Freelance Ramblings / Re: Freelance DKP
« on: February 14, 2009, 02:15:49 PM »Quote
Instead of "Points per hour", I'm considering a more dynamic approach to earning DKP. Points earned based on the total loot distribution value divided by total raid members in attendance. For example a 35 person raid, distributing loot worth 500 DKP total would mean each person in attendance receives approximately 14 DKP. If the same raid had 54 in attendance, each person earned 9 DKP.
Formula: [ bounty_total / raid_attendance ]
This is something I agree with 100% and is also how i ran my DKP years back. really it is one of the easier ways of distributing DKP and is also very understandable and fair to all.
DKP Hoarding
Now, on to the other issue, to prevent hoarding DKP. We want people to spend DKP, even on little upgrades. How about a DKP Tax. Keep it simple, for every 1 DKP you have, ensues a tax of 0.5%. So, someone with 150 points, would pay 75% more for an item.
Player_A: 150 DKP holdings
Item Cost: 20 DKP
Player_A Cost: 35 DKP
150 (0.5) = 75
20 (0.75) = 15
This is just 75% of the bid price 20 DKP.
Now i do not like DKP hoarding just as much as the next person, and i feel for you trying to come up with a solution to prevent this w/out making anyone upset or discontent. there are all kinds of issues with raising prices for people with higher DKP. example being if someone has to spend 45DKP on an item that was being sold for 20dkp may cause frustration. I think maybe a lower percentage base of .25% would suffice in knocking down the DKP of the higher ranking characters. Still the problem with a percentage base is the higher the DKP the higher the Amount and this may very well be your point but i think maybe a SET number for 100 dkp, 200 DKP etc etc would be more efficient. Continue to increase by a value of 2.5 DKP per tier... each tier containing 100DKP.. (of course you could use any number as a per tier multiplier i was just using 2.5 as an example).
Tier 1 - 100-199dkp (2.5)
Tier 2 - 200-299dkp (5.0)
Tier 3 - 300-399dkp (7.5)
Etc. Etc.
so if your in tier 1 and purchase an item for 20 DKP it would cost you 22.5 DKP. if your in tier 2 and purchase a 20 dkp item it would cost you 25 dkp. still if someone is going to hoard DKP they will do it in almost any case no matter what the scale to prevent it. i do believe it is a valiant idea to want to keep the whole on equal terms but i think the easiest way to do that is to stick with the DKP and everything will be fair.
the point of making it a set number instead of a percentage is merely for better understanding by others. as well as being easier to track.
now on a side note, in a DKP standard raid team people need to understand that you need to be patiant, don't become angry when you dont win because odds are the event will be raided again, and even if its not higher content will be in the future.
My biggest suggestion is the KISS philosophy which is Keep It Simple Stupid.
I agree and i do think that is what furro is working towards, he is wanting input on how to make everything fair and also making adjustments so that everyone will understand how the DKP is going to work.
So far I see very few people say " Yay lets do this" or post "NO I think its a terrible idea"
I for one am completely on board for this idea, while randoming was a great thing and yes many people became interested because of it, it is also a nightmare for trying to progress. people end up coming for only raids where they want an item and when they win they dissappear. DKP will fix that issue and enable freelance to go deeper in progression. these raids are still open raids they are just a little more fair now.