a zone would be fully named as "Generic_NPC00" and "Generic_NPC01" Usage of the /target command in this case would be:

/target generic_npc00
/tar generic_npc01
/tar generic
/tar g

First two again are very specific and will give you only that mob if its nearby. the third will target whichever "generic npc" is closest and the last will target the closest generic npc or a toon with a name that starts with "g".

This is important for fights that you will be assigned a specific target that will be spawning as a specific time. A tank that is spamming their /target generic_npc01 key will be able to pick up their target much faster than waiting for it to be on ETW wrecking some poor caster.

Now, for targeting people who are requesting buffs. If someone /tells you and you want to target them, instead of looking in the raid window for their name, you can to a /rtarget (/rtar for short). Basically, a reply target. You are targeting the last person to send you a tell, for quick easy easy way to target them, buff them, and get back to what you were doing.

For more ETW functionality, here are a few more commands to make your targeting needs easier.

/xtar set # <mob name>
ex: /xtar set 3 a_doomscale_arcanist00
This command would set the ETW slot "#" with a mob/PC named "<mob name>". In the example, it would set ETW slot 3 to the first a doomscale arcanist that was to spawn.

/xtar #
ex: /xtar 3
This command would target the ETW slot that you specify. In the example, you'd target whatever was in ETW slot 3

For fights which have multiple phases, or different mob priorities, you can make a singular hotkey for that purpose. for example. a single hotkey that would contain 2 separate lines in one hotkey:

/tar a_doomscale_warden00
/tar a_fallen_warden00

This would attempt to target the doomscale warden first, and then the fallen warden.
If there was not a doomscale warden up, it would attempt to target the fallen warden. if neither was up, there would be no target to obtain.
If there was a doomscale up, but no fallen, it would target and stop at the doomscale.
If there was no doomscale but there was a fallen, it would target the fallen
If there was both a doomscale and a fallen up, it would target the doomscale very briefly, and stop on the fallen.

For this purpose - you would need to put the mob with the highest priority as the last line of the hotkey as that is where the targeting would stop.

This can be a work in progress, there is always something to learn. If there is any questions, post and ask!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 04:24:37 AM by Gimamam »


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2016, 04:22:05 AM »
Furthering this topic - assignment of tanks to Add #. 

In this screenshot you can see that there are 5 mobs present, 2 boss types and 3 adds:

Impacted Molar and Molar take up the first two ETW slots.  There are three tanks assigned to pick up adds 1, 2, and 3.  For this case,
Tank 1 would be on the add that is currently in ETW slot #3 (a dessicated saporling),
Tank 2 would be on the add that is currently in ETW slot #4(an agressive vinemaw), and
Tank 3 would be on the add that is currently in ETW slot #5(a dessicated saporling). 

For the intents of assignment - the add tanks are ignoring that the Impacted Molar and Molar even exist. They would have to count from the top down, only interested in add mobs.  This means that potentially you have to adjust on the fly to pick up your correct mob.

If for some reason the ETW looked like this instead:

Impacted Molar
a dessicated saporling
an agressive vinemaw
a dessicated saporling

Tank 1 would be on the add in ETW slot 2(a dessicated saporling),
Tank 2 would be on the add in ETW slot 3(an agressive vinemaw), and
Tank 3 would be on the add in ETW slot 5(a dessicated saporling). 

See how that was adjusted?

« Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 04:29:58 AM by Gimamam »


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2016, 03:37:18 AM »
To reinforce what Gimamam is saying...

Normally, Brenlaven has Raid MA1 and Raid MA2 in ETW so it is known which mob the MA1 / MA2 are targeting and thus don't break mez, etc.

However, on events like Stem the Tide...Brenlaven has NO special ETW settings...just the normal auto for all. This keeps the boss at ETW1 even if the MA points to a different mob.  It means Brenlaven doesn't know which mob the MAs are targeting but the job for Stem the Tides is to target the boss (single mob) OR the assigned add. So when adds spawn during Stem the Tides Brenlaven focuses on "add 1" which would be ETW 2 (since the boss is always in ETW 1).  In fact Brenlaven has a hotkey to /xtar 2 just like Gimamam points out in the post above.  The only thing to keep in mind is after the initial spawn of adds where the adds show up in the is possible for the order to change due to a mob dying or being mezzed. It shouldn't be a problem...if you target your add initially then you should be able to hold aggro until it is dead. Once it is dead you can help DPS another mob.

As mentioned in other posts, Freelance uses two basic methods of assigning mobs to name (mob00, mob01, etc.) and "etw" targeting.  This post helps explain in more detail what "etw" targeting really is focused on...the add not the ETW spot necessarily. Good stuff Gimamam!



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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2016, 07:04:07 AM »
Additional information -

As mentioned above, you can add players to your ETW by first targetting them via clicking on them, using the raid window, or /tar Name on them (see what I did there).  Second you right click the slot in the ETW you want to add them to and click current target.

This is being brought up again in this post to highlight the need for healers to add specific people to their ETWs, and for tanks to add the other tanks of their respective MTO to the ETW. 
Healers need this done as the assigns that are given to them are not always people that are in their group, and subsequently this makes visualizing their health, and targeting them that much easier and quicker to cast heals on them. 
From the MTO point of view, this is important to do, so that you can see if the tank in front of you is dead and you absolutely need to pick up the mob, or if they are struggling and you need to step in.  Also, this would allow you, similar to the healers, the ability to target the other tanks quickly to see if they are newly rezzed, have a specific debuff that they cannot tank with, and also allows you to see their mana/end status to see if they are a viable tank to be able to step in after a death.

An example of the raid assignment given and the ETW loadout for the raid from my end is given below - this was for the raid Wither and Decay on Friday May 27th for reference:

[Fri May 27 18:27:25 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Wither MTO: Zaknaffein, Overeasy, Riprobin, Mistatk, Blaqheart, Hardaen, Brenlaven, Owmy, Gimamam, Exuo  ]- Furro (+mh), Stainn (+sym/rb), Kianara (+growth/m), Twoma (+slow/m), Raccoo (+mh)'

AT MINIMUM, Zaknaffein, Overeasy, Riprobin, Mistatk, Blaqheart, Hardaen, Brenlaven, Owmy, Gimamam, Exuo should have the tank directly in front of them in the MTO order on their ETW.  Ideally, since there are ten tanks assigned, and thirteen slots on the ETW, you should put all of your specific MTO on your ETW for quick reference.
AT MINIMUM, Furro, Stainn, Kianara, Twoma, Raccoo should have any and all of those tanks on their ETW that are not specifically in their group. 

The W/D MTO is a bit intensive on the whole, as 9-10 tanks are usually assigned to Wither alone.  Most fights get away with 3-4 tanks in an MTO for a single mob, so the ETW is usually not that crowded. 

This is a powerful tool that if used correctly can and does help the raid as a whole via your individual contribution.  Please use it.

This forum is here for questions. Please ask them if you do not understand the concepts laid out here.  You can PM me here or in game if you do not want a public viewing of your questions.


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2016, 03:49:17 PM »
I have saved three target sets, since we don't often get the same people on raids, and don't always get the same assignments. My first saved targets, is the default auto-agro one, so I can switch back to it to remove everyone quickly and start over. The second set is all auto-agro except for the first ext target, which is set to MA1 target, for events where there is only one MA (Wither and Decay, Stem the Tide, Grummus, Anashti decay). Third is for two MA targets, in the 1st and 2nd ext targets (Vim and Vigor, Emollious).

After I've selected the MA target set, I begin adding whatever tanks I've been assigned. I make this easier by setting up my G button to add current target to the ext target window, so I just click the tank's name in the raid window, and press G to add them to my window.

Alt+O (options), Keys tab, Select Category "Target", Add an extended target = G

If I have extra space after adding assigned tanks, I will add some clerics and other healers to my ext target to fill it up, so I can see if any of them need a call/rez during the event.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 05:38:30 PM by Raccoo »


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2016, 03:54:24 PM »
/xtar set # <mob name>
ex: /xtar set 3 a_doomscale_arcanist00
This command would set the ETW slot "#" with a mob/PC named "<mob name>". In the example, it would set ETW slot 3 to the first a doomscale arcanist that was to spawn.

Can you setup ext targets before they spawn, like for ritualists or shards?


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2016, 04:50:15 PM »
No, a  mob or npc has to exist in the zone and near you before you can add them to the ETW. 

If I attempt to use the "/xtar set 3 Raccoo" command while in my guild hall - regardless of your presence in the game or not, I get the "I don't see anyone by that name around here..." game response. (Raccoo was in game and in the bazaar)

As I like to trust but verify - I went to the Bazaar, used the xtar set 3 Raccoo command, and it put Raccoo on my etw slot three.  I was in the entrance, and it picked him up from the buyer circle.

However, targeting in the bazaar is different than a live npc type target in a zone.  I went to Faydark next.  The range on the command is limited to only as far as the /target command can pick up a mob. Guard Brookrock is a guard at one of the lifts.  He would not pick up on /tar until I could see him, and even then i had to get closer for it to pick him up.   /xtar set 3 Guard_Brookrock00 then subsequently added him to slot 3 on the ETW.  When I moved a bit of distance away from him again, the command once again gave me the "I don't see anyone by that name around here..." response.  The range was the same for both /tar mob_name and /xtar set 3 mob_name##

Also, the /xtar command needs the full name.  While /tar Guard_Brookrock works fine, /xtar set 3 Guard_Brookrock does not.  You would need the full "/xtar set 3 Guard_Brookrock00" for it to show up on ETW slot 3.

Limited function on that command, but for uses such as the healers in Emollious /xtar set 1 a_prime_healer00, and /xtar set 2 a_prime_healer01 - you would then have both healers up on your ETW and can make sure they are staying balanced.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 05:10:27 PM by Gimamam »


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2016, 05:15:09 PM »
After I've selected the MA target set, I begin adding whatever tanks I've been assigned. I make this easier but setting up my G button to add current target to the ext target window, so I just click the tank's name in the raid window, and press G to add them to my window.

Alt+O (options), Keys tab, Select Category "Target", Add an extended target = G

If I have extra space after adding assigned tanks, I will add some clerics and other healers to my ext target to fill it up, so I can see if any of them need a call/rez during the event.

Also - good points here - setting the add current target to the ETW to a hotkey can help populate the ETW quickly.
Healers - you are not limited to only tanks. If you have space, add other important people to the ETW.


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2016, 12:10:37 AM »
Can you setup ext targets before they spawn, like for ritualists or shards?
No, a  mob or npc has to exist in the zone and near you before you can add them to the ETW. 
Actually, you can save ETW setups for toons like you can spell sets.

When you load a saved ETW setup the toons are listed even if they are not online or in zone.  So for heelerz they could save a list of tanks or for Wither and Decay the tanks can be listed even if they are not present.

As Gimamam stated it does NOT seem to work for mobs/npcs it is of limited use in all but the simplist cases.


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2016, 06:20:15 PM »
Let's keep pounding this in until people get it or we hit on an example that makes sense to them.

Pulled from last nights raids a couple of examples.  Plane of War and Stem the Tide.

[Fri Aug 12 19:44:24 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ TZ MT: Minasu, Khur - RT  Mystery ]- Dimerall (), Baghdaddy (), Raccoo (slow/m), Netn (), and east side healers, Minasu (), Khur (), Mystery ()'
[Fri Aug 12 19:44:24 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ VZ MT: Zarake, Blaqheart (RT - none) ]- Healers: Zenyan (), Kissabooboo (), Toransa (slow/m), Furrol (), and west side healers, Zarake (), Blaqheart()'
[Fri Aug 12 19:44:25 2016] Furro tells the raid,  'VZ Swarm (clones) add kiters are: Gimamam, Owmy, Evilash --- ALL OTHER ADDS: Brenlaven, Endotron, Doramurx, Luthernhamner, Feroxide'

TZ MTO is Minasu and Khur.  Minasu should have Khur on his ETW whatever slot he chooses. Khur should have Minasu on his ETW whatever slot he chooses, they are not concerned with anything other than each other and TZ. the other 11 slots on the ETW are irrelevant if they are doing their raid funtion correctly.

VZ MTO is Zarake and Blaqheart. Zarake should have Blaqheart on his ETW whatever slot he chooses. Blaqheart should have Zarake on his ETW whatever slot he chooses, they are not concerned with anything other than each other and VZ. the other 11 slots on the ETW are irrelevant if they are doing their raid funtion correctly.

Healers Dimerall, Baghdaddy, Raccoo, Netn - need to have Minasu and Khur on their ETW at the minimum as they are directly assigned and may not be in group.
Healers Zenyan, Kissabooboo, Toransa, Furro - need to have Zarake and Blaqheart on their ETW at the minimum as they are directly assigned and may not be in group.

Gimamam, Owmy, Evilash are concerned with the VZ clones. The other adds are irrelevant and they should add each other to their ETW to know when coverage of a death is needed.

Brenlaven, Endotron, Doramurx, Luthernhamner, and Feroxide are concerned with the waves of 5 adds that spawn. They are to pick up the add # that they are assigned to based on order listed: Brenlaven = add 1, Endotron = add 2, Doramurx = add 3, Luthernhamner = add 4, Feroxide = add 5.  VZ clones ARE NOT ADDS. The bosses ARE NOT ADDS. Neither should be counted when looking for your specific mob you need to pick up.

Below are a couple example pictures to outline what is expected with this setup with regards to tanks:

Picture 1 - How the ETW looked.
Picture 2 - Who should be concerned with which mobs.

To further illustrate, there was a wave of adds with clones up at the same time.  See below as to how assignments should look:

Picture 1 - How the ETW looked.
Picture 2 - Who should be concerned with which mobs.

The first thing you should notice is that the 5 people assigned to adds should have no concern about the clones. They are not assigned to them - they can safely ignore them and focus on their mobs.
The clone tanks should focus on the clones and pick them up.
MTO should focus on their specific mob and work on staying alive.

This should illustrate the separation of assigns and the focus you need to have on your specific assignment.

Moving on to Stem the Tide:

[Fri Aug 12 18:10:18 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Boss MTO: Zarake, Blaqheart, Overeasy ]- Zarake (), Blaqheart (), Overeasy (), Zenyan (), Kianara (), Dochter (), Dimerall ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:27 2016] Furro tells the raid,  'Adds at Boss HP%; (num. of adds): 88%; (1), 76%; (3), 64%; (5), 52%; (5), 40%; (7), 28%; (7), 16%; (11), and 4%; (11) --- Utilize defensive discs for sets: 40%;, 28%;, 16%;, 4%;.'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:28 2016] Furro tells the raid,  'When adds spawn, adjust outside melee range and snap up your add (be aware they start off inactive and your aggro is wiped once they go active).  Call out if more than one add on you. '
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:33 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Brenlaven 1 ]- Brenlaven (), Aphie (), Evonnee (), Dochter ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:33 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Leazer 2 ]- Leazer (), Aphie (), Evonnee (), Dochter ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:33 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Khur 3 ]- Khur (), Aphie (), Evonnee (), Dochter ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:33 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Minasu 4 ]- Minasu (), Aphie (), Evonnee (), Dochter ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:34 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Gimamam 5 ]- Gimamam (), Furro (), Twoma (), Netn ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:47 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Endotron 6 ]- Endotron (), Furro (), Twoma (), Netn ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:47 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Darkarma 7 ]- Darkarma (), Furro (), Twoma (), Netn ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:47 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Owmy 8 ]- Owmy (), Furro (), Twoma (), Netn ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:48 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Feroxide 9 ]- Feroxide (), Toransa (), Raccoo (), Baghdaddy ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:48 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Doramurx10 ]- Doramurx (), Toransa (), Raccoo (), Baghaddy ()'
[Fri Aug 12 18:10:55 2016] Furro tells the raid,  '-[ Othen 11 ]- Othen (), Toransa (), Raccoo (), Baghdaddy ()'

These assigns seem bulky and complex.... but really they are quite simple.

Zarake, Blaqheart, Overeasy are assigned to Akkapan Adan.

MTO tanks should have each other on their ETW - Zarake, Blaqheart, Overeasy.
Healers Zenyan, Kianara, Dochter, Dimerall need to have Zarake, Blaqheart, Overeasy on their ETW.

Brenlaven is assigned Add 1.
Leazer is assigned Add 2.
Khur is assigned Add 3.
Minasu is assigned Add 4.
Gimamam is assigned Add 5.
Endotron is assigned Add 6.
Darkarma is assigned Add 7.
Owmy is assigned Add 8.
Feroxide is assigned Add 9.
Doramurx is assigned Add 10.
Othen is assigned Add 11.

Healers Aphie, Evonnee, Dochter need to have Brenlaven, Leazer, Khur, Minasu on their ETW.
Healers Furro Twoma, Netn need to have Gimamam, Endotron, Darkarma, Owmy on their ETW.
Healers Toransa, Raccoo, Baghdaddy need to have Feroxide, Doramurx, Othen on their ETW.

The adds do not have a finite name, they will spawn randomly from 6 differently named types of mobs - so regardless of the add name, if it is in your slot - you pick it up.

This is with no ETW slots assigned to anything but AUTO, and who is on what mob:

Akkapan only exists to the MTO.  Add tanks - you need not count him when counting from the top looking for your add #. You are not counting the ETW slot, you are only concernd with the adds.

More examples of this showing Akkapan in different slots as well as other ETW targets added all the add slots are still on full auto:


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2016, 10:36:40 PM »
I need to remember to take some screen shots for healer perspective. Someone could do the DPS perspective and CC if they differ enough?


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2016, 11:05:34 PM »
Good stuff Gima.

The most difficult part of PoWarrior now is that the mobs are all DB cons...and finding the first add is probably the most confusing thing at times. But it worked out well last night.

On Stem of Tide...Brenlaven's ETW looks like the first example...boss is always in first the "add 1" is always in ETW 2 for Brenlaven.

LET'S BE CLEAR...Brenlaven has a HOTKEY for targeting the assigned add on Stem of Tides. The hotkey is:

/xtar 2
/attack on

That is ALL Brenlaven needs to target the add.  It is mashed until the add shows up in the ETW. After it is in the ETW then Brenlaven works to get and hold aggro.

Brenlaven has "add 1" which means ETW 2 based on the ETW window setup he runs.

If Brenlaven was assigned "add 9"...the hotkey would become:

/xtar 10
/attack on

And again mashed until the add shows up on ETW.

Stem the Tide...mobs are sometimes stun locked for a knowing how many adds are on each wave is YOUR job as a tank...don't run off thinking you don't have an add just because it is stun locked for a few seconds.

Also, the add pick up is horrible sometimes...plan the usage of your aggro abilities...write the % down if you have too. These are yellow con mobs...meaning everything should work to pull aggro. Warrior's have abilities...if you unsure or the posts on this site, ask your other warriors...figure it out. You have a couple of things.  Pally's...well you are heelerz so you suck at aggro..grats...but figure it out...the better pally's in other raiding forces seem to have little to no issue with this concept. Ask the pally's that raid with Freelance for ideas if you need.  SKs should have no issue getting and holding aggro on one mob.

The run last night on Stem of Tide...Brenlaven had 5 or 6 adds at 100% aggro the entire time on the 16% add wave. That should never happen...Endo and Gima commonly have most of the adds for those add waves as well...that has to stop.

Each wave of adds (other than the one Brenlaven is deflecting on) is what goes on...

Step 1 - GINA trigger "adds spawn" fires
Step 2 - Brenlaven stops casting AE lifetap and moves back a couple steps from the add pile
Step 3 - Brenlaven starts mashing the hotkey for "add 1" (ETW 2 targeting) waiting for adds to go live
Step 4 - Once the add hits the target window / ETW window...Brenlaven hits mindless hatred to pull that add to him
Step 5 - Work to hold aggro until the add it dead.

Once the add it dead, Brenlaven will target mobs in the ETW to see if any tank has multiple then will work to pull one of them off...otherwise will help DPS the add that is dying.

The only difference for the add wave Brenlaven is responsible for (16%) is that it goes like this normally:

Step 1 - GINA trigger "adds spawn" fires
Step 2 - Brenlaven continues casting AE lifetap and moves next to the add pile
Step 3 - Brenlaven hits Deflection BEFORE adds go live
Step 4 - Brenlaven starts mashing the hotkey for "add 1" (ETW 2 targeting) waiting for adds to go live
Step 5 - Once the add hits the target window / ETW window...Brenlaven hits AE aggro things plus mindless hatred to pull that add to him
Step 5a - Explosion of Spite
Step 5b - Explosion of Hatred
Step 5c - Deceitful Deflection (recast as soon as it is up again)
Step 5d - Mindless Hatred (on ETW 2 if needed)
Step 5e - Stream of Hatred (if needed)
Step 6 - Next defensive disc that is up (usually Mantle or Unholy Guardian but whatever is available)
Step 7 - Work to hold aggro and hopes other tanks pull assigned adds off him before he dies.

Remember if your add is dead help kill other adds.


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2016, 06:46:20 PM »
From a healers perspective, I'll generally load up on as many tanks as I can. Any overflow warriors (meaning the ones I don't have in group already) are at the top, followed by shadow knights and then a pally or two. I try to keep the MA, a shaman, a cleric and a power dps or three on there as well.


I'm in group one with all three warriors we have, one of three paladins, and another cleric.

ETW looks as such:

#1. SK
#2. SK
#3. SK
#4. SK
#5. Pally
#6. Pally
#7. MA
#8. DPS
#9. DPS
#10. DPS
#11. Priest (Raccoo)
#12. Priest (depends who is on that night. Generally a cleric, Druid if not.)
#13. Priest (Furro)

DPS spots are usually for the big hitters or AE'ers on events that call for it.

Priest spots stay relatively the same due to our low number of healers most times. Best to get them back up ASAP. Might bump one of them another tank, depending.

Some events call for a dps slot or two to go to more tanks (Stem, Grannus, High Bokon, W&D).
Some events allow for more DPS (Damsel, Enslaver, Grummus)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 06:59:21 PM by Zenyan »


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2019, 05:59:26 AM »
I've been playing around with this command I found recently online. You can use it to set players or mobs to your extended target window, if you know their name, and if they are in the zone and within range.
I'm thinking about using this as my method of adding tanks/healers to my ext target window for healing/rezzing/buffing on raids. Other people may find this useful for putting mobs in a certain order, or healing pets and etc.

Notice on this, players do not require the numbers at the end of their name, but mobs do, even pets! It's my understanding the first mob in the zone always has the numbers 00, it increase for every same name mob in the zone.

With 3 hotkeys you can set your entire extended target window. You'd have to edit each event as MTO changes, and people come/go. But it helps for when adding tanks that haven't zoned in yet. It makes it easy to just click the button once they zone in and add them instantly into the correct location on the MTO.

You can even add wards (like shaman/druid/cleric), or traps!

Still working out how that might be beneficial, besides seeing when they despawn, or using wards as a central location to bounce splashes.

Also can make a key for adding the raid assist's target to your extended target.
/xtar set 1 raidassist1target
/xtar set 2 raidassist2target
/xtar set 3 raidassist3target

Raid mark to ETW commands
/xtar set 4 raidmark1
/xtar set 5 raidmark2
/xtar set 6 raidmark3
« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 02:02:41 PM by Raccoo »


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Re: Targeting, ETW, and YOU!
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2020, 03:37:32 AM »
One use of this command would be in adding mobs to the ETW that don't show up automatically, like the haulers in Atrebe's.

These are non-agro, so it is hard to tell which one is lower HP if people aren't following the MA.
Or if you are the MA it would help see whichever one is lowest HP to focus DPS on first.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2020, 03:40:05 AM by Raccoo »