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Topics - Furro

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Upcoming Events & Strategy / RoF - Crystal Caverns - Danela's Stand
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:13:12 AM »
Crystal Caverns - Danela's Stand

Zone & Instance Info
Gather Zone: Crystal Caverns

NPC Name: Captain Dunstan Coldheart
NPC Location: Room in the middle of the Coldain city (loc 255, 230, -400).

Keyword to Enter: go

Flag & Key Requirements
Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flag: None

* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

* Mandatory Audio/Text GTT Trigger information is available in the GTT section further down in this post.

For this event, we take Danela Icewind down to set HP locked intervals.  During this process and while Danela is in Coldain form; geonid and spider adds spawn at timed intervals.  Spiders are mezzable.  Geonids are not.  Assist MA please.

Danela changes to Tentical Terror form at 90%, 60%, and 30% HP locks.  To unlock HP, we must position Danela so that a boulder above drops on her head.  It takes several boulders to unlock completely and advance.

The boulders shake visibly and emote when they are about to fall.  They can also be dislodged by other means (nukes and dynamite).  A team will be designated for this area.  Please do not do anything to boulders unless asked to do so by Ssark.

For each successful Boulder that hits Danela, we lower its HP by 5% and an FD hits us.  For any that MISS Danela, we suffer a big AE DD + FD.

Throughout the event, Danela randomly targets players with a BLIND + DOT.  Moving 40 feet in any direction will cure the blind.  Keep your MAP OPEN, zoomed in to the event area so that you can move while blind in a clear direction.

In addition, Orc Miners spawn in areas above us and throw bomb AEs at us!  Orcs do not attack back.  Know your group number please, as select casters will be delegated to keep these orcs in check.

Any questions, please ask in the FLRaids:raids channel.  Thanks.

Danela Icewind
  • Hits for 37000
  • Immune to SLOW and ALL DEBUFFS (test/report confirm)

Geonids & Spiders
  • Spawn at various HP intervals
  • Spiders MEZZABLE
  • Geonids test/report weaknesses if any please.

Ry'Gorr Miners
  • Several spawn in areas above pit.
  • They do not hit back.
  • Designated casters, please keep these in check to prevent the bombs from AEing us below.
Note: Determine orc locations/areas please and report.  Thanks.


Lead: Ssark

Details TBA.

For tasked players and Tanks: Falling Rocks (add to crystalshard_1.txt)
Code: [Select]
P -472.8388, -408.9264, -399.8416, 0, 0, 0, 1, ROCK South 2
P -460.2408, -458.1176, -399.8416, 0, 0, 0, 1, ROCK East
P -470.5359, -433.0177, -399.8416, 0, 0, 0, 1, ROCK South 1
P -477.5542, -472.1804, -399.8416, 0, 0, 0, 1, ROCK North

Or download crystalshard_1.txt

Text / Audio Triggers - Mandatory

ALL Mandatory Setup

These emotes require FAST REACTIONS.  Do not hesitate when emoted, react immediately!

* Replace YOURNAME with your character name in 3rd trigger (after download)

GTT All in one puppy: rof-cc-danela.gtt

Audio Files: None, text to speech GTT feature used instead.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / RoF - Kael - The Madness of King Tormax
« on: January 05, 2013, 10:51:48 PM »
Kael - The Madness of King Tormax

Zone & Instance Info
Gather Zone: Kael Drakkel

NPC Name: Noble Helssen
NPC Location: Southern part of the zone, en route to the throne room to King Tormax.

Keyword to Enter: go

Flag & Key Requirements
Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flag: None

* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.

Brief Event Overview & Strategy

* Mandatory Audio/Text GTT Trigger information is available in the GTT section further down in this post.

For this event, we take down the Crystal of Fear to spawn minibosses and adds while dealing with their special mechanics.

We begin by non-damage off-tanking King Tormax (we DO NOT KILL him!  Do not DPS him at all.  Slows/debuffs only).

Throughout the event tiny disruption shards spawn but must not be killed.  Their AE is used later to interrupt Yelinaks AE.  A team will be designated in this area.

When adds are up, the Crystal does a push-back + DD.  STAY AWAY FROM IT, and ASSIST MA please.

PET Owners: Please watch your pet is not on the wrong mob.  Thanks.

CRYSTAL 75% - DAIN and FOUR ADDS spawn.

Assigned players ROOT PARK the adds WEST area (not near KT MT); remaining DPS assist MA and short burn Dain down FIRST (because of the banishes), then clean up adds.

At timed intervals, Dain banishes THREE players to the arena filled with KoS wolves.

Players banished to arena are ROOTED and SNARED, which breaks INVIS.  Immediately FADE to escape any aggro; RE-INVIS, then leave the arena when root fades, and return to raid.  If you die in the arena, new arrivals without aggro can drag your corpse en route back to the raid.

* Until we remove Dains HUGE DAMAGE SHIELD, please WAIT for MA call to engage.

CRYSTAL 50% - Yelinak spawns; directional AEs in play.

WAIT for assist call; to allow for proper positioning.

Yelinak will be TURNED by the MT during Directional AEs to prevent them from hitting us.


Same mechanics and tactics in play for each of these bosses/adds as before.

WAIT for assist call; to allow for proper positioning.

DO NOT DAMAGE DAIN until MA calls on you to do so.  This is to prevent early banishes as we kill Yelinak FIRST.

ALL Trigger information is available on the forums, Upcoming Events & Strategy section, Kael - King Tormax post at:

Any questions, please ask in the FLRaids:raids channel.  Thanks.

Crystal of Fear

When adds/bosses are up, the Crystal does a push-back + DD which prevents DPS:

Crystal Gravitation, Push pattern ref:  You are repulsed by the crystal.
Crystal Resonance, DD  pattern ref:  Your strength is drained by the crystal of fear.

Dain Frostreaver IV

Dain's Defense Breaker 4000 DS, 50% Melee Haste + Strikethrough (we will remove this, DPS wait for MA call before engaging please).
Armored Roll - 40k PBAE DD (70' range).
Dain's Skull Cracker - 40k DD + Stun (single-target).
Frenzied Blow - 10k DD (single-target).

Lord Yelinak

Listing the AEs ONLY for completeness.  MT will turn Yelinak at our pin location to prevent them from hitting us.  Just remember we are shoulder pinning in a shallow corner (refer to diagram for our pin location)

FRONT - Chilling Breath - 25k DoT + MELEE/SPELL SLOW (50 curse counters cure).
BACK - Tail Thunder - BACK, 22k DD + Stun.
SIDES - Wing Gust - 20k DD + Pushback/up (100' range).

Explosion AE and Disruption Shard Team

An emote warns of the pending Icerain Explosion AE.  Our Shard Team is to move a disruption shard crystal near Yelinak to interrupt the AE.  Each successful interrupt destroys the tiny crystal.

Icerain Explosion - 100k DD (300' range).

The disruption shard AE is HARMFUL to us as well.  Do not be near the parked shards (refer to diagram).

Text / Audio Triggers - Mandatory

ALL Mandatory Setup

These emotes require FAST REACTIONS.  Do not hesitate when emoted, react immediately!

* Replace YOUR_NAME with your character name for the Begone banishment to arena emote.

GTT Everyone: - rof-kael-king-tormax.gtt

SHARD TEAM ONLY - rof-kael-king-tormax-shard-team.gtt

Supplimental Triggers for TANKS ONLY - rof-kael-king-tormax-tanks.gtt

Audio Files: None, text to speech GTT feature used instead.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / RoF - Shard's Landing - Calling Phantasm
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:08:38 PM »
Shard's Landing - Calling Phantasm
*[12/15/2012] NOTICE: This post has been modified to reflect amendments posted within this thread *

Zone & Instance Info
Gather Zone: Shard's Landing

NPC Name: Harbinger Glask
NPC Location: Inside the same tent as Overseer Drent in the crater's southwest (loc 185, 70, 1).

Keyword to Enter: ready

Flag & Key Requirements
Zone Flag: None
Event Key: None
Group Mission: None
Event Flag: None

* Minimum to be Piggy/85'/pushed into raid: Nothing required.

Brief Event Overview and Strat

* Mandatory Audio/Text GTT Trigger information is available in the GTT section further down in this post.
* Everyone in the raid only, /join murderer:murderer

Two staged event.

Stage 1


We kill witnesses to reveal clues as to who in our raid is the murderer!  As each witness dies, multiple spectre adds spawn and attack.

Clues are relayed to the murderer channel.  If you match the criteria, you are to LEAVE the channel, thus narrowing down our list of suspects.

When determined in channel, the murderer does the following:
  • Stand on the stage at the front of the room; target self or no-one and say: I am the murderer
  • Once declared; if correct, a dagger appears on their cursor.  Equip and use the dagger against any witnesses or spectres ONE SHOT KILLS THEM.
Wrongly accusing a player as the murderer results in clues reset, witnesses respawn and attack, and a penalty AE.

When all the adds are eliminated, we advance to Stage 2.


Witnesses - Enchanters use Slackening Wave & Color Confluence to lock these down.

  • Mezzable 30 seconds at a time, then they go unmezzable (unenthalled/enthralled) for 30 seconds.
  • Necros & Bards single target MEZ these.  Enchanters as able, help.

Room Positioning:  On port in, move to the SE corner.  Witnesses locked down at corner.  Pull out one witness at a time, dispatch and deal with resulting spectre adds.  Repeat as more clues required.

Stage 2


This stage involves High Priest boss, adds and targeted AE bomb emotes.
  • High Priest activates at front stage; hits for 30k, AE: 78k+ DD, Melee Slow/Mana/HP DoT (scales Remorse I - V)
  • Adds spawn at 20% HP intervals, and number of adds increases each time (2 at first, then 4, 6, 8, 10).
  • Random players targeted with BOMB emote.  Move away when trigger fires, to avoid AE DD in area.
  • Players in range of bomb; screen changes RED HUE.  In addition, there are BOMB FUSE messages in /say indicating you're in danger.  Move away to avoid.


Controlled DPS against High Priest to spawn adds at 20% intervals.  Assist MA on adds ALWAYS please.

High Priest Main Tanks: Do not summon tank (AE knockback present can knock you back, position with back to wall to help avoid being shot to the stands).

Phantasmal Fragment adds:
  • Do not kite these.  They will charm if kiting detected (test root park to see if this triggers charm please, and report results).
  • For now, OT extras until MA gets to them.

Room Positioning:  Everyone in the stands area.  HP MTO up on stage only, as outlined above.

Barrel Bomb Emotes: Critical to react to these.  Move when your trigger fires for both emote or fuses.

Any questions, please post in within this thread or ask in the FLRaids:raids channel.  Thanks.

Text / Audio Triggers - Mandatory

ALL Mandatory Setup

These emotes require FAST REACTIONS.  Do not hesitate when emoted, react immediately!

GTT All in one puppy: rof-sl-calling-phantasm.gtt

Audio Files: None, text to speech GTT feature used instead.

## Note: Also setup the murderer triggers customized to your character.  Refer to the related link further below.  Thanks.

Trigger Additions


Adding FOUR cardinal triggers for shifting.  We'll only use TWO of the four, but depending which direction we decide works best for shifts, we'll need one or the other set.

For those of you who have raided with us in the past for Arthicrex 1 raid in UF, you'll already have the NORTH/SOUTH trigger set.  Just download the East/West in that case.  For everyone else, get BOTH sets.



Shards Landing Raid - Character Trigger Customizer

The following Shards form will create a trigger set customized to your character based on: Class, Race, Deity, and Origin (Home City).  Dynamic details (ie: AA, Time Played, Flags etc), are not included for obvious reasons.

As we relay details in the Murderer channel, if your trigger fires; leave the channel as instructed. For any Special Case clue(s), an appropriate trigger will activate prompting your attention for interaction (for example, AA ranges, Time Played etc).

By having a customized trigger set it helps us reduce human error and accurately identify the murderer in a timely fashion.

Selection notes:  Please ensure you're selecting the proper details.  If in doubt, in case of Origin and special case situations, please verify in-game and/or reply post or ask in FLRaids channel.  Thanks!

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Freelance Raid Guidelines
« on: February 19, 2009, 08:02:29 PM »
Freelance Raid Guidelines

When one joins a Freelance raid, they are stating their intentions to be a team player and comply with all expectations outlined within this Freelance Raid Guidelines document, as well as any rules on behalf of Freelance stated using established Freelance methods of communication.

Table of Contents
Schedule & Requirements Raid Days, Start Time and Minimum Requirements
Communication Channels in-game and Discord (optional)
Raid Authority Players associated with Prep/Coordination related to Role/Class/Area
Plan Ahead Raid Prep, Gathering, Travel Items
Raid Invites Conditions to meet for raid invitation
Text/Audio Triggers GINA usage and assignment triggers by class
Performance & Development Player Performance, Character Development, Class Knowledge, Parsing, Gear and Upgrades
Mains, Alts and Boxes Definition of Mains, Alts, Boxes and treatment of these categories
AFK Policy AFK reasoning, the definition of excessive AFK and handling thereof
New Raid Content PolicyExplanation of Freelance approach to New Raid Content
Exploits & Play Nice Rules Conformance with EverQuest Code of Conduct (EULA), Play Nice Rules and violations
Noncompliance Policy Rules governing failure to comply with Freelance Raid Guidelines or established policy

Schedule & Requirements

Below outlines normal raid days, start times and minimum requirements to attend Freelance raids.

Raid Days

Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Start Times

8pm EST, 7pm CST, 5pm PST.

Note: Freelance operates in the Eastern Standard Time zone.

Minimum Requirements

Level 120 and 20,000 AA.


Freelance primarily uses in-game chat channels for communication. 

For players who enjoy voice chat, Freelance Discord server is available.  Not everyone is comfortable with voice chat, and it is for this reason Discord is optional for Freelance raids.

In-Game Channels

* No Talking in /Raidsay

To join an EQ in-game channel, simply type: /join channelname:password.  For channels without password /join channelname.

Channels to be in during Freelance raids:

Channel       Classes           
FLHeals:healsCleric, Druid, Shaman
FLTanks:tanksWarrior, Paladin, Shadowknight
FLCC:ccEnchanter, Bard, Ranger, Druid
FLDPS:dpsMonk, Ranger, Rogue, Berserker, Beastlord, Shaman, Bard, Magician, Wizard, Necro, Enchanter
cpigs:pigsAny - When player not flagged for current target
TBAAny - Additional channels for special raid split coordination as required

Raid Authority

Open raiding is a team effort.  To aid in coordinating events and other aspects of any raid, individuals are assigned to select areas and channels. 

The authority structure is divided into two key areas: Raid Authority (RA), and Raidsay Authority (RSA).

Raid Authority

Players listed below have authority within the associated channel, unless assigned elsewhere or in addition to.

Channel      Name

Raidsay Authority

We hold to a general "No talking in /raidsay" rule.

Players listed below are exempt from the Freelance "No talking in /raidsay" rule.

Role      Names
Raid LeaderFurro
Co-Raid LeaderRaiena, Huevos
Loot DistributionHuevos (Darkarma)

Raidsay Exceptions:

Additionally, other players are not listed but exempt from "No talking in /raidsay" rule include the following roles:
  • Main Assist may use Raidsay for various calls
  • Event specific situations for players asked to perform a function requiring use of Raidsay
  • Pullers to communicate incoming messages
* Note: Players temporarily assigned during an event does not constitute a permanent promotion to the rank of RA or RSA.

Plan Ahead

Mobilize with a purpose and plan accordingly.


Know how to reach Freelance gather points in a safe and timely fashion.

Be aware:
  • We don't do corpse drags
  • We don't do COTH
  • We can't do Banners

Events & Strategy

Read related Strategy posts located in Upcoming Events & Strategy section.

To the left of each Strategy post topic is a tiny symbol indicating the status of the event. 

Symbol   Status
Active Farm
Work in Progress (WIP)
Inactive Target

Raid Strategy posts contain the necessary gather and event information, such as:
  • Gather zone, NPC name and location, as well as any keywords to enter instance
  • Key/Flag requirements; if any
  • Audio/Text GINA Triggers; if any

Travel Items

A form of invisibility, for traveling to raid gather location safely.

Have a form of SHRINK clicky/spell, unless small class already (e.g., Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf).

Raid Invites

Prior to asking for a raid invite, a player must:
  • Meet or exceed Minimum Freelance Raid Requirements
  • Be in zone at gather location
  • Not grouped with any players; be it out of zone or offline
  • Not part of any raid task/instance which would conflict with Freelance obtaining an instance at the time of gather
  • Not have a raid lockout that would prevent Freelance from obtaining an instance at time of gather
  • Ensure Mercenary is suspended

Raid Invites Accepted:
  • Prior to raid event engage
  • Between raid events, attempts or corpse recovery


With the exception of Link Dead (LD) players, raid invites are sometimes sent while Freelance is actively engaged in a raid event.  However, while a raid invite may be sent mid-event; an instance invite is not sent.  This is on purpose, to ensure fairness to all players attending that participants in the raid were in fact present for full duration of the event.

Text/Audio Triggers

Freelance raids require that all participants use GINA.

GINA is a Text/Audio trigger application to aid in responding to EQ event emotes, Freelance assignments, among other mechanics and activities.

GINA Setup & Usage

Helpful setup and usage guide: Ssark's GINA Manual

For additional helpful information refer to the Audio and Text Triggers Alternative - GINA thread.

Assignment Triggers by Class

Freelance assigns various players by name to specific areas/duties related to their Class or Role during raids.

Two trigger packages are available to aid in the area of assignments: Generic Raid and Class.

Each player attending Freelance raids is to download the Generic Raid and their specific Class package.

The trigger packages are available in the Assignment Triggers by Class

Performance & Development

Performance - Class Knowledge - Adapt with the Times

Player performance matters.

Class Guides: Raid Performance

Class Responsibility: ALL

Each player must:
  • Keep up to date with their Class Abilities, Discs, Spells and AA
  • Offer and be receptive to advice from others
  • Self assess own performance; be critical and honest
  • Be patient with learning curve; some classes are more complex than others
  • Practice, practice, practice; refine, hone abilities to become second nature; to be reactionary; instinctual

Offering Advice:

When offering advice, one should:
  • Engage in a nice way
  • Be constructive without being condescending
  • Follow up with encouragement or reinforcement accordingly
  • Indicate availability for further discussion; be it in-game or on Freelance forum

Receiving Advice:

When receiving advice, one should:
  • Be receptive to advice; regardless of who is dispensing it
  • Consider the advice, apply it, and gauge the results (parse as applicable)
  • Ask clarifying questions accordingly if in doubt

Performance Parsing

Parsing is how one measures various areas of play.  Commonly used to collect and format EQ player character performance and organize it in an easy to read way.

Parsing is required to properly gauge player performance.  One cannot determine if they are performing well or whether they have improved or not without the means to measure their actions, save results and perform analysis.

EQ Parser for download: GamParse

Individual Player Performance Directly Impacts Freelance Raids:

Freelance raids a wide range of demanding content, including current expansion.  To be part of the Freelance team, one is expected to pull their weight.

Freelance expects everyone to be actively striving to reach the highest possible performance level.

Players attending Freelance raids are part of a team, coordinating actions with others.  Each player is responsible for their own performance; there are no exceptions.

Each player must:
  • Aspire to be the best they can be
  • Not let their fellow teammates down by slacking
  • Fess up for mess ups
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Understand performance is part of the raiding experience
  • Live up to the team's performance expectations
By attending Freelance raids each player voluntarily accepts the above and therefore should not be upset when called upon for any shortcomings or failures.

When to Parse:

Parsing in real-time during raids is not required.  Those with slower computers may wish to perform parses and analysis after events or at a later time.

Freelance also provides brief performance reports for raid wins and are currently posted in the Raid Performance area of the forums.  In-game parses are also linked in various channels.

Gear & Upgrades

Each player must:
  • Keep their gear current; including Augs, PowerSources, any equipment providing power/stat gain
  • Fill in weak pieces of gear temporarily with upgrades from group level content
  • Plan their raid gear upgrades

Resource to Plan Gear Upgrades:

Searchable EQ Items available at

Survival Policy

Freelance will remove players from the raid that do not meet a level of development of their character deemed necessary to survive the content.

Such action will be taken at the sole discretion of the leader of Freelance or one of equivalent level of authority.

Action of this nature is not to be taken personally from the perspective of the recipient.  The greater good of the Freelance raid team takes precedence in such matters.

Removal is temporary until such time as character development meets the level required.

Mains, Alts and Boxes

Each player attending Freelance raids is to do so only on the character they intend on playing.

Boxed characters are not permitted on Freelance raids.  This includes no boxes on the bench for Raid Attendance purposes.

Definition of Mains, Alts and Boxes is as follows:

Category   Definition
Main A single active character, to which the largest effort/time investment is put into its development
Alt An alternate of a Main, to which lesser long-term effort/time comparatively is exerted towards its development
Box A character played simultaneously with one or more other characters

AFK Policy

AFK Reasoning:

Freelance understands there are times when a player must go AFK (away from keyboard).

Outlined below is instruction as to when during raids it is permissible to AFK.

Raid Stage   AFK Reasoning
During Prep Briefly; but avoid when raid trash clearing
During Event Never, unless emergency (dick/vagina on fire is considered only acceptable emergency)
During Loot Only if no intention of opt-in on any items
During Moves Avoid if possible, can be hassle or risk to catch up

Excessive AFK

Freelance will bench and/or remove from raid/instance any player AFK longer then 10~ minutes without announcement/valid reason.

Warnings usually sent prior to action taken are:
  • A blank /tell sent to player with expectation of a timely reply
  • One or more voice /tells sent to player with expectation of a timely reply
  • In-game channel inquiry as to whether or not player is Link Dead (LD) or AFK

New Raid Content Policy

Freelance adheres to a disciplined approach regarding New Raid Content.

The Freelance team requires that any player who has done, exposure to, or participated in New Raid Content with their respective raid team or guild or their raid team/guild has done the content, or they have attended as a "guest" on such a raid; whether the raid outcome was successful or not, are to refrain from giving Freelance suggestions or "hints" with regards to Raid Strategy, Raid Boss/Add Details, Raid Event Mechanics, and Event Spells, etc., as it's more enjoyable for the team to learn and discover the events by way of attempts and collective contributions from players attending Freelance raids who have not done the event before.

The premise behind this policy is to help facilitate an enjoyable and original raiding experience when tackling New Raid Content.  Approaching New Raid Content in this fashion helps preserve the mystery, allowing for discovery by others.  The discovery process provides the opportunity for those other players to contribute their suggestions, for the team to coordinate their efforts and eventually defeat the New Raid Content.

Freelance appreciates all players who wish to participate in Freelance raids.  This policy is in no way meant to lessen the importance of one segment of Freelance players from another.  Players who must refrain from offering revealing suggestions regarding New Raid Content are still able to contribute in their respective Class roles and other helpful forms; such as performance, for example.

Compliance is mandatory and actively enforced.  Players who fail to comply may result in a warning or be temporarily placed on the bench, with possible escalating penalties as the team deems necessary in more severe cases of noncompliance.

Exploits & Play Nice Rules

Freelance does not permit the usage of any form of EverQuest hack or exploit, or any 3rd party programs that violate the EverQuest EULA (Rules of Conduct).

Freelance enforces violation of the aforementioned established Rules of Conduct and takes action with extreme prejudice to ensure any such player found in noncompliance thereof is not permitted to join Freelance raids and is permanently banned from participating in Freelance raids in the future.

Noncompliance Policy

Freelance maintains oversight and enforcement of all documented Freelance Raid Guidelines as well as any rules on behalf of Freelance stated using established Freelance methods of communication.

Any player participating in Freelance raids or operating within any established Freelance methods of communication that performs one or more actions determined to be in violation of established Freelance rules is considered sufficient grounds for removal of said player from participating in Freelance raids, and/or removal from areas of communication either temporarily or permanently; depending on the severity of the violation and/or frequency.

Freelance considers each player infraction in proper context and prior to judgement carefully considers whether sufficient action is warranted or it is determined the player simply made a mistake, was not aware of the rule(s), and/or whether the player has made necessary adjustments to ensure conformity with the rule(s) accordingly.

Freelance Raid Team - Pie Management Dept.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Freelance Loot System
« on: February 23, 2009, 01:39:34 AM »
Freelance Loot System

Freelance uses a DKP system for item distribution during raids.  This document explains the system, rules and related procedures.

Item Distribution Overview

Freelance distributes items based on DKP and Raid Attendance (RA%).

Each player's current DKP holdings up to 1000 is multiplied by their RA% resulting in Effective DKP.

During raids, players can only use their Effective DKP to purchase items.  Item purchases from that night and any previous raid nights for the month are subtracted in real-time from a player's Effective DKP only.

Players opt-in on items they are interested in.  Winners are determined by highest current Effective DKP.  Ties resolved via /random 1000, highest wins.

Each "Real Life" person is allowed to opt-in for an unlimited number of items.  The only restriction is that for equipment, the person must be able to equip/activate the item.

Following the above processes, any remaining items are placed in the FFA pool to be distributed only when announced in /raidsay.  FFA items are associated with their standard base cost by category, as indicated in the Item Base Costs (IBC) table below.  Anyone can loot FFA items.

Item Base Costs:

Category     Slot     Type     Base Cost     FFA       Retro Content
LOOTPRI/SEC, Range     Weapon     
LOOTArmor     Non-visible     
LOOTBracer     Visible     
LOOTGloves, Head, Feet     Visible     
LOOTArms, Legs     Visible     
LOOTBreastplate     Visible     
LOOT-     Tradeskill (TS)     
RUNE-     Spell     
AUG-     Non-visible     
N/A-     Misc.     

Category item prices may vary depending on expansion and normally are stipulated in the regular weekly scheduled events post in Upcoming Events & Strategy area.

Loot is tracked in real-time during raids via the Freelance Tracker (FLT).

How to Opt-in / Opt-out on Items

Each item is announced in /raidsay for a short duration.  Any player interested in the item expresses "aye" in /raidsay.

After a short interval, a LAST CALL is issued in /raidsay, followed a short time later by a CLOSED call.

Winners are determined by highest current Effective DKP amongst all the players who opted-in.  Ties resolved via /random 1000, highest wins.

To Opt-out:

A player may issue any of following commands in /raidsay if they wish to pass or withdraw during item processing:
  • pass
  • out
  • withdraw (wd)

DKP Earning

Players earn DKP and RA% by participating in raids.  Players on the bench during an event will be awarded RA% but not DKP.

Earnings Calculation: Total DKP spent per event divided by number of raiders participating (excluding players on the bench).

Raid entries for Start, Finish, Wipe, and Fail are always 1 DKP.  The earnings calculation does not apply to these raid entries.

DKP Spending

This calculation is done in two different ways depending on the context: during a raid and when the raid night is over.

At the beginning of each raid night a player's current DKP (cDKP) holdings up to 1000 is multiplied by their Raid Attendance (RA%) resulting in Effective DKP (eDKP).

During the raid night, when item distribution takes place, item purchases from that night and any previous raid nights for the week are subtracted in real-time from a player's Effective DKP (eDKP) only.

When the raid night is over and DKP is entered into our tracking system, each player's spent DKP for the night is subtracted from their Current DKP holdings.

Note: Players with negative DKP holdings the calculation is based on RA as normal and then the result subtracted from DKP holdings.  This way negative DKP holding players benefit from RA as they would if their DKP was in the positive.

DKP Penalties

Actions below constitute a violation and will incur quintuple (5x) associated category cost of item penalty.

Action     Cost            
Looted incorrect item
Looted too many items

Item Category Definitions & Special Items


LOOT    Visible/non-visible armor, weapons etc.
N/AContainers, Ornamentations, Power Sources, Ammo, Guild Hall Trophies, Quest Items, Cultural Pieces

Special Items:

Special Items List-This list may contain chase/rare/quest/evolving type items.
Any item on this list costs triple (3x) its associated Item Base Cost by category.
When the list contains items, it will be available in the regular weekly scheduled post in Upcoming Events & Strategy area.
Progression Items-Progression items such as Key/Flags are distributed via the opt-in process and categorized as N/A but not subject to a cost.
Special Case Items-Items that spawn instances; unlock doors; and/or required for raid functionality are distributed to the Raid Leader, and/or Raid Authority.

Retro Content - Item Distribution by Player Request

Older content is designated under retro content which alters the process for item distribution in order to expedite the process.  At the time of item distribution the chest contents will be linked in /raidsay and players interested are asked to link in the FLRaids channel the items they want processed.

Retro content items are associated with their standard base cost by category, as indicated in the Item Base Costs (IBC) table.

Raid Attendance

Each player's Raid Attendance (RA%) is one of the determining factors as to whether they earn DKP credit for any particular raid.  RA% is based over a period of 90 days.

To be considered in attendance, you must meet the following conditions:
  • Ready for action
  • In the zone specified
  • Within range of the raid

There are no exceptions to the above stipulations.  This includes the following:
  • No adjustments for Linkdead (LD), AFK, RIP time elapsed.
  • No additions for joining after RA check.
  • No other excuses, including real life emergencies will be considered, ever.
The list above may seem harsh, however, the reality is, there's no accurate way in which the Raid Leader can make adjustments and be fair to everyone.  There's just no taking anyone at face value regarding any situation that may affect ones attendance.  The moment any adjustment is made, it raises speculation as to bias/favoritism.  Everyone must accept that they will miss attendance checks from time to time for whatever reasons.

Be Aware: If you are part of the raid and subject to one of the above stipulations, you do not receive DKP credit nor are you allowed to opt-in on any items for that event.

Important: Only attend on the character you intend on playing.  No boxes please.  If you want to play a character you feel is in need at the time, then join the raid on a single character only first; assess the raid setup, then drop and join on the character you feel would be more helpful.  To be clear, there is no obligation to play a character in need.  In fact, when players ask us, we tell them play the character they want to play.  We work with the setup we're given.

DKP Check Procedure:
  • At start - when clearing trash, and/or prepping for an event or target.
  • At event or target engage.
  • At finish - when raid is done for the night.
Start DKP Check Exceptions:
  • In situations where no event happens for whatever reasons, the start DKP check will not be entered into the system.
  • Players will not be given credit for attending only Start DKP Check and leaving before the actual raid event and/or ending up on the Bench.

Raid Bench

It's each player's responsibility to monitor our channel MOTD and/or calls for invites for raid gathers and/or target changes.  Players who wish to participate in our raid must be at the indicated gather zone/prep/NPC and request an invite via the normal /tell procedure.

A related /raidsay call is made when bench swaps are completed.  Any players in Group 0 (zero), are part of the Raid Bench for that target.  As the /raidsay call suggests, the players will drop the raid so that an Instance/DZ can be obtained.

Raid Bench Selections:

Please understand, that due to time constraints; no explanation will be given to players who end up on the Raid Bench for any given target.  Benched players may be swapped/selected according to one or more of the following criteria:
  • Flags - Players in need of x flag for y event.
  • Attendance - Players present at one raid may be alternated out the next to allow a greater number of participants.
  • Classes to Event/Setup demand - Players exchanged for one or more class in need for the given events success.
  • Player Performance.

The raid window in-game can only hold 72 characters.  If/when we exceed the 72 capacity, any additional players will not be given Raid Bench credit.

Zero-tolerance Policy

We have a zero-tolerance policy with regards to item distribution.  If you're not sure on any aspect of the rules below, it's your responsibility to ask questions.  We recommend you never loot an item unless it has been awarded to your character by the person delegating loot and/or told to do so explicitly by the Raid Leader or someone designated with Raid Authority.  Looting something out of turn, and then claiming you didn't understand the rules is not acceptable and can result in a ban for life from Freelance raids.


This section defines terms and abbreviations used within this system and/or during item distribution.

LootItems considered of value that drop during raids; usually from main events, but sometimes other sources.
LOOT is also used as a category of item; visible/non-visible armor, weapons etc., are forms of LOOT category items.
Loot BountyA collection of items considered of value that drop upon successful completion of an event.
Real Life PersonA single person in the real world controlling single/multiple characters in-game
All characters controlled by a single real life person are considered the same person.
Free for All (FFA)FFA in the context of item distribution means items are available for looting to anyone.
Dragon Kill Points (DKP)DKP usually represents a unit/currency which is awarded for raid participation.  DKP is used to purchase items.
Current DKP (cDKP)An individual's total points or holdings as designated.
Effective DKP (eDKP)An individual's points as a result of their Current DKP (cDKP) multiplied by their Raid Attendance (RA%).
Item Base Cost (IBC)A numerical value attached to an item.
Raid Attendance (RA%)An individual's participation as a percentage over a period of time (currently 90 days)
Raid BenchIndividual's in the raid, but on the side-lines waiting to participate as a spot becomes available and/or are given the opportunity.
Mains, Alternates, BoxesDifferent character classifications.  In the loot system context, these characters are tracked separately.

The FL Team - Pie Management Dept.

Upcoming Events & Strategy / Freelance Flag Progression Tracker
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:07:13 PM »

Freelance Flag Progression Tracker will track your character progress as you raid with us.
  • A Search box is provided to isolate data you wish to look up, such as your character name or flag counts.
  • Hover your mouse over the flags/book/status areas to reveal extra information
  • How flagging works for the various expansions
  • Related Rk.III Rune & Disc links provided as starting points
  • Reference Tables available to give an overview of tiers and raid events

Flags require completion by means of 'clicking' an item in game.  However, since I have no way of knowing who has clicked their key/item/book, there is obviously no way for me to write logic and pickup on this fact.  Therefore, players in this situation, your current status via the tracker may be temporarily inaccurate.  However, this will flesh itself out in most situations as you progress further in tiers.

Javascript must be enabled in your browser (most likely already is), for the Search/filter features of the table to work.

How the Progression Tracker Works

For those who care about this stuff.  This was a long term side-projected over a period of several months.

OBJECTIVE: Single point of entry system for tracking player progression


I wrote it in PHP (scripting language). 

Utilized a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library called Datatables.  Datatables interprets the tables my script outputs and offers search/sort/pagination options, among other things.

The fancy hover popup is javascript/css.  The EQ item popups is javascript from Allakhazams (freely available for anyone to use).

The rest is HTML/CSS and some final PHP snipets for randomizing the index screenshots. 


Each expansion has an associated script.

The script performs a series of MYSQL Queries on the EQDKP database (where we store our DKP/Raid information).

The queries are a mix of specific raid events (for working out hidden flags), and items (for actual key/flag items).

The script then works the logic to process each player and their related hidden flags/items depending on the expansion.

As the logic processes, data entries are placed in a multidimensional array in memory for accessing later as our output.

For the output, we access our array above, build our table and capture the output to a html file that gets accessed when you request the related page.


There's no maintenance required with this system.  The scripts will run twice a day to keep updated and build the tables.

I no longer have to maintain a post/table for each expansion (for anyone who knows tables, it's total trash doing them by hand).

Thanks everyone for raiding with Freelance and helping others share in that experience!

Raider Essentials / Audio & Text Triggers - GTT Program
« on: November 24, 2010, 11:19:59 PM »
GamTextTriggers Program Information

GamTextTriggers is an overlay utility application which searches for phrases in your log, and when found will trigger a graphic or audio response. GamTextTriggers is similar to in game audio triggers, but the result can be a timer counting down, a line of text flashed up on screen, playing an audio file, or using text-to-speech to speak some text for you.

** GTT Features and Download can be found here.

Be Aware: GTT doesn't work unless EQ is running in windowed mode.

GTT Files & Usage

For events where I've provided .gtt setup files, they must be downloaded and saved, then imported.  This area details the general process.

Right-click the .gtt file link, and click "Save Link As", or "Save As" depending on browser / Operating System.  Remember where you save the file for importing later.  Load GTT, and use the Import feature to load in the .gtt file you just saved.  Change the three Player_Name patterns with your own character name.

Audio & Usage:

Slightly different then above.  Right-click, "Save Link As", or "Save As".  However, location matters for these to work properly by GTT.  You must save them to the sound directory/folder, where you have GamTextTriggers installed/residing.

Example, Standalone GTT: C:\GamTextTriggers_1_0_0_7_No_Installer\Sound Files

Where GamTextTriggers_1_0...etc, is where GTT resides, and the sub-folder is "Sound Files".  When saving, you'd go into the above GTT directory, click Sound Files, then "Save" the audio files there.

* Note:  Following a sound link (ie, left-clicking them), will in most causes load the sound file and play it.  This usually comes out in poor, or garbled quality, which doesn't represent the true quality of the .wav clip.  This is why you should right click, save as, and play the clip outside the browser.  Then judge whether you want to use it for your setup, or make your own.

You can create your own .wav clip by using AT&T Labs Natural Voices; Text-to-Speech Demo

Raider Essentials / MPG Trials
« on: April 20, 2011, 03:40:12 PM »
MPG Trials


There are SIX group trials, that can be done in any order.  Each trial completed raises your resist cap.  Completion of all trials results in a total of 50 to resist cap.  It's +8 resist cap for the first five trials, and the last one you do gives +10 resist.

Trial Details

There are TWO types of trials: GROUP and RAID.  The RAID trials DO NOT give you resist cap rewards. 

The keyword to request the GROUP version is listed below to avoid confusion.

Upon the trial completion, there's a three day lockout, and the remaining 5 trials are locked for about 1 hour 40 minutes.

Given levels currently, it's trivial to molo/solo these, however I'd recommend hooking up with others to help out.  As with any group mission, there's a minimum requirement to request the instance (2 or 3 players in this case).

TRIAL     NPC            KEYWORD
The Mastery of FearProjection of MindFear
The Mastery of IngenuityProjection of RealmsIngenuity
The Mastery of Subversion  Projection of TacticsSubversion
The Mastery of EfficiencyProjection of ArcanaEfficiency
The Mastery of DestructionProjection of PowerDestruction
The Mastery of WeaponryProjection of BodyWeaponry

MPG NPC Map Markers

It's nice to know where the NPCs are on your map.  So copy/paste these below into your provinggrounds map file if you're missing them:

P 932.0000, -388.0000, -309.0000,  240, 0, 0,  2,  Projection_of_Mind
P 2100.0000, 4348.0000, -310.0000,  240, 0, 0,  2,  Projection_of_Realms
P 1579.0000, 5559.0000, -310.0000,  240, 0, 0,  2,  Projection_of_Tactics
P -1731.0000, 1086.0000, -309.0000,  240, 0, 0,  2,  Projection_of_Arcana
P 2991.0000, 1084.0000, -309.0000,  240, 0, 0,  2,  Projection_of_Power
P -1065.0000, 4742.0000, -309.0000,  240, 0, 0,  2,  Projection_of_Body

Walkthrough Link

Tmon recommended this link for an easy to follow walkthrough of the trials.

Raider Essentials / DoN Progression
« on: April 19, 2011, 05:32:38 PM »
Dragons of Norrath Progression

Sources List:
- Allakhazam's DoN Good and Evil writeups (more thorough/includes lore also).
- Lucy spell database.

Progression Details

DoN progression is a series of tasks, group missions and raids which result in spells and AA's.

All the related NPC's are located in Lavastorm Mountains.

There are two progression paths: Good & Evil.  They both result in the same rewards.  Your character will; according to their race be one or the other.

Progression Tier Rewards

There are 5 tiers in total.  Each tier contains a combination of solote/group tasks and raids of various scales.

On completion of each tier, you receive AA's, one of which is a specific to DoN.

Following the completion of Tier 2, you receive a class specific Spell/Tome which is not attainable by any other means, only through DoN progression.

TIERS (Good / Evil)       REWARDS
Tier 1: Gift of the Keepers / Gift of the Dark Reign+10 to all stats & stat caps
Tier 2: Valor of the Keepers / Tenaicty of the Dark Reign3% to base HP/Mana/Endurance + class Spell/Tome
Tier 3: Embrace of the Keepers / Embrace of the Dark Reign+1 Buff slot increase
Tier 4: Power of the Keepers / Power of the Dark ReignIncrease chance to Critical Heal, Hit, DD, DoT by 1%
Tier 5: Sanctity of the Keepers / Fever of the Dark ReignIncrease chance to RESIST a detrimental spell!


* Obsolete, but listing anyway.  If your spell/tome is still relevant, please reply to this post.
BardStorm Blade
BeastlordGrowl of the Panther
BerserkerTome of Destroyer's Volley
ClericBlessed Touch (scribes as Ward of Retribution)
DruidEarthen Embrace (scribes as Serpent Vines)
EnchanterRune of Rikkukin
MagicianSummon: Molten Orb
NecromancerShadow Orb
PaladinTome of Guard of Righteousness
RangerEarthen Shackles
RogueTome of Assassin's Feint
ShadowknightTome of Soul Shield
ShamanSpirit of the Panther
WarriorTome of Cyclone Attack
WizardClaw of Vox

Tier Order

There are no flags required to participate in any of the DoN raids or missions.

The raid progression drops can be looted out of order.  However, the tiers are linear, and requirements must be met before hand-ins are accepted by the NPC and reward is granted.

The nice thing is, the tier requirements are easy now given our current levels.  It basically consists of Solo/Group tasks/missions, NPC hails, and faction.


It doesn't matter what faction you pick.  The Good/Evil raids/missions required for progression are identical, except for the faction Token and Crystal currency received.

Tasks, Missions and Raids of opposing faction have no affect on your faction.

Merchants at both Good & Evil areas sell the same items, just different names.

Important:  Faction matters for certain missions & raids that require a set level of related faction.  Something to keep in mind if you're unable to request a task/mission/raid.

Here's a quick Faction /consider rundown for reference:

Ready to Attack

Ways to Raise Faction

THREE main ways to raise your faction:
  • Solo Tasks
  • Missions
  • Killing Guards
Basically, mix it up.  Do the required Tier tasks/Missions.  When you hit a faction block, rework tasks you have access to until you're able to request/complete your hails/hand-ins.

Remember, each Token you receive at the end of tasks/missions gives a little faction hit when you hand into the appropriate vendor NPC.  Every bit will helps.

DoN Progression Checklist (Good Side)

[ ] Creating an Antidote
[ ] Burning the Arrows
[ ] Greed of the Goblins
[ ] Children of Gimblax (Single Group Task)
[ ] Hail Chieftain Relae Aderi to receive two AAs and a new ability “Gift of the Keepers” (10 to all stats & stat caps)

[ ] Turn the Tides of the Sand
[ ] Recover the Lost Map
[ ] Defend the Kirin Contact
[ ] Sickness of the Spirit (Group Task)
[ ] Calling Emoush (24 Player Raid)
[ ] Loot the Glowing Stone Fragment from Emoush the Destroyer
[ ] Turn in the Glowing Stone Fragment to Chieftain Ralae Aderi
[ ] Hail Chieftain Relae Aderi to receive two AAs, a new ability “Value of the Keepers” (3% HP/Mana/Endurance + class Spell/Tome)

[ ] Snowfoot Revenge
[ ] Protect the Waters
[ ] The Sacred Scrolls
[ ] History of the Isle (Group Task)
[ ] Trial of Perseverance (24 Player Raid)
[ ] Loot the Goblin Warlord’s Beads from A Stillmoon Warlord
[ ] Turn in the Goblin Warlord’s Beads to Chieftain Ralae Aderi
[ ] Volkara’s Bite (42 Player Raid)
[ ] Loot the Lava Spider Spinners from Vishmitar
[ ] Turn in the Lava Spider Spinners to Chieftain Ralae Aderi
[ ] Hail Chieftain Relae Aderi to receive two AAs, a new ability “Embrace of the Keepers” (1 Buff slot increase)

[ ] Goblin Dojo (24 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Meditation Stone from the Goblin Storm Reach Sensei
[ ] Turn in the Meditation Stone to Chieftain Ralae Aderi
[ ] Guardian of the Sands (42 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Quintessence of Sand from the Guardian of the Sands
[ ] Turn in the Quintessence of Sand to Chieftain Ralae Aderi
[ ] An End to the Storms (54 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Ya’Lir’s Fang from Ya'Lir in Thundercrest Isles
[ ] Turn in the Ya’Lir’s Fang to Chieftain Ralae Aderi
[ ] Hail Chieftain Relae Aderi to receive two AAs, a new ability “Power of the Keepers” (Increase chance to Critical Heal, Hit, DD, DoT by 1%)

[ ] Origins of the Curse (Group Event)
[ ] The Curse of Ju ‘Rek (24 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Disease Wing Fragments from the Ju ‘Rek the Corrupted
[ ] Turn in the Disease Wing Fragments to Chieftain Ralae Aderi
[ ] In the Shadows (54 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Shadowscale of Vishimtar from Visimtar the Fallen
[ ] Turn in the Shadowscale of Vishimtar to Chieftain Ralae Aderi
[ ] Hail Chieftain Relae Aderi to receive Sanctity of the Keepers (Increase chance to RESIST a detrimental spell!)

DoN Progression Checklist (Evil Side)

[ ] Blood of the Basilisk
[ ] Clearing the Path
[ ] The Burning Poison
[ ] Have Note Will Travel (Single Group Task)
[ ] Loot the Letter from Tirranun from the Goblin Task Master
[ ] Turn in the Letter from Tirranun to Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal
[ ] Hail Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal to receive two AAs and a new ability “Gift of the Dark Reign” (10 to all stats & stat caps)

[ ] Army of Stone
[ ] Blood from Sand
[ ] Reap the Kirin Mind
[ ] Drake Egg (Group Task)
[ ] Calling Emoush (24 Player Raid)
[ ] Loot the Glowing Stone Fragment from Emoush the Destroyer
[ ] Turn in the Glowing Stone Fragment to Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal
[ ] Hail Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal to receive two AAs, a new ability “Tenacity of the Dark Reign” (3% HP/Mana/Endurance + class Spell/Tome)

[ ] Snowfoot Attack
[ ] Muddy the Waters
[ ] Knowledge is Power
[ ] The Gilded Scroll (Group Task)
[ ] Trial of Perseverance (24 Player Raid)
[ ] Loot the Goblin Warlord’s Beads from A Stillmoon Warlord
[ ] Turn in the Goblin Warlord’s Beads to Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal
[ ] Volkara’s Bite (42 Player Raid)
[ ] Loot the Lava Spider Spinners from Vishmitar
[ ] Turn in the Lava Spider Spinners to Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal
[ ] Hail Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal to receive two AAs, a new ability “Embrace of the Dark Reign” (1 Buff slot increase)

[ ] Goblin Dojo (24 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Meditation Stone from the Goblin Storm Reach Sensei
[ ] Turn in the Meditation Stone to Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal
[ ] Guardian of the Sands (42 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Quintessence of Sand from the Guardian of the Sands
[ ] Turn in the Quintessence of Sand to Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal
[ ] An End to the Storms (54 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Ya’Lir’s Fang from Ya'Lir in Thundercrest Isles
[ ] Turn in the Ya’Lir’s Fang to Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal
[ ] Hail Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal to receive two AAs, a new ability “Power of the Dark Reign” (Increase chance to Critical Heal, Hit, DD, DoT by 1%)

[ ] Rival Party Curse (Group Event)
[ ] The Curse of Ju ‘Rek (24 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Disease Wing Fragments from the Ju ‘Rek the Corrupted
[ ] Turn in the Disease Wing Fragments to Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal
[ ] In the Shadows (54 player raid)
[ ] Loot the Shadowscale of Vishimtar from Visimtar the Fallen
[ ] Turn in the Shadowscale of Vishimtar to Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal
[ ] Hail Commander Zaerr Ty’Dal to receive “Fever of the Dark Reign” (Increase chance to RESIST a detrimental spell!)

Raider Essentials / Gear Check!
« on: August 14, 2011, 06:24:12 PM »
Gear Check!

For anyone serious about their character and performance, peer critiquing is extremely helpful.

This thread is dedicated to posting character profiles and requesting feedback/suggestions for upgrades.

The best way to do this is to setup a magelo profile, and use as a resource for reviewing gear.  I've outlined both below briefly to help.



This is basically an EQ Character profile service.  Whereby you can view your gear out of game and do all sorts of gear swaps/projections etc. 

You can Register for free, but limited use, or Subscribe with a minor fee.

Non-subscription is limited to syncing AA only I believe.  For gear/augs, you have to manually insert all the pieces via their lookup by item name etc. 

Subscription allows for syncing of Gear/AA/Augs the works.  It's by far the easiest, and fastest method to get up and going on what matters and that's getting your gear path sorted out.

The nice thing about Magelo is, you can create alternate profiles for your character.  So for example, you can makeup a "Short Term" goal profile, with gear swaps for content we're currently farming, or coming up on the radar.  Magelo automatically shows you the +/- differences from current/profile.  Makes it easier to plan ahead.


This is the defacto standard at the moment for looking up gear, and doing quick comparsions etc.  Highly recommend using this site for checking out the loot tables of raids we're currently farming and what's coming up on the radar.

The Process

So basically, register/sub to magelo in some form.  Then sync/setup your character via magelo.

Once done, goto, and lookup gear related to what we're currently raiding and next tier.

For each choice from, slot it into your magelo "alternate profile" you setup for say maybe "Short Term" goals.

Continue this process until you're satisfied with the virtual upgrades.

Post in this thread your magelo link.  From there, others will be able to review and offer advice/suggestions.

The important thing about this process is to not be subconscious about your gear.  All that matters is that you're making the effort to improve your character, and that you take the advice offered into consideration.

Raider Essentials / Tanks & Mitigation Buff
« on: May 20, 2012, 07:24:32 PM »
Tanks & Mitigation Buff
* [04/16/2013] NOTICE: This post has been modified to reflect amendments posted within this thread *

All tanks, please ensure you have the Cleric mitigation buff: Shining Bastion.

Shining Bastion provides the following:
  • Lowers incoming melee damage by 10%
  • Provides a stun proc, with a recourse direct 2k+ heal
Shining BastionMitigate Melee Damage by 10%, 0 total
  Add Defensive Proc: Crippling Glare II rate mod 400
  Crippling Glare II:
  Stun (1.00 sec/100)
  Autocast Shining Health II: Increase Hitpoints by 2553

Effects Breakdown:
  • Mitigate Melee Damage by 10%, 0 total:
There is no cap for total damage, it's 10% mitigation to melee hits until the buff fades.
  • Stun (1.00 sec/100):
The stun portion provides extra aggro for the Tank.  In addition, NPC (mobs) that are not stun immune, become briefly stunned and not swing; overall resulting in a reduction of incoming damage towards the Tank.
The heal proc can crit for classes with related AA Crit Heal/Tap lines (ie, Paladins/Shadowknights).  In addition, being a heal, it'll provide a tiny bit of aggro.  Overall, the heals are free, and help cover incoming damage.

Additional Benefits:
  • Close to 9 minute duration.
  • Normal recast timer (global refresh).  Allowing Clerics to maintain/refresh it quickly, across several assigned tanks.
GTT Trigger

Provided below is a trigger for when Shining Bastion FADES.  When it fires, hit your hotkey requesting another one.

Trigger File: tank-sa-fade.gtt

Audio File: Alert5.wav

Buff Blocks

Shaman Spirit Guardian line prevents Divine Interposition (DI) from landing.  This is a big deal on raids, so please block the following Spirit Guardian spells:

Code: [Select]
/blockspell add me 30900, 30901, 30902, 38064, 38065, 38066, 40833
Spell Data note for reference:
Spirit Guardian:
    1: Cast: Spirit Renewal if HP Below 50 Percent
    3: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (10)
        Spirit Renewal:
                4: Increase Current HP by 22000 per tick (4 ticks)
                5: Cast: Lingering Spirits
                    Lingering Spirits:
                        3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 1000

Divine Interposition RK. III:
    1: Divine Intervention with 51963 Heal
    2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 7
    3: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (7)

Note: The Shaman ability is blocking DI

Raider Essentials / The Classroom
« on: July 20, 2011, 04:53:22 AM »
Class Specific Forums
* Updated September 16, 2017 *

Improve how you play your class through continuous education and interaction with your peers.  Visit your class forums regularly.

Forum Tips

Class forums are all about discussing and sharing information.  Below are some tips I've written that hopefully will help on the forum front.

i.  Avoid trying to absorb all the information on a forum at once.  Doing so results in low retention of the information and can serve to discourage oneself. 

Follow a process:
  • Take a piece of information
  • Apply it to your gameplay
  • Gauge/Parse the outcome
  • Re-apply if necessary
  • Return for more information
ii.  Challenge questionable information in a polite way, but back it up with proof when necessary.  Ask for clarification if needed.

iii.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  But always first search for the answer on the respective forum and abroad.  If you can't find your answer, then pose your question with a good lead in imo, such as: I tried searching for the answer to this question, but was unable to find an answer.  Does anyone know if ... etc.

iv.  Trolls!  They're ugly in EQ, and take another form in real life on forums!  The point here is, trolls are posters that try and incite anger in others through personal character attacks and/or simply enflaming a thread for their own agenda.

Cut through the noise (troll posts), and don't take it personal if someone attacks you.  It's all about being diplomatic in your replies, and the moment you take offense and respond in haste, is when you stoop to the same level and you fall into the trollish trap!

Class Specific Forums

For each class, I've included the main 3rd party forum as well as the Daybreak Games (DBG) official class forum.  In addition, I've included serverwide class in-game channels as another avenue to tap into real-time interaction with others of your class.

For the starter thread links, I kept the poster topic intact mostly.  For some, the topic isn't always revealing, so I've added what it pertains to within brackets.

Serverwide channels are listed within brackets under each Class heading.
* Note: Please reply to this thread with any updates/links/comments you feel should be included and I'll update this post where necessary.


ForumGood Starter Threads
The Concert HallBard forum: Registration required to view other areas it seems.
EQ Freelance ForumsBard Discs
Bard Raid Melodies
Hybrid (DBG sub-forum)Proper Care and Feeding of Heroic Bards
bard burnable AAs
Raid group song setups and advice
The Beastlord's DenTime to get offensive....
Hybrid (DBG sub-forum)
Melee (DBG sub-forum)
EQ Cleric ForumsClerical Tips and Words of Wisdom - Sub-forum with a variety of good posts.
Priests (DBG sub-forum)
The Druids Grove
Priests (DBG sub-forum)
Casters (DBG sub-forum)
Magician's TowerLibrary Area - Various posts covering many aspects of the class.
Must have (or nice to have) Clickes?
Buffs/Burn: Raid - Still relevant.
Casters (DBG sub-forum)
Monkly Business
EQ Freelance ForumsL105 Monk DPS -The Broken Mirror-
Melee (DBG sub-forum)
NecroTalk.comNecro DPS - Spell Casting Order v2.0
DPS tools - what you'll need & never outgrow
Anomalous Rock of Alteration
EQ Freelance ForumsNecromancer Guide - TBM
Necro Triggers
Casters (DBG sub-forum)
Paladins of Norrath
EQ Freelance ForumsStraight up DPS
Tanks (DBG sub-forum)Gone for almost 12 years. Heroic Paladin - Help please.
Paladin stuns, help me sort it out...
Which Paladin BP clickies should I get? (group-geared)
Paladin Must Have Items and Clicky's?
Paladin Healing?
Healing while fighting (solo paladin)
Best paladin AA's for soloing...
EQ Freelance ForumsTDS - Ranger DPS (updated to TBM I believe, but not EoK yet)
Hybrid (DBG sub-forum)
(serverwide by invitation only) 
The Safehouse
EQ Freelance ForumsRogue DPS Guide - The Broken Mirror Edition
Melee (DBG sub-forum)
EQ Freelance ForumsSk's can't tank.... defensives by the numbers.
AE Aggro spell sets
DPS considerations.
Tanks (DBG sub-forum)
The Shaman's Crucible
EQ Freelance ForumsShaman guides
Priests (DBG sub-forum)
EQ Freelance ForumsWarrior Hotkeys
Tanks (DBG sub-forum)
EQ Wizards
EQ Freelance ForumsWizard DPS in The Broken Mirror
Casters (DBG sub-forum)

Raider Essentials / FL Tank Communication 101
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:18:39 AM »
Freelance Tank Communication 101


A streamlined process that addresses mob handling of all types, as well as facilitates smooth tank transitions for both single-boss and simultaneous multi-boss encounters.
  • Standardized hotkey setups to ensure clear and succinct communication.
  • Simple implementation:
  • Two hotkeys
  • Audio/Text Trigger
  • Channel(s), for multi-boss encounters

Two hotkeys:  One when actively tanking.  The other when disc(s) duration is close to ending and a swap is required.

Modify actively tanking/swap hotkeys as the situation and raid assignment dictates.

Hotkey Line Syntax:  /# /channel [ optional event specific message ] -- [ Actively Tanking / Swap message ]
Remove/Replace /# when and where applicable as it reflects your raid assignment and channel setup.

The /#'s are for key efficiency:
  • Remove /#'s for /rs, /ooc, /shout, and you'll be setup for single-boss assignment.
  • Replace /# with the channel setup for multi-boss assignment as it applies to the situation.
  • Replace /# with /gs or remove it if your default chat is set to group, and you'll be setup for tanking trash adds.
  • EQ throws a little chat error for /#'s.  But you can filter this to your spam window and never see it.
  • For workaround details, refer to the Filter Unwanted Messages in EQ post
Actively Tanking: TANKING -> %T

/# TANKING -> %T
/# /say TANKING -> %T
/# /rs TANKING -> %T
/# /ooc TANKING -> %T
/# /shout TANKING -> %T


/# /say TANK SWAP!
/# /rs TANK SWAP!
/# /ooc TANK SWAP!
/# /shout TANK SWAP!



When part of floater tank contingent for add duty, direct your actively tanking key towards group only.  The swap key is unused. 


When part of a main tank line-up; in a single-boss encounter, the process is as follows:

Actively tanking and swaps are communicated across three channels:

When part of a main tank line-up; in a multi-boss encounter, the process is isolated slightly to avoid cross-talk with other line-ups.

Operate in a unique channel created at the time that relates to the event.

Modify/direct actively tanking/swap hotkeys into the unique channel and/or as instructed.

Audio/Text Trigger

Pattern: TANK SWAP!

GTT Trigger File: tank_swap.gtt

Audio File: tank_swap.wav

Raider Essentials / Twinheal and Impress Your Friends!
« on: May 10, 2012, 12:06:39 AM »
Cross posting this from The Classroom thread.  An important topic that deserves attention.

So the other night you were trying to get the healers to be more aggressive about healing with a nice long talk in channel about ways to improve.  One of the things you mentioned was twinhealing, and you seemed to think that there was a way to do twinheals basically on command if you're anticipating a big hit on the tank.

Is there a place I can learn how to do twinheals with Persephonae?  I haven't gotten the chance to raid with her a lot since I am still getting back up to speed after an absence, but I have raided with her a many times with freelance in the past, and if I'm to do it again I want to know the new tricks.

Okay, early AM here and I'm tired (this is Halfling abuse btw!).  This is going to be quick and dirty.  Specific to Cleric class, but Shaman/Druids get similar lines to certain degrees.

Twincast and Impress Your Friends

Target's Target

Two types of Target's Target (ToT) lines were introduced starting back in Underfoot.

In-game spell menu
  • Heals
    • Misc
Contravention Line: Cast against Mob -> Damages mob, and a heal portion is channeled to the mobs current target.
    95 - Elysian Contravention
    90 - Celestial Contravention
    85 - Holy Contravention
Intervention Line: Cast on Player -> Heals player, and damage portion directed to players target
    93 - Elysian Intervention
    88 - Celestial Intervention
    83 - Holy Intervention
Twinheal / Twincast

In-game spell menu
  • Direct Damage
    • Twincast
The Glorious series is our Twinheal line consisting of a nuke with a chance to twinheal buff with counters.  You nuke a mob, a Twinheal buff icon will appear in your short-term buff window, and the next TWO heal type spells you cast will crit heal (double).
    94 - Glorious Admonition
    89 - Glorious Censure (use this one if you have it, least mana usage)
    84 - Glorious Denunciation
Twinheal Technique

The concept is simple.  Use a Glorious line to twinheal proc; follow up with an Intervention 2x, and/or whatever as the situation demands.  Rinse, repeat.
    Any direct cast heal will work with the twinheal.  This includes our target Splash line.

    All these lines are fast cast times 1.0 - 1.5 seconds.

    They don't share the same spell line refresh timer.
Be Aware: Careful using Intervention on players with mezzed mobs on their target (it'll break mez, as the nuke portion hits the mob).

* Warning: Contravention line does not crit heal with the twinheal running.  Because it is a nuke/heal, not a heal/nuke.

Comments & Suggestions

I use a mix in my lineup.  But it always includes minimum:  1 Glorious, 2-3 Interventions.

Glorious refreshes fast enough that one is all that's needed.

Contravention is slotted in event specific.

If you're used to conventional dated heal methods, then you'll find this hard at first.  But with practice, you can pick it up fast imo.  Biggest thing is, don't give up on it right away.  Stick with it.  More healers need to adopt this technique.

Work with the setup in your daily group sessions as well as raid.  It's easier to manage in group obviously, as you have a more controlled environment to stop/go.  But in a raid setting the pressure is on so you'll learn it faster imo!  Use it in all situations though really.

You'll mistarget often as well at first, and end up nuking a player.  Funny, but not so much when it eats your spell timer on that gem.

It'll take more focus, but you'll notice the gains in your burst heal ability right away.

Oh, and I use a GTT trigger with a sound tie in for the twinheal proc.  I find it useful to time splashes with twin running etc, if I have a twin up having just heard the sound, I know I can drop a 1.5 rq, and then splash for the 2nd proc to crit the raid with 20k+ heals etc.  Stuff like that.

GTT Pattern: Your healing power temporarily forks in two.

PS:  I asked Dimbly to write up the related Druid method.  Eristie no doubt has insight as well as possibly others who could contribute.

Raider Essentials / Filtering Unwanted Messages in EQ
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:10:16 AM »
Filtering Unwanted Messages in EQ

EQ doesn't have options to filter all types of messages from the 'Main Chat' window.

My workaround is to turn the 'Main Chat' window into a SPAM window.

  • Move your main chat window somewhere out of the way, resize it smaller if you wish.
  • Right-click with your mouse pointer on the border or title of the window and a pull-down selection menu will appear.  Select 'New Chat Window'.
  • Left-click and hold your mouse pointer to drag/position the new chat window where your main chat used to be.
  • Right-click with your mouse pointer on the border of the new chat window and select Always Chat Here, if you so wish.
  • Within the same menu, select options for chat you wish to appear in your new window (perhaps FLRaids channel).

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