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Messages - Ramelorm

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Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: VoA - Rubak Oseka - Time and Tides
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:38:50 PM »
Gratz on winn
sorry was not there, but  account is  SILVER ATM and  i am 2K AC  buffed as sk, with yellow and  purple  gear.

soon as i get check, to go gold i will be back

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: VoA - Rubak Oseka - Time and Tides
« on: July 23, 2012, 06:01:17 AM »

slows are either  not  landing or  taking  to long...  :-[
   Solution: possible  have  shaman drop totems at entrance  of  each alcove... :)
   have  necro use there debuff spells to help get it  slowed, also have  necro  drop there level 55 DARK RUNE or the upgrade ( BONEMELD FETISH)), also a aura or 2 on path leading  down to water to get mobs dotted, ( aura names withring decay , and the  upgrade < SPHERE OF  WITHING >, this will hit  any stragglers  tht get by, also have  chanters possible  drop ae  in cove

sk debuffss not  landing, maybe  with totems  down we  can get them debuffed

have  dedicated  DPS team taking  care of  zelots, and other adds; rangers, monks, BST, wizzies ( they have snare too )

DONT have  sk move away from there  hp. I witnessed a  wipe of MT, and ST while i was instructed  to drop epic , and  aid main raid force. When this occured tht HP group wiped  immediatly. :'(

HP 5 & HP 6   are the  furthest pull and  longest  fights, maybe we can get some extra healing over there, we had  1 cleric and  shaman, who were awesome, but  when " Fit hit  the  SHAN ", it  got  ugly, maybe a AE healing  totm of  some sort  near  there, like ( cleric, druid, shaman ward )

maybe  trying  tanking the main raid mob near pearl, while  outter tanks  pull there mob  to respective alcoves, then once the main raid mobs been called or spotted in other coves, that  group calls it out in FLraid .

About a minute after the event activates, "High Priest Xalziks" will turn into "High Priest of Oseka" and, consequently, one of the "High Priest of Oseka" will turn into "High Priest Xalziks". When this happens, there is no change in health.
If you kill "High Priest Xalziks" while other "High Priest of Oseka" are still alive, one of the remaining mobs will turn into "High Priest Xalziks", group tht  see HP xalziks call it  out  in FLchannel

/say HP xalziks in camp 6
/shout HP xalziks in camp 6
/rs HP xalziks in camp 6
/FL channel HP xalziks in camp 6

must  think old  school  for  this event

shaman slows: malo ( level 55 ) + turgurs

we are making  incredible  progress and  i think we can beat  this  in 3 more tries .... :)

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Re: UF - Lichen Creep - A Cunning Plan
« on: October 20, 2011, 09:24:21 AM »
Made good progress on our attempts this past weekend. 

Key areas to work on going forward:

  • Chamber MT losses heavy at times.  As a result, afterwards these tanks are not available for MT on Taskmaster.  Although healer setup dictates success in this area to a degree, we need to reduce kill time on minis, to reduce tank exposure in all setups.

  • sub-note:  MT deaths early in, limits our MT lineup later on.  This is why we need to keep tanks up more reliably.
  • Taskmaster & adds.  All about execution of our strat at this point.  Further attempts will flesh out any issues.

This upcoming weekend, we'll devote more priority to our farm targets (tick tock, decon, fungal), and try to slot in LC for Friday, or Saturday, depending on turnout, but mix it in with other events.

As always, thanks for your support during the learning process for these events.

recap of the event with suggestios;

Mechanics & Timers

The entire event is on a timer which starts from the moment it's triggered.

The minions spawn every 60 seconds, as do the miners.

Each portal spawns a keyholder every 50 seconds. The first keyholder spawns at the Monarch's portal. 25 seconds later, a keyholder spawns at the Architect's portal. 25 seconds later, another one spawns at the Monarch's portal. This process repeats itself until 12 keyholders have spawned at each portal (for a total of 24).
Keyholder spawns are accompanied by emotes:

Monarch Nene shouts, 'We need some help up here!'

Architect Mutze shouts, 'We need some help up here!'

Each mephit keyholder drops a key (either "Monarch's Key" or "Architect's Key", depending where the keyholder spawned from). Four strong groups (two per portal) in your raid should loot these keys; Best Burst DPS and  2 strong healers...maybe all monks or ranger/ BST mix.
Two minutes after the final keyholder spawns (the 24th in total), Monarch Nene ports up to his chamber. 30 seconds after that, the Architect ports up to his own chamber. You'll see emotes when this happens: Port early like we been doing, except Cleric  Retort MT and all going up
The Monarch steps into the nearby teleporter, retreating into his chamber.

The Architect steps into the nearby teleporter, retreating into his chamber.

The people who looted the keys from the keyholders need to port up to those chambers and kill the those two nameds.
You can port up any time. You don't have to wait for the Monarch or Architect emotes, so you can port up ahead of time and set up before they get there. MAX DPS for entire fight if these teams die, put  those MT at the end of TM rotation after they are battle rezzed and buffed below
5:30 (5 minutes, 30 seconds) after the Architect's port-up, Taskmaster Yeorick attacks. This will happen regardless of your status with the Monarch and Architect, so you'll want to have them killed before that timer runs out.
The Taskmaster hisses, stepping down from his vantage point aloft the scaffolding. Can we pull TM under scaffolding and have  Wizzes spamm AE nuke lackies, while  Rangers HoA from Architect platform. Druid run and drop Ward under scaffold, then fall back to either blue rock or platform, while continueing to chain spam heals, Cleric spam heals on MT. MT ensure they have /rs message  < blah blah is now tanking, all heals to me > so we have smooth flow on transition of tanks during  TM fight
From here, you just need to kill the Taskmaster for the win (fight details are in a section below).

FYI: if emote hits platform team, have them fall back to blue rock and continue to do above tactics.

IMO: we have failed several times in geting  TM to far end of tanking area, if we can get TM under scaffolding this will be shorter  pull, and less chance of raid getting Bullwhipped and faster kill on TM

Magician / MAGE DPS
« on: October 11, 2012, 04:03:18 PM »
This article  is written by Piemastaj and is the one of the top mages  in all of ever quest.

multibinding your way to more DPS found here:

Buffs/burn on raid :

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